Have A Degree? Earn Money Teaching English at Home with VIPKID.com
Interested in a fun work-from-home opportunity?
Hop on over to VIPKID.com where they are looking for teachers that are high-energy, great with children, and motivated to work with a promising company that is growing at a fast pace in China!
Qualified teachers will be able to work 7.5+ hours per week teaching English to young students online and will make between $14-$22/hour. Note that a bachelor’s degree in any field AND 1 school year of traditional teaching experience or the equivalent in mentoring, tutoring, or alternative education is required.
VIPKID provides an international learning experience to children in China between the ages 4-12. Headquartered in Beijing, the company offers fully immersive one-on-one English language instruction provided online by highly qualified teachers. The curriculum is based on the U.S. Common Core State Standards and uses a flipped-classroom approach to foster creativity and critical thinking skills.
Here’s what Hip2Save readers have to say about VIPKID.com…
Today is actually my 1 year anniversary working with VIPKID! It truly is an incredible company to work for – flexible, fun, professional, perfect work from home job! I started it on a whim and quickly fell in love with it!
I’ve been teaching with VIPKID for about 6 months. I’m starting my second contract in October. I love every minute of this job. The kids are so cute and have so much respect for their teachers. They have so much dedication to learning English. Plus there are other perks to being a part of VIPKID. Incentives, rewards for being a part of the Hutong community and so much more. It is flexible and you can make up to at least easily $1000 a month. I get about $20 an hour.
I am a teacher with VIPKID and LOVE it!!! I am a stay at home mom and teach either before my kids wake up or after they go to sleep! It’s wonderful. I love that I set my own hours! The Chinese children are adorable and it is so rewarding to get to be a part of their educational lives!
Thanks for the post! Definitely interested in finding out more. Has the potential to be exactly what I’m looking for.
Hi Sandy! I would be happy to answer any questions you may have about VIPKID! I teach for them and absolutely love the financial freedom it has allowed our family ๐
Thanks, Lauren! Do you have an e-mail address that I could use to contact you?
Yes! Laurenmac10@gmail.com would be the best ๐ Check out this link and let me know how I can help you! https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=6783306&partnerId=6891010
I signed up with your referral code, Lauren(I think). I might ask a few questions at some point. Mainly interested in the interview process and what hardware/software is required.
Thank you!!
Do you think I have the chance though my only experience is homeschooling? I do have a degree.
Hazel! Yes!! I do ๐ I’d love to help you out. Whats your email? https://www.vipkidteachers.com/?refereeId=3210615&partnerId=6891010
Awesome! You’re very welcome!
Keep in mind, there is a ~12hr time difference so be prepared to work VERY early morning or overnight times.
Depending on the time zone! I’m central time and when I work mornings it’s 6-8am and nights I do 8-10pm. I work part time and think the hours are awesome! The good thing is you get to choose your own schedule!
That’s what I was noticing, the time differences, something to consider..
Hi Nina! I teach early in the mornings before my kiddos wake up. It doesn’t take away any time from my family or other commitments. It has been such a blessing to us!
I jumped on this the last time you posted it and literally got my final email about 2 min ago! I am a little nervous about the time difference, but as a stay at home mom who home schools I am super excited about the opportunity to earn a little extra on the side! You can’t really beat 22 dollars an hour and making your own schedule! ๐ If anyone is interested in following through with applying, I would be so blessed by you using my referral link!
I would be happy to help you with any questions about the interview process and help you in any way that I can! Thank you for posting about this Colin!
Hi randy is there your email where I can reach you to ask queries? Thanks hun
Sure! My email is r.hilligas@yahoo.com
Congratulations Randi! You are SO welcome! ๐
Hi Randi! I signed up under you! Do you mind if I email you with questions that may pop up? Thanks!
Ohmygosh thanks so much!! Please anyone in the thread feel free to email me!!
How does taxes work for this?
You are an independent contractor and responsible for your own taxes!
About how much would you have to set aside for taxes? I’ve never done any contract work so this is all new to me. I usually file my taxes through TurboTax. Would this contract work require that I hire someone to file my taxes since it is more complicated?
This year will be my first year to have it on my taxes, but we are setting aside 30% of my income to be conservative and still plan on using Turbo Tax as well ๐ Just shoot me an email and I can answer more personal questions for you laurenmac10@gmail.com
I would be happy to answer any questions anyone has about this as I work for VIPKID now and absolutely LOVE it! https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=6783306&partnerId=6891010
How does it work? Are you guven a curriculum? Do you work through skype? I’m very interested.
Mimi! I’d love to help you out. Yes the curriculum and lesson plans are already laid out-its so nice! Minimal prep work- I just gather props review the lesson so I know what I am teaching, and TA DA! Good to go! Its such a wonderful opportunity you’ll love it! you teach via their portal which you both are using webcams. Feel free to us my link, I can answer your questions and help you through the hiring process. https://www.vipkidteachers.com/?refereeId=3210615&partnerId=6891010
Hey Ann, I went through your link to find out more ๐ Thanks!
Stephanie! Its a wonderful opportunity! You will love it! The kids are adorable, it a blessing to work from home & love what you do! Whats your email? I’ll send you some ideas & help for the application process if you’d like ๐
I am very interested and would love the hear your ideas and advice for the application process!
DT, I’d love to help you out. https://www.vipkidteachers.com/?refereeId=3210615&partnerId=6891010 Check out the link here, and I can email you and answer any questions you have as well as help you through the hiring process! Its a great opportunity! I love being part of it.
Hi Mimi! This job has been such a blessing to our family. They have their own platform like it was mentioned above, and you teach there. No prepping, no grading, and the sweetest little kiddos you can ever dream of! I’d love to answer any questions you may have! My email address is laurenmac10@gmail.com ๐
This Is a great opportunity! Anything out there for Associate Degree?
Hi everyone! I work for vipkid and I absolutely love it ! I teach about 90 minutes each morning during the school week 6:00-7:30 am. On Friday and Saturday nights I usually teach from 9-12:00 am. The pay is great for teaching from home. They give you everything you need. They encourage props but you don’t need much! I’d be happy to help anyone through the interview process and beyond. I have worked for them since the end of June. Please let me know if anyone needs help! Also if you sign up through this link… we both get rewarded if you are hired!
I just started working with VIPKID a few weeks ago and so far am loving it! I love the flexibility of opening my schedule when I’m available-no minimum hours required. I’m on the east coast so it’s early mornings or late nights for me. Your lessons are planned for you. I look over the powerpoint a couple times before the lesson to make sure I know what to do. The interview process/mock classes can be super stressful (much more so than actually teaching). You have to have a bachelor’s in any field and experience working with kids-coaching, volunteering, sunday school, teaching etc. Here’s my referral link- https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=7193817&partnerId=6843213 . I’m happy to answer any questions you may have!
I’d be happy to help out anyone wanting to apply!! Just reply here and I’ll
I also work for VIPKID and love it!! It’s true that the hours are early (AZ time for me, so I work 4:00-6:30). But, that just means I get my full day with my kiddos! I encourage you to check it out if you’re at all interested! Feel free to email if you have any questions about the company, my experience, whether you think you’d be a good fit, etc. I’m happy to help. It has blessed my family so much! I used to be a daycare provider, and now I have the freedom to spend my days out and about exploring with my own kids. Not to mention, the kiddos in China are downright adorable! dscoville09@gmail.com
Yes, I also work for VIPKID. There is a referral bonus, so teachers get an extra $50 for finding new teachers. That’s why we are all so eager to help ๐ But I too have worked for VIPKid since Oct 2016. I was hesitant at first since I have 4 kids and not sure I wanted the hassle, but I wanted to earn extra money so I went for it. I have now been there a year and absoluttely love that I set the hours I want to work. I add the time slots I am available and the students book me. If I want a few days off, I don’t need to get approval, I just don’t open any time slots. I went from working an hour a day and now I’m addicted and try to work 3-4 hours a day. This month I will make about $1500, but some months I work less and earn only $700. If anyone has questions, or wants to try my link here it is
How is the tax for contract work like this? What do you have to do to comply with US tax regulations?
Hi Ann! You fill out a 1099 and work as an independent contractor. You are even able to write things off on your taxes (internet, props, etc) that you may need for the job. I’d love to answer any additional questions you may have:-) Feel free to email me at laurenmac10@gmail.com OR follow my link here: https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=6783306&partnerId=6891010
I’ve only recently started working for them, but I plan to set aside 25-30% of my pay to make sure when tax time rolls around, I’m covered. Nothing is withheld from your check. If you’re hired, you will have to complete a W9 form and submit it to VIPKID.
Is it complicated to file taxes for contract work? I’ve only filed through TurboTax. Do you think I would need to hire someone to file my taxes if I have in addition to my current income the contract work with VIPKID?
We’ve used Turbo tax for the last few years as well and I plan to do the same this upcoming tax year. Turbo tax is so detailed that I’m hoping it’s pretty easy to do. This is what their website says, so it seems like it should be simple, but I haven’t done it yet, so I can’t say for sure. https://turbotax.intuit.com/tax-tools/tax-tips/Self-Employment-Taxes/Filing-IRS-Form-W-9/INF19741.html
I spoke with my tax guy yesterday. He said that you have to account for about 20-30 percent for taxes. However, save all receipts for makeup, clothes for vipkid (they require an orange shirt), hair cuts, teeth whitening, utilities for internet, heat, ac, square footage of your office in your home, .50 a mile for driving to get things related to vipkid, etc. you can deduct so much! Let me know if you have any other questions! Thanks! https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=5810677
The orange shirt is not a requirement-it’s recommended but plenty of people teach in a bright solid color shirt.
We file with Turbo Tax and will do the same next year. My husband had 1099 income in past years and it was pretty easy to input.
How is the pay determined? I live in Columbus GA
Hi Langley! The pay is determined by the company. Everyone makes a base pay per 25-minute class plus additional bonuses which all add up to $20-$22 an hour! I’d love to answer any additional questions you may have ๐ laurenmac10@gmail.com or you can follow my link here: https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=6783306&partnerId=6891010
During my interview process they asked me how much I bought I deserved. I obviously said $22 an hour. Most people get between 8-9 an hour. If you teach a short notice class, which you select you will teach within 24 hours notice, you get an extra 2 dollars. There are tons do incentives. When you finish a class you get a $1. When you teach 45 classes a month you get another $1 per class, so an extra $45 dollars. Please let me know if you have any questions! I am happy to help. You will love it! https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=5810677
I’m in GA too! Pay is determined on how your initial demo/interview goes. I received a 76/100 score on my interview and my base pay is $8 per class (25 minutes). If I show up on time, I get a $1 bonus per class making it $9 per class. If I teach 30-44 classes per month, I get .50 bonus for each class (thus becoming 9.50) or 45+ classes per month, I get a $1 bonus (thus making $10 per class). So, if I teach 2 classes which is considered “an hour” then I would get anywhere from $16-20 per hour.
Langley they base it on how well you do in your demo/interview. ๐ So the better you do the better the pay! So its important to be prepared and bring your A game! I’d love to help you out if you have questions! https://www.vipkidteachers.com/?refereeId=3210615&partnerId=6891010
I’m in GA too! Base pay is determined on how well your initial demo/interview goes. The process can be a little confusing. I scored 76/100 on my initial interview and my base pay per class (25 minutes) is $8. If I show up on time, I get a $1 bonus per class (making my pay $9/class). If I teach 45+ classes per month, I get $1 bonus (making my pay $10/class). If I teach between 30-44 classes/month, then the bonus is .50 (9.50/class). Fewer than 30 classes, there is no bonus. So, if I teach 2 classes (“an hour”) then my pay can be anywhere from $16-20 per hour.
If you apply, I’d be glad to give you more information on what they are looking for in the interviews. https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=7193817&partnerId=6843213
I am also going to be honest. It takes a while for some people to get kids to teach and to fill their schedule. With so many teachers being hired daily it seems like there is a waiting time of roughly 30-45 to start getting classes and regulars. I got kids around day 15! I also have some good pointers I have learned along the way that I would be glad to share!
Also, the interview process can be a bit intimidating an intense. Vipkid is a great company but also wants to ensure they are finding high quality teachers! Anyone can teach with a degree. I would be happy to share props, background pictures, songs, and files that I have created to make this whole process easier! My email is caseycupec@rocketmail.com for those that sign up under me. Please feel free to email me with any questions and I’d be more than happy to help! I have 2 babies at home so this is perfect for me! Good luck! https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=5810677
Sent you an email
How does time off/vacations work?
If you want time off, you just don’t schedule classes =) I’ll be on vacation with my family during their fall break, and didn’t have to ask anyone to take off.
Thanks Anne and Casey for the honest details on how the pay rate works and feedback about the interview process. That helps.
I absolutely love working for VIPKID! I have been working for them for about a month. I would love to help anyone who is interested in joining the VIPKID team! I have made a couple files that I could email you, to help with the demo lesson and mock 1 interview. Let me know if you have any questions!
I am totally interested. What do I need to do?
Elaine, feel free to use this link, https://www.vipkidteachers.com/?refereeId=3210615&partnerId=6891010 There you will sign up and be able to fill out an application Form. It will ask for your experience, think about as many opportunities you have had as you can. It can be church teaching, volunteer work, homeschooling, substituting, experience with kids, coaching, tutoring etc. Then if they accept your application, you can sign up for a interview time. I have lots of resources to help you through the interview process, if you’d like them, we can connect by email and I’ll help you in any way I can, its blessed me and I’d love to pay it forward!
Hey everyone, please keep in mind that this is China. Their data collection laws are waaay different than the USA, they place cookies into your computer to track the things you do/access via your computer (not just through the VIP Kids website, but also personal files i.e. family photos and saved documents), and when you sign-up you are agreeing to all of this. Just a heads-up!
Does anyone have a copy of what it says about security, privacy, access, etc?
I started teaching with VIP kids a couple months ago and so far it is the best part time job I’ve ever had. I’m also a teacher and so it is perfect to make a little extra money. It does take a bit of time to fill your schedule, so you do have to be patient! Please feel free to email me with questions! orngecat88@aol.com
I’d also love it if you’d sign up under my link ๐ https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=6089194&refersourceid=a01