Here’s Why I’ll Never Eat Ex-Lax Chocolates Again….

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Erica holding Ex-Lax

At Hip2Save, we have some issues with poop! 💩

Poop that won’t come out, poop that won’t stay in, poop that you never want to smell again!

No matter the issue, we’ve all had them at some point…

Public toilet

It’s one thing when you’re in the comfort of your own home, but it’s a totally different animal when the moment strikes and you’re out and about in public. Oh and not to mention having to poop every time you go to a certain place… like Target or T.J. Maxx for instance. What’s the deal with that? I am about to do some blissful deal shopping and then the urge… you know, the slight stomach cramp and the not knowing if it’s gas you’re gonna pass or – ya, that.

With the launch of, I’ve decided to open up about why I’ll never eat Ex-Lax chocolates again…

Ex-Lax Chocolates

To paint the picture, I once had a VERY bad day and it involved Ex-Lax, socks, and… well, POOP! It’s definitely not a story I’m proud to tell, and some of you may think I am crazy for even sharing. But hey, my honest story may end up helping one of you when you’ve got an emergency poo.

For the full and very detailed story, head to

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Comments 42

  1. y

    U H2S people really hung on poop!!

  2. Desiree

    LMAO the poop explosions are real! But never has anyone been so honest about it. God you must be a fun girlfriend.

  3. Jamie

    This is not my favorite Hip2save day…

    • Amber

      Same here it’s nauseating

      • Lisa

        I’m with you ladies…..yuk. I’ll be taking a Hip2save break today. Love it the other 364 days a year!

    • Denise

      Better stay off the site today. It’s fun for a lot of us

      • Jamie

        Advice taken

  4. Amber

    All this poop stuff is so gross I really don’t like seeing it I’ll be off until it’s passed.

    • Jenn

      Until it’s passed😂💩😂💩

  5. Heather

    Lmbo this had me cracking up!!

    • J

      Amen, I too was cracking up! Explosions are real & anyone easily grossed out by this post must be living constipated. It also goes with maturity to be honest about your poop experiences, after all everybody poops! Whether you admit it or not is another thing. This was hilarious!

  6. Joanna


  7. Kellie

    Love your commitment! You guys are making my day😂

  8. Jody

    That was hilarious we have all had those moments just some people are not up for a good laugh lol glad you shared your story

    • Erica (Silly Sidekick)

      Thank you Jody!! 🙂

  9. Mimi

    Hello people, it’s April Fools just take it for what it is and have a good laugh 😂

  10. Gisette

    Keep the poop posts coming ladies 🤣

  11. Barb M

    Oh my gosh, I really needed this today. I’m crying😂 some people might need to lighten up. Remember Everyone Poops. To those that don’t like it, just stop reading. You knew it was a poopy story. Don’t be a party POOPER 😁

    • humboldt

      Maybe I missed something but how was this funny? It’s a bit bland and childish. What a waste of my time clicking on this link. Glad you were entertained. I was not.

  12. Donna

    TMI for a coupon/deal site.

  13. Gisette

    Oh good grief ladies and gents CALM DOWN! Take your Negativity some where else!

    • J

      Agreed! People need to take their negativity & lack of personality & sense of humor elsewhere. Wait till you get older or have these problems like IBS. Then, I guarantee you this post will make you laugh & not feel alone when you have these problems.

  14. Charlene

    Omgoodness I laughed so hard at this….BUT I had an “incident” one July afternoon stuck in construction traffic…the kind where the barriers were on both sides with traffic only going at a snail’s pace in one direction with no pull offs. WELL…the only other person in the car was my son who was 11 yrs. old at the time & the stomach bug hit. First I wasn’t worried because we were about 1/4mile away from lots of bathrooms or so I thought when traffic came to a complete halt. That’s when things got worse to the point I was considering abandoning my car jumping the barrier to the port-o-potty I seen & asking the construction workers to watch my son….Well not wanting to go to jail I remained in my vehicle. Minutes felt like hours after trying to squeeze my cheeks together so tight I should’ve had buns of steel & after nearly passing out the inevitable happened. So here I am driving with my hind end up off the seat with tears in my eyes from embarrassment I was finally able to get to a hotel parking lot & waddled inside the restroom. I had my son ask the wonderful lady at the front desk for a garbage bag so I could clean my self up with paper towels & throw away my clothes quickly so I didn’t stink up the restroom where they’d have to quarantine it. Thank goodness I had a pair of shorts I had purchased earlier I could wear commando style. My son knew how traumatized I was he never spoke of it to anyone & neither did I until today.

    • Lori

      Bless your heart! Thanks for sharing your story. It happens to most of us.

    • Erica (Silly Sidekick)

      Oh goodness Charlene!! What a story!! LOL – thank you for sharing! 🙂

  15. GiGi

    I LOVE this site. I am grateful for all that I have learned from it. Honestly, it has saved me tons of money. I must admit though, I’m just not loving all the poop talk. I know we all poop. We all vomit too. I just don’t find it entertaining.

    • Wren

      Agree, Gigi! Not embarrassed about it, I’m just not into it as an entertainment factor! Blah. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  16. Gloria B.

    I don’t understand. This is an over the counter medication that some patients need. I almost thought this was a recall notice. Not done in good taste Hip2Save.

    • Michelle

      It is April Fools Day, from all the other posts you should be able to see that this is just a joke. There is always a party pooper in the crowd. Lighten up a little….no pun intended.

      • Blanche

        Aren’t jokes supposed to be funny? I am so confused how this is even funny? Maybe for a 1st grader.

  17. Amanda


  18. Okaaayyy

    Came here to see the new April 1 jokes. Made the mistake of doing it while eating lunch. I’m done for today– with lunch, and, sadly, Hip2Save. Be back tomorrow…

  19. LaToya

    I don’t mind poop talk …. just not what I’m here for.
    I don’t like having to wade through actual poop to find the deal posts
    See y’all tomorrow.

  20. Kimberly

    Sooo many crabby people today.

    • lol

      Was thinking the same thing. They must be democrats lol

      • ah

        Republican here. Still really not feeling it.

      • Kimberly

        LOL 😉

      • J

        Hey now! I’m a Democrat with a huge sense of humor! You must be a republican lol

      • zinger

        Must be poopy Trump supporting Republicans.

  21. Jennifer

    I’m glad poop, pee, and all bodily emissions have become something people can talk about more and laugh at. When I was in school, if I accidentally passed gas and someone heard it, I would have cried then went home because it was so taboo. Now, it’s just a good little laugh for the kids….and adults.

  22. Jeff L.

    Kudos for your sharing!
    Don’t let the nay sayers deter you.
    We American are so darn hung up any anything and everything body, it’s medically harmful.
    If you help one person, it’s worth the embarashment of the prudes.

  23. AL

    My mom and I were on a quick mini vacation visiting my moms cousin which I was going to meet for the first time. We were all sitting at the table when her cousins husband offered some tea. I said I’d have some and so he prepared it. As I finished my Tea my moms cousin looks over and asks “your drinking that?” I said “yes”. She then says “you know that’s laxative tea right?” Her husbands face instantly turned red, as mine did too! 😂 everyone bursted our laughing! Her husband apologized so much, he felt horrible! He had no idea that it was laxative tea! That night my mom and I shared the guest room and as I laid in bed next to my mom I whispered “mom, my stomach hurts!” 😂 We couldn’t sleep that night because 1. I was in pain and going to the bathroom every few min, and 2. We both laughed so much we couldn’t fall asleep! Needless to say I was able to eat everything I wanted the rest of our tip since I lost a few pounds that night! 😂😂😂

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