Dollar General: High Value $2 Off Edy’s Ice Cream & Cottonelle Coupons (Load Digital Coupons Today)
Today only, hop on over here to load two new digital coupons valid for $2/1 Edy’s 48 oz branded product and $2/1 Cottonelle 12 Pack Bathroom Tissue (both valid through Friday, November 18th). Simply click the “Add Coupon” button found in the lower right corner and the coupon will be automatically loaded to your account.
To use these digital coupons at checkout, enter the phone number associated with your DG Digital Coupons account on the keypad. Although you MUST load each of these coupons today, you have until Friday, November 18th to use them.
Don’t forget about this *HOT* deal!
Through November 19th, Dollar General is offering up $10 off when you buy 2 participating gift cards including Cabela’s, Taco Bell, Domino’s, Facebook, TGI Friday’s, Chili’s and Burger King – the $10 discount will automatically be applied at checkout. That means you can score two $10 Burger King Gift cards ($20 total value) for only $10 – that’s like buying one and getting one free! Note that this deal may be regional so check your local ad for more information.
Can these be used anywhere or only at DG?
Only DG.
Im really bad with toilet paper deals, can anybody give me a range on what is a good deal vs just buying it at Costco? Thanks so much in advance!
My rule of thumb is 24 rolls for $5. That is a good deal, so anything better than that (which is what I aim for) is an even better deal. I don’t buy the cheap of the cheap, nor do I buy the most expensive on the market, so I’m sure others would have a different price point for the high end toiletries.
Just an fyi the libbys brand vegetables are 3/1.00. If you can snag some as my dollar general was out.
I just took my ad to Walmart and got my vegetables there.