Amazon: Toddlers Are A**holes: It’s Not Your Fault Paperback Book Just $4.99 (Reg. $10.95)

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Raising a toddler can be tough! Grab some comic relief!

Hop on over to Amazon where you can score this highly rated Toddlers Are A**holes: It’s Not Your Fault Paperback Book for the lowest price of ONLY $4.99 (regularly $10.95)!

Bunmi Laditan’s hilarious, satirical guide to toddlerhood offers parents instant (and very welcome) comic relief—along with the very good news that “It’s Not Your Fault.” Chapters cover the cost of raising a toddler, feeding your toddler, potty-training, tantrums, how to manage the holidays, and “how not to die inside.”

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Comments 37

  1. Leslie Ramey

    Hilarious! Threenager is the truth! I used to teach prek and the 3 years old are by far the hardest. My little one was the sweetest, most easy going little angel until she hit about 3 1/2. They say it’s good to have a strong-willed kid because then they will be a leader but it sure is hard to raise one.

    • S

      I completely agree with the 3 year olds!! Same here with my son, I was always bragging that he’s a perfect two year old with no terrible twos and then 3 hits I was shocked at how things turned around hahah

      • Renee

        Toddlers are a breeze compared with teenagers that’s for sureπŸ‘πŸ». May as well enjoy those years cause they are the ones I have fondest memories of😊

        • rob

          Right?!! My teen girls are such bigger a-holes than they were as toddlers!! I long for those what seems like minor tantrums in my distant memory lol

  2. Michelle

    Oh I disagree I both a toddler and teenagers and my toddler is a breeze compared to the other 2… I would say potty training may be a tricky one but I would much rather deal with that that crazy emotional teens!!!! I love the toddler stage when everything is so fresh and new and they want to learn… I need a book for teenagers!!!!

    • rob


  3. Susie

    Bunmi Laditan is an hilarious follow on Facebook!

    • J

      Yes! I follow on FB and Insta…she’s hilarious!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Thanks for the feedback Susie!

  4. Julia L.

    Free Shutterfly 8×8 photo book via pinch me. Please comment when used. Enjoy!

    • Melissa

      Thanks so much Julia!

      • Julia L.

        You’re welcome Melissa! Thank you for saying thanks!! πŸ™‚

  5. Rita

    Hah! I’d take truckload of toddlers over a teenager any day of the week!

    • S

      Oh boy, now I’m nervous… I already think my threenager is bad.. πŸ˜‚

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Lol! πŸ˜‰

  6. Mommaof6(7thOnTheWay)

    I am so glad my kids(ages 5-17) are all well-behaved.

  7. Jean

    I thought there was nothing worse than potty training…I wanted someone to feel bad for me when I was going through it and all I got was “Just wait til they are teenagers!” I have a teenager right now and I sadly would have to agree with how difficult teenagers are!! It’s rocking my world!!

  8. Karen

    Oh no…I have an 8 year old that is so sweet but he is constantly pushing my buttons and backtalking lately. Please don’t tell me he will be worse as a teenager!

  9. RZ

    It’s not easy to raise teenagers, but toddlers are SO much more work! Teens can at least feed themselves, dress themselves, use the bathroom and bathe on their own, clean up after themselves, etc. Toddlers can’t any of that (at least w/o supervision or assistance). Teens aren’t going to fall down the stairs, choke on their grapes, pull a dresser onto their heads, try to eat the Tide pods under the sink, etc. Also, teenagers sleep through the night…my toddlers at 4 and 2 still take turns waking up every night. The people that think that toddlers are easier clearly forgot the toll that sleep-deprivation takes on your sanity- it’s used as a torture technique for a reason.

    Not to mention that teens at least have the ability to communicate their needs, understand the consequences of their decisions, and are capable of using good judgment. Whether or not they always do this is a separate issue, but toddlers generally can’t do these things (at least not reliably well). So while the challenges may be different w/ both age groups, at least you can communicate w/ your teenager and try to reach a level of understanding. 3 year olds just don’t care LOL

    • J

      I remember thinking the same thing but now I think I am more sleep deprived with my teenagers than I was with toddlers. We’re up late with homework, sports practices, etc. and then back up at 5:00 a.m. every morning because they have to be out the door by 5:45. And there is plenty of sleep lost during the in between hours, worrying about them. Communication is a constantly changing process with them, too. I love my teenagers but miss those simpler toddler days.

      • RZ

        Yeah but there’s a big difference between being up late b/c of hw and being woken up repeatedly throughout the night b/c someone is crying and needs to be soothed back to sleep (night terrors and nursing in my case). Not saying that it’s ideal to function on just a few hours of sleep either…but I’d much rather get a solid 5 hours than be woken up 5 times a night, every night!

        • J

          It’s okay, we can have different opinions and experiences. The teenage years are harder for me than the toddler ones. But I’m just blessed to be a mom. I wouldn’t trade any of it!

          • RZ

            Right…I was only speaking about my experience. Not saying that it has to be that way for everyone, obviously.

  10. Tonya

    I have a 3 years old and teenagers. All great kids. Very blessed.

  11. Julie P

    I have a 3 year old diva, an 11 year old starting puberty and he’s emotional! And a 15 year old teenager who sometimes I think he hates me! Calgon take me away! I have the best of both worlds and wouldn’t trade it for anything!

  12. Erin

    I love this book! Gave it to my sister for Christmas and got myself one too. So much truth in it!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Happy to hear how much you enjoyed it! Thanks for sharing Erin!

  13. Vivian

    I love reading all the comments!!! Toddlers are tough! I’m now scared for teenage years, but omg my little 21 month old is a terror!!!! He’s so darn grouchy and clingy lol! Good thing he’s mine and cute!

  14. Daisy

    Toddlers are a**holes has been sitting in my amazon book wish list for about 6 mos now. I was just waiting till i was able to finish reading “Shi**y mom”. But for this price, I’m buying now. Thanks!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Perfect! You’re welcome Daisy!

  15. Daisy

    Btw…I have TWIN Threenagers! Needing this book more than ever to remember to laugh.

  16. JA

    Haha. Teens are sooo much worse. Not even close. I’m not saying mine are bad. But their issues have huge ramifications. Dating. Driving. College prep. Drugs. Hormones. Thinking they know everything.
    Whatever age you are currently dealing with (or just got over) feels the worst because its still fresh. Kids just aren’t easy. Ever. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  17. Happymama

    I have a 3yr AND 16yr old. I’ve accepted that there WILL be a tantrum of any kind on any given day! LOL.

  18. Mommaof6(7thOnTheWay)

    For those of you saying your kids are divas or terrors, I have to say kids only act the way you let them act. If the first time they acted like a diva or terror you would have shut it down, they would not have acted like that anymore. They only act how you teach them it’s ok to act. Sometimes laughing and/or celebrating the diva or troublemaker behavior gives them the sign that acting like that is ok. They might also act like that because they know they will get yelled at and for some kids that might be the only way they know how to get attention(negative attention is still attention.)

  19. summerderrick

    Note to Sanctiparent from the book, LOLOLOL

  20. Sheri

    Whatever, Momma6.

  21. Sheri


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