Florida Residents: FREE Busch Gardens Tampa & SeaWorld Orlando Pass (For Kids 5 and Under Only)
If you’re a Florida resident (or know someone who is), check this out! All the way through December 31st, kids ages 5 and under can enjoy Busch Gardens Tampa AND SeaWorld Orlando completely FREE with the Preschool Pass. Go HERE to check out the details and grab your pass!
*Does not include free parking, separately ticketed events or other discounts. Online registration required. Enjoy Sesame Street Safari of Fun at Busch Gardens and all the sights and splashes of SeaWorld. Valid for Florida Residents only. Must present voucher and valid form of ID at ticket window to receive Preschool Pass.
(Thanks, Mommy Octopus & Saving You Dinero!)
Wow!! Thats AWESOME!! But I live in California.
Collin, you are AWESOME and I so appreciate your deals! I also try not to be political or bring to the table nothing but comments that contribute, keep it positive, but I feel I have to chime here, with all due respect. Please consider reading a bit about Sea World and the huge controversy about keeping orcas in the wild. Blackfish is a great documentary to start, but there are many other resources out there. Just my 2 cents. Thank you.
This is a post about a deal. If wanna go go.. if not.. dont… just my 2 cents.
Wow Rebe, I had NO idea, I just googled it and found some video clips that brought me to tears. So sad. Thank you for sharing, I wouldnt have known otherwise.
Thank you for posting this. I think a lot of parents would think twice about taking their kids to sea world if they knew what was really going on at their parks. I know it made a huge impact on my friends and family.
Thank you for sharing, Reba! I completely agree with your sentiment. I love and am so appreciative of all these great deals but this one makes me sad
Love the activists on here. Should Collin not post about a deal involving GMO foods and Monsanto? A good deal is a good deal. You don’t like Sea World, don’t go there. But to tell her she should research something before posting a deal. Sophomoric if you ask me.
I read my post again and I realize that the “please read…” sound as if I am referring to Collin. I was referring to the people considering visiting Sea World in general, NOT Collin. She does an incredible job with her blog and I do not expect her to research anything for us. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day.
We love sea world and yes I’ve seen blackfish. I could make a documentary convincing you sleep is bad. You can’t believe everything you see in movies or read on the Internet (crazy, I know)!
I don’t work for Sea World. Have known people who do for 25 years. I have never seen or heard form any one who works there of abuse. If you really think the Sea World negative Media Show is about protecting wildlife you are fooling yourself. Do you realize Disney and Universal both own/owned by TV outlets and they control the media. If Sea World gets put out of business there will be less competition. By the way Sea World annual passes are less expensive than Disney and Universal. Disney and Universal both have animals as well as thousands of zoos and aquariums. Do you really think Sea World abuses their wildlife? Wheres the talk and films about other businesses animals and sea life? No one gives Sea World the credit they deserve for Saving injured and stranded animals. If you are going to spread the negative you also need to talk about the positive.
People forget that most of these animals were born in captivity. They know no different. They wouldn’t even survive in the wild. They are cared for and loved, they get to play all day and bring a smile to children’s faces.
Anyone can put any type of spin on any story. Blackfish is an incredibly biased MOVIE. While i am sure there is some accuracy to it, sea world does make numerous donations to several wildlife rescue centers and do themselves, own majorly rescued animals.
I myself own several animals, live in florida and have been to seaworld numerous times. The animals seem to be happy and healthy. Caretakers are always watching to make sure the visitors do not hurt or alarm the animals and there is a definite bond between them.
The bond is so strong that trainers have been killed by the orcas. And the orcas are so happy they have collapsed dorsal fins, chew their own tanks and die prematurely. These are all facts. The issue is not about the caretakers, I am sure they love the animals. It is about the company and its policies of using wild animals, orcas in this case, for human entertainment.
Some animals adapt well to captivity and others do not. A company’s goal is to make money. There will always be a problem when animals are involved. Whether in a zoo, circus , or sea world. However, they are necessary to bring attention and to raise money to save not only the animals but their habitats as well. Without the interaction people would not care. So at the end of the day, seaworld is still helping whether or not all of there methods were good. They continue to improve the homes and care they provide to their animals. Research that.
The fact that you “own” several animals by itself tells me your perception of animals. Just my opinion though.
Lol. Yes. I OWN a squirrel, two sheep, two cats, a dog, and a horse. All of them were brought to me as babies that were found or abandoned and i have devoted countless hours working to feed them, groom them, and pay their vet bills. So i do believe that qualifies me as their owner.
Blackfish is a documentary. You can call it movie, but it IS a documentary.
In many movies, actors are often required to do their own stunts, risking injury and some times death, meaning widows and widowers, and children with out a parent, there fore you shouldn’t go to movies. Some day we’re all going to die, why bother having fun when you know what the enevitable is. Someday your kids will leave home and you loose the tax deduction, why then bother to have kids. People have car accidents, why then get a car.
As an old senior citizen, I’ve learned to enjoy things, and don’t ruin what others might consider a good time, and family outings, This lady sounds as if she looks for the bad in life. Just remember these might not be the best years of our lives, they might be the last years.
I think her point was that people CHOOSE to do the things you mentioned and have agree to the risks that you’ve also stated. These animals aren’t swimming up to sea world asking to move in.
Blackfish of course had an agenda but there are facts that can’t be denied. Trainers were killed.
This lady sounds as though she had a bad childhood, and not taken on family outings, so she feels the need to throw guilt as much as possible on others who are looking for family outings. What Collin is doing is very nice for people with providing money saving suggestions to people, if she has a problem with that she shouldn’t read Hip2save. What she wrote was a slap in Collin’s face and others looking for suggestions of where to take their kids. As the old saying goes, here’s to those who wish me well, all the rest can go to hell.
Wow Mark, you sound like a bitter old man. Reba did not say anything to Collin, she was actually very respectful.
Sa n diego had it too.. they should scone out w it soon. I had it last year
My family and i had the seaworld passes last year. We love seaworld and i had heard the blackfish doc. Wasnt even true who knows.
Sea World currently has annual passes buy 1 get 1 free. Best annual pass deal. It includes parking and other discounts.
We took advantage of this for Busch Gardens Williamsburg last year (really hoping they offer it again!!) We ended up taking 3 separate trips. Stayed at a hotel for $50 a night, ate our meals in hotel, and bought ‘fun passes’ for the adults. We had a great time and saved so much!
Link says unexpected erroe
It’s right on their homepages under tickets.
AMAZING!!!! Our passes for the kids (I buy a 2 year pass for myself to get free parking and a discount) just expired and we were not going to renew, but we sure will if I only have to buy 1!
Last year, there was a BOGO deal for Sea World on one of the soda cans (I think Coke) so me, husband and preschooler were able to go for $90 thanks to the pass. Sure hope I see something similar this year.
Sea World is offering BOGO Annual passes this year on their site. Bought Season passes for both Sea World and Aquatica and it came out to $90.00 pp for the whole year for both parks
Hoping that Seaworld offers this in Texas again this year. As a certified teacher, I was able to score a free pass last year too.
Anyone know if there’s a good deal for Universal or Disney in Florida?
Disney is offering a 3-day ticket for $139….https://disneyworld.disney.go.com/florida-residents/
I am so excited about this!! Just ordered season passes for my 4&2 yr olds and got BOGO annual passes for the hubby and me!!! Thanks so much for posting this deal!!! My parents gave us money this Christmas and told us to do something as a family with it. Now the gift will last a whole year!!!
Where did you get the BOGO adult passes?!! I can’t find them. Could you possibly post a link?
Google preschool pass and there are a bunch of other locations offering different passes. Saw Williamsburg and San Diego to name a few.
I’m confused. The deal is offering unlimited for sea world and Busch gardens however to buy the adult one either fun day pass or the bogo deal, neither offer admission to Busch gardens. Only sea world. So what is the best deal as parents to buy to get the best deal? I also have an 8 and 6 year old that I would need to buy for too. Thanks in advance for your help.
Tough. We did too. The best is not to go to Busch.
we bought 2 bogo passes for four of us and then got 2 of these for the youngest two. The BoGO do not include Busch and they are also not willing to allow you to upgrade. The upgrade for the free person would be full price which I think sucks. The lowest would be to pretty much get the fun card for Busch gardens and it’s still a full ticket per person over 6.
oh and the fun card doesn’t include parking. Trust me! I tried lol. I may budge and take the little ones solo where only I have to get the Busch pass.
Thanks ketsy. It’s too bad that Busch gardens is not included. Going to rethink if this is worth it or not. We are debating if we should get annual passes for Disney.
I so wish I was a Florida resident so that I could take advantage of the Disney and SeaWorld deals. If anyone comes across any fantastic Florida deals on tickets (non resident) please let me know. Thanks!
if anyone lives in Florida and won’t be using this I would appreciate it if you would get this for my family. I have a 5 year old and we plan to visit a few times. Thanks in advance. Mypony04@sbcglobal.net
You have to show proof if fl residency for fl resident deals
The cove is a good documentary too. People deserve to know what they’re buying/supporting. There should be no shortage of sea world “deals” as this information comes out…their attendance has already plummeted.
I live in Orlando and yes I did see Blackfish but, I do know that sea world goes out all the time and helps sea life and takes them back to sea world, helps them and then releases them back into the ocean. They do a lot of good things. Living in Orlando I see it on the news all the time. Where the rest of the country doesn’t. I think they are getting a bad deal because sometimes the good out weighs the bad!!
Agreed. I live in Orlando as well. There is always good and bad. I think that when people go to parks like Sea World it it educates them and makes them more compassionate. There are a lot of rescues that take place here. You always hear about Sea World being there to help beached whales and manatees that have hypothermia or hit by boats.
ok so i just did this, and i live in michigan (didn’t see florida only)lol but it went through.?? was thinking if we make a trip to florida that might be good….but idk will it not work, even though they sent the eticket to print?
Jayme, I’m not sure if it’ll work. Once I got my confirmation I noticed it said must show birth certificate or passport for that particular child. I know normally when it’s a Florida resident type of deal I have to show my license.
Showing the birth cert isn’t the problem ( my kids were born in ks and we now live in oh) it’s the proof of residency that will be the problem
Ok, i just got 2for my boys. Are these good for the whole year? Also, what tickets are the best deal for my husband and myself?
They’re valid thru December 31st.
They offer this at the Sea World in San Diego as well! We did it last year with my kids and we had a blast.
I wouldn’t go to Sea World if you paid me. Sea World = Animal Cruelty!
does anyone know what name you put on the preschool pass. i would assume it’s the child’s but then right under it, it asks the relationship to the child. i just don’t want to put the wrong name and have it rejected at the gate. also…my daughter might not go with the same person every time so it would be word if it wasn’t her name on the card.
Can anyone that successfully used the free preschooler pass at the park let me know if they asked for proof of FL residency. Or just a birth certificate alone?