Happy Friday: Stockpile Organization is Key!

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Happy Friday!

Do you have a fun Hip2Save picture or even a video to share? Let me know by emailing– collin @ hip2save . com (remove the spaces)! I’d love to share it with everyone in an upcoming Happy Friday post!

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Comments 233

  1. Megan

    I don’t think its too much at all! You guys need to stop hating on her. You don’t know how many family members she has or anything!

    I think it’s a great stockpile. I can’t wait til I move into my new house so I can get my stuff out of totes & onto shelves! I just hope it can stay organized, lol.

    • Anon

      My gosh, Megan, chill out, no one is hating on her. People are just giving their opinions and have done it in a very nice way. We all see things differently according to our needs and uses, there’s nothing wrong with that. Some people like or feel a need to stock up, while some feel that it can get out of hand. No problem, to each his own 🙂

  2. Liz

    Wow! Good job! That’s great.

  3. Jo

    Wow. I was kind of under the impression that it was up to the individual families to decide what was too much. Apparently, it is up to random blog viewers. Who knew?

    It looks awesome! Don’t worry everyone, she clearly has a well managed stockpile and I’m sure part of that is making sure that absolutely nothing goes to waste 😉 Anyone who is a regular reader here knows she’s familiar with the concept of gifts and donating 😀

    • Jennifer S

      Very well said! 🙂

    • Missy

      Agreed! No one should be telling someone else what is the right amount for them or that they should be donating items. These are personal choices. If she and her husband ever have to face being out of work for awhile, they are prepared. That stockpile might be what gets them through.

    • Anon

      Jo, you’re doing exactly what you’re accusing others of doing, again, to each his own. 🙂

  4. Gina S.

    Mine is probably 3x that big. I love it! I have a huge family and everyone comes “shopping” at my house. My garage was converted into a laundry room/office/stockpile area with A/C and all. Last year I donated over $5,000 worth of stuff. I still have $25,000+ of stuff. Neatly organized. I’ve calculated that me and my husband alone go through 16 tubes of toothpaste a year. Plus my parents live with us and I have 6 sisters/brothers who all have families. I do all the shopping and storing b/c I have a big house. So 100+ tubes of toothpaste a year is not a bad thing to have laying around. I love it. Coupons have helped my family so much! It’s a blessing to be able to coupon have a stockpile. Don’t be haters!

    • Jaime

      Wow people can be brutal on here….I have a family of 5… I buy 10 papers every week… I already had these shelves in my garage. My husband moved them to the basement and made us a “stock room”. We have another food stockpile. We donate bags full of stuff to family, friends, neighbors, and the food pantry…OFTEN! We have fun couponing and shopping and its a win/win for all. Seriously…who doesn’t love free stuff and who doesn’t enjoy giving to others?! Its awesome! We just started in December and its a total life style change…there is no turning back now! LOVE IT! 😉

  5. kristi

    I think it is fantastic! I don’t care if you are a family of 1 or 100. I love your organization skills and coupon madness!

  6. Danielle

    That is impressive, I can only hope to have something like this someday. It would be great to not have to run to the store because I am all out of something. For now I will just work on learning the in’s and out’s of coupons!

  7. me

    Ya know-I dont think you guys who are saying that “noone needs this big of a stockpile” are intentionally trying to be mean-but really—- its none of your business!!!!!
    In no way does this stockpiling concern you. Who are you to call someone a hoarder?
    She has a few bags of plastic cups. Usually people dont rewash those-they are single use cups. If you have three drinks a day and theres two people in your household-thats 6 cups a day. 42 cups a week. thats about the size of one package. For the most part this is a good years supply of household products. I think this stockpile rocks!!! Anyone who disagrees is just plain JEALOUS!!!!!

    • Anonymous

      Boy, you stockpilers are really getting sensitive. You seem to think that it’s okay for you to LOVE all this, etc, etc, but you don’t want anyone to say the opposite. I haven’t seen anyone act hateful on here, they’re just stating their opinion, nothing wrong with that, just don’t be so sensitive. Let each one state their opinion. And, those that are overwhelmed by soooo much or don’t think it’s necessary, believe me, they aren’t JEALOUS, they just have a different opinion. Don’t start something. One thing I will say, I hope those of you that stockpile food do go through it and either use it up or give it away…..trust me, I’ve eaten at homes where the women stockpile and some of the food they serve is STALE.

  8. Sarah B

    That is amazing! And who is to say waht too much is? I have a “stockpile” of some things, but I dont have alot of space, so I stock pile the things I use the most. We have lots of BBQ’s in the summe because we have a pool, so I have tons of foil paper towels, baggies, hand and dish soap, and plastic and paper dinnerware!

  9. Meredith

    at first my reaction was “umm.. seriously?.. no wonder the shelves are always empty when i have coupons”, but in the end its just jealousy.. lol. cause i truely wish i had that much stuff. But for my small family that would be years worth of laundry detergent alone, so it would be pointless. After a lil thought, i take back the first reaction and i say “Thats awesome!” Its something to strive for, and definately something to be proud of. 🙂

    • Shelly G.

      Wow Meredith you are such an awesome person for saying that!!! 🙂 i think we ALL get jealous at some point in our lives and what a “bigger person you are to admit it” I love this site but sometimes think all the negativity and bickering is a bit like highschool lol 🙂

  10. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Love it! I wish I had a bigger office space! I hope to someday have a great stockpile like that. I’m working on it!

  11. Heather W

    Thank you for sharing the picture! It looks great! I’m sure whoever’s stockpile it is isn’t worried about people’s rude comments. It’s not in your house or coming out of your money so I wouldn’t worry about what she does with it! I think it’s great! Awesome job! I really need to get mine more organized!

  12. Krista

    I absolutely love your organization! Well done.

  13. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Wow … I think that is awesome. I have something on a smaller scale. My husband jokes with me that he needs to buy a bigger house with a bigger pantry to store all my stock piling groceries. It is amazing the world of coupons! I save at least 75% everyweek. My expense on food for a family of five is usually no more than $50 per week and sometimes even less. I get more groceries with less money. I LOVE IT!!!! Thank you for all you do.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I thought I was good saving about 50% each week for a family of 5. That’s awesome!!

  14. Melinda P

    Oh I want those shelves! That is awesome! Now, if only there was an area in my house where the kids couldn’t get to the shelves and mess them up and scatter everything throughout the house! LOL, sigh.

    • Anonymous

      Teach them how to behave around your things.

      • Shelly G.

        Oh Melinda I know how you feel girl and Anon sometimes that is easier said then done, noone is perfect or a perfect parent and no two children are exactly alike. I have one daughter who was always so good and my son… he likes to touch everything and climb on everything, believe me I do correct him, but kids are kids 🙂

  15. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I love the organization and wish i had that much in my stockpile lol

  16. Kiki

    That is awesome! I have stuff shoved in spaces here and there and frankly it is hard to keep track of what I have and don’t have. That is amazingly organized, I am motivated to work on organizing mine this weekend (and I hate organizing, I think it is contrary to my nature!)! Any good ideas for organizing is appreciated!

  17. Aleshia

    I think it’s great to save,but it’s very sad that this stuff just sits there and isn’t being donated to a local church or homeless shelter. Many people are being laid off every day and needs items like this, and there it all sits. I admit I have a pretty big stock pile of my own, but I also have 3 or 4 very large boxes full of my stash getting ready to go to the homeless shelter.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      get over yourselve.

    • keri

      and how do you know this person doesnt have several really large baskets heading out to shelters? all you see is a WONDERFUL picture..and have no idea what else goes on in their house!

  18. marisa

    very impressive great job!!!

  19. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Wow! I wish I had that kind of storage and organization! Looks great!

  20. Emily

    Is that your pantry? I am so jealous! Do you have a basement you store that in? My problem is space. Wow! Keep up the organization!!

  21. Jennifer

    I love this stockpile. I am working on getting mine like this. Why are people upset by this? How do we know that this person hasn’t donated stuff? How do we know if this person doesn’t “need” these items. Even if they aren’t “needed” at that exact time, you never know when you will “need” them. My husband lost his job unexpectedly 2 weeks before Christmas last year. My stockpile came in very handy since he still hasn’t found work.

    • Sadie

      I totally agree with you. We just started couponing and stockpiling in the last couple of months, but I wish I’d started earlier. My better half was laid off and out of work for 13 months. If I had done all this earlier, we would have been much better off for that time period. You just never know what life is going to throw at you, so it’s best to be as prepared as possible.

      • Anonymous

        You are very right with those thoughts. I think what people are forgetting here is that we all come from different places, different size families, etc. Unfortunately, we all like to put in our two cents worth regardless as to whether it fits or not. We tend to “think” from where we are coming from rather than looking at the whole picture. To a single or two person family, I imagine that that stash is overwhelming, but we don’t know that person’s situation (the pic’s person). We just shouldn’t get so upset wtih each other for expressing our thoughts, as long as we do it in a nice way.

  22. Renee L.

    Wow!! Great organization – You need to come to my house and organize my stuff like that!And evidently great coupon shopping too!

  23. Catherine

    That is awesome! My stockpile is not quite as large. I am working on it however. I think in the beggining I had a lot of items stock piled. I actuall have a great stockpile of cereal, peanut butter and capri sun drinks so I should make it thru the end of the school year before I have to start restocking on the kids breakfast and lunch items. Now if I can just get more toilet paper!

  24. carrie

    Great organization! I say, if you’re able to do it, and you’re going to use it, go ahead!! Who is to judge another person?? Silly!

    GREAT Job!!!

  25. Lisa

    I don’t understand how Collin’s blog generates so much negativity in the comments section. Collin is amazing. Collin’s blog is amazing. Over the last year the comments section has become such a negative place at times. So sad.

    • Anonymous

      Because, once again, you have several thousand people coming here, people from all walks of life, all sizes of families,etc. People tend to think their way is the “right” way without stopping to think that we all come from different situations and often live very differently. No wonder the world’s nations can’t get along when several thousand women end up catfighting over a coupon, money saving blog, LOL…

      • Anonymous

        And, what goes on in the comment section has nothing to do with Collin. You notice she never gets involved. She does have a wonderful site here and does wonderful things for all of us. It is a shame we can’t respect her a little more by trying to think things out before we “hit” the submit button.

  26. Alaina

    Holy Moly that’s awesome! I wish I had the space for that kind of stockpile. That is wonderful to be able to go shopping in your own house. Providing for your family on a budget…I LOVE IT!! Great job!

  27. Jessica

    Ok…I am so impressed – I just had to show my hubby! 🙂 He was even impressed! Way to go! Now if I could just clear out one of the shelves in the garage to turn into my stockpile!

  28. Tiffany

    LOVE it! Wow…..

  29. tiffany

    WOW!! Great organization!! I don’t know why some are so upset with this; who are we to judge anyone. We have no idea about anyone elses family situation; what’s a big stock pile for one family may not be to another. Example: my family goes through a tube a toothpaste in two weeks, that’s 26 tubes a year and about a bottle of mouthwash per week. So, at first sight it looks like there is tons and tons of items (again, this is subjective) but upon closer inspection I realized I have just about the same amount of items in the picture (give or take a few) but my items are stored in various areas in the house. Since we moved I now have a lot more storage space along with two shelving units. Along with others, I do many more donations now than I ever was able to do and it’s a great feeling being able to supply for my family along with helping others and not breaking the bank doing it. This pic shows a fab example of not only a great stock pile but great organization as well, which is very important. I had fun organizing my items and come to think of it…need to get some TP soon!! lol

  30. Renee

    If the person with this stockpile isn’t a professional organizer, she should change jobs! It’s sooooo pretty!

    Of course, in my house that much cleaner would sit for years…I just can’t clean that much! LOL!

  31. colleen

    Awesome. It does not look like you are CLUTTERING your LIFE at all it appears you are very organized and it looks great. OMG I don’t believe that anyone who is serious about couponing would let anything go to waste.

  32. Branaca

    Wow !
    I would love to see more pics of other people’s storage ideas. My stock pile is a huge mess.

  33. kara johnson

    I am soooooo jealous!! I am going to have to show this pic to my husband and tell him that one day if I am lucky my little tiny stockpile drawer (yes a friggin drawer!!!!) will look like this. How long did it take you to get this much stuff?? Oh and who cares what people think, you don’t have to answer to anyone, especially people saying negative things while hiding behind a computer and fake email address!!! LOL

  34. keri

    A M A Z I N G ! !

  35. Mandy

    wow….and wow. I am so jealous right now! I wish I was that organized and had that type of space. This picture has given me something to look forward to. Now if I could just master this couponing thing, I could afford some basement storage, right?

    Thanks for sharing this pic, whomever you may be. I am inspired-our family is working toward a year supply of EVERYTHING in our house, and we want to be able to rotate it so that nothing gets wasted. Proper rotation is completely dependent on organization and I am grateful for the inspiration today.

  36. Marie

    Wow! I hope to get mine there some day! And while many of us may have stockpiles, many of us are also very giving. 🙂

  37. kara johnson


  38. Tallymomma

    Oh dear, my kiddos would so be down there getting into everything. Making buildings from Puffs boxes, their own bubble soap from laundry detergent, shaving cream pictures, and air fresh spray wars. *sigh* Great job keeping it so orderly! I didn’t read any of the other comments but I say keep up the good work 🙂

    • mamabear


    • Tara

      hopefully, you’re just being cute about the kiddos, but another mom said the same thing. just teach the little ones what they can and cannot do and they won’t tear your place up.

  39. Joy

    I don’t have any where near this amount of stockpile. But I think it is great that “anyone” can put a pantry together like this. What I’ve been doing is sharing the goodies with others. It felt great to take a goody bag to a single mother, of 3 little ones, who has just purchased her first home. I wouldn’t have been able to do that if I had not stockpiled with coupons.

  40. Sabine

    Nice stockpile if you are into that sort of thing. The size doesn’t shock me; I’ve seen much larger ones on youtube, etc.

    I am having a hard time getting into the stockpile factor. For one thing, it takes time, effort and gas to stock up. It also requires paying taxes. Not to mention the value of the space in the home. Or if while you are waiting to use these items, newer and more interesting products come out and you find you just don’t want to use all the stuff you stockpiled. Novelty is what makes us buy many of these over marketed products, anyway. I see very few items in the picture that people “need” and far more of items that marketers have convinced us to “need”.

    Some people would have you believe they use a stick of deodorant per week, per family member. Or that they make a weekly circuitous route to all the shelters in their area. I would say overwhelmingly that shelters need food. People are starving. When my church assembles baskets, the highest requests are always for staple food items and protein substitutes.

    I have fun couponing, but even in the short amount of time I have been doing it, I have had to reprimand myself from picking up items I really would not have considered getting for my family in the past.

    • michelle

      I agree with you, I have just recently gotten into this couponing, stockpiling thing. Just the other day I literally got hit in the head when opening my stockpile closet. Way too many body washes and deodorants. I suppose if you have the storage space and I have to admit it does look like a store photo. I hope she dosen’t use paper cups on a daily basis as we have to consider the enviroment. I just personally feel like sometimes I buy things I wouldn’t normally buy, and I like the idea of less “stuff” .

    • Suze

      Fantastic comments, ladies!! I think many of us fall into this trap. After six months of doing “this”, couponing and getting stuff for free, I recently “woke up” and pulled the reins in on myself as I found myself spending money and buying things that I really would not be buying. I think this coupon, freebie stuff can become very obsessive, getting deals, getting stuff for free. We feel we have to run right out to Wag’s, CVS, etc.as soon as a deal is listed. And, yes, we start picking up stuff just because it is cheap or free. And, read the comments, when Collin posts that an item is for sale at one of the online stores and says she bought it, all the sudden, dozens of women have to go buy the same thing for themselves or their little kids. You are spending money you hadn’t intended on spending, so are you really saving money?? And, when I read about some of these women that drive 25 miles or more to get a deal, what about the gas you are using, do you take that into consideration? I am not trying to be mean or hateful, I just think that people have become so excited by this kind of buying that they have stopped thinking about what they really need. I think that somewhere up the road (and I’ve read where other women have said the same thing), some of you are going to wake up one day and look at all this stuff you have and wonder what you’re going to do with all of it. Don’t get me wrong as I think for certain things, food, toiletries, paper goods, etc, with a large family, it is probably very helpful, but how many razors do you really need? Will you really use up all those gifts in the gift closet. It can be just as bad to have too much stuff. I guess as most of you will say because you’re caught up in the moment of it all, you will donate or have garage sales. It’s definitely a new concept over the past few years.

      • Mary S

        Very, very well said Suze.

  41. Niki

    Wow. Great organization. You can open a little shop there. 😀

  42. Ellen

    Great photo – I was just saying to my husband that what I really needed was some more shelving units – I can’t ‘see’ what I have…

  43. Caroline

    In my household, we would call this stockpile “petite”! LOL

  44. Jennifer

    Wow! that looks awesome!

  45. Amy Nielson

    All I can say is WOW!! I’m impressed with such organization and stockpile. Wish I had that to show off. 🙂

  46. Erin

    That’s an awesomely organized stock pile!! GREAT JOB! I showed my boyfriend and he said that we definitely needed to add some sort of organization like this when we move into a more permanent home (instead of renting).

  47. Katie

    All I can say is…’Holy Crap’…:)

  48. Jenny Q.

    That is so awesome for sure!!! My mom was just here the other day “shopping” under my bathroom sink and she was so excited. I’m glad I can help other family members out. And if I were only one person with no family I would buy the same ammount. No matter my 3 kids or somebody else’s 10 we all have the right to buy what we want, 10, 20, 30 air fresheners, whatever. I’m sure nobody goes into a store to purposely clear the shelves out of meaness, we all want the good deals or we wouldn’t be on this site. Keep up the great work and brag too. I know I love telling people how much I save and nobody should be put down for it. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Collin, thanks so much for your awesome site, it has changed my family’s life 🙂

    • Anonymous

      Kidding about the 10, 20, 30 air freshners? Not only are you going to make yourself and your kids sick with the chemicals you are putting in your household environment (a recent news report stated that the air in our homes was worse than the outdoors), but that truly is an unnecessary product, so saving money??? No one is putting you down, sometimes, people are just trying to show the bigger picture. When we get so excited about something, we sometimes lose perspective. It’s just another opinion, one should always look at both sides.

  49. Wendy

    Great job. With these info I know not only I can save money, but I can donate some of the stuff I saved..toiletries, canned soups, bottle water.. to homeless shelters. And I leave a care package for the needy asking for help by the road with the stuff I get practically for free in my car.. So far I have handed 15 care packages. Thank you….

  50. Mona

    Great job. Like playing the stock market only a lot safer. Who knows what’s coming down the pike from day to day. Maybe family a member could get sick and unable to work or shop. They don’t give out coupons for stock market purchases.

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