Tired Teddies Natural Sleep Aid for Kids: 22% Off Sitewide + Free Shipping (+ Free Tired Teddies Travel Pack w/ any Purchase) – Use Code HIPTEDDY

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Tired Teddies - Hip2Save

UPDATE from Tired Teddies…”Tired Teddies is for kids with ADHD or Autism that are chronic bad sleepers, or for occasional use for other kids, like when traveling or time changes.”

Do your kiddos struggle with falling asleep at bedtime? Tired Teddies, a natural sleep aid for kids ages 2 and older, ensure that your kiddos get the natural, restful sleep they need–no matter the situation or circumstance. Each bubblegum flavored bear-shaped tablet is made in the USA and contains a blend of 0.3 mg melatonin (the perfect amount for kids!) and a gentle blend of herbs  – there are no added colors, no sugar, and no gluten.

And here’s the best part – for two days only (March 31st and April 1st), Tired Teddies is offering Hip2Save readers 22% off sitewide + FREE Shipping on TiredTeddies.com with the promo code HIPTEDDY at checkout. Note that if your order is under $25, a $3 shipping fee will be applied BUT the shipping fee will be manually refunded as long as you enter the code HIPTEDDY.

Or if you prefer, get 22% off your purchase of Tired Teddies Natural Sleep Aid for Kids 90 count bottle on Amazon.com with the promo code HIPTEDDY at checkout. And, the first 222 customers on either site will also each snag a FREE Travel Pack of Tired Teddies with any purchase. Note that you do not need to add the Travel Pack to your cart – it will automatically be included when your order ships as long as you enter the code HIPTEDDY at checkout.


If you’re a bit hesitant to purchase these tablets, be sure to check out all the awesome reviews on Amazon.com

I purchased tired teddies for my two girls. My three year old especially is very active. Bedtime was taking at least a few hours for her to finally get so tired she would go to sleep. It was a constant battle of getting up at least 20 times. After trying this AMAZING product I can finally say…..bedtime has never been easier. She will actually lay in bed and relax to be able to fall asleep within 30 to 45 minutes now. I would recommend these to anyone that has a child with sleep problems!!

My 9 year old son suffers from ADHD and can never fall asleep at a normal hour. Our doctor recommended melatonin as a natural sleep aid. We tried this and it was a total success! We have now been using Tired Teddies for 8 months. Before it would take him hours to fall asleep, sometimes not until 2am, but now it takes about 30 minutes and he is asleep all night! Thank goodness!

I just give each of my little guys a Tired Teddie about 20 min before bedtime. Then we head upstairs brush teeth, read books, and then they fade away 🙂 Previously, my two year old would not stay in bed to fall asleep. My 4 year old was having a horrible time sleeping and would want to get up at all hours of the night and not go back to sleep. It was suggested that I use a time release melatonin to help them stay asleep. I could not get them to swallow tablets so we use these – and they work great!

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Comments 63

  1. Elle

    Seriously?? Sleep aids for infants and 2 year olds??

    • jamee

      I never understood this! I don’t like giving them tylenol, but I do when they NEED it. Unnecessary medication like a sleep aid boggles my mind! Why would someone give that to their child???

    • Elle

      Ignore the infants part…I just noticed that it was for 2 years and more. But still!!

    • Sam Harrison

      Elle, it’s for ages 2+, and it’s designed for kids with chronic sleep problems (i.e. kids with adhd or autism that never sleep well), or for occasional use like when traveling.

    • Ashley

      Some kids just can’t fall asleep or stay asleep. It’s not good for them to have to get by on such small amounts of rest. If you read the reviews that Collin posted, you’ll see why some kids out there need the help.

      • jamee

        ashley – melatonin teaches kids to be dependent on a drug in order to sleep. After long term use, if you try to stop, your child will suffer from insomnia.

        • rebecca

          jamee, people are already dependent on melatonin to fall asleep. and if their body has disruptions in production of melatonin naturally, they may need a supplement to remedy this.
          bodies need things like seratonin and insulin and vitamin D also, and many other things. if a body is unable to function properly because of a disorder that causes a problem with these, medical intervention may be vital. for example, would you deprive a diabetic child of insulin because they might become dependent on that drug?
          sometimes supplements or drugs are a necessary intervention for legitimate health reason.

          • Rachel

            Very well said, Rebecca! Melatonin is safe and natural. I have an auto immune disorder that prevents me from any kind of productive sleep.. Per every specialist I’ve ever seen since I was a kid, insufficient sleep can cause severe problems. I was to the point that I had uncontrollable muscle spasms, anxiety, severe memory loss, terrible pain and sensitivity… And without sleep it gets worse and worse. Melatonin is the safest thing on the market because it’s what our bodies produce naturally anyway. Not one of us is perfect, and having lived through the misery of insomnia, if my kids needed help with sleep, you bet your last buck I’d give them this. No one can appreciate the devastating effects of years of poor sleep unless you’ve been there… Folks need to get off their high horse. Just because you can’t understand the problem doesn’t mean there isn’t one.

        • Crystal L.

          Jamee, Im curious as why you say after long term use will cause insomnia? An that its a drug? Melatonin is a hormone in your body which helps with your circadian rhythm. Its also found in very small amounts of it are found in foods such as meats, grains, fruits, and vegetables. The other additives to the supplement (not drug) is herbs that are natural in life that promote a sense of calmness, help insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, ADHD, restlessness, chronic fatigue and relaxation. They are not habit forming or harsh like drugs. Supplements are better than running to drugs to help a problem…some kids no matter what you do for them have problems calming down or sleeping or sleeping all through the night. They could have disruption from not enough sunlight an living in darker cold climates. I dont see anything wrong with it, we use Essential Oils at our house to help lots of things people turn to drugs for an it has no addiction or problems with disrupting your flora or organs.

          I hope you dont find this coming off as attacking or rude. Your opinion is your opinion as is mine….if you werent for the product or dont like it or recommend it thats fine too an thats your choice. But dont make other feel bad for their opinions either.

  2. Anne

    Do some research on melatonin before giving your kids this! This is borderline abuse!!

    • rebecca

      what if a person HAS done research on this situation,and it is the safest way to help a child with an actual medical disorder? if your child had diabetes, would you say that providing insulin is borderline abuse?

      • jenjamsam

        Melatonin is relatively safe for children in small does for short term use. I wouldn’t give this to my child because I believe in nutrition and exercise first, but to each their own. I will not sit here and judge other moms for the way they choose to raise their children.

  3. S M S

    If its not for you just bypass, thanks Collin for the post:-)

    • Tracey

      Thank you!

    • Angela

      I don’t know…for me the reason H2S stands out from other similar sites IS the comments. I love them. H2S would not be the same without people being able to give their opinion! So I hope people don’t just move on…I want to hear what they think/their experiences!

      • S M S

        Yes, some of the comments can be amusing but some are plain rude considering Collin spends a lot of effort searching out deals! Some people need to remember the old saying, “If you don’t have anything good to say, don’t say anything.”

        • Aly


        • Angie

          I see equal value to the good and bad. If you tried a kids item that turned our child’s teeth black and Collin posted a coopon for it, I would love it if you would share just like I appreciate the pharmacist taking the time to comment. I guess I just don’t want to hear only the positive. All opinions are welcome in my book. And I thank both equally!!

          • Heather C.

            Amen Angie! 🙂

          • Marcia

            If they have a child that has a problem with sleep and they’ve tried it, I value their opinion. Just saying its a drug and you shouldn’t use it is certainly not anything I would value as a comment.

  4. Anna

    I’m a pharmacist and I would never give melatonin or any sleeping aid to my kids. Children do not need sleeping aids, they need a good sleeping hygine. Cut out sugars, processed foods and artificial colors if you have issues with your child, put them to sleep at the same time each night, no tv or video games but rather let them spend time outside running around. You can also give them some warm milk before sleep. Please don’t ever start a young child on meds, you will only mess with their sleeping cycle and they will have issues later in life because they will be dependent on sleeping aids- even so called “natural”.

    • Casey

      Give me a break! I don’t give my child meds, but she DOES NOT WANT TO GO TO SLEEP. PERIOD. She can go until 11pm. I have 2 hour battles every night at bedtime. I agree that meds are not the answer for children, but I am sick of hearing about what not to feed them, what not to let them do, etc. I have tried everything to get my child to adhere to bedtime. Some kids just fight it.

    • Chris

      I am a doctor. You should not be a pharmacist. This is 100% safe to give to your children on occasion. You’re body makes melatonin and this is 100% natural. I would advise everyone with concerns to contact their child’s doctor before consuming. I would also encourage you to do your own research and not rely on people from a “freebie” website to do it for you.

      • Anna

        I didn’t say it wasn’t “safe” to give. The dose is absolutely safe to give. What I am saying is that starting sleeping aid this young is a bad habit. They will know that they need a pill to sleep. I have been around kids with sleeping issues and most can be resolved without pills. We are a ” take a pill for everything” nation, a very bad trend.

        • Crystal L.

          Not being mean “taking a pill for everything says the pharmacist”? Just found it kind of funny and ironic. Yes I agree there are too many pills being taken for everything. Plus too many things that are NORMAL behavior are labeled a disease or disorder now. But there are times when kids get plenty of exercise, eat a great diet of organic foods, no sugars an dyes, are given love an attention etc an still have problems sleeping. I think the SUPPLEMENT (just like a vitamin) is okay to be given. Though I would not tell my kiddo its for sleeping. Because their brain may develop a connection an require that as part of their sleep ritual. I would it do it nightly for life either. Use in moderation or during rough times. When you give it say its a vitamin. They wont know the difference.

          • Crystal L.

            I just want to clarify there is nothing in the supplement that is habit forming, correct?

            • Tired Teddies

              Crystal, that is correct. There is absolutely nothing in Tired Teddies that is habit forming. We cover all that and more in our FAQ: https://www.tiredteddies.com/faq.php. If you want to read a lengthy blog post about the safety of using Tired Teddies, go here: https://www.tiredteddies.com/blog.php. If you want to read up on the peer reviewed research yourself, go here: https://www.tiredteddies.com/research.php.

              We are parents, too. Some people disagree ideologically, which is fine. Unfortunately, some people like to repeat things they have heard or read without doing their own homework or research, which is sad.

    • Sam Harrison

      Anna, thanks for your post. We agree that good sleep hygiene is important for ALL children. As a pharmacist, you should know that some children (like many of those with ADHD or Autism) do not sleep well even with perfect sleep hygiene and bed time routines. Research has shown that the reason for this is because their bodies do not produce the correct amount of melatonin at night. Tired Teddies, by using just 0.3 mg of melatonin, gives them the only physiological dosage on the market. For other kids, we only recommend occasional usage. Tired Teddies uses a non-habit forming formula, and it does not “mess with their sleep cycle”, it helps reset it. Obviously, it isn’t for all (or most) kids. If someone is unsure, we encourage them to consult their pediatrician.

      • Anna

        I agree, there are exceptions. My friend’s son is severely autistic and with both parents being pharmacists, they also relied on melatonin. Then, they went to a new pedi specializing in developmental kids and were able to use a number of other way to stimulate his mind and somehow resolved sleep issues. I’m no expert in that field. All I”m asking is just use it as last resort and make sure you have a stopping point. You can’t always rely on pediatrician either. Mine told me to give my 2 year old melatonin when she was taking 2 hrs to fall asleep. She ended up outgrowing it after several difficult months and I”m so thankful I didn’t cave.

    • RT

      You’re a pharmacist not a doctor of psychology so why don’t you stick to what you know instead of telling the parents of children with disorders what their children need. Did you go to the quack science institute to become a pharmacist? Your one size fits all and solves all recommendation of cutting out “sugar, processed foods and artificial colors” is quackery! There is no solid evidence to back up your claim that this causes children with ADHD and Autism to not sleep well. It sounds like your coming from a place of new age bunk and not from the view point of a pharmacist at all!

      • Katy

        Evidence or not, I know from experience. This would have been great when I was a kid. I have suffered from insomnia as long as I can remember. I have a mild form Of Cerebral Palsy, so I don’t think it is horrible for kids to take this. I rather have had help sleeping then feeling tortured not falling asleep. Some condition make sleeping a hard thing to do.

    • priscila

      I wouldn’t judge anyone if you haven’t gone through it. Some kids do all the things you mentioned and still can’t fall or stay asleep. This is a real problem and can’t be corrected with sleep hygiene, early bed time and schedule.

  5. Jen

    I really would discourage any parent independently trying to solve their child’s sleep issues without seeking medical advice. Melatonin or any sleep aid is a big step at any age. (This coming from someone who has been to numerous specialist because their child’s sleep issues were so significant we ended up needing a service dog…)

  6. angelahoang12

    I am not for this product… seems like the perfect setup for parents to abuse the medicine and have not only kids become dependent on it but the parents. I can see many having to rely on this product to put their kids to sleep.

    • Heather C.

      I totally agree with you angela! HOPEFULLY parents of “normal” (if there is such a definition) children have enough common sense to NOT use a product like this on their kids.

  7. Angie

    When I first saw this I thought it must be related to April Fools Day! I thought I had my days messed up!

  8. Katie

    Invest in something worthwhile instead, such as the book “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child”

    • rebecca

      all the books in the world will not solve a child’s actual, diagnosed medical problem. yes, some children have medical disorders and are safely prescribed sleep-inducing product FOR THEIR HEALTH.

      • RT

        Thank you! These self righteous, arm chair parenting know-it-alls are very tiresome!

  9. ihearthip

    LOL We need this every night in my house!!!

  10. ashley

    I am shocked at the reactions to this post. It clearly states the product is for ADHD, Autism and for others for occasional use. I also know several other medical conditions in young children that do benefit from melatonin use. Parents who look into these options should be consulting their doctors (and usually are). If the product is not for you so be it, then move on and pass on the deal.

  11. rebecca

    Collin posts all types of items, and people can take them or leave them as they see fit. If i see a post for a natural aid that helps constipation, i can just pass on it. I don’t have to go and decide that everyone else who needs such an item for someone in their family is a bad parent, or self-diagnosing, or should eat less sugar, or needs to read a book to help their constipation or see a psychologist to help it.

    Can’t we all just get along?

    • Abigail

      Well said, Rebecca

    • S M S

      (( High Five ))

  12. Pamela

    I thought this was an April Fools post….. even though it was a day early.
    Learned something new!

  13. Summer

    I have a child with autism, and I can assure you , sleep is not “natural” to them…..no matter what the routine and diet are– my daughter eats an impeccable allergy-free, dye free diet and we still struggle with sleep. It is a true medical condition for some.

  14. QueenMum


  15. Danielle

    I also thought that this was a joke, I cannot believe that anyone would start their 2 year old a product like melatonin or any other medication. I agree with the pharmacist; the majority of sleep issues can be resolved with reduction in sugar, less artificial flavor, more whole foods, and less tv. This is not quackery. Sugar increase activity ie…decreases sleep for some. TV increase brain activity thus increase sleep issues. If your child truly has an issue, don’t read this post, but everyone else should be very cautious.

    • Casey

      And if your child refuses to eat those things, what do you do?

    • RT

      Please provide the evidence for your claims. It’s amazing how many perfect parents with perfect children there are commenting here! Other people have children who don’t produce the right chemicals for proper sleep!

  16. AJ

    Melatonin is sometimes needed. I have a brother who has been taking it since he was 2 and he’s 10 now. He doesn’t need it to fall asleep he needs it to stay asleep since he was abused as a child and has post dramatic stress, ADHD, alcohol infant syndrome, and separation disorder. He will wake up in extreme panic if he doesn’t take it. And yes my parents tried everything before giving it to him. and its under prescription from a child psychologist. So yes there are some kids that do need things like this.

    • 4shankogirls@gmail.com

      God bless your brother and your family.

  17. erin

    why so mad? lol

  18. Brandy

    Having a child who suffers from ADHD and sleep issues it is so discouraging to see people saying a diet change or strict bedtime routine will cure it. I am happy for every parent who doesn’t have to go thru what we do on a daily/nightly basis. But hearing that ADHD/Autism isn’t really a medical condition but a lifestyle condition is upsetting. These tablets sound like a wonderful all natural option(which our sons doctor recommended too).

    • pamela

      I agree. My 15 year old son has severe Autism and did not sleep through the night for many years. My husband put 30,000 miles on the car driving him around at night to try and help him either go to sleep or go back to sleep. Our whole family was up many many nights. Melatonin (not this particular brand) has been safe and effective for him for years. He was on a strict diet and still could not sleep or stay asleep when he finally fell asleep before the Melatonin. It affected his health and learning, as well as the health of all family members. His doctor who specialized in Autism treatment recommended Melatonin. Today he is doing great! He takes melatonin and another natural sleep product, and sleeps through the night most of the time. He learns and progresses, and the rest of the family does as well.

  19. D

    I need advice from all you moms..i will be travelling with my 4 year old this summer to India…its going to be 20 hr journey(with stopovers) ..should i get something like this for him to stay asleep in the flight..he doesnt have any medical problems but he is very active and im a bit anxious about the long journey without my husband.

    • Amanda

      What a fun trip!! I can’t speak for this product since I’ve never used it, but I just did a 14 hour drive with my four year old and I found snacks worked great. I also packed a bunch of bags with different activities (coloring, books, sofia doll, barbies, game pad), then I would get one out at a time. It helped keep her entertained because she didn’t get bored of them. I would also intersperse movies and say “ok, when the movie is over, it will be nap time”. Good luck and have a great time!!

  20. Susan

    Not a chance in he** I would give my child, especially a toddler, a sleep aid that hasn’t been thoroughly tested, researched and approved by the FDA. Even then, it’s highly unlikely I’d give this to a child. The effects on brain development could be devastating. NO WAY! When there are numerous studies in peer reviewed medical journals citing melatonin’s safety and effectivness for children, I would think about it. Now? Absolutely not.

    • Sam Harrison

      Susan, while we certainly respect your right to having an opinion and doing what you feel is best for your family, it is important to note that there ARE numerous studies done in peer reviewed medical journals about melatonin use in small children; particularly those with ADHD or ASD. For links to some of them, go to https://www.tiredteddies.com/research.php

      As for FDA approval, for dietary supplements (including melatonin & every active ingredient in Tired Teddies) the FDA doesn’t regulate them. Take that one up with our government. We would love to have the FDA review our product. In the mean time, we test every batch for quality & purity, only manufacture in the USA in a GMP, NSF certified facility, and do all we can to ensure both the safety and satisfaction of our customers.

    • RT

      Lack of sleep is devastating to brain development!

  21. pharm_chick

    i think the bottom line is this: medicine should be used sparingly and when needed for children especially when they are this young. however, it shouldn’t be upto anyone here to determine what each parent decides for their child. its only hoped that while the dose is safe, that they do discuss it with their doctor before starting any medications. and i say this as a (non practicing) pharmacist. do your research, and decide whats best for your child.
    much love and strength to all the parents who have to deal with children with special needs.

  22. RA

    So looking forward to seeing if this helps my ASD daughter sleep at night. We have tried many OTC and even Rx sleep prescriptions but getting her to take them and minus the side effects, it hasn’t worked yet. We have been suggested Melatonin before by her Developmental & Behavioral doctor but I have been very hesitant to try it and the dosage was always an issue (start with 0.1 and keep adding to it until it works)… So, I am going out on a leap and seeing if this will work and get her to sleep before 1-3am..

  23. Nicole D

    having a 9yr old child with adhd that has never given troubles going to sleep melatonin has been a godsend for him he could go to sleep but wasn’t sleeping soundly (we never heard a peep out of him) leading to exhaustion during the day and bedwettting -a month later we have stopped wetting the bed and he is sleeping sound so sometimes it is something a child needs that no training can fix

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