Happy Friday: Stockpile Organization is Key!

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Happy Friday!

Do you have a fun Hip2Save picture or even a video to share? Let me know by emailing– collin @ hip2save . com (remove the spaces)! I’d love to share it with everyone in an upcoming Happy Friday post!

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Comments 234

  1. Erica

    WOW!!!!! i want to have that!!!

  2. Krista

    Holy Cow! That puts my few little tubes of toothpaste and some razors to shame! LOL!

  3. Erika

    That is SO awesome!! I wonder how much everthing cost? =)

    • Krista

      I say he/she didn’t pay more than $50 for all of it! 🙂

    • Jennifer S

      Well most of those items I have in my cabinets, and on my shelfs and most were almost free, free or MM at one point in time.

  4. Jennifer S

    Wow I thought i had a nice stock pile going! My husband would die if he seen this. LOL! Good job!

  5. danielle

    wow…im jealous.

  6. Suzanne

    Wow, if only we had the space and my husband would go for it!

    • Jennifer S

      My husband complains about my stock pile but doesn’t seem to mind when it comes to his stuff. Go figure.

      • Carrie

        Sometimes they don’t seem to get that if we buy it for cheap we won’t have to buy it later when we are out of stuff for retail!!

        • Jennifer S

          Yes exactly I would rather have 10 of something that I got for free or close to it then have to pay full price for one.

      • Andrea

        Yes!!!! Thank you. I totally relate.

      • Angie

        My husband complains about me stocking up too, but I tell him: it’s better to get extra when it’s on sale and I have coupons and save it till we need it then pay full price when we run out!

  7. Tasha

    I am trying to get there!

  8. Northeasterner

    Nice organization! 🙂 Great job!!

  9. mamabear

    that is NICE! looks like a mini groc. store 😉

  10. Toni

    HAPP Friday huh Collin? lol 😉

    • mamabear

      she’s prob. on a “meijer” coupon high!! lol

      • Jennifer S

        I wish I had a Meijer store here in Kansas. 🙁

  11. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Looks like mine only smaller!!!!!!

  12. Jennifer

    I have been dying to do something like that, but we have our house on the market and cannot add anything new to our house. I have packed much of my cleaning and personal hygiene products in boxes and have them stored in a place where I can go through them if I need to. My pantry is set, but I am reluctant to do too much stockpiling because I know we’ll have to move it all when/if we sell our house.

    Somebody buy my house, please!

    • Chriscia

      I am right there with you! Most of my stuff is under the bed or in totes in the shed. I am unable to coupon much because we dont want to create a bigger stockpile. Everyonce in awhile I cave and hit the deals though 🙂

  13. Brandy

    Part of me thinks … that’s awesome … the other part of me wonders whether one needs all of that (even if it is free) … why clutter your life or start on the path to being on hoarders haha

    Seriously though, I suppose if you will use or donate to someone who will use it before it expires or is no longer considered effective then it really is awesome.

    • mamabear

      i see your point on some things like air fresheners, we dont really need 10 air fresheners, but if you look closely, those are all things that a household uses, detergents, cups, soap, shaving cream… i say go girl! i can only hope to be that organized!!!

    • Corrine

      My thoughts exactly!! My stockpile does NOT look like that because we keep what we need and donate the rest!!

    • Erin

      I’m with you, Brandy. It’s awesome to keep everything so neatly organized, but it does seem like a lot of “stuff” to clutter’s one’s life. If you watch What Not to Wear, they always say how much “lighter” and less weighed down people feel when they get rid of bad, ill fitting clothes. I’m starting to feel weighed down and depressed about my stockpile, even though it is neatly stored and doesn’t *appear* to be taking over my house. I don’t have as many multiple items, but overall, I probably have almost as much. Did I really need three more air freshener *starter* kits and four more deodorant, even if they were free or profit makers? And why am I even considering another Rite Aid run? I feel sick.

      • Christine

        Aw Erin, don’t feel bad! You have scored great deals and you should be proud. Get a big box and take a bunch of stuff to your church or shelter. You will feel so good about giving and it will clean out your stockpile. You can also have your friends/family over to go “shopping”. Give some away and I guarantee you will feel better!

        • Tiffany

          Nothing wrong with being prepared and stocking up for your family – big savings in the long run. Donate to charity is very personal – most of us have our own ways of helping and we dont have to feel bad for stocking up 😉

      • Sabine


        I can relate to what you are saying. Maybe it’s because people are built differently, but I find the idea of a stockpile that large nauseating for some reason. I don’t really believe the person with the stockpile is being greedy, but I do believe there is some distorted sense of not being able to distinguish between a “need” and a “want” as well as perhaps the building of some sort of security blanket, much like people who save lots and lots of money and are still afraid they don’t have enough.

      • Mary

        Erin – your post make me laugh out loud. The “I feel sick” comment was right on the money. I love a good deal, but like you I am find myself getting more of what I don’t need. I guess I could donate some air fresheners, lip balm and deoderant, etc to the less fortunate but what they really need is food and money. I remember food drives when I was young and I would bag up all pantry items that I did not like (canned beets, etc..) and my mom would make me start over and fill the bag with most of the things I loved like tomato soup and ravioli. She said it was not very charitable to dump the B-list items on the poor and keep the A-list for myself.

    • Erin

      Thanks, all. Couponing is part competition (how inexpensively can I get something) and part addiction for me. I figured it wasn’t a big deal if I wasn’t overspending, but I think it’s just time to step back a bit. I have donated quite a bit, as well as given to friends and neighbors. I think Mary pinpointed why I don’t feel better about it–I know these donations are B list. It’s stuff I don’t use or want, so how can I feel good about it? And sometimes I’m getting a tax write-off, so it’s not even true generosity. She’s right on–what’s really needed is food and money, not another cherry lip balm. Sabine is also right–oftentimes, people (and often couponers) can’t distinguish between wants and needs. I have no illusions about this: I know air fresheners are *not* needs, nor is shaving cream and any number of personal care products, which, when free, people frequently claim to “need” due to their large household, charity endeavors, etc. Before I started heavily couponing, I *never* purchased shave cream for myself, body wash, nor air fresheners. Clearly, they were not necessities if I could easily do without for my entire life up until now. The air fresheners are particularly vexing to me, because I really like using them in our bathroom (preschooler and husband!) but it’s incredibly wasteful “buying” new starter kits rather than refills. But it’s also wasteful spending money on refills when the starter kits are so easy to score for free. Oh, the couponer’s dilemma!

  14. love+shop

    For some reason, I love seeing stockpile pictures LOL. Lookin’ good! I wish I had a basement to store my stockpile… I’m thinking about moving some of the non-food items to the garage, but I don’t know how they’d do in the summer heat… probably not good…

  15. Charlene

    Thats the same type of shelves I have. I love the small baskets to organize the smaller items! They were a litte spendy, but they’re so durable & strong.

  16. Meg

    It’s like having CVS in your garage!! Yippee!!

  17. anon

    I agree Brandy. I am doing better at donating items once I get to a certain point. I do not want to be a hoarder lol!

  18. flipfloppingamma

    I’m just looking at the picture in awe…..that is wonderful!!

  19. Olivia Smith

    Wow– that is amazing!! 🙂

  20. Tiphanie

    Holy Cow. I can only dream of a stockpile like that! LOL

  21. Rachael

    I’m with Brandy… very cool, I’m sure very frugal, but maybe a bit more than anyone needs, unless you’re Michelle Duggar! 🙂

  22. Dee

    My God! You won’t have to buy anything for a LONG time!!

  23. Cheryl

    Where do you get shelves like that. I’m want to find some nice CHEAP shelves so that I can do the same. I had a small shelf but ran out of space in no time.

    • Erin

      People sell cheap shelves like that all the time for around 20 bucks each on craigslist in san francisco!

    • Heidi

      I actually just found some of those shelves listed for free on Craigslist in my area, so check your local craigslist! They can get expensive at Home Depot and such! Last year I actually saved some of my gift cards from Target to buy shelving so that way I wasn’t spending alot!

      • Erin

        ya, a lot of peeps on free cycle give them away all the time too in the San Francisco bay area. i guess it really depends where your from though, a smaller place might be harder to find them.

    • Erin

      Those shelves are from Home Depot, I believe. They are very inexpensive–we have about four in the garage. They look super sturdy and nice, but you get what you pay for–the shelves are particle board and the frames can be wobbly. Perfectly fine for something like this, but not really suitable for heavy duty use.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      sears normally sells them 1/2 off ($35) on black friday if you can wait that long 🙂

    • Mary S

      Those look like some heavy duty shelves we got at Sam’s Club. True, the shelf is made of particle board but as long as you don’t get them wet they will hold anything. We used our for holding dozens of antique, cast iron, sewing machines in wooden cases. Each one weighs a ton and this type of shelf held them easily

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I have those exact same shelves from Home Depot… they are very sturdy & hold lots of weight.

      • Cheryl

        Thanks everyone.

  24. AM

    Wow!!! Puts my storage area to shame. I could have sworn I had a lot of stuff stocked up……no don’t think so anymore 😛

  25. Heather

    Oh yeah, I would like to have that stockpile! I wouldn’t have to buy stuff for months at that rate!

  26. Heidi

    I saw this photo and literally stared at it for a few minutes. I am jelaous of the organization but it also motivated me to get my stuff sorted! I think this is an awesome stockpile and I can only imagine how nice it is to have it all organized! Thanks for the inspiration!

  27. Julia L

    I am so impressed! And scared! hahaha This is VERY cool! I am on my way to having a few dozen detergents and salad dressings myself! haha

  28. Olivia Smith

    I just showed my fiance and he was like WOAH– I told him that I want one just like that!! He was like whatever…hehe 😉

  29. char

    Well done!!! Thank you for sharing the inspirational photo….Collin, love these posts to see how your other readers are saving with your site. 🙂 Happy Weekend and have a good flight back.

  30. Missy

    i wonder how many newspaper inserts she gets a week…id love to know!!

  31. Chris S.

    How much cleaning stuff do you need. Wow I like to have a couple of items for back up but why do you need 10…..we get coupons on the same product and they go on sale again by the time I would need it. I actually have 5 deodorants right now for myself and that would last a long time. We get great deals on that stuff all the time so I am waiting til I use some up before I get any more. I have been donating a little bit of it.

    • Dawn

      Maybe she has a large family to care for. I have a large family mostly full of girls, so when I can get shampoo, conditioner, etc. I stock up. We go through a bottle of shampoo/conditioner weekly just with 6 girls with long thick locks.

  32. Cecilia

    I have been wanting to do that,..Just cant bring myself to pay 70$ for the shelves… :-/

  33. Christina

    Mine is even bigger, lol. I have shelves that are 9 feet long and 2 feet deep…we have a family of 6 and believe me, we use it! 🙂

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      LOL, I have a family of 8. Trying to stockpile is hard as we go through everything so quickly with six kids!

      • Andrea

        I agree. I have six kids too. I bought 12 boxes of fruit roll-ups (very cheap) a couple of weeks ago and there are maybe 2 left. Same with granola bars.

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          Shout out to another momma with 6 kids!

          • Shelly G.

            aww 6 kids you guys are truly blessed!! 🙂 I know off topic but just had to say it… I have always wanted a big family but we have stopped at 2 for now…it got kinda scary for us financially, but what a blessing to have big families 🙂

  34. Laura

    Holy Crap that is awesome! I can only hope to be that frugal and organized some day!

  35. stella

    Look at all those tissues I have the same amt but I took them all off my shelves and rolled around in them.. … well they were free

    • Christina


  36. shannon

    Thats awesome! Looks like a little store. 🙂

  37. Jenny

    I got a resin 4 shelf – good size for a family of 3 plus closet space around. I got at Menards for $19.99 and they had a $3.00 rebate.

  38. Sommer

    Love it! I am hoping to do something similar soon.

  39. Jenny

    I am using some of my stockpile of soaps, razors for a graduation gifts. Get a Laundry bag, soap, stain removers, bath soap, kleenex and more. I am having fun making the packages up with all my savings.

    • Susan

      Great idea!

    • Beth

      I LOVE this idea! I have lots of graduation parties this year! Thanks for the idea!

  40. Suzy

    Great job but I hope you are able to use all these things or give away some items as gifts to friends, family and charities so they do not go to waster.

    She has done a great job, just remember when you are stockpiling you do not need a life time supply of anything. There will always be more coupons!

    Happy Couponing everyone. 🙂

    • Christine

      “there will always be more coupons” great advice Suzy!!!!

  41. Betsy

    Wow! That is a beautiful sight! 🙂

  42. Amanda

    Wow, that’s an impressive picture, a lot of stuff and very organized Have to admit I’m a little jealous to see such an incredible stockpile, but then again I don’t have the room for it in my tiny house so I only buy a couple of things that I can get for free or really cheap and try to buy again before I run out when I find sales/coupons. I’ve found this works better for me, at least right now. Plus, it’s just me and the hubby right now, but I can definitely see if you have a big family how having this much stuff stockpiled could truly save you a ton of money in the long run! Congrats on your success stockpiling using coupons/sales! 🙂

  43. Deanne


  44. Sarah B

    This looks nicer than the walgreens I was at last night! LOL 🙂 Wow!

  45. Suzy

    Great job but I hope you are able to use all these things or give away some items as gifts to friends, family and charities so they do not go to waste.

    She has done a great job, just remember when you are stockpiling you do not need a life time supply of anything. There will always be more coupons!

    Happy Couponing everyone. 🙂

  46. Christina

    If you can find a store going out business – they will somtimes sell you their shelves very cheap. I have some on hold at a local store and plan to put in my garage. I am so excited and this picture has inspired me!

  47. Scott

    well if you’re going to buy them at Lowes or Home Depot – make sure to stop by the US Post Office on the way and pick up a “Moving Pack” in there is a 10% off entire purchase at Lowes (HD matches it :)))

    • Ashley

      you need a male profile! lol 😉

    • Dawn

      Awesome!! Thanks for that tip. Will be stopping by the post office later this week.

  48. casandra

    Wow, that’s amazing! I wish that I could stock up like that too. just dont have the room to store it all 🙁

  49. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I think is nice to have a few backups but that is too much

  50. Amy

    WOW! Now I know what to strive for!

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