Libman Giveaway: 31,000 Win FREE Sponges – 1,000 Daily Thru 3/31 + More (I Actually Won!)
Wow! Through March 31st, Libman is giving away 1,000 FREE sponges daily for the entire month of March (a total of 31,000 sponges will be given away!). Just head on over to The Libman Company Facebook page, “like” them, and click on the “Clean it Forward” tab to enter for a chance to win one of 31,000 Libman Sponges (1,000 given away per day). You can also nominate a charitable organization in need to receive a $20,000 donation and a cleaning makeover from Libman. If the charity you nominate is the one with the most votes, you’ll win $1,000!
I just entered and actually won a sponge! WooHoo! 😀
Keep in mind, you can enter to win their daily 1,000-sponge giveaway every day during March.
(Thanks, Freebie Shark!)
Thanks Colin! I won!!
Yay! Congrats! 🙂
me too! 🙂
I won too! Thanks Colin!
Awesome! 🙂
I won a sponge. Thank you
Thanks! I won also!
Congrats to you too!
I won too! Thanks Collin. We go through a lot of sponges, it will come in handy!
I won, thank you!
thanks i got one too
Thanks Collin! I won one too! 🙂
I won a sponge! Thanks!
Wow! Lots of winners… congrats all! 🙂
Me too, thanks much
Thank you! I won too! (I’m wondering if everyone wins up to 1000 sponges a day?!?)
* I mean if everyone that plays wins until they run out. It sounded confusing when I reread it.
I won too!
I won too, yay!
Odds must be good, I won too!
I won! Thanks!
thanks, Collin! so many winners! i won too, and i think this is the 3rd or 4th thing i have won that i found out about through Hip2Save.
I won a sponge too…yay!!!
I’m the odd woman out….I didn’t win. I hope my Charity submission gets lots of votes.
I won too!! Thank you Collin for sharing this and the idelli offer which also worked out fantastic. Have a great weekend!
I won too 🙂
I won too! Thanks Collin!
I won too! Thank you!
Yay!! I won too!! So many winners!!
no win here
Thanks Collin, I also won.
I just won one too! Thanks!
Yippee I won
I won too! And I never win anything.
I won also. This time I paid more attention..awhile ago, thanks to Collin, thought I was signing up to receive a Green Mountain Coffee sample (which was being offered)..ended up winning a $150 Keurig and they included 2-24 packs of coffee lol
I won too:) wooters!
won 🙂
I got one too!
Yay I got one too!!!
I got a Sorry message, so this is Not a Sure Thing Winner. 🙁
I won a sponge!!!!!!!!!
Yay!!! I won!!!!
Won a sponge too!
Got one! Thanks:)
I won a sponge.
I won 🙂
mine refuses to submit..anyone else have that problem?
I can’t seem to get mine to submit either Shireen. Don’t know what we’re doing wrong…..liked too.
I got it to work so you must have to keep trying. I won. 🙂
Yay! I won a sponge too!
I won. Thanks
I won a sponge too!
winner winner chicken dinner!!!! whoo hooo!!!!
I won too! Yay! Thanks Collin
woo won too 🙂