Kohl’s Cardholders: Men’s Adidas Pants Only $13.99 Shipped + GoldToe Socks Only $1.17 Per Pair

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Adidas Pants

Kohl’s Cardholders! Here are a some nice deals you can score…

Adidas 3-Stripe Athletic Pants or Adidas Athletic Pants $24.99 each (reg. $35)
Buy 2 = $49.98
Use the codes PUMPKIN30 (30% off entire purchase) and MENSALE10 ($10 off $40 menswear purchase) and FREE4MVC (free shipping)
Final Cost $27.98 shipped – just $13.99 per pair!

GoldToe Socks

GoldToe 6-pack Socks $13.49 each (reg. $20)
Buy 3 packs = $40.20
Use the codes PUMPKIN30 (30% off entire purchase) and MENSALE10 ($10 off $40 menswear purchase) and FREE4MVC (free shipping)
Final Cost $21.12 shipped – just $1.17 per pair!

*If you’re not a Kohl’s cardholder, score 15% off your purchase with code PATCH15 at checkout OR spend over $100 and save 20% when you use the code SPIDER20. Choose free in-store pick up if available; otherwise, shipping is free on orders over $75.

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Comments 14

  1. D.J.

    Sorry this has nothing to do with kohls. Just received a email from pro flowers has some 55 & 60 percent off. Only for 6 Hrs.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Cool Deal! I’m wondering if that is an email exclusive sale, as I don’t see it listed on their website.

  2. Nadia

    My total with shipping and tax is $29.73…Collin your total of $27.98 includes tax and shipping?

    • Jennifer

      My total was $29.66 (with tax, free ship). I believe Collin doesn’t include tax as it varies by state. HTH

    • Kendra

      My total was 29.73 also…tax included πŸ™‚

  3. Jennifer

    Thanks Collin. My son will appreciate the new pants and I appreciate the price!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welcome!

  4. Jean

    If you guys have a Costco membership they often have Adias work out pants and Gold Toe socks here (their reg price is Kohl’s sale price … or around the same) πŸ˜‰

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Great tip! Thanks for sharing! πŸ˜‰

  5. June

    Yay!! My hubby was just complaining that none of his socks match. He said he was going to throw them all away and buy all new and all the same..

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Perfect! πŸ˜€

  6. krystle

    I can’t get the promos to work now. πŸ™

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Bummer πŸ™ Are you on a mobile device? Or are you able to try it in another browser? Hope that helps!

  7. Tracy

    I was able to get 4 pairs of pants and 6 packs of socks for my 2 boys and hubby. Starting my Christmas shopping. πŸ™‚

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