My Coke Rewards: Current Program Ending July 1st (Enter Codes for Points by March 22nd)

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mycokerewardsCalling all My Coke Rewards members!

Coca-Cola just announced that the current My Coke Rewards program will be ending soon! In fact, March 22nd will be the final day to enter codes for points and you’ll be able to spend your points in the My Coke Rewards catalog through June 30th. After June 30th, all unused My Coke Rewards points will be donated to charity.

My Coke Rewards Dates

And then – a brand new rewards program will then be introduced on July 1st promising more ways to participate and to get rewarded. Click here for more information about these changes.

Thoughts on these changes? Are you looking forward to a new program?

(Thanks, Melanie!)

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Comments 389

  1. Evan

    Enter all those stockpiled codes now! With the weekly limit, you’ll need to make sure you get them all.

    • Dawn

      Couldn’t you save the coke points that you haven’t entered yet for the new program? Just a thought…

      • Lisa

        No, Dawn. According to Coke, any leftover codes in your account will be donated. The video said something about utilizing UPCs (or something like that). My guess I they are going something along the same lines as Kellogg’s (total guess).

      • Nicole Lyons

        You can save the codes you haven’t entered. If you enter them, and don’t spend them by June 30th, they are donated to charity.

    • Dee

      If I did the math correctly, you can add another 675 points before the end of the program. 600 if you have this week’s already in. So check if there is a reward you want in the range you can achieve before the end. If not, cash in what you have.

  2. Rachael

    I think I’m going to hold onto my points and enter them after the new program begins. Any thoughts? I don’t think the current program is as good as it used to be.

    • Rebekah Morast Shepherd

      Don’t you think they will change the codes for the new program?

    • mari

      thats what i was thinking, nothing seems good now might as well take a chance and wait

    • Katie

      I’d say that it is likely that they’ll change the system entirely – so you may not be able to use the old codes for the new system.

      • kati

        I had a bunch of the old codes, which were 12 digits instead of the current 14 digit code. They were all invalid so i had to just throw them. I bet they will switch to receipts like kelloggs. They get more data to use on our shopping habits.

        • Brittany

          Ugh, I hope not. I always forget to upload receipts for Kellogg’s.

          • CJ

            Me too, I despise that program. It’s so much easier for me to toss the codes in a drawer & enter them when I have time.

          • cath

            My receipts for Kelloggs are too long and wrinkly and only work 1/2 the time, so I hope Coke doesn’t follow suit. …I used to use Coke and Kellogg’s codes as home-school practice for my kids who were learning their letters. It was fun entering codes with them reading the numbers.

          • Maria

            OMG YES! I thought I was the only one who felt that way. I haven’t gotten Kelloggs points in forever! I much prefer to hrow them in a drawer and enter at my convenience. By the time I get home from the store, my receipt is who knows where in who knows what condition. And those receipts are a commodity for them I am certain (just as they are for ibotta, etc.) and the points needed to earn rewards don’t reflect that. Sucks because I don’t see “good” Kelloggs coupons anymore besides on the rewards program.

        • Iori

          Maybe that’s why so many of my codes weren’t working, going to see if they are 12 digits when I go upstairs.

    • Queenjen87

      I think they’re going to change how codes are done. Like scannable codes maybe. There were rumors from a survey they did awhile back. I say enter them. Hopefully they’ll have a reward sale before the program ends.

      • Nicole Lyons

        You’re close. 🙂

    • Mel

      Someone asked on their FB wall about it and they said ALL codes have to be entered by 3/22. After that, all MCR codes will be invalid.

      • Key

        From my understanding, any points you are unable to enter due to the weekly limit can be entered on the new site starting today. The codes will not change. However, you can also wait until the new site is completely up and running and actual rewards are uploaded ( right now there are only sweepstakes being offered). In short, it’s the same program, just on a different site.

        • mel

          Yes, I just posted on the next page an update. I got that info from their FB wall, but it is incorrect. There will be a catalog like MCR once the site goes live 7/1. Except needing so many points to redeem, it will be by amount of codes needed (50 codes entered vs 1000 pts)
          I’m going to assume they’ll have a weekly limit. I have a friend that was freaking out b/c she has a pillowcase filled with caps that she gets them from her job! I feel a bit better knowing the codes will still work for the new site and that they plan on having a rewards catalog , not just contests & instant wins.

  3. Kiwi

    Yikes…I have a beach bag FULL. I better get to entering them.

  4. Teresa

    I still haven’t gotten my stuff from December yet!

    • Aubrey

      Really?? I’ve already received all mine and used most of the gift cards and free 12 packs. Have you inquired?

    • momof4spoiled1s

      Teresa, I haven’t received mine either and contacted Coke customer service. They refunded the points and said that was all they could do. I’m furious.

  5. hannah

    Not looking forward to this at all!

  6. Diane

    It may well be that the new program will not accept old codes. I would check first!

  7. Julia


  8. Amy

    I’m sure the changes will make the program worse. And I bet we can say goodbye to getting all those coupons for free 12 packs!!!

    • Darlene

      That’s what I use mine for. Never have to buy 12 packs!

  9. Dawn

    I would think the new program would accept the codes… I mean that would a lot of work on their part to change the codes…

    • Key

      The codes do not change.

  10. Karen

    I won’t be participating. It has changed so much from when they started. They accept less points per week now & it takes more points to get anything. I would normally bank mine until the great deals around Christmas or get the free Poweraid coupons for my kids. Oh well. I quit the Kellogs rewards program when it changed. One less thing to do now with this changing also.

    • Jay

      I quit Kelloggs rewards too. Their new system seemed way too complicated to try to figure out.

      • Lace

        Same here. Kelloggs made it too complicated for me to bother.

      • K

        For me it’s much easier than trying to get my kids and hubby to save the packages. I just take a picture of receipt and text it to them. Most of my points come from the extra codes they offer anyway.

        • Mel

          Kelloggs is sooo easy! If you have a linked store card you don’t even have to do anything, the points post within a few days of purchase. If you use Ibotta or Ckout51, it’s really no different than those apps! Just upload the receipt on the KFR site with your phone or tablet. You can also text your receipt.

          • Erin

            It is easy! All but the remembering to submit receipts part, lol 😉

    • Nel

      Agreed! Kelloggs, huggies and now this… its kind of freeing not to bother with all these anymore!

      • Ashley

        Do most of my shopping online how are you supposed to get credit for that?

        • rebecca

          i agree. when i have submited an Amazon receipt to Kelloggs, it didn’t work.

  11. Tracy

    I hope it isn’t like kelloggs rewards! I never get points for those anymore and that’s all I buy.

  12. Heather


  13. thanks!

    I hated when they changed it to what it is now and I’m sure I won’t like the new chanve. I’ll enter all my codes and then won’t be able to redeem them all because everything is so “expensive.” Ridiculous.

  14. Joanne

    would it make any difference if we all petition? Power in numbers? let them know we’ll boycott their products? I quit Kelloggs. They never had any good rewards anyway. But Coke had a few good occasional specials every year…….

  15. Abby H.

    I am very disappointed. I always wonder who wins the sweepstakes. Again, I have bags of codes but I am limited on a weekly basis to enter points. Very disappointed, let’s see how this goes…

    • Laura

      Open a new account – I can’t remember how many you’re limited to per household but I have 2

      • Jennifer

        Imma be honest I have 6 accounts… I really needed to use my codes and the weekly code limit wasn’t cutting it for me

      • livdavis

        No new accounts can be created now according to their rules.

    • Lauren

      I won a $50 Publix gift card a few years ago, so people really do win.

    • Anne

      I won an all expense paid trip to the American Music Awards in 2014! So, yes, people do win!!!

  16. Michelle

    I wonder if they will be offering the cedar fair tickets this summer? I was really looking forward to that promotion again.

    • Allison 💙

      I’ve used it the last two summers for Carowinds and my 5yo has had a blast! I hope they keep that promo!

    • Sarah

      Me too! I was saving my points to get 2 tickets again this year. I’m almost there but that isn’t one of the rewards right now. I wonder if they are going to restock any of the rewards or if what is out there is it until the new system comes out?

  17. MollyT

    Just remember they have a limit of how many you can enter at a time so better start now! They’re making it so hard to use their program and ACTUALLY get rewards!

  18. Allison 💙

    I have THOUSANDS of caps 😳😳😳
    I’ll never get them all entered!
    (Anybody want to trade for some? Email me – amoore0047 @ yahoo . com)

    • Laura

      open additional accounts! I think you’re allowed 4 per household

      • Laura

        5 per household. ONE per person. So if you live alone – make up names.

      • Nancy

        You can no longer open new accounts.

      • Allison 💙

        There are three people in my household so I have three accounts. I may see if I can open more though.

    • Jennifer

      I have 6 accounts lol and it works for me

    • KR

      I have 7 accounts, I believe you can 10 per address. This is really bad news! At Christmas time when they had the free 12 packs coupon I got 42 of them. I collect caps when we go camping to races, I give the kids some gloves and let them go to it…whoever gets the most caps wins the $5. I always give a runner-up money too. I was really fun doing that…LOL

      • kerri

        42 !?!? You go girl !!! Lol

  19. Iris

    As long as they get rid of black lettering on dark red caps, it can only get better. Their most popular sold drink was the most difficult to read, go figure.

    The only thing worth while in the past were free 12-packs (for 40 points), Best Buy gift cards for a reasonable amount of points, and cedar point tickets (when you didn’t get screwed trying to redeem)

    • Mel

      Tip — shine a flashlight through the back of the cap and it makes the letters easier to read!

      • Hip2trade

        That’s what I do…🙂 I got tired of squinting and struggling..

  20. Nicole Lyons

    I believe the registration is closed for new accounts.

  21. April

    A lot of rewards are not available was looking for single beverage coupons and none are available

  22. Tia

    They totally need to take away the weekly limit. How can you not give people enough time to get everything entered by March 22. I don’t have a ton of caps but a lot of case codes.

    • Alysha M.

      I agree!

    • Lynn

      I totally agree cuz I have a few grocery sacks full. Why wouldn’t they lift it to encourage customers to input all they have?

      • Mel

        I think to hinder those of use that squirreled away a drawer full of caps & flaps, like myself!! I wish they would have given more time, esp since the last day to cash out for any rewards is June 30! So, it looks like we have about 8 wks to enter codes (which is a measly 7 flaps & 1 cap or 25 caps). I maxed this wk, so I have 7 wks set up in envelopes to enter each wk, with the last wk (3/20) to spare in case I get any extras from family.

    • Iori

      We should all call Coke and ask if they can please increase the number of points allowed to enter each week till the end of this time period.

  23. Emily

    I loved this program. Bummer. As a diet coke drinker, I was always getting good stuff!

  24. Thomas Leipelt

    Sounds like Nicole Lyons might have the inside scoop!!!! Do tell us!

    • Nicole Lyons

      Ha! I can’t say too much. Just give the new program a chance. I think you’ll like it better.

      • ginger

        Will we be able to use the codes we have now if we save them until the new program? I have tons:(

      • Rebecca

        Yes… Will we be able to use our old codes on the new program?? I have so many I’ve saved.

        • Key

          From my understanding, any points you are unable to enter due to the weekly limit can be entered on the new site starting today. The codes will not change. However, you can also wait until the new site is completely up and running and actual rewards are uploaded ( right now there are only sweepstakes being offered). In short, it’s the same program, just on a different site.

  25. Alysha M.

    I knew this was coming awhile ago (they hinted at it in 2015). I haven’t entered many codes recently. It’s nice to hear that they plan to donate the unused points to charity though.

  26. Nel

    I gave up drinking pop and hubby is considering… maybe this will be the ticket! Water is much cheaper!

    • Laura

      And healthier! 😀

  27. LF

    I hope they aren’t pushing all the social media stuff!! I’m one of the few people that doesn’t have any social media accounts and I didn’t like how they pushed that!! Fingers crossed it’s better!

    • Stephanie

      Amen to that. We shouldn’t be punished for not opening social media accounts! Fingers crossed with you! 🙂

  28. Susan A.

    I haven’t liked this latest “new” program. And especially this year when we couldn’t get as many free 12-packs for 40 points. And I hated having to do all the social media stuff. That’s too much work when you already have a job and obligations outside of your job. Hopefully the new program will be better.

  29. Carmen

    Thank you Hip2Save! I just entered codes this morning and decided to wait to cash out. I thought I’d add to my point balance. Thanks to your post, I went back and cashed out for $10 Walmart gift card and $10 Amazon gift card. I assume people will be cashing out and they will run out of prizes. I didn’t want to take the chance.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      How cool! You’re so welcome Carmen! Happy shopping! 😉

  30. Kimberly

    If that’s the case we should be unlimited on weekly coke entries, otherwise we won’t get all our points.

  31. Annie

    I know Obama is behind this!

    • LF


    • Cheryl

      Best comment ever!

    • Mel

      Let’s blame him when he’s not even president anymore. Now you can’t blame all the trumpisms on him!

    • L

      Annie I wonder what your list of ” let me blame this president” look like smh

      • Aubrey

        She was

  32. Mak

    Hi! If anyone has any extra codes they won’t be able to use… I would love them. My email is I don’t have anything to trade though 😞.

  33. Nicole Lyons

    You can also start entering codes on The new site is up and running.

    • Mel

      I thought that was for entering contests?

    • csranno

      So the old codes will work on new site? Any idea what prizes will be?

      • Stephanie

        If you go to this new site, there is nothing to do with the old codes. I think it’s been made pretty clear that the codes are being phased out. Hope that helps 🙂

        • csranno

          Sorry. I didnt look. Just took Nicoles word that you could enter old codes. Wishful thinking I guess…

          • Nicole Lyons

            FYI…the codes remain.

            • Key

              From my understanding, any points you are unable to enter due to the weekly limit can be entered on the new site starting today. The codes will not change. However, you can also wait until the new site is completely up and running and actual rewards are uploaded ( right now there are only sweepstakes being offered). In short, it’s the same program, just on a different site.

    • mary rye (@tinykittensfan)

      i probably won’t be able to use the new site, since it says i must have a smartphone to upload stuff. and i don’t have receipts since i get codes at work from all the boxes the vendor uses to restock for us 🙁

      • Key

        Smartphones are only an option. Codes can still be entered via computer.

  34. Sherry

    What a ripoff. I donate the majority of my points to St Jude’s and the boys and girls club. I use the points for free 12pks for me, but I resent them confiscating the points that I EARNED!!!

  35. Tara

    do you think at the end we can just use up our points and not have to worry about limitations?

    • Lynn


  36. suganthy

    if anyone is not planning to use their coke codes please send me to My family visited from India and would like to take a tour which help me for the coke tour. Thanks for your great help.

  37. Misti

    People are so ungrateful be happy Coke gives rewards at all. I don’t get it I am so thankful for the program even if its changed over the years. I can’t ever see why people get so angry or expect to be given so much.

    • mary rye (@tinykittensfan)

      good point. it’s awesome to get free stuff when we can. i have certainly been utilizing those walmart e-gift cards thru the rewards program. i will miss that

    • sherry

      Coke rewards is a business promotion to get people to buy more coke. You EARN those points by puchasing Coke products. They don’t give you the points because of generosity. I don’t believe people are ungrateful for expecting to keep what they EARNED.

      • misti

        Do you get rewards from eggs or cheese or bread toilet paper you buy? NO so its nice that coke gives you anything. People complain they love doing it.

        • Bethany

          People buy Coke because of the incentives. Now we’re being told our reward for buying their product is worthless. I could’ve been purchasing pepsi instead!

          • mel

            Everyone wants INSTANT information. At least they are giving us a heads up that MCR is phasing out and replaced with a new reward program. Everyone is up in arms about it. It was just like everyone harassing Rite Aid after they announced they were stopping the UPs rewards. It was leaked they were going to be part of Plenti Points and people still flipped out, not even knowing what the program was all about. I was a bit upset and jumped the gun, but once the program rolled out, it’s become my favorite rewards system.

            Anyway, it appears that the new site will have a rewards catalog. Instead of needing X amount of points, you have to enter X amount of codes.

        • spongemonkey

          Not eggs or cheese but Kellogg’s cereal, yes I do.

  38. Ad

    For the weekly limit, when does a “new week” start?

    • mary rye (@tinykittensfan)

      every tuesday

      • Daniel

        Inaccurate. Every Monday at 12:01AM.

    • KATHYR


    • Ad

      I found my own answer. Weeks begin on Monday

    • Breanna


  39. Heather

    Boo! I’ve been saving my coke points for the half off they do in November for free AMC tickets but I guess that’s over 🙁

  40. Bethany

    I’m glad I cashed in most of my points already. Will have 24 of the 12 pack codes. This new system won’t be better. Most of my codes are given to me by family members! No way to track all that.

  41. Kathy

    I have so many I guess I can’t enter. I have trouble reading most of them because the letter O looks just like the number 0 on those codes. Everyone I get has them also. I hope they still have them but scan. I don’t like the receipts because they a always hard to get whole thing in pic. I guess I’m doing it wrong, I don’t use my Ibotta or co 51. I am ill and don’t read the rules maybe. I just hope it’s easier like Hip2Save.

    • csranno

      There is no letter O. Only a zero. So when you see that, always use the zero.and upur codes should go in.

    • Brenda

      If anyone has a few codes to spare, I’d appreciate it. I only need 30 more points to get a $5 Walmart card. Please send to Thanks in advance.

  42. Pam

    No wonder the program is changing so much. When people have 6-7 accounts per household. What did you expect??? No wonder they cut the points, changed the program and made it harder. I have been a member for 11 years and it gets worse. I won a $1000.00 walmart gift card when they had the Merry Days candy cane game. I was so happy. Just not the same and they don’t care if you complain. It is what it is.

    • Bethany

      Stop being mean. Coke allows 6 accounts per household. Nobody is breaking any rules!

  43. Sue

    If anyone ends up having any codes they won’t have time to enter, I need about 80 to get the reward I’d like to redeem for. We don’t really buy Coke often, normally we buy a store brand because it’s cheaper. I usually would save my codes for those special low point offers for Shutterfly photo books or the free 12 pack coupons. It probably normally took me a year to get 80 points saved up. Email me at Thanks in advance for anyone who decides to send any.

    • Becky

      Email me at rasaj25@gmail and I should be able to get you some… It may take a few days

  44. Nicole Lyons

    I’m sorry for the mis-information. I was adding information to different sites. is up and running to enter codes, but currently only sweepstakes are available for rewards. Feel free to check back often to see if any have been added.

  45. Kenia

    I was reading their facebook page and they posted this:

    My Coke Rewards – You can enter codes on MCR until March 22. Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to enter codes on after March 23.

    I just wonder what kind of rewards they will offer after March 22? Maybe just an option to enter sweepstakes.

  46. Teresa

    Has anyone received there free coke coupons from December? I haven’t received mine and was just wondering!

    • Thomas

      Yep – received them late in December

    • Bethany

      The last of mine came 2 weeks ago. They all arrived on the same day.

  47. Joanne

    Coke set the rules as to how many accounts you could have per household. It’s not cheating if you take them up on their offer.

  48. Laura

    The change to Kelloggs rewards really worked against me. I used to get a ton of codes from products purchased at Sharp Shopper (a discount grocery store) but now I can’t get credit for them because Sharp Shopper doesn’t itemize their receipts. I won’t be surprised if Coke’s new program requires proof of purchase to similarly foil submissions of codes, for example I sometimes find Coke codes on empty 12 pack cases in the cardboard trailer at the recycle center (btw, it’s quite a clean walk-in trailer and I have the manager’s permission).

  49. Bethany

    I’m saving my codes in the chance they’ll be worth something later. I will have about 25 12 pack codes and that will get me a $5 gift card. TWENTY FIVE 12 packs and I can “earn” $5. What a rip off.

  50. sam

    I used up all my points. I doubt they will lower prises or offer more once out of stock. So use them before you loose them 🙂

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