Happy Friday: Stockpile Organization is Key!

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Happy Friday!

Do you have a fun Hip2Save picture or even a video to share? Let me know by emailing– collin @ hip2save . com (remove the spaces)! I’d love to share it with everyone in an upcoming Happy Friday post!

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Comments 234

  1. Carla


    • Anonymous

      Just because people disagree or have different opinions does not mean they are being negative. Use your head and T.H.I.N.K.

  2. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I just don’t understand. Aren’t couponers supposed to be happy?

    • Anonymous

      They are happy, some just see things differently from others. That doesn’t make them unhappy.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        actually, i coupon and love it, but there are a ton of unhappy people on here.

  3. Thama

    WOW!! Very nice.Both organizing skill and the stockpile.
    I want to organize like you.:(
    You should brag about it.People are just jeolous.

    Thanks collin ! for everything.

  4. Nicole M.

    J.E.A.L.O.U.S. 🙂

    • Anonymous

      N. A .R .R .O.W. M. I .N. D. E.D

      • Heather W

        Geez maybe she was saying she is jealous of the stockpile. I just can’t believe some of the comments on here!

        • Jennifer

          Anonymous needs to get a life! Stop reading Collin’s blog and the comments if you can’t handle it!

          • Renee

            Amen sister! Anonymous, why are you even on here? There is no need for snarkiness.

  5. Thama

    I just wanted to add something.
    I have seen that people are more generous and donate a lot when they are couponing .
    I have been more generous ever since I started couponing.Earlier we used to donate money to charity but now I frequent my local panrty more than 3 times a month with car loads of stuff.
    I am sure this blogger is very generous too. 🙂

  6. Janice

    Nothing wrong with stockpiling! We are used to having everything we need at a moment’s notice. You never know when that could change due to a disaster or job loss, or whatever. Think of it as a savings account. I have a similar stockpile in an extra bedroom and it’s just my husband and me. However, our married kids come over and “shop” and we encourage them to do so! My biggest challenge is staying ahead of them, but I LOVE helping them to fight the recession.

    • Samantha D

      What a great way of looking at it.

    • Amanda

      I agree also! I have tons of items that my family uses everyday that we pull from the “stash” I can’t remember the last time I shopped for things like toothbrushes, Ziploc bags, and deodorant ( just to name a few) We are an one income family and I don’t feel bad for having a stockpile. I have no idea why someone would have a negative comment on such a thing

      • Suze

        I think you’re misunderstanding some of these comments. They are not negative, they are just a difference of opinion from some of the others. People are not all going to see things the same way. People can coupon in different ways for their particular needs.

        • what's the deal

          Of course they are negative – saying things like “No one should have that much stuff, there is no reason for it” is negative and judgemental.

          • Suze

            Where did you read that?

          • what's the deal

            Go back to the older comments you’ll see plenty. People say it’s a difference of opinion and not negative or mean, but here is the difference.

            “I don’t have a large stockpile – it isn’t the right thing for MY family and MY lifestyle”

            “I can’t believe SHE has that much stuff that is just sitting there not being donated”
            “I think people that have this much stuff have other problems and could become hoarders”

            See how the first one is about YOUR opinion and the other two are about judging someone else? I am paraphrasing, but if you go back through the older comments you will see comments like those above – they are the ones that I think are negative and judgemental.

            I might have to send a pic of mine just to see what people say!

  7. Collin (Mrs. Hip)


    I think you should ask everyone to send in their stockpile pics, or all upload them some place. This would be a visual representation that each household is different, and must decide for themselves what is right for them.

    • Suze

      Good idea!

  8. Anna

    That is very impressive! Great Job : )

  9. Jennifer

    This is AWESOME!! I can’t wait to have a house so I can stockpile!

  10. Sally

    I love the organization of this person, great job. I too have a stockpile of many items, I don’t give much to my local food bank because I have so many people in my life that need our help and giving them food or other items is what we do. At one point, about 6 weeks ago, we had close to 30 boxes of cereal in our house and we now have 10, of course my husband and I have eaten some, but I gave away most of it. We have a staving son in college, we have family members who are having a hard time making due on their salaries, we have friends with no jobs; everyone gets something when they come to visit, especially the kids. Sometimes I wonder why I buy so much kiddie food (even though we have 4 granddaughters) and then here comes some little kid whose parents are broke and I send him home with some goodies, then I remember why I do it. The photo may look to some like “how could one family need so much” but in my mind, its classic organization, buying enough so you don’t run out and have to pay full retail and most of all, its also about being ready in case of an emergency to be able to feed yourself and your family for a couple of weeks in bad times and even share with your neighbors. Ok, off of my soapbox now!

    • Amanda

      Kudos to you! There should be more people like you out there!

    • Trina

      I agree it’s good to always be prepared~~in this economy you never know when you may lose your job or your spouse may lose theirs. I also give a lot of stuff away…..I have friends whose children are in their early 20s and every time they come over they go back to their apartments with a bag of snacks and personal care items and they are always thrilled and thank me! it has become a hobby for me and no I don’t make special trips anywhere but I work so I got past 2 Walgreens each day so I stop maybe twice a week…….to each their own I say! I think the poster has done an excellent job organizing! Way to go!

      • Jaime

        Thanks guys! I love to shop! I love to give! I love to save money! That’s why we are all here right? The negative people don’t bother me…I actually feel bad for them…We are all different, we all have different needs, and we all have a story…That’s what makes the world go round…God Bless!

  11. Samantha D

    I wish I had a stock pile like that. I have been so sick this week and my poor DH has gone to the store almost everynight to get me tissues or more meds (and he had to pay almost full price for all of it.)

    YOU GO GIRL!!!

  12. Tamara

    Um, can you please come organize my cupboards…and house?

  13. Lisa

    I covet thy bloggers stockpile! 🙂

  14. Shelly T.

    Great job! Way to go!!

  15. sonya

    WOW!! I’m new to couponing and hope my stockpile gets like that soon!! AWESOME!!

  16. Amanda

    I am so jealous! I have one shelf in each bathroom that is full of shampoo, toothpaste, body washes, and hand soaps that I have got for free and I was so proud of myself! My DH calls it his own little CVS store! 🙂 Our cabinets are “overflowing” with food at the moment from all the great deals recently and it is such a Blessing! At one time in my life I remember not having enough food to eat and no money, so I fully understand how wonderful this is to have EXTRA stuff! Thanks for sharing this picture with us! I hope ours will be like this one day!! 🙂

  17. Kim

    Thanks for sharing the pics of stockpiling. May I ask where this room is located in the house? Is it air conditioned? We just moved to a smaller house and I am trying to find a way to organize and store my stockpiles. I don’t have basement and attic gets too hot in the summer in FL. Do you think garage would be too hot?
    WHere do you all store your stuff.

    • Jaime

      Its in our basement because we have a huge utility room…We also turned a walk-in closet in to our food stockpile! I think as long as you have shelves, you can create it anywhere 🙂 Good luck!

      • blumommy2

        That is awesome! I live on a VERY tight budget. Week to week we’re lucky to have “free” money that doesn’t have to go towards a bill or a need. Lately, I have started to gather rain checks and coupons and surfing around finding good deals. I have made 3 really successful spending trips that I am very proud of. Each time I come home from them, my hubby looks at all the bags like I just spent a LOT of money and I say, “look at all this stuff I got today! Go ahead, guess how much I spent?!” and He’ll say, ” really don’t want to know” lol! He can never believe it when I say something rediculously low, if anything!
        I work full time and he stays home with our two kids (our daughter will be 3 in August and our son is 9 months- will be 1 y/o in Oct) and my income is the only income besides EBT for food. If it weren’t for that, I’d have to work 2 jobs. Currently, money is extremely crunched.We needed cleaning supplies really bad. So yesterday I had a HUGE stack of coupons and went to CVS. I grabbed everything I had coupons and rainchecks for and ALL the cleaning supplies we needed… when the register said almost $145 I about peed my pants! lol After the coupons, I spent $6.95 and got $13 back in Extra bucks…. then I had been overcharged for the huggies diapers, so I made $3 back and I just realized today that I was overcharged for the shampoo and conditioner… by about $1.06 each… so really, I would have only spent about $1!! I will be getting my difference back tomorrow, though. I was so excited and still am!

  18. Mindy

    Fabulous & very inspiring! :jealous:

  19. Linda

    I love it!! Very impressive!

  20. Jacqueline Sayers

    This picture is a real inspiration to me, my husband seen it he is off to go get some shelves.Thanks for the picture.

  21. Suzanne

    Jesus said,

    “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

    Matthew 6:19-21

    • BrandyK

      Based on your pulling scripture here, I guess this means you don’t have a refrigerator or pantry? You shop every day for what you need and don’t buy anything extra? Because that’s your implication here.

    • Amy

      Suzanne – my only response to you putting such a scripture here is to please think about Joseph and the Pharoah, because he ‘stockpiled’ for Egypt during the plentiful times he and his family survived the famine. Yes we are not to store up treasures for ourselves here on earth but we are to provide for our families and for others in need and I know I personally am able to do both of these with the help of couponing and stockpiling.
      Be blessed! Amy

    • wendy

      Your pulling scripture pains me. One can have a stockpile and still have their treasure in heaven.
      Not everyone that reads these blogs is a Christian. Sometimes things that are written on blogs really turn others off. I am friends with a wonderful blogger that is an unbeliever. I would appreciate your prayers for her and I’ll do my best to show her Christ in me.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Laundry soap is treasure?! NO, it is a necessity! Good for this wise woman who is doing what she can to provide for her family! Isn’t there a verse that says something like judge not that ye be not judged! My goodness! It’s not like she’s showing off a 3 carrot diamond. She’s showing her cleaning supplies!

    • maureen

      I started couponing in October, and thank goodness I did. I built up quite the stockpile. I agree that, yes perhaps there is a bit too much emphasis placed on what we have rather than who we are and what we do. However, I was laid off “indefinitely”, and, as a single mother I found solace in knowing that i wouldnt have to worry about buying soap, detergent, cereal etc.

    • shelle

      Jesus also reprimanded the brides for not taking extra oil while waiting for the bridegroom. Couponing was an answer to my prayers for a way to make my money stretch through a difficult time. Think of this stockpile as another form of a savings account, just not in cash or retirement savings. God directs us in the bible to prepare for the future for only the fool uses all he has and saves nothing for the future. This is my sister and she is very generous. Judge not lest ye be judged. Never has shopping been more fun or productive. It has also encouraged me to get rid of the junk in my house and better organize my life and my stockpile! Thank you Jesus for all you have given me and my family! While we are still dealing with a very difficult time, we are truly grateful!!!

    • Rachel

      That quote is referring to what is important to you, what you spend the majority of your time doing & thinking about. When it says ‘earthly treasures’ it means idols. I doubt these are idols for her. I doubt it is what her life revolves around.
      Be careful when you twist Bible verses to suit your own purpose. You may not have truly understood the verse & you may have been trying to be helpful, but you came across as holier-than-thou & misused quotes like that are what make others distrust/dislike us Christians.

  22. Amy L

    Lovely, do share your food shelves, surely you have a rack or two like that with your food stockpile too? If not, I feel bad, I am only 5 months into couponing, and i have one shelving unit just like yours but mine is all food.LOL Well bottom shelf has pop, top shelf has hubbies tools, so really only 3 shelves of food and mostly all CEREAL.LOL We LOVE cereal around here. We’ll be moving in July so I originally was trying to only stockpile what I could use by then, but now with the job uncertainty I’d hate to have no stockpile and be unemployed, so we’ll pack a few extras boxes instead……. Seriously cereal, spaghetti sauce and paper towels are my most bountiful. Wait, deodorants and razors have a decent amount in the bathroom closet too. Nothing too bad, but decent, I can’t find good enough deals on the shampoos we really like to get a stockpile of that yet, or girls shaving cream. Maybe I just have too many girls in the house, keeping up so I haven;t had to pay retail yet, but not been able to stockpile. Course I only do 2 newspapers too…. Usually seems to last me til the next sale at least.

    • BrandyK

      Skintimate is free after RR at Wags this week!

      • Amy L

        thanks, I did get my one (with the $2 Q from Cosmo too!, woohoo MM) but I didn’t have any RR, and now the one I have is from the razor which won’t roll with this and the hallmark and nothing I need to get the total up to $5, so I’ll wait for another deal another day. Plus I haven’t used that cream before so not sure if we’ll like it. Hmmm, but now that more time has passed surely there is something I need so I can go get one more free can of shaving cream.LOL

  23. BrandyK

    I think this is great! I have those exact same shelves, but they are no where near as organized! Things are thrown on there higgeldy piggeldy. lol. One of these days…. very nice!!
    And re: the naysayers: they’re just jealous that they have to pay full price when they need something!

    MY saying: Why pay full price later when I can get it free now?

    • Suze

      Why is it that if someone has a different opinion from you or others, they are jealous? That is very shallow thinking.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        get a grip.

      • Angel

        Because, contrary to what you may think, there are certain things that people do not have a right to have an opinion on and what someone buys with their own money is one of those things.

  24. lynn

    I need a coupon for you to come to my house and do this. Got stuff, no skills. Great job!

  25. Aliviah

    We’re having a yardsale tomorrow (weather permitting 😀 ) and I cannot wait to put up the plastic storage shelf unit that’s still unopened from my move. Get all of this bulky furniture out of the house! lol. It’ll be so great to be able to start a stockpile like the one that you had pictured!

    So far, I’ve signed up for all of the samples I could find and when they come in, I set them aside. My father was terminally ill for all of my life; we grew up more famine than feast. And times have gotten better as me and my siblings grew up and were able to do for ourselves. We always have paid it forward not just with our own family members, but with our friends and even just people we never really knew.

    The point is, if we had it, we gave it. Even if sometimes we had to do without ourselves. Building an excellent stockpile in my home would not only help out myself as a newly single mother but help so I can effectively pay for all of the treatment for my 4 year old son, who was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. And my schooling. And all of our bills. Etc., etc.

    And to share, share, share what I have with my family, friends, etc.

    BUT…that is my choice of what to do with my future stockpile and the samples I have now. It’s not right to sit in judgement of anyone else for what they choose to do with the stockpiles they have in their homes, that THEY shopped for, CLIPPED for, and PLANNED out to get them all over a long period of time.

    Having 5 cans of Febreeze, etc. doesn’t constitute a ‘treasure’, not biblically. It’s not right to post scripture at others as it’s a form of forum abuse. (And a form of Trolling. Which is highly frowned upon and goes against forum etiquette.) ALSO it’s sitting in judgement of others, which…hello? lol. Might want to think that through and do unto others as you’d have done unto you. 😉

    I’m excited to see anyone else’s pictures of their stockpiles, hear how they organize/store them, so we can all HELP each other out, instead of TEARING each other down.

    There’s enough negativity out there, let’s try to bring our own special light and keep positive. 😀

    • Suze

      Re-read your post, you’re judging as you’re telling others not to judge, just as I’m doing to you. Why do women have to be this way?

  26. Katie

    WOW! What well stocked shelves!!!! I hope that I can one day be just as organized!

  27. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I have been trying to organize my “stock piles.” On other blogs I’ve looked at pictures of basements full of shelves of items-this picture seems small in comparison. Last fall I started really stockpiling more aggressively. I had bags of “stuff” everywhere. I did not know what I had and did not have. Long story short, I started buying shelves on sale. I now have a 5 unit/shelf set for household items, personal items, and gift items. I have an inventory of things. My food items do fit in my kitchen pantry. The issue was space. I put one unit in my garage, one in my closet and one in my bedroom in the corner (covered). I decided I needed my stockpile “together” so I knew what I had. Although, I have a good size stock pile, I still have “space” on my shelves too, the shelves are not jammed packed.

    I have been trying to unclutter my house for the past 2 years and developing a stock pile seem counter intuitive to uncluttering. However, now that I contained it on shelves I feel like it fits more in with my theme of uncluttering. I also try to “enjoy” my stockpile and live off on it every so often like this month, I am not buying anything except milk, fruits, veggies, etc. I also am going to just “shop” from my stock pile for birthdays, etc.

    Lastly, I am trying to be more thoughtful about what I buy and don’t buy. I have bought things I probably don’t need and sometimes spent money just to get a “bargin.” I made a shopping list of needs/essentials for my family and a shopping list of wants. The lists helps me keep perspective on what my family really needs so I don’t over spend Also, this way I have learned to limit how much time I spend shopping and organizing coupons and surfing the websites. Building a stockpile has been fun and hard work but I learned also to not over do now. Organizing is the key whether a stock pile is big or small.

  28. Lisa

    Simply Beautiful!

  29. katrina

    This is awesome! I wish I could be more organized like this. I have my stuff all over the place. I vow to get my act together and be more like this person. It looks like a mini store. lol (:

  30. Kristi

    FYI. This is my sisters shelves. Awesome. Jaime, myself and our other sister are calling and texting each all the time about deals we hear of. Those that are jealous and judgemental should know that Jaime is the most generous person. If you or anyone she knew needed something she would gladly share. Great job sis. Love ya.

  31. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    AMAZING!! AND I AM JEALOUS!!!! i am not organized at all!!

  32. LiLi

    Wow wow….it’s like having a mini walmart/target right at home….hehe….must have feel so good when u look at yr stockpile and putting only a small price on each of them…..wooohooo

  33. Maryanne

    Wow, you bought a lot of stuff and put every item on some shelves without mixing them up! I am SO AMAZED because I’m dumb like most of the women commenting here.

    • carla

      You’re “dumb like most of the women commenting here” ??? How about you speak for yourself, please.

  34. Suzie Cambron

    I was so encouraged when I saw the picture! This reminded me of the year that my husband and his business partner decided to close an engineering business. They had a slow 6 months and decided to close the business. Many people can’t believe that we lived off of the income that we did. However, the key was that I bought stuff all the time if it was on sale or buy 1 get 1 free whether I needed it or not. Then when I needed it I just went to the pantry or the garage.
    God truly did a miracle that year in our lives and we will be forever thankful. God stretched our dollars because I used coupons on top of sale items. I still look back on that year and can only give God the credit. I did not have a shelve or pantry like this. All I can say is that God provided it as I needed it. I have been using coupons since 1993. I have had many people through the years tell me that they do not have time to clip coupons. I tell them they I clip them when my kids are at a football practice or dance practice. That usually gets them quiet and to start thinking. The key that year for us was to give 10% of our salary every Sunday to our local church. God stretched the other 90% farther than anyone else could have ever done. Just picture some old fashioned taffy that stretches for about the length of 2 rulers. Do you want the taffy you have or the taffy that God stretches? I choose to let God stretch my money. Also, about stock piling: Recently I bought 6 spaghettis, 4 spaghetti sauces and 5 cans of greenbeans. About a week later I was able to provide a spaghetti meal to someone who needed it because they were in pain. They thanked me so much for my generosity. I was able to give them the meal for free because I was wise in how I shopped. I think the picture that I saw on here was great! I can just picture you giving the kleenex boxes to a teacher or someone to help with their school supplies. Also, you will not have to go to the store to get cleaning supplies and pay full price like most people. When you need something you just go to your supply! Way to go! You are a hero! You are an example to the rest of us and have motivated and encouraged me! Thank you so much for posting this picture. I go to church at First Baptist Church of Pelham in Pelham, Alabama. We are hosting Jenny with Southern Savers on Thursday night September 16, 2010 from 6:00 P.M. until 8:30 P.M. I hope that all of you can make it!

  35. Anonymous

    I LOVE how organized everything is in this photo. However, I can’t help but wonder what the cost of the 2 shelving units that needed to be purchased (and probably put together) in order to put all the items on it in regard to how much money was saved on the items stored on these shelving units. Also, it requires a lot of extra storage space that many people may or may not have. I am trying very hard not to “hoard” so many items that I’m purchasing extra cabinets, etc., to put all the items in that I’m getting at a “bargain” price. Please don’t misunderstand, I think whatever works best for a family is what should be done but there are also other associated “costs” to consider such as the large shelving units and extra space to put all the items. Also, if you are acquiring items just because the price is right but aren’t going to use them, I love the idea of donating them to a women’s shelter or somewhere you know they will be put to good use.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I started stockpiling but I found it was essential to organize. I spent money on shelves but only after I saved on money from stock piling and watched for sales on shelving units (like in January and now). I also got shelves at a 2nd hand store for very little and family gave me some shelving units. Shelves cost me around $30 dollars over the course of a year. I placed them in a closet and now my stock pile is organized and “handy”. For me I needed to know what I had and did not have or things went to waste. Shelves makes it easy to visualize. Stockpiling takes time and space. I don’t have a big house but found space in closets. I also don’t like clutter and wanted my stockpile in one place not all over nor did I want my regular shelves in kitchen and bathroom stuffed with stockpile items–shelving helped contain the items in a concentrated area. Enough said!!!

  36. aubrey

    the comments on here are so interesting! We have 5 children and it is amazing the amounts of food we go through. We have a rotating food storage and try our hardest to keep a years supplyof food storage. It is important to be able to take care of your family and to be able to help others- you never know when something might happen and you have to use your storage- that is what it is for. If my husband lost his job,I would be grateful we had the foresight to store additional food and not have to run out and get on welfare right away. I am a firm believer in being self sufficient, whether it is stockpiling food or money to take care of your family in times of need.

  37. Lisa :)

    I am just imagining what your food stock pile looks like. My husband doesn’t understand stockpiling so I hid many things in my closet (he would never be able to find amnything in there – I am also a SUPER clothes shopper which I needed when I started working parttime again). I do not understand all the negative things written on this site. Oh well. I love all the ideas but would love to see more pictures of other’s stockpiles!

  38. Steven

    Hello Ladies! I am a retired Food & Health Inspector and wanted to give you a few suggestions based on my experience with storing both food and medical supplies under every environmental condition imaginable including pest management of same.

    Whenever you are storing these types of supplies it is critical that you take into account the environment in which they are being stored (time, temperature, humidity) primarily for food safety reasons, but also for determining the expected shelf-life of the items. Although my experience is with food and medical supplies it is important to keep in mind that even non-food items, such as toothpaste, deodorant, liquid soap, etc will be affected by the same factors while in storage. Keep in mind that storage does not enhance the quality of food, medicines or most non-food items and over time it will degrade and deteriorate.

    The engineers rule is for every 18 degrees in temperature the shelf-life is either doubled or reduced by half. For example storing food at 80 degrees F the food last for 12 months, but at 98 degrees it only last for 6 months, conversely if it is held at 62 degrees it would last 2 years. That doesn’t mean you should store your canned beans in the freezer so they’ll last for 20 years, you might not like the resulting mess when the can bulges and leaks.)

    Also, be sure and take precautions when storing food to protect them from pest (insects and rodents). You can use sticky traps if you don’t have an objection to that type of control both for insects and rodents or you can use Boric Acid powder (20 Mule Team Borax soap powder is the cheapest form and yoou can use it in your laundry) puffed into cracks and crevices (not over food, go lightly and protect household pets and of course children from exposure). There are other chemicals and methods, but too many to list here. Just always use common sense, read the label and be safe. If you’re not sure what your doing then don’t do it – hire a professional.

    That was only a few concerns that immediately jumped out at me when I saw the picture than wanted to share them. I could write a dissertation on the subject, but I hope that this quick note helps to ensure your heath, safety and helps to preserve your investment.

  39. A

    I think you should do a video on your stockpile.

  40. Cheyenne

    So, All this mumbo Jumbo of putting eachother down needs to stop. No one knows what kind of person owns this stockpile. They could be the most generous person who has donated half their stock pile. You never know. And I’ve been stockpiling for a while and my fiance just got laid off and My job cut my hours to 24 a week. We have a 1 year old and I’m pregnant. I know we’ll have enough stuff to last us until we at least find a good source of income. YOU NEVER KNOW SOMEONE’S STORY UNTIL YOU WALK A DAY IN THEIR SHOES! Please be like Christians are SUPPOSED to be and be understanding and not so judgemental. I’m not saying I’m the best person out there, but wow… all this over a picture of some ones much earned hard work and determination… Like you said Ms. Suze, “Why do women have to be this way?” Please don’t be so quick to judge so harshly… I admire all you do for us Collin! Thanks for the great pic who ever submitted it! It definatley gives me some great ideas! 🙂

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