A Beautiful Life…

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On August 18th, the world lost a little bit of sunshine when my grandmother known as “Ma” passed away in her home surrounded by people she loved. She was 93 years old and lived a beautiful life. One of her greatest joys in life was her family – she raised six children and always said that her most important and cherished role was being a mother.

As I type this, tears are flowing down my cheeks. I miss her so much already. She was a very special person in my life and played such a huge role in who I am today.

She taught me to live life to the fullest, to laugh often, to dance whenever and wherever possible and to never take any days for granted. I also learned so much from her about being comfortable and confident in my own skin… and letting my authentic self shine.

Anyone who can get a TSA Agent to smile, while getting mad at him for trying to confiscate her full bottle of water that she tried to take through security, has to be pretty special… 🙂

I know many of you have felt a connection to Ma from her presence here on Hip2Save. She absolutely loved being a part of Hip2Save and raved about the Hip2Save community – so thank you for bringing her so much joy throughout the years with your kind and uplifting comments, emails and messages.

Although I am feeling so much loss today, I can’t also help but smile a bit as I picture my grandmother and grandfather together again… smiling down on myself and my family.

I am writing this post on August 20th, my birthday. Today, I not only celebrate my own birth, but I celebrate the amazing life my grandmother led. I celebrate how blessed I am to have gotten to spend so much of my 34 years here on earth with such an amazing person. I celebrate all of the laughs, all of the love, and all of the incredible memories that I’ve had because of having Ma in my life.

Today, I celebrate life and I know she’s right there celebrating it with me.

I love you, Ma. I know you’ll always be by my side.

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Comments 2065

  1. sandi

    That was beautiful!! Keep sharing those wonderful times, and memories… She IS still right by your side!!!

  2. Jen S

    Collin, I’m so sorry for your loss. It always brought a smile to my face when you posted about Ma. The fun pictures you posted and the love and happiness you guys felt always shined through. It sounds as though she lived a long life and enjoyed it.
    Happy Birthday! I know it’s bittersweet in the shadow of Ma’s passing but I hope you were still able to celebrate a little bit with your beautiful family and know that Ma is looking down on you.

  3. Jeanette

    I’m sorry for your loss.

  4. Amy

    Sorry for your loss, but I love your attitude of remember the joy she added to your life!

  5. Lisa Kruger (@nonrunnerkruger)

    Collin I am so sorry for the loss of your Ma. I loved seeing her in your posts and she reminded me of my spunky Mother-In-Law we lost a few years ago. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I know she is smiling down on you from heaven.

  6. Sharon

    Please know that you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady. Ma was certainly full of personality and her love for life shines in your videos. Lots of love and hugs from our family to yours.

    • Lori G

      I will think of Ma running around finding and sharing bargains in heaven!!

  7. Regina

    My condolences to you and your family. I loved when Ma was part of your videos, she always made me smile! Your grandmother has touched people everywhere, even as far as Indiana. She will be greatly missed.

  8. Caroline

    Oh Collin, I am so very sorry for your loss. What a beautiful soul. Cherish all the times spent with her. She is in paradise now, pain free. It’s never goodbye, it’s I’ll see you later. Prayers for you and your family that God give you strength to carry on and to mend your hearts.

  9. Rebecca

    So sorry Collin. It’s obvious from your videos what a fun and spunky woman she was! Thanks for sharing her with us. I know you’re hurting, but take comfort in the amazing memories you have of her. My prayers are with you in the coming days. ❤️

  10. Octavia

    So sorry for your loss. MA will always continue to live though you.

  11. Kat

    Collin, I’m so sorry to hear of Ma’s passing. Whenever I saw a post featuring her, I knew I would soon be smiling as I learned about your adventures together. Please know I am keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

  12. cindy

    God Bless you and your family

  13. Stephanie

    I’m sorry for your loss. Heaven just gain an angel. She was a beautiful lady. Prayers go to you and your family.

  14. Casey

    Sweet tribute of a beautiful lady! Thank you for sharing her with us! Hope it was a special birthday!

  15. Chrissy

    I am so sorry to hear this. I have happy tears thinking about Ma and the special relationship you two had. That was beautifully written and I hope you have a wonderful birthday.

  16. Kathy

    I am so sorry for your loss

  17. Monica lewis

    I am so sorry for your loss. I loved seeing her in your pictures. God bless you and your family.

  18. antoinette

    sorry to hear this may God Bless you

  19. marianela

    collin so sorry about your grandma she is going to be missed ,I enjoy the videos and pictures I was very close with my grand mother too and what a coincedence my grand mother passed away at 93 also, GOD blessed them.

  20. Pittieperson

    Collin I am so sorry to read that you lost your sweet Ma. It was easy to see how the love you shared in all the videos and pictures of the two of you. You are so blessed to have such a loving Ma. I hope you find peace in knowing that.

  21. Tisha

    Collin, I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  22. Amy

    I’m so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  23. Seema

    Collin, not everyone get a chance to spend time with their grandparents. You are so fortunate having created magical memories with Ma, which can make you smile in any and every condition. My Mom passes away wnen I was just 30 years. So I know how fortunate it is to share your life with parents or grandparents.
    I’m sorry for your loss. Prayers go to you and your family.

  24. Zynique

    So sorry for your loss. Sending love from Alabama!

  25. April

    I am so sorry to hear of Ma’s passing. You and your family were so blessed to have such a beautiful, happy soul in your lives. I pray that you find comfort in your wonderful memories, and as you said, knowing that she and your grandfather are together again, watching over you. Your tribute to your Ma was beautiful.

  26. Connie

    All those smiles and all that love – what a truly wonderful life. Our sympathy goes out to you and your family

  27. Mindy

    so sorry for you loss. You are blessed to have enjoyed such a wonderful lady in your life, I know I enjoyed seeing her in your pics.

  28. Kat

    I love you Collin! Sorry you are in pain & missing your Ma. She is forever in our hearts- you made her Hip2save famous. Take care of yourself and your family. God bless you.

  29. Celia Ann Currin

    Collin I am so sorry for your loss. I have been a follower of Hip2save for a long time. I loved seeing Ma in your pictures and videos. She had such a fun spirit. She was blessed to live to be 93. Our thoughts and prayers are with your family. We love you and your family Collin, Ma will be greatly missed. ♥

  30. tay

    simply beautiful.

  31. Monica

    I am so deeply sorry the loss of your Ma. There is something very special about the bond between grandmother and granddaughter that is like no other. My Gram was 94 when she passed last year. She and I were very close like you and your Ma. Your stories remind me so much of me and my Gram. It is wonderful that she lived such a full life and that you were so much a part of it. She will always be with you.
    My prayers to you for comfort and a happy birthday.

  32. Abby

    A beautiful tribute to a vibrant woman. So very sorry for your loss. Thank you for introducing her to us, your readers, over the years! Even over the pages of a blog, her happy spirit shone bright.

  33. sally

    I am so sorry for your loss, our loss, Ma was super fun abd made me laugh! I have followed you several years, You are an inspiration Collin.

  34. Brittni

    Collin and Family, I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that she is always with you and your family. Her fun-loving attitude and beautiful smile will be greatly missed. <3 <3 <3

  35. Julie

    I’m so sorry for your loss. You are blessed to have known such great love. Prayers and thoughts to your family!

  36. Monica

    Collin so sorry for your loss, I loved watching Ma and you a your shopping video’s she reminded me of my nana. You’ll always have an angel watch over you.

  37. Ashley L

    Awww I am so sorry for your loss!! I loved watching Ma in your videos. Prayers for you and your family.

  38. Joy

    Collin and family, I am so very sorry for the loss of your grandma. I always enjoyed watching her run around with you and doing the target videos. I think not only your sense of humor but you got your great fashion style from Ma as well. She seemed like a very classy lady in every way. We will surely miss her here at Hip2save, but we do realize we are on this earth for only but a short time. May God be with you and your family at this time. She passed a day before my own birthday as well. HUGS!!!!

  39. Cristina

    I am so sorry for your loss. She lived a very long beautiful life and was blessed to be around an amazing family. May she rest in peace.

  40. Jami

    So sorry for your loss. Hugs from Indiana

  41. Mark

    She’s not really gone, for it is said, those who pass on, live forever in the hearts of those who loved them, and those who were loved by them.

  42. aliza

    I am so so sorry for your loss, Collin.

  43. Shana

    Oh Colin I am so sorry for you and your family as your loss is great and your everyday life changed. We are all so blessed for your sharing Ma with all of us. I lost my own very special Grandma over 15 years ago and she still inspires me daily. I can only imagine how hard it was to write this post thanks for letting us know so quickly so we can pay our respects in these comments you can see YOU ARE VERY LOVED and so is Ma. Praying for your family as you grieve and celebrate a beautiful life indeed.

  44. Tina

    Collin, I’m so sorry for your loss. Such a heartfelt way to celebrate “Ma’s” life and contribution not only to your life, but to the lives of your blog readers. You have made it possible for her to be a part of our lives as well. Blessings to you and your family through this difficult time, and may you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

  45. Allie

    Dear Collin,

    I’m so sorry for your loss. Some of my favorite posts were when “Ma” came to town. Seeing the antics that you two got up to always put a smile on my face. Hang in there, will be thinking of you and praying for your family.

  46. WandaBr

    So sorry for You & Your families loss, I always enjoyed your outings together on Hip2Save. Enjoy the Memories.

  47. Jenn

    My deepest sympathy collin. Her lively spirit lives thru you. May she rest in peace. God bless

  48. Becky F

    I am so sorry for your loss! I pray for peace and comfort that only God can give for you and your family. May God Bless You! Happy Birthday!

  49. Kelly O

    Her smile was infectious! She helped make Hip2Save fun. We are mourning with you. I cried reading your post. Big hugs to you. A beautiful life indeed.

  50. Becky

    Collin, I felt the same way when my grandma passed away 19 years ago. I still miss her terribly. Your family was so blessed to have her but sounds like she would say she was the blessed one to have you! Much love and blessings sent you way.

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