FREE Starbucks Tall Coffee for Barnes & Noble Members
If you receive emails from Barnes & Noble, check your inbox for a possible email which contains a coupon valid for a FREE Starbucks Tall Hot Coffee or Iced Coffee at the Barnes & Noble Café.
The email will be titled “Become a Member to Use this FREE Cafe Drink Coupon” and will be coming from the email address Note that the offer expires February 14th and you must be a BN member to take advantage of this offer.
Plus, beginning in March, BN members will get one Free drink per month for four months when you use the coupons sent via email as long as there is a valid email address on the account and the membership remains active.
Click “membership” on the drop down menu and you get the deets that it costs $25 per year to be a member. They do send out a lot of coupons, (translation: junk mail).
Thanks for the heads up …got the email and I was planning on going to Barnes and Noble this week anyways!!