Rite Aid: Better Than Free Pain Relief Products (After Plenti Points)
Calling all you Rite Aid Shoppers! It appears a ton of pain relief products that are currently on sale (through 3/26) are also producing Plenti Points up to the same value as the sale price, making for some awesome FREEBIES! Here are some deals to look for…
Buy 1 Joint Flex Arthritis Pain Relief Cream 4-oz $17
Use the $3/1 JointFlex Cream 4 oz coupon found in the 2/7 SS or here
OR use the $2/1 JointFlex Pain Relief product printable coupon
Pay as low as $14
Get back 1,700 Plenti Points, which is equal to a $17 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost FREE + a $3 Moneymaker!
Buy 1 Anacin Aspirin Pain Reliever 300ct $13
Use the $1/1 Anacin 100 ct+ printable coupon
Pay $12
Get back 1,300 Plenti Points, which is equal to a $13 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost FREE + a $1 Moneymaker!
Buy 1 Arnicare Gel 2.6-oz $10
Use the $3/1 Arnicare Gel 2.6 oz coupon found in the 1/10 RP
OR use the $2/1 Arnicare Gel 2.6 oz or Cream 2.5 oz printable coupon
Pay as low as $7
Get back 900 Plenti Points, which is equal to a $9 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost FREE + a $2 Moneymaker!
Buy 1 Vivarin Caffeine Alertness Aid 40ct $9
Use the $2/1 Vivarin, 40 ct printable coupon
Pay $7
Get back 900 Plenti Points, which is equal to a $9 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost FREE + a $2 Moneymaker!
Buy 1 Stopain Roll-On 3oz $10
Use the $2/1 Stopain Topical Pain Relief product printable coupon
Pay $8
Get back 900 Plenti Points, which is equal to a $9 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost FREE + a $1 Moneymaker!
Buy 1 Absorbine Plus Jr Pain Relieving Liquid 4oz $9
Use the $1/1 Absorbine Jr Product coupon found in the 9/20 SS
Pay $8
Get back 900 Plenti Points, which is equal to a $9 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost FREE + a $1 Moneymaker!
Buy 1 MidNite Drug Free Sleep Aid 30ct $9
Pay $9
Get back 900 Plenti Points, which is equal to a $9 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost FREE!
Buy 1 Rite Aid Brand Cold & Hot Medicated Patch 5-ct $5
Pay $5
Get back 500 Plenti Points, which is equal to a $5 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost FREE!
Buy 1 Similasan Arnica Active Skin Spray 3.04-oz $10
Use the $1/1 Similasan Product printable coupon
Pay $9
Get back 900 Plenti Points, which is equal to a $9 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost FREE!
Buy 1 Cura-Heat Heat Therapy Patches 7-ct $5
Pay $5
Get back 500 Plenti Points, which is equal to a $5 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost FREE!
Buy 1 Doan’s Extra Strength Pain Reliever 24-ct $8
Pay $8
Get back 800 Plenti Points, which is equal to an $8 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost FREE!
Buy 1 Salonpas Pain Relieving Patch 60ct $10 (reg. $10.99)
Get back 900 Plenti Points, which is equal to a $9 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost $1!
Mineral Ice Pain Relieving Gel 8 oz $10 (reg. $11.79)
Get back 900 Plenti Points, which is equal to a $9 reward (limit 1)
Final Cost $1!
(Thanks, Jennifer, LeAnne and Julie!)
I’m new to Plenti, if I use Plenti points to purchase one of these items, do I still get the new Plenti points? Thanks!
Yes, you will get points but when you earn points you cannot use them same day. These points will be available to use next day.
Also, if you return an item that you paid for with Plenti points, they will be returned to your account with no problem.
Can we use the plenti points to buy these and still earn back the advertised points?
Yes you will
Thanks, Collin. I always love moneymakers, especially for products that I use.
You’re welcome!
Wowza! I have had two back surgeries! Thanks for all the tips for free pain relievers! I gotta get to rite aid! 😀
You’re so welcome!
picked up the Stopain, Anacin, Vivarin, and Cura-Heat patches all paid with pts in my Plenti bank, all which are going back in come 6am tomorrow!
I’d say take advantage of this deal ASAP before it hits Slickdeals or possibly gets pulled.
Lol. The deal probably came from slickdeals.
Lol, yep, SD had them posted a few days ago!
Slickdeals is evil, they ruin and kill deals very quickly, just my two pennies…
There’s a joint flex clippable in L2C that just became available for me this morning
There’s a $2 L2C for the joint flex
Oh cool! Thanks for sharing Amber!
Here is two more deals I didn’t see listed. Salonpas pain relieving patch 60ct. On sale for $10(regular $10.99) Earn 900 points. Mineral Ice pain relieving gel 8 oz. On sale for $10 (regular $11.79) Earn 900 points. I bought everything on this list and the total with gold discount and coupons was $105.91. And I earned 12000 points.
Great score Jennifer! Thanks for the heads up! Just added those as well!
Your Welcome! I love your website and find so many deals here!
I would have rather redeemed $105 in PP, not actual dollars, just sayin’, good deal either way tho.
I had about $102 in plenti points and paid the rest cash.
I’m into rolling the plenti points when possible. Takes more time and trips but less out of pocket dollars. Thanks,
I have a Rite Aid Wellness Card. Is this the same as Plenti? Do I need a Plenti card or will old Rite Aid card work? Haven”t shopped at Rite Aid for awhile so I want to get my ducks in a row BEFORE I go and plop down a bunch of coupons and buy expensive products .Thanks in advance for your help!
You need a plenti card. Plenti card allows you to earn and redeem points.
how long does one keep Wellness Gold status once they earn it?
You are gold for the rest of the year that you earn it and for the following year.
It makes for some great deals, like the ones listed above when the 20% off is a better deal than the sale price.
There’s also a nice double dip on the Barilla Pasta. It’s BOGO 50% off and 100 pp wyb 2 this wk (limit 2). PLUS Monthly deal of 300 PP when you spend $4? Or $5 I don’t remember, I briefly glanced as the weekly tag was over the monthly tag. It’s listed on my receipt as”Food For Thought”. Not sure what else is included in the monthly deal nor limit. The Barilla Gluten free was also included, but it’s priced a bit higher and I think there was a $1.10/3 IP a while back that would work for that line.
I got 2 boxes of wheat spaghetti, 1 regular spaghetti & regular elbows. Total $5.66 ($1.89/.94/$1.89/.94), get 100 wyb 2 + 100 wyb 2 + 300 monthly = .66/4 boxes or .17 each!
thatz uzin’ yer noodke, SCORE!
I swear I check the Rite Aid deal comments just for the puns …. love it
was it last months (Feb ended yesterday) deal? (meaning the extra 300 pts)
A new month started today (Mar)
For the Barilla? It’s March deal. Drug store monthly deals don’t follow a 30-day calendar month. The new offers start the Sunday of the beginning of the new month and end the last Sat of the month, so March deals run Feb 28-Mar 26
thanx MEL!, picked up my 4 free boxes of Barrlla pasta, my favorite brand of boxed pasta too!
You’re welcome! IDK how many times we can do the food deal. It’s not on my receipt as limit reached. So probably at least 2 times?
Anyone know how many times the 300 food for thought Plenti points can be banked?
is the $3 Jointflex coupon regional?
I could not find it.
Must be, I didn’t get it either….. 🙁
You can print this one: it is 3.00 Off. I used mine this morning. No beep.
You can go print it on their website. It is 3.00 Off.
Anyone having difficulty printing the Anacin Coupon; I just get a blank page. Help!
I just registeted my Plenti card with Load 2 Card, got a few ?s, does the coupons that I loaded come off automatically when I present my Plenti Card?
Can I also use my manf coupons as well?
Can I unclip a Load 2 card coupon if a higher value papee one comes along?
L2C and paper are manuf coupons, just a different source, so one or the other, unless you have multiple items to cover both coupon offers. L2C will automatically apply first. If you use a paper coupon, then the L2C will come off. I’ve found that if there are multiple like digital offers with different values (like $2 off Advil, $1 off Advil, $3 off Advil, etc), the one closest to expiring will come off first. But sometimes the higher value will come off. And every now and then, the digital won’t apply. You can call CS about it. Once they loaded the missing offers as plenti pts, but it was $5 worth that didn’t apply. The other time, the RA cashier just refunded me the $1 b/c I caught it before leaving the store.
No way to unclip.
thanks, never used them I have the $2 Flexjoint one loaded, I will see what happens this afternoon, I also notice there is some sort of checklist feature, not sure what that does.
Just a friendly heads up, I was lucky and found “peelie” coupons on a few of them, a $2 one on the Similasan, and a $1.50 one on the Midnite Sleep Aid.
Of course this deal will be YMMV.
Me too!! I was so excited when I got the Midnite Sleep Aid! Definitely be on the lookout for the peelies!
Well it took three days, but I finally bags all 13 (14 including the pasta deal) items from this deal by rolling my Plenti pts.
just another heads up, most stores now have a
dedicated endcap for these deals, as well the home locations.