Are YOU Paying Too Much for Prescription Medications? Save Up to 80% with the GoodRx Discount Card
Save on prescription medications!
Did you know that the cost of a prescription can vary by over $100 between pharmacies that are located right across the street from each other? And did you know that many insurance companies have passed 25-80% more of the cost of prescription drugs onto patients over the past 10 years? Yikes! This means that you may be paying too much for your prescription medications without even really knowing it.
But you don’t have to with GoodRx!
What is GoodRx?
GoodRx (rated A+ with the Better Business Bureau) is a 100% free website and app that tracks current prescription drug prices, and, in turn, offers you discounts to help find the lowest cost pharmacy for your prescriptions. They do all the work for you so you can save big on prescription medications for your entire family, including your pets! In fact, the average GoodRx customer saves $276/year on prescriptions!
Ready to start saving with GoodRx?
To get started, head to GoodRX and fill out the form and they will send you a free discount card in the mail. You can use this card for discounts on most prescription medications at over 70,000 pharmacies in the U.S.!
To compare pharmacy prices nearest you, visit GoodRX, enter the prescription drug name that you or your family needs, and input your location at the top of the site. GoodRx will show you different local pharmacies where you can purchase that specific drug at the cheapest price! You’ll also be able to find pharmacy coupons, manufacturer discounts, comparable drug choices, and more!
You can also download the completely free GoodRx App on your iPhone, iPad, or Android smartphone to get prices and coupons while you’re on the go. By the way, the GoodRx app is the #1 free medical app for iOS and Android and has a 4.8-star rating with hundreds of thousands of reviews!
Check out these positive comments from Hip2Save readers:
Love GoodRx’s app. My husband and I have been without insurance for a few months while waiting for the insurance from his new job to kick in (they wait 90 days). One of my prescriptions alone would have been $150. It went down to about $20 with their Rx code. Couldn’t believe it. Highly, highly recommend. Also, shop around the next time you need an MRI, etc. because the hospital is generally one of the most expensive places to get one.
I researched over two dozen different sites, and this one was the best. I even made an expensive script purchase, went home printed the discount coupon, took it back to Walgreens, and they refunded me the difference. The script was about $145. I got back about $95. Awesome site.
I work in insurance and we actually recommend that our clients use GoodRx to shop because it often costs less than the discounts that insurance companies have negotiated. You can actually fill out a form with your insurance so the pharmacy payment will apply to any deductibles.
I administer our health insurance at my work. I am interested in the form that gets filled out so the pharmacy payment applies to deductibles. Some people who are on our HSA plan do not use Good RX since it does not build up against their deductible. This form would be a game changer for our HSA employees! Please let me know if possible.
What insurance carrier? If it is one I work with I msy it handy… otherwise you can contact the insurance company directly
Im interested in the form that we fill out to get a discount off my deductable. thank you. J.M.
I love Good RX. My prescription was $90 with insurance, only $25 with Good RX!
A Star Hip2Saver is a recognized member of our Hip2Save community hand selected by our team for demonstrating a long history of engagement with helpful & friendly comments across and our social channels. Our Star Hip2Saver badge acts as a verification for readers who know the ins and outs of all Hip2Save sets out to accomplish — assisting our community to live extraordinary lives on ordinary budgets. Readers cannot pay or provide any sort of exchange in order to earn this badge. Rather, they are invited to participate by a member of the Hip2Save team and opt to have the Star Hip2Saver badge added to their profile & comments.
I use this for my elderly dog prescriptions all the time saves me tons
Walmart won’t let me use Good Rx on my dogs prescriptions. Lucky that you have found somewhere that allows it!
I think that it depends on the pet prescription. I’ve filled many pet prescriptions at Kroger’s and Albertson’s pharmacies using GoodRX coupons on generic meds. There’s a code that some of their coupons come with that forbids pet use, but most of them print without that code. There’s an FAQ on the Good RX site that explains what code you have to watch out for.
A Star Hip2Saver is a recognized member of our Hip2Save community hand selected by our team for demonstrating a long history of engagement with helpful & friendly comments across and our social channels. Our Star Hip2Saver badge acts as a verification for readers who know the ins and outs of all Hip2Save sets out to accomplish — assisting our community to live extraordinary lives on ordinary budgets. Readers cannot pay or provide any sort of exchange in order to earn this badge. Rather, they are invited to participate by a member of the Hip2Save team and opt to have the Star Hip2Saver badge added to their profile & comments.
Cvs allows it
What meds for your dogs covered by good rx?
You can actually just do it from your phone safari or chrome. You don’t even have to download the app.
After reading about Goodrx on Hip2save , I have saved hundreds of dollars on different medications my husband takes. We use it on top of our insurance and it helps a lot. I had a lot of doubts about using it because i questioned how this could help even after insurance but it does!!!
If you shop at Kroger or one of their affiliates they have a RX savings club. I found out about it through the GoodRx app. It costs $36 for a year for 1 person or $72 for 5 more pets included) The savings were even better than through regular GoodRx. I saved more than the $36 with my first use. 4 of my prescriptions were free. Most others are $3 or $6. I did this in December and was the first person to use it at my local Kroger. They were very excited about it and wanted to know how I found out about it. I had been using GoodRx for several years before this and highly recommend it.
We always ask the pharmacy to compare the GoodRx price with the Insurance price. That way we always get the cheapest price!
My family has used good rx for awhile and find their prices to be half of the discount our insurance offers. My husband is an MD and recommends it to his patients. No signing up, we just look up the drugs on their website and show the barcode from my phone. It also lists the stores and their prices so you can pick the cheapest store for your purchase.
While on the insurance subject, we want out of the “affordable” care act ASAP. We currently pay $24k/year for insurance. Ouch! Do any of you have experience with Medishare? I understand there were four companies grandfathered in when the ACA took over all other insurances. Please share your experience.
We were in ACA too and it was a mess. We now are with MS. There’s good and bad. We go to health department for vax and pre existing aren’t covered. Read all the fine print! But it really has been a life saver for us! Goodrx saved me $190 on a script too!
What do you mean you go to the health dept? Do they do discounted vaccinations? Can you explain it to me a little? Same here with insurance, we got a rough deal.
A Star Hip2Saver is a recognized member of our Hip2Save community hand selected by our team for demonstrating a long history of engagement with helpful & friendly comments across and our social channels. Our Star Hip2Saver badge acts as a verification for readers who know the ins and outs of all Hip2Save sets out to accomplish — assisting our community to live extraordinary lives on ordinary budgets. Readers cannot pay or provide any sort of exchange in order to earn this badge. Rather, they are invited to participate by a member of the Hip2Save team and opt to have the Star Hip2Saver badge added to their profile & comments.
Yes your county health Dept can be the cheapest place to get flu, pneumonia shots. Go online and goggle the website for your county to see what is offered. Some offer low cost school physicals.
GoodRx has helped when
Insurance co-pays are too high.
For those with pets and no pet insurance, You can use AAA’s prescription benefit. Check against goodrx as well.
Thank you for all the tips and your experience with goodrx will start using this. Will also pass this info on to my family and friends.
You’re so welcome! Glad you can pass it along!
I use GoodRx for my dog. She’s on 3 different medications for seizures. Every time I need to refill I find out on the APP who has the cheapest cost and if I need to transfer to another pharmacy I do. It’s been a blessing!!!!
I also have a dog on 2 seizure meds 3x a day and this has helped sooo much. I save a lot on his prednisone also!!
We use GoodRX a lot on prescriptions. Be careful and check them often, one of my prescriptions more than doubled on GoodRX (it was still cheaper than my copay) but a good thing to keep in mind. is great too.
Just be aware that good rx is a marketing company. That is one of the ways they make their money. When the prescription is transmitted to them to receive the discount they are also getting your name, address, phone number, date of birth and all of the information on the prescription. May be worth the trade off if the discount is huge, but I don’t think most people are aware of this. Signed, a Registered Pharmacist
Yes!! As someone who worked in a corporate pharmacy office and whose main job was Rx insurance…discount cards are not transparent. More often than not the copay that is received from the patient does not in its entirety go back to the pharmacy. A main portion of it actually goes back to the discount card company. If the pharmacy has a discount program – please use it!! It will help keep your pharmacy in business.
Thanks for the excellent information that’s how identity theft happens. I really appreciate it
Is this legit I saw the commercials but doubting
If you have a Sams club card I recommend their pharmacy. I got a prescription of tetrinoin topical cream from my dermatologist and looked it up on the good rx app. All other stores had it for 110.00. Got it at Sams fr 10.00.
On top of that they have also free medicine. I have gotten 50,000 units Vitamin D for free – 4 pills, if you want more it’s $1 per pill. But the same pills (maybe brand name Replesta) costs over $20 at the regular pharmacy for 4 pills.
Does Sams Club mail prescriptions to your home or do they have to be picked up in store?
Also, depending on state law, you do not have to have a membership to a club or warehouse in order to use the pharmacy…., i.e., Sams, Costco.
You probably want to make sure you qualify before you give out your information because this company makes money by selling your data.
Misstatement. Read the company’s Privacy Policy and Terms of use.
I noticed that too.
They make money by taking a huge percentage of your copay back from the pharmacy. Even though it’s “free” to use the card, they still collect.
Has anyone used this discount at CVS Caremark?
Once you type in the name of your medication, it will show you the a list of the pharmacies you can use their coupon at along with the price at each. It is something you use instead of your personal insurance. Not sure of that answers your question or not.
I like to refill my prescriptions online with CVS Caremark. I get a 90 day supply mailed to my house. I’m wondering if I can use the discount from Good R/X too.
I’m thinking CVS Caremark is tied to insurance, in that case, no. I tend to only see retail (brick and mortar) pharmacies on the list, such as CVS, not CVS Caremark.
In many cases I have found the mail in option with my insurer to be more expensive than Good RX
We just started using goodrx after our insurance customer service person suggested it. Of course insurance prefers it…they don’t have to pay for prescriptions and it saves them thousands of $ in our case. I just wish it applied to our deductible!
If you purchase a medication with a GoodRx coupon and the drug is covered by your insurance, you can submit your receipt to your insurer and count that towards your deductible.
This applies to almost all types of insurance plans, including those from private insurers, commercial health exchanges, Medicare and Medicaid. You’ll want to contact your individual provider to find out what information they’ll need from you and how to submit it.
I’m a Family Medicine doctor and I recommend GoodRx to my patients all the time! It’s such a great option!
We use good rx all the time. My mom saves so much it isn’t even worth using her insurance for prescriptions anymore. My grandma gets medicine for heartburn and it is only $28 instead of $280. Big difference!!
As someone who works as an employee benefits consultant, be careful when using GoodRx if you have insurance that is a high deductible health plan. Generally, if you use GoodRx, whatever you paid will not count towards your health insurance’s deductible. If you know for sure that you will never reach the deductible, then using GoodRx should be fine. However if you have a lot of medical expenses, GoodRx may not end up saving you money.
Interesting, as an employee benefits consultant myself, our clients are advised to submit receipts to their insurer to count towards their HDHP and it WILL count towards your deductible. I’ve actually done it to my own policy and my clients have had it accumulate towards their deductible. You may need to do a bit more research so you are correctly advising your clients.
A Star Hip2Saver is a recognized member of our Hip2Save community hand selected by our team for demonstrating a long history of engagement with helpful & friendly comments across and our social channels. Our Star Hip2Saver badge acts as a verification for readers who know the ins and outs of all Hip2Save sets out to accomplish — assisting our community to live extraordinary lives on ordinary budgets. Readers cannot pay or provide any sort of exchange in order to earn this badge. Rather, they are invited to participate by a member of the Hip2Save team and opt to have the Star Hip2Saver badge added to their profile & comments.
Are you talking about the form for reimbursement if you have paid out of pocket for a drug, out of network? Give us a link to any insurers paperwork so that we can see what it might look like and so that we have a frame of reference. Thanks so much Ashley.
My perscription with insurance was $120. It went to $60. BE SURE TO GO TO THE WEBSITE AND PUT IN YOUR PERSCRIPTION AND COMPARE PRICES AT ALL PHARMACIES. I had 4 prescriptions to fill. The cheapest price was at Walmart for one, Safeway for another, and Frys (Kroger) for another. Granted some people may not want to go to three pharmacies, but the huge savings were worth it to me. Most of the drugs were cheaper without insurance. If you just present the card at one pharmacy you are not maximizing your savings. You need to compare prices on each drug to determine the least expensive pharmacy. The savings are dramatic and a little hard to believe! It does work. I’ve filled about 20 perscriptions in the past year.
I have also found many prescription drugs have coupons on the website of who ever makes the drug. I saved over 780.00 last year just from coupons on my hubby’s meds. I saved almost 260.00 on my meds with coupons. I have insurance and am still able to use them. I hope this helps someone as it sure has helped us.