FREE Movie Ticket (a $13 Value) W/ Purchase of Hormel Pepperoni & Bacon Products + More
Through August 31st, score a FREE Movie Ticket to see PAN (coming soon) or any other movie when you purchase any three Hormel Pepperoni products or any two Hormel Fully Cooked Bacon products! After you’ve made your purchase, simply take a photo of your entire receipt with the qualifying items starred and then text the word “HORMELPAN” to 811811 for further instructions (allow 48 hours for processing). Once your submission has been validated, you will receive a text back with a reward code for a movie certificate valid for one admission (up to $13 total value). Awesome!
Here are a couple deal ideas you can score on pepperoni:
Buy 6 packages of Hormel Pepperoni $1 each
Total = $6
Use three $1/2 Hormel Pepperoni coupons found here
Final cost $3 total, just 50¢ per pack + 2 FREE movie tickets (a $26 value!)
Hormel Pepperoni $2.69 (Sale thru 7/18)
Total for 3 = $8.07
Use the $1/2 Hormel Pepperoni packages coupon found here
Final cost $7.07 total, $2.36 each + a FREE Movie Ticket (a $13 value!)
(Thanks, Susan!)
These are often at the Dollar Tree for $1 each. Add in the $1 off 2 coupon, buy 6, and you can get 6 packages of pepperoni for $3 + 2 free movie tickets!
Yes i did mine two days ago I got 4 pepperoni packages and used 2 $1/1 mq and paid $2.00 and it went through.
I got 2 free movie tickets!!!:)
How do you redeem the tickets? Are they good at any theater?
You can look up online what theaters are on the list. Go to the page Collin listed and see if there’s a link to it.
Thanks! LOVIN’ all these free movie ticket deals! Keeping the kiddos entertained for the summer on the cheap!
Also, on the Hormel site listed above, if you click on the coupons tab, you can print 2 more of the pepperoni coupons if you don’t have access to 2 computers. I printed the 2 copies from Hip2save’s link, then used the “coupons” link on the Hormel site and was able to print the same pepperoni coupon so I had 3 of them from 1 computer.
Is there a limit person?
5 per person. You can click on the link in the post and read the terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions on the website says limit 5.
Does anybody know how many times this can be done? Thanks.
If you click on the link in the post you can get more information and read the terms and conditions. Limit 5 per person.
Does pepperoni freeze well? That’s a lot of pepperoni!
Yes it freezes great. Think how many frozen pizzas already have pepperoni already on them
they turn out great 
For those of you who have received the tickets, is there an expiration date on them??
October 31.
Totally off topic but I have 2 $20 shutterfly coupon codes that expire tonight. Anyone interested?
I’ll take both if no one else claimed them
Here they are hope you can use them!
both for $20 off any $20 order before shipping
Dollar Tree only allows 2 internet printable coupons per day. Still a good deal, just not as posted.
From the Dollar Tree website/coupon policy: We accept up to four (4) like coupons per household per day.
The part you quoted is from the “Manufacturer Coupons” section. If you scroll down a little, you’ll see the “Internet Coupons” section where it states: “We accept up to two (2) Internet Coupons per household per day.”
Are the tickets for an certain movie
They say Pan or any other movie
I’ll take one of the shutterfly codes!
I read the official rules and it’s not clear to me, but it sounds like from earlier posters, if I buy 6 packages of pepperoni on the same receipt I will get 2 movie tickets. Correct? TIA
I’m a bit lost to this aswell! So If we buy 6 on one receipt will it earn us 2 tickets? Since using 3 coupons will get us the most $$ off since the coupon is off 2 I would rather buys 6 in one shot and earn 2 tickets than buy 4 to earn one .. KWIM?? Thanks hoping for a confirmed answer on this Thanks!
Dollar Tree’s coupon policy only allows 2 internet printable coupons per day, so YMMV on whether that deal works.
It works! I did one receipt for 6 pepperonis at dollar tree. Took about 24 hours I got back two codes. They came a few minutes apart. Yippee!
I’m wondering the same thing. I have a coupon from an insert, so I could use that plus two internet printables. It isn’t clear at all though, from reading the official terms, if you can get two tickets from six pepperoni all on one receipt.
does anyone know where the $1 off mq came from that someone mentioned above?
Hi, jen. It’s from
Thanks This is a good option if my question a few posts above isn’t answered
I actually just went to the Hormel site and it is a $1/2, I was looking for a $/1 a week or so back and all I could find was $/2 so I already printed and my print limit had been reached. I don’t think there is a $/1 for the Hormel pepperoni if there is I’d love the link
Sorry, Melissa. I didn’t mention it was $1/2. I haven’t seen $1 one, although I do have a TQ for $1/2 to add to the Target deal. My Dollar Tree doesn’t always have the best selection and they’re NOT coupon friendly!
who ever wants this. use code PZ3CGTCM
Looks like someone used it…
I wasn’t sure if I could buy all 6 in one transaction or not so I did 2 separate transactions. Has anyone tried buying 6 at once? Did you get 2 movie tickets?
I’m wondering if this will work as my dollar tree receipt only shows pepperoni in the description not Hormel and there is no UPC # on the receipt. Anyone know yet if this works?
I tried it earlier today, so we’ll see. When I took the picture I had the receipt on top of the 6 boxes I bought so they could tell what it was. (If it’s a human that looks at it).
Please share what happens!
I just got two ticket codes via text
Thank you Collin!
I bought all 6 in one transaction and only received one code. Hmm I’m wondering if its because I bought 4 of the boxed and 2 of the plastic packaged one for sandwiches.
Update: I just received two validation codes from one dollar tree receipt! So it works.
I am wondering the same thing, CJ. I bought six boxes and noticed that the receipt just listed “pepperoni” without a UPC#. I submitted it. It is day two and I still haven’t received my codes. Does anyone know how long it takes to receive the codes? Thanks!!
It works. I did it from Dollar Tree and it was accepted and I got the code.
Did you buy 6 in one transaction and get 2 codes? I’m just trying to verify that they actually will send 2 before I buy 6 in one transaction.
It should work. I bought 9 in one transaction and got three replies back, each with a code!
Yes 6 in one transaction.
If you have 2 $1.00/2 printed coupons you could:
Buy 3 x $1.00 pkg – 1 $1/2 printable = pay $2 for 3 packages and one ticket.
Then repeat on a separate transaction with your last printable coupon.
Net would be $4 total for 6 pkgs. and separate receipts for 2 submissions.
Is anyone else having problems getting the pics to deliver? Mine keeps saying failed to send.
Has anyone done 6 in a single transaction at Dollar Tree and submitted it, and actually gotten TWO codes back? I’m waiting to see what people say before I decide how to proceed with this.
Yes, I have!
anyone here knows the mailing address? my galaxy s3 won’t work to do this…
I read the terms and conditions and the following are supported carriers include AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, Alltel, Cricket and US Cellular. I’ve been having no luck sending my receipts and now I think it’s because I have Virgin Mobile.
OMG me too I’ve tried and tried and no luck!
Just letting everyone know–I did this deal at the dollar store and bought 6 packages on the same receipt. I used the coupons as well and it came out to be about $3. I just got 2 movie codes texted to me from Hormel. So it looks like you can do several transactions on the same receipt and get multiple codes.
Thanks for commenting, Christine!
I did my transaction today – 6 pkgs on one receipt and I was worried it might not go through! Your comment will help the little worry in the back of my mind to go away!
Sure thing! I’m glad you were able to do the deal too!
Did you use the internet printables or were they all newspaper coupons? Thanks!
Bought 6…didn’t bring any coupon so paid 6 dollars and got two free movie tickets. GREAT DEAL:)
Mine don’t have the kind in the red package. They have a larger version in the refrigerated section. You think that will work?
I got them from the refrigerated section too. Long packs of the large pepperoni in plastic. Look at the dates. I had to are out about 10 that expired in May to get to the ones that expire in September. They worked for the codes.
Has anyone had problems submitting their receipts? I keep getting message failed to send or not delivered. I have Cricket wireless, so it should be working.
I keep getting the same message. I have Ting wireless. I contacted Hormel. I am just waiting on a reply.
Did you ever hear back from Hormel? I haven’t been able to find any info on how to contact them regarding this. I may have figured out why I’m not able to send the messages. I shouldn’t have a problem because it says that Cricket is one of the carriers that will work, but I’m still having no luck.
I called Hormel and they said that Cricket is not one of the carriers (even though it says it). I sent a copy of my receipt and a picture of the upcs to They are the 3rd party fulfillment center.
I was also told to contact
I can confirm that I bought it yesterday 4 boxes of the pepperoni and 2 of the plastic wrapped ones at the dollar tree used 3 of the $2/1 coupons. Paid $3 total and received just now the 2 codes for the free movie tickets. Really great deal. Thanks
Can anybody tell me where you are finding these at Dollar Tree? Are they in the refrigerated section? Thanks.
Can anybody tell me where you are finding these at Dollar Tree? Are they in the refrigerated section? Thanks
Mine were on a shelf in the food section.
Thanks! Just found them. I was looking in the refrigerated section.
When you get 2 codes for one receipt. Are they coming in 2 different texts? I submitted a receopt with 6 and got back a text with a single code, should I be expecting the second code in a second text?
I also only got 1 code and purchased 6 pepperonis on one receipt. I think I will be contacting them.
I couldn’t find them in 2 Dollar Trees, so I bought pepperoni at my grocery store. More expensive, but we’ll eat it and we love movies!!
I’ve tried several times to get this promotion to work. I’ve done all the steps correctly. I emailed you no response. I feel I’ve been scammed. This is my second attempt to contact you. Either I get my ticket or money back or I go to the better business Bureau. I expect an answer shortly thank you.
Who are you emailing? I was having trouble also and contacted hormel. They replied very quickly and tried to help resolve my problem. in the end it was cell phone providers fault.
email with a picture of your receipt and UPCS. That is what I was told to do.
Where do I submitted the code to get my ticket? Do I use it at the theater’s website? to get yout ticket