Amazon Prime: Eric Carle Children’s Backpack Harness Elephant $6.88 Shipped (Reg. $18)

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elephant backpackIf you are an Amazon prime member, hop on over the where you can score this Eric Carle Children’s Backpack Harness – Elephant for only $6.88 shipped (regularly $18). Perfect for walking, shopping and traveling, this functional backpack harness keeps your little one safe and close while allowing freedom to explore as well.

(Thanks, ShopTheHotDeals!)

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Comments 87

  1. Maria

    Omg!! Thank you Collin. What a great way to start some early Christmas shopping!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welcome Maria!

  2. Crashburn

    Might have gotten the last one. Thanks!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)


  3. Heather

    We got this the last time you posted about it. My almost 2 year old daughter loves it!! Highly recommend it!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      So glad to her how much she enjoys it Heather! Thanks for sharing!

  4. sami

    Do they have a gorilla backpack leash?

    • Cassandane

      Not funny.

      • Kelly

        But your purchase could help save a Silverback! 😜

    • Val


    • Sonya

      Haha, so glad I wasn’t the only one thinking along this line! 😂

    • Jennine

      I was thinking “save the babies from the gorillas” when I saw this! Haha leashes have been around a Long time! There are defiantly useful and defiantly funny, no matter the circumstance kid leashes have been weird, funny and useful since day one.

    • Molly

      Good one,lol.

    • Rebecca

      That was my first thought! Actually clicked just for comments… lol.

    • Sam

      I see it touched a nerve with a lot of “non judgmental” people on here. Guess maybe the truth hurts a little. The comments I made, I stand behind 100%. Leashing a child really bugs me. I get some of you feel you must use a leash, you have that right. Same as I have the right to respectfully disagree and be worried about what our world is coming to.

      • Holly

        Ummm…it’s a leash. I think we’ll all be fine. Get over it.

        • Warner

          Weak society. Participation awards, sensitive, hurt feelings over others opinions, leashing children.

    • Jamie


  5. Debbie.

    Showing $18 for me 😁😁😁

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Hi Debbie! I just updated the link to make it easier to find. Hope that helps!

  6. Debbie.

    Correction. I got it. Thanks Had to go to bottom and click

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Yay! Glad you could score the deal! 🙂

  7. Bna123

    Showing 14.99 for me

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      How odd. I am still finding one available for the price listed above, when clicking through the above links. Are you by chance on a mobile device?

    • Debbie.

      Bna123. Keep trying. Scroll down and look to the right.for the $6.88 price. If not open page a few times. It changed for me after doing this.

      • Bna123

        Found it! Thanks!!

  8. Barbara

    I could buy one for my 3 years old. He loves his freedom too much and run to everywhere he wants. My husband and I couldn’t make up our mind to buy one, since it will not last long on him caz his age. So this is great deal for us to try one on him. Thank you so much!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welcome Barbara!

  9. Mary

    Thanks Collin, I love Eric Carle books and this will be really cute for my 18 month old son.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)


  10. Carl

    All gone. 😕

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      How strange, I am still finding it available when clicking through the link above. Are you able to try it in a different browser?

  11. Debbie.

    Collin … Site is acting weird. BUT. IT IS STILL $6.88. Everybody just click the elephant and look .. Somewhere on page it will show $6.88. Such a great deal I ordered 2 for Christmas gifts.

  12. Emily

    I’m not seeing it either for $6.88. Could it be gone now?

    • Bela1217

      Emily, it’s still available. Just open up Computer version of the page and it’ll show up on the right hand side. It’s on backorder I believe but still showing
      $6.88 for me! Hope this helps

      • Emily

        I am on the computer 🙂 But I reopened the page several times and it finally popped up! After a family fun day at the aquarium, I decided this would be great for my running 2 year old! Thankful for a price that we can afford! Thank you!

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          So happy you found it! You’re so welcome!

  13. Cristine

    After a few tries I got it for $6.88 but it’s delayed shipping. So excited about this great deal!! Thanks!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Glad you could snag it! YW!

  14. Bela1217

    Still available! Mine will ship once available 2-3 weeks. Still a great price. I had to switch to computer screen version and found it there 👌😊

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Debi Sparks

    I just kept going back again and again. You have to go to the Product Description page. And go to the bottom right for the 6,88. It will be two to four weeks. Also, can someone tell me how to watch the live “show” in the afternoon? I always catch it afterwards.

  16. Eliz

    I got one for my son last time it went on sale. He is 2 and he hated it. He thought it was cute and fun until it was on him and he couldn’t run where he wanted to go. It ended in him laying on the floor screaming, so I returned it.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Oh darn 🙁 Sorry to hear he did not care for it. Thanks so much for the honest feedback!

  17. sam

    This bugs me…maybe if as a society, we all put our phones away, held our kiddos hands and actually interact with them….maybe we wouldn’t have to leash them?

    • Allie

      AGREE!!! Kids do not belong on leashes!

    • t

      I’m a mom of 4 who puts my phone away, and we just had to buy one of these for our 18 month old. She is very independent, will not hold our hand, will not let us hold her, and will not stay in a cart or stroller. This helps her to be independent, but safe.
      I’m guessing you are either not a parent, or have a child who is not as busy as some.

      • Wendy

        I am a parent of triplets! Yes, triplets! I agree with the above posters, kids should not be put on a leash so “parents” can keep track of their kid. I have never once used this on my 3. There may be “special” cases where this is needed but far too often lazy “parents” are putting kids on leashes instead of interacting or paying attention to the kid, which is so sad.

        • Rebecca

          I like how you write “parents”, as if someone who doesn’t do something your way is not a real parent. I can’t think of one time I have ever seen a PARENT use one of these when they were on their phone or not paying attention. You can look at it as an extra safety measure.

    • Maria

      I bought this so my daughter would have a cute backpack. The “leash” can easily be cut off. 😀

    • Sonya

      Rude! Before you turn into Judge McJudgerson… we’ll just don’t. These are VERY helpful with children who have special needs.

    • Rebecca

      And this bugs me! People are so quick to judge! To me these would seem to ensure your child, already walking beside you, doesn’t wander off (which can happen in seconds), get separated in a crowd, etc. It’s not like you are not paying attention or using it like an actual “leash”. If you have more than 1 child, if you are pushing a stroller, if you or your child has any special needs, I could see this being very helpful. If you have “perfect” kids who hold your hand without a fight or if you can hold them constantly, then good for you. But that’s not realistic for most of us. For the record, I bought something similar for my oldest child but he wouldn’t use it, and didn’t even try with my youngest, although it would have been super helpful at times! If your child will use it, go for it! 😊

    • Sam

      Ok… Folks re-read what I wrote….not judging anyone. I said it bugs me and we should all try a little harder. (Yeah, I was a kid in a large family and have kids that I take places without them running off, lol). Seems like a lot of excuses being thrown around…but that’s the world we live live in anymore…carry on and have a nice day.

      • Rebecca

        Maybe you should reread because that’s not what you said. Then you come down here to say you weren’t judging but mention lots of “excuses” being thrown around…

        • Tay

          Rebecca: Why are you so offended by someone else’s opinion? You are contradicting yourself, it seems. You don’t want people to judge but she wasn’t judging, she was giving her opinion, and an opinion you seem to not like. It seems you are the one judging her opinion.

          • Rebecca

            Tay, I’m not offended & I respect others opinions, no matter how different. If you read Sam’s comments though (especially the new one she posted above), she’s not simply saying that she personally wouldn’t use this product, but makes generalizations such as people that do use it are on their phones & not interacting with their children, etc. I especially like “the truth hurts” bit lol.

            • Paula

              When did she say “the truth hurts”? You really are putting words into other people’s posts.

              • Rebecca

                Paula, please go up & read replies under Sami’s post above, which is the last place Sam commented, referring to the earlier posts. I didn’t just pull that out of thin air.

    • Cristine

      I disagree. This gives them a small bit of more room to move about than holding hands and if you have multiple kids it can really help at certain places. You shouldn’t judge people for not doing things your way.

    • Rodger

      Totally agree, Sam.

    • Judy gamby

      I agree!! But when your at a airport and your hands are full!! Better to have then not!!

  18. Gina

    Before you judge parents that use these, I have back and neck pain and having my daughter wear this helps me when we go to big open spaces. I can’t always carry her or bend over to pick her up, or re-direct her. She’s happier in this than being strapped into a stroller.

  19. Catherine

    I think the worst thing parents can do is judge one another, obviously every parent who uses this item is not lazy or ignoring their children. I personally have very rambunctious children who love to run and move and when you have more than one it is obviously difficult to keep them where you want them at all times. I say if it keeps them safe then why not take every precaution we only have two hands so what do you when both hands are full of little hands. I personally think we should support each other as parents and allow room for good people to parent the way they see fit.

    • Kara

      Agree! Some people have children who are runners, have autism or a disability. Maybe the parent has physical limitations. If this works for the parent and child- great 🙂

    • Judy gamby

      I agree!! But when your at a airport and your hands are full!! Better to have then not!!

    • Judy

      You have a wonderful attitude. Whatever it takes to keep our children safe that’s what’s important. If a parent is a little spacey and fills the need, oh well!! Be thankful they care enough to take action.

  20. Claire

    My daughter has an owl one and loved the owl but didn’t like wearing the backpack. So it’s just her favorite own toy now. 🙂 leash or don’t leash your kids- it’s not hurting anyone. This is a great deal even if you just want to use it as a backpack. 🙂

  21. 1luv

    Love all the judgemental parents here. Would hate to be your friend. Probably judge everything that doesn’t fit with your own ideals.

    • Rebecca


    • Tay

      Is it really judging??? or someone’s opinion on the subject and you just don’t like their opinion.

      • 1luv

        Some state opinions others are judging . Reread some of the posts.

  22. Rebecca

    As others echoed, some parents (moms especially) are so quick to judge! There is no “right” way to parent, every child & every situation is different! This one tiny item alone can bring so much judgement! If anything, most people buy this type of thing as a safety measure, how can you hate on that?? I think we are all doing the best we can to raise healthy & happy kids, and if everyone was more supportive of each other, I think the world would be a better place! That goes for a lot of things…I have an “invisible” illness, I look completely fine outwardly, but I don’t have the physical capabilities I used to. And while I’m lucky enough at the moment to not need extra assistance, I know people in a similar situation who have to use handicapped spaces, etc and they have received nasty remarks because outwardly they might look fine. What other people don’t realize is how weak they are & that they would likely collapse before they got into a store if they had to walk further distances. My message is be kind to one another, you don’t know everyone’s story & what they might be going through.

  23. Wendy

    “Parents” in quotation is to refer to people like the recent gorilla family who should have been watching their child. They obviously we’re not. It was not meant to imply that I think people who do things differently are not real parents.

  24. Emily

    I don’t even have kids but I’ve always said that I would use a leash on my kid if they were runners. I leash my dog because I love her and do t want her to be hit by a car or get lost. She is faster than me and can slip away in a second. Kids can be fast as well and slip away in a second or be stolen. I’d rather be safe than sorry and I look forward to someday seeing all of the judgemental stares from people that think I’m a lazy parent or too overprotective. At the end of the day, I’ll sleep soundly knowing my kid is safely tucked in bed.

    • Quin

      Kids aren’t animals or dogs though…

  25. rosie

    Obviously every parent has his or her patenting style and the do what they feel works best. I try not to judge, even though it is hard sometimes… i thought about getting one of these but here is why i did not: 1) i thought that it is a false sense of security. The kid can step into the street and get hit by a car while i am safely on the sidewalk thinking we are all set. 2) my son needed to learn how to behave in a crowded environment and this devise would not be teaching him good habits 3) this could be a problem emotionally as him wanting to go explore is automatically limited by the leash. Ultimately i thought my son needs to be free and independent and i need to teach him how to do that. He got lost once in a hospital while i was tending to his baby brother. Security had him… we are still learning

    • Hanna

      Rosie this is perfect especially your #2. It’s all about teaching and guiding your child. Children are free thinkers and learners, they are not animals and do not need to be leashed as such.


    I went on here to read if anyone had any problems with price or purchase instead it just turned the a bunch of people parent shaming. Everyone has an opinion but you don’t always have to give it. Just like how people have different ways of parenting. We all do it differently and in the end all that matters is that our children are happy, healthy and grow up to be good people. If you weren’t interested in the product you should not have click on it to make a comment. Keep your comments and judgments to yourself. I am really tired of parent shaming. We all do our best the best that we know how.

    • YES

      Collin and crew please consider. I Agree with you. I really wish Collin and Crew would not allow this kind of talk to go on in posts. It would be so much more peaceful if we could look at posts for item reviews and experiences instead of having to filter through everyone arguing and shaming each other just to try and find out more about the products they are posting deals on. It’s toxic and happens on so many of the products threads every day. 🙁

    • Kelly

      EXACTLY Bethany! I’m glad you said that because I thought the exact same thing. Usually these comments are about great prices on this site, but for this item it’s somehow turned into parent shaming and arguments.

  27. TRUTH

    If you treat your kid as an animal, well they act like and animal… Leashes belong on dogs not humans.

  28. Aysha

    And I don’t have animals bc they are meant to be free, not caged and fed a domesticated diet…this goes for cats, dogs, fish, birds, etc.
    The coin can flip both ways.,.some don’t like the leash on a kid, but are ok with a leash on an animal….but why would u leash up an animal who was put on this earth to complete the circle of life?
    Yes. I’m getting philosophical here.

    • Jules

      Except dogs, most cats, many other domesticated animals were bred for that exact purpose.

  29. Amanda D.

    Well now, thank you all for this nights entertainment. We read all your comments and got a good laugh out of them…..With all that IS wrong with the world you choose this to be up in arms about. God bless you all and have a good night!!!

  30. Joanna

    My boys are teens now but i used a leash on my youngest. Before him i would judge people who used them and if i only had my oldest son i never would have understood why people needed them. But youngest came along and changed everything. As a teen he’s a good kid and independent. He doesn’t bark and isn’t scarredd from being leashed. I’ve always been a stay at home mom so my kids get plenty of my attention and that had nothing to do with it plus i didn’t even own a cell phone at the time. Looking back on it it seems ridiculous to have even cared what other patents were doing especially because it is a safety measure they are taking.

  31. Niki

    Ha! I passed this post earlier with just 9 comments and scrolled passed again with over 70 posts so I thought dang there must be a super deal I better read and to my surprise I see lots of comments about the way people choose to parent . I have one similar to this and will be purchasing this one for a friend . I love that this allows the child to walk independently and be safe . My child will get so distracted if he saw a butterfly pass by and that takes seconds before he could get ran over. I never took the chance. Not to mention it helped me teach him the appropriate distance my son can be away from me , once the leash gets pulled it reminds him oops I need to go closer to mom because I could get stolen or even lost or hurt . To each their own!!

  32. Jamie

    I need these for my teenagers.

    So much sanctimony in these comments.. You do you, I do me. It’s not that hard

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