Disney Movies Anywhere: FREE Wreck it Ralph Movie Download w/ VUDU, iTunes or Google Play
Hurry on over to Disney Movies Anywhere, click on the Sign In Button and sign in/register for a Disney Movie Rewards account, and then click on the Get Connected button and choose Google Play, iTunes or VUDU (or all three!). Once you sync your account, you’ll automatically snag the digital movie Wreck-It-Ralph for free!
After the movie has downloaded, it will show up in your Google Play, iTunes or VUDU account or under the My Collection tab in your Disney Movies Anywhere account. Awesome! 🙂
(Thanks, Candace!)
Thank you! We have this on DVD but now we can watch it while we are traveling for Thanksgiving.
THANK YOU! I didn’t know that it could connect to vudu! Now I can watch it on the tv through my blu ray!!!
Great, can’t beat free. I have a Disney Movies account and an excited about expanding my digital collection. Soon DVDs/Blue rays will be dated like the VHS. My grandkids will be like, what is a DVD?
Nothing downloaded to my iTunes account after I synced it with my Disney account
I figured it out! Nevermind me! 🙂
Didn’t work for me.
Please explain, only my disney movies synched to disney, makes sense, but nothing synched to vudu, lol.
do you have to pay for the moviies or something
Is the movie anywhere thing a monthly or paid service?
No. It’s free.
I can not seem to get it. Any tips?
if you have done it before it won’t let you get another movie. Maybe that’s what is happening?
So you can add your DVDs to your VUDU account by putting them in your laptop and it reads the DVD and will add it to your account for $2. But you couldn’t do it with Disney movies. 🙁 Anyone know if you can now add Disney movies this way? Or is the only way to have them in your ultraviolet or VUDU account if you have the digital copy code or buy it right through VUDU?
I don’t think you can add Disney movies unless you have a code or pay for digital copy.
Yay now I can watch my Disney movies on my bluray player again. The iTunes only thing was very annoying.
Saya only if you are connecting for the first time?! So since I have already connected my iTunes I can’t get the movie? I don’t have the other apps. (Google play or Vudu)
Yay, I got it 🙂 Now we have Frozen and Wreck It Ralph on Disney Anywhere 😀
Yay! Thank you!
Thank you for posting this! One of my family’s favorite movies, its great! 🙂
Thank u! Just got it thru Google play:) and it looks great on my new note 4! My son will love this^.^
Does anyone know how to do this on a nook? I tried opening and it said uncompatible with this device.
you can connect Vudu to Flickster- and now Vudu to Disney. My husbands Kindle only opens Flickster or Vudu (not both) so if Vudu isn’t working. Create a flickster and link it and see if Flickster will work on Nook. My tablet and phone work with both. Good luck.
I recieved incredibles a while back when they had a promo and now wreck it ralph i love FREE disney movies
I got The Incredibles too and I don’t see the connect button to get Wreck it Ralph. How did you do it? Thanks.
Thanks Got it awesome!
Is this supposed to flow both ways so the movies you have on VUDU will play through the Disney Anywhere app, or is it only feeding the disney movies into VUDU?
Have any of you been able to get your disney anywhere movies to cross over to Flixster via VUDU?
I have done this 3 times and still have no Wreck It Ralph. Disappointed. Plus I have a 2nd movie in iTunes and it won’t sync it. Suggestion?
Did you ever figure this out? I’m also trying to get the movie with no luck…drea