Thongies Super Mega Fierce Diapers Only $6 Shipped (Just 2¢ Per Thongie)

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If Pampers, Huggies and Luvs are just not cutting it for your little one, you may want to give Thongies Super Mega Fierce Diapers a try! Made right here in the USA, Thongies Diapers come complete with Chafe-Away lotion and you’ll never have to worry about diaper sag – how awesome is that?! And for a limited time, head here to snatch up a 384 count package of Thongies Diapers for just $6 shipped – that makes each Thongie just 2¢. Sweet! 🙂

(Thanks and Photo Credit, How to Be a!)

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Comments 181

  1. kim

    you crack me up!

  2. karen

    U totally got me! I showed my kids then said …wait a minute!

    • Jessica v.

      I did the same thing!! Lol good one Colin!

  3. Alma

    I just told my 12 year old nephew that his mom used to buy Thongies for him when he was a baby and for a minute he believed it. He asked me why his mom bought those for him. LOL

  4. Stephanie

    Hip2Save is AWESOME! I love Hip2Save!

  5. dianas

    Like someone said wrong but funny, no need to go after Erin, everyone has an opinion whether you like it or not.

    • Jeff

      Everyone has an opinion: that’s what people are expressing in reaction to Erin’s comment.

  6. Awndy

    Is this an April fools joke ??

  7. Linda C.

    You owe me a coffee…that’s the second time I have snarffed it while reading your site. Too funny!! 😀

  8. gaby

    To funny. Last week my sister show me this on Facebook and at first I thought it was wrong, but later I just laugh. Nice April Fools Joke.

  9. Lor

    I’ve been laughing at all your April fool gags and this is the best!!! Thanks Collin. I pulled a April fools on my 17 year old daughter today and she got my husband good also. I just hope he talks to us later!! LOL!

  10. JA

    You either get the joke or you are the joke.

    • Sonya

      I get the joke,but it doesn’t mean it’s funny.

  11. carmen

    Lol! To funny!

  12. Alla

    This is hilarious. We’re expecting our 2nd one and I texted the pic. to my husband and said if we could order these for our baby. He said I’ve never seen such thing before but if you think these are good go ahead. I totally got him hahahahahahaha. Later he texted do they really sell such things? How do these hold the mess? Hahahahahaha. I’ve got a kick out of this. Had to remind him it’s April 1st.

    • Katie

      Ha ha ha! What a good husband for trusting that you know best!;)

  13. Brenda

    “Baby Got Back Pack”. HILARIOUS!

  14. DINGRealityCheck

    You can totally tell that’s photoshopped tushy !!! 😉

  15. Julie

    I am the best person to get on April Fools because A) I always forget it’s April 1st/April Fool’s Day and B) I am so gullible and believe anything at times…I read this and I totally thought these were for real and was like…you got to be kidding me!!! Got me 🙂

  16. Shah


  17. Jenny

    Poor Erin…lol…😁😁

  18. Maya

    Damn! I swear I read this earlier while sitting with a friend who has a newborn. I was so annoyed by the idea that I ignored it. Then I sat down again to see what the hell with the thongies! lol You got me too! That was too funny.

  19. Sherlockholmes

    Hip2Save is

  20. Sherlockholmes

    Isn’t this approaching child pornography? GEEZ the things people laugh at ! I thought nudity was banned on FB?

    • Dee

      Yes, Sherlock… this an OUTRAGE!!!
      The lengths people go to these days to sexualize young children! Someone alert the child porn police- the whole world is going to hell in a hand basket.

  21. kaitydid1211

    Lol! You got me!

  22. Liz

    It’s April 3rd, I came back to view this again– and realized it was a joke! I told the people at my hairdressers and work about these! Man, I’m gullible! This was one of two April fools jokes that got me!

  23. Colleen

    Can you please make this a product (prank gift box) like the crib dribbler? This would be hilarious! I would buy this for all my pregnant friends for a gag baby shower gift

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