Victoria’s Secret: Find Out How Much Your Secret Reward Cards Are Worth NOW…
Calling all Victoria’s Secret Shoppers! Now is the time… 🙂 If you’ve received Secret Reward Cards from all of the recent Victoria’s Secret promotions and sales I’ve posted about, starting right now you can find out whether they’re worth $10, $50, $100, or even $500!
To find out what your card is worth, you can either take it to a store or head on over HERE, scroll down and enter your card number and PIN to check the balance! Easy peasy!
Here are a few current promo codes:
SPRING2016 – $15 off a $100+ purchase, $25 off a $15-+ purchase OR $50 off a $250+ purchase
DIVEIN – Free shipping with a swim purchase
JUST4ANGELS – Free shipping on all bra orders with Angel Card
SWIMSET50 – VS & PINK Bikinis for $50
I hope many of you Hip2Savers win the BIG $100 and $500 cards. Let us know… and Good Luck!
I wish they would go back to the email free entry way, that worked so much better. From my purchases I ended up with 2 $50 Secret Rewards and the rest $10. I did not even get as many this time as last time and my higher Secret Reward odds were better this time. Just the luck of the draw.
Mailed request in everyday since the end of February. Just got my first one back. Very excited! Maybe more will come. I am in TN.
Just received my first card today $10 sent in 27 starting second day of General mail in … 26 to
Big envelope outside, big envelope inside, general mail in written on the outside, index card w info in the inside
I sent in 4 entries total and just checked the card balances today. The first 3 were for $10 but the last one was for $100!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Hip2Save!!!! I couldn’t believe it!
Received 4 in the mail today. 1 dated 4/5 and 3 dated 4/6 mailing dates. I have received 11 total all $10.
I got 5 total the last had 4/5 and 4/6 mailing dates. Received 2 today…one was $500 BUCKS!! all the rest were $10..sent out far received only 5/27
I haven’t recieced any rewards yet????