5% Off Target eGift Cards
Shop Black Friday deals at Target!
Through November 9th, Target is offering 5% off Target Mobile and eGift Cards as part of their Black Friday deals! Note that this offer is only valid online only!
There is a maximum purchase of $500 Target Gift Cards per household on Target.com with a minimum purchase of $10. Even better, Target gift cards never expire. This is a great time to grab gift cards for friends and family or grab a few for yourself to save on holiday shopping!
Please note that you can only do this deal once, so be sure to add all the gift cards you’d like to purchase to your cart before completing your order.
I wonder if they will be doing this with 10% like they do most years.
I am wondering the same thing!!!
same! I hope so, it’s a nice way to stack some savings.
Me too! They usually have 10% off in December.
can you explain? 10% of what?
10% off gift cards.
Nevermind, I found last year’s post. Glad you mentioned it because I plan to wait.
I guess if you already know you are purchasing something on BF from Target, it would be nice savings if you don’t have a Redcard. Some credit companies seems to offer extended warranty on purchases made with their CC so that’s also something to keep in mind depending on what you are buying
Agreed, Naomi. It’s not worth the risk. I’ve actually had to utilize that with my CC.
I didnt know this was an option with some credit card companies. Do you mind sharing which one you used?
Karen, we utilize the credit card our Credit Union offers, but all (term used loosely though) credit cards should offer something. Look under your credit card benefits (either online or in the paperwork they typically send you every year regarding benefits). It truly is a Godsend. My son, who has his own credit card through the same Credit Union, thankfully used his credit card to purchase his laptop a year ago. Low and behold, a year after the manufacturer’s warranty was out, his computer had issues with the screen. Thankfully, he checked with the credit card, they told him to take it to the Geek Squad to get it repaired and then provide them with the bill to get reimbursed. It really is a little known benefit. I’ve used it as well on something as simple as our bicycle lights (they were good lights), but a month after the manufacturer’s warranty was out, they stopped working. I went through the credit card company, and filed the appropriate paperwork and got reimbursed. It is best to keep all receipts on things that have warranties, keep the paperwork with the warranty info on it. Sorry, so lengthy, but it truly works. Again, you must utilize your credit card though. Paying cash or with giftcards provides no additional protection other than what the manufacturer provides.
Oh wow I had no idea! Thank you for this tip Lisa. I’ll be sure to check!!
Hi. Thanks for sharing. I tried looking for the answer before I asked this question….Do you know if we will have to wait a certain time before it is activated? I know Target did next day activation for the last couple of years with their 10% gift card promotions.
I don’t see anything in the details on waiting for activation. Hope this helps!
I purchased, let me decide when to send, beginning today.
Chose today and received confirmation immediately and ecard 19 minutes later.
Will go along nicely with military discount this evening!
Does this stack with red card 5%?
It usually doesn’t give you the 5% off on gift cards if you pay with your red card
But will you get the redcard 5% if you pay with part gift card part credit card?
The Target Red Card does not give you any discount when you purchase a Target gift card.
In a transaction where you pay with multiple forms of payment, a Red Card’s 5% discount only applies to the portion of your transaction that it’s used to pay for, not the full transaction. An example is, if you spend a total of $100 and pay with $20 in cash. You get your 5% RC savings only on the remaining $80 that you are actually paying with your card.
Great explanation, thanks!
No red card discount on these.
Discover is giving 5% cash back.
So this is useless if you are a red card owner unless you are also Santa. Not a hot deal. Gift cards all the time sell below face value.
It’s also useless if you have the CC that gives 6% back (and gas rewards) at the grocery store on gift cards.
Wow! Which credit card did you find that gives back 6%!?
I was going to suggest the rather unique gift coins if anyone was purchasing cards for small kids but I see they are no longer available on Target’s website. You can’t even find an image! I’m so glad I grabbed mine earlier this year and tucked them away. The oldest of my great nieces and nephews is only 10 and there are four of them now all far away from me. These were a huge hit last year with parents and kids alike.
Even though the purchase of the egift card is an online only offer, once I receive the code can I still print it and bring it into a store for a purchase in store?
Use your Discover card 5% promotion for target.com and get another 5% cash back