No More Veggie Intimidation & Turnip Recipe

Simple Roasted Turnips

yield: 4 SERVINGS

prep time: 5 MINUTES

cook time: 15 MINUTES

total time: 20 MINUTES


  • 3 to 4 large turnips or 5 to 6 small turnips (Peel the skin)
  • 3 tablespoons of Coconut Oil, melted butter, or melted Ghee
  • Salt & Pepper



Preheat oven to 425 degrees.


While oven is preheating, cut turnips into cubes.


Spread cooking fat you choose into baking dish evenly, place turnips on the baking dish. Make sure to coat the turnips evenly and then season generously with salt and pepper.


Roast in oven for about 10 minutes and then flip. Roast another 10 to 15 minutes until they start to brown and soften.

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Love Love Love I'd Have Seconds! Meh... Not Feeling It Needs A Do-Over
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grocery shopping

I’ve been having way too much fun eating Paleo Friendly foods. I know that probably sounds odd… but when veggies make up a huge part of your diet, you have to get creative and that’s where the fun starts.

Over the past few weeks, I have tried lots of veggies that I never use to purchase or even glance at in the grocery store. To be quite honest, some veggies intimidated me… they looked odd, had funny shapes, I didn’t even know how to pronounce some… so I would quickly rush through the produce section with my lettuce, tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, apples and grapes. Yep – those were the staple veggies and fruits in our household for a while… BUT that’s not the case anymore! 🙂

Hip Tip: You could try out an ingredient that you never purchase (hopefully on sale!) and use it in a dish this week. If you haven’t tried quinoa, check out the Zesty Cilantro Lime Quinoa Salad recipe.

Oh… but one thing I have learned, when you start incorporating even more veggies in your diet, your body may have to adjust to the additional fiber intake – which can cause gas and bloating. So much fun, right?! 😉 Veggies that are less likely to cause gas are really any green leafy veggies and squash. Now the vegetables that you should slowly incorporate in your diet are Cauliflower, cabbage, and asparagus to name a few.

Alright, so now onto the recipe…check out how you can take turnips, a vegetable that I never use to purchase and thought I disliked, into a simple and scrumptious dish that will compliment any meal!




Simple Roasted Turnips

yield: 4 SERVINGS

prep time: 5 MINUTES

cook time: 15 MINUTES

total time: 20 MINUTES

Looking for a potato substitute? Try these filling turnips with a grilled chicken and salad!


  • 3 to 4 large turnips or 5 to 6 small turnips (Peel the skin)
  • 3 tablespoons of Coconut Oil, melted butter, or melted Ghee
  • Salt & Pepper



Preheat oven to 425 degrees.


While oven is preheating, cut turnips into cubes.


Spread cooking fat you choose into baking dish evenly, place turnips on the baking dish. Make sure to coat the turnips evenly and then season generously with salt and pepper.


Roast in oven for about 10 minutes and then flip. Roast another 10 to 15 minutes until they start to brown and soften.

Brought to you by Hip2Save.

These are a wonderful substitute for potatoes. We had them last night with grilled chicken and salad. Enjoy!

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Comments 125

  1. Rin

    Collin, I`m excited for you and look forward to more recipes from you! I`m not on a diet but love healthy food, veggies and fruits.

  2. Joy

    Collin how do you feel now that you have been eating the Paleo way? I was wondering because I have fibromyalgia..not sure if you have heard of it..or if anyone else on here has it..but I have so much fatigue. I have tried several things, exercise, magnesium, no dairy and no white refined sugars and flours in my diet.. but still am tired all the time.. just wondering have you read anything about how it helps with fatigue in general…thnx.. JOY

    btw..I LOVE turnips and butternut squash.. problem I have is my husband is a meat and potato guy..and I can’t cook for him and for me seperately.. just don’t have the energy or time….I slip in some healthy stuff at times and he doesn’t know.. shhhhhhh!!!!!

      • Jennifer

        Thank you for the post I also have fibromyalgia and already eat lots of veggies but stick to the same ones excited to try new ones

        • Mj

          I strongly recommend switching to raw food and researching on that”…u need live enzymes in your body …juicing and green smoothies …check Victoria boutenko out”….and your fibro ll b thing of the past .
          That recipe looks great”veggies r the key to great health

      • Deedee

        That was so nice of you to look that article up for her!!

      • Joy

        Thanks for the article Collin…I will continue to read up on this.. read some of it..interesting.. Glad you have found something to help you get healthy. JOY

    • Jenna


      I’ve known several people who have had relief from fibromyalgia from visiting a Nucca Chiropractor. Google “Nucca” and see if there is one in your area. I’m sure Paleo will also help immensely!

      • Sarah

        I went to a nucca doctor for 5 years! They are amazing! If you are in pain that’s the way to go. The nucca dr doesn’t crack and snap you! They use pressure. It’s worth reading about it!!!

      • Joy

        Hi Sarah and Jenna.. I searched in my area and found a NUCCA chiropractor.. Sarah and Jenna would you email me joyuswit at gmail dot com. Thanks.. have a few questions to ask..I have tried acupuncture and that didn’t work for my pain. May work for some but not in my case. Worked wonders for sleep though. I actually have an appointment to see a chiropractor end of month…but they are not NUCCA trained. thnx

    • Nicole

      I just found out I have fibromyalgia, so Im still trying to figure it out and I know it causes alot of fatigue. Could something else be causing it to be worse? Have you had blood test done lately. I also have hypothyroidism and vitamin D diffecincy. They both cause alot of fatigue when not under control. Around the time I found out I had fibromyalgia they doubled my dose of vitamin D because it was so low again. I dont know if its a connection or not, but might be worth looking into if you haven’t before. They say it is very common in people to be low in vitamin d.
      Good Luck, hope you find something that helps soon!!

      • Nicole

        Someone also told me they do water arobics for there fibro and haven’t had any problems since. I’m sure everyone is different with what works, but might be worth a shot.

      • Joy

        Hi Sarah..vitamin levels are normal so they have told me..normal blood tests all around.. but I still take supplements anyway due to being over 40..need that extra vit. D and Calcium for sure.. I have had FMS/MPS for 21 years now.. so yes..water exercise is great.. but never took away the pain completely..I did it for several years..and it helped me tolerated exercises in the water that I could never have done on running, jumping jacks, crunchs (with use of noodles..but I have a special belt to help me keep afloat)..I miss it but the Y became expensive after husband lost job few years back and changed professions… so now I do my little Wii fit with the yoga/stretching and Wii active.. and walking. Do miss the water me if you like Nicole..never can have too much support system.. I have appt. at chiropractor end of month…I called today to inquire about the NUCCA Jenna and Sarah spoke of above..they do specialize in that..only one in my that is great to know I am w/in 20 miles of one. My email is above..

    • sarahphne

      I was diagnosed with Fibro but after July 2011 I stopped eating meat and no longer find myself in pain as often.

  3. Catie

    That sounds delicious, and so simple. Bet you could mash them too. I love roasting brussel sprouts in the oven with a little olive oil, garlic, and red onion too!

    • Bre

      I Love roasting brussel sprouts. I use shallots though insteads because they have so much flavor. Another roasted veggie I love is asparagus with shallots tossed with balasmic reduction and pine nuts. Yummy!! I can not wait to try this turnips dish

      • Catie

        That sounds delicious too! I’ll have to try that variation

  4. Brandy

    We’re actually doing the 17 day diet and veggies are a HUGE part of our meals since we can’t really have very many carbs. Especially potatoes. I’m super excited for more recipes. We’ve actually tried eggplant a few times and it’s actually pretty good. I’m really excited to try this turnip recipe. I’ll have to check and see if it’s on our approved list but it looks like it is delicious.

    • Suzanne

      I am on the same diet as well. What does eggplant taste like? I want to try it but I get overwhelmed by new veggies. I love veggies, I have just never eaten these before.

      • Siobhan @MoneyDearest

        Eggplant has a really mild taste. If you roast it with salt and peper and olive oil it will be slightly crispy tasting as well!

    • Saving Your Sense and Cents!

      How do you prepare your eggplant?

      • Siobhan @MoneyDearest

        I slice my eggplant thing maybe 1/4 inch and then brush on olive oil and salt and pepper then roast for 20-25mins until it is no longer white, at about 425!

  5. RD

    You can make ghee at home from unsalted butter. Its very simple, budget friendly and has a long shelf life. I usually stock up when butter goes on sale 🙂

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Oh sounds very interesting… I will be googling that soon! 🙂 I bet it’s a lot more economical too!

      • jiya

        Collin & Everyone Enjoy!!

        1.Heat a deep, heavy-bottomed vessel or steel pot on a medium flame and put the butter.
        2.When the butter melts,it form a white froth on top.Spoon it off & discard.
        3.Simmer the heat, stir occasionally and the froth begins to thin slowly.
        4.The residue solids, settle at the bottom & the color of butter changes to a pale yellow.(in the end u have to watch carefully…color changes really quickly)
        5.Filter the ghee through seive in a clean glass bottle.
        6.Let it cool & store.
        If u have any questions I will happy to answer .

    • ellen

      I was going to say the same thing..also called clarified butter..soooooo easy and so much cheaper than buying it at the store..I make it for my son who has severe reactions to dairy, since the milk solids are removed from the clarified butter, he can eat that. Makes it MUCH easier when trying to cook for the whole family. As for new veggies, try kale. Really green and leafy, my (dutch) mom has a recipe that she makes with kale and mashed potatoes..really good!

      • Melissa

        also try kale chips – they’ll surprise you

        • Joy

          Melissa..I tried the kale chips today.. I have to easy to make and they turned out great as far as chips and all.. very crisp and sea salt and all was wonderful..Even sprinkled a few with parmesean. But they are just not for me. I love veggies. Even got my husband to try a chip..and he said “they stink”..haha..then he said left an after taste in his mouth..which they do still have their strong flavor. I will stick to just using it for a little olive oil and garlic and saute it in a pan ..I know we all have different pallates.. and that is fine..but I won’t cook kale chips again.. thnx for the suggestion… am going to try the roasted turnip roots this weekend..:-) I love turnips and rutabegas.. JOY

    • Jessie

      I do the same! Sooo good & easy to make!

  6. elizabeth

    I seriously love that you included what to ease into because of tummy troubles- freaking cracks me up! On that note, I tried a new veg tonight! Roasted, stuffed eggplant!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Oh yum! Recipe please?! 🙂

  7. Suzanne

    Do they taste like hash-browns? I am up for anything that takes the place of potatoes, they make my joints swell.

    • Fairy Dust

      One good potato substitution is to get a veg called celeriac. It looks like a big lumpy thing, not very attractive, but if you peel one, cube it, boil the cubes for just a few minutes in some salted water, then pan fry — hash browns! Really 🙂 I don’t necessarily eat Paleo, but I’ve been eating very low carb for years now, and celeriac hash browns are da bomb.

  8. Christine Hoag

    It is great to roast almost any root vegetable. We joined a community supported agriculture farm almost 10 years ago now. We get a box of veggies for 30 weeks each year, that which is in season and local here in Wisconsin. We have seen and eaten things we would never see in a grocery store. It is challenging and fun as well as sometimes a disaster. Keep it up Collin!!!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Sounds like fun! 🙂

  9. Erin

    I have been eating Turnips since I was a kid, love them!!! My grandparents were farmers and we would pull them out of the garden wash them off and eat them like apples I have never had them cooked only raw! YUM!!!

  10. Sue Huot

    NOTHING better than slightly mashed together carrots and turnips. cut up boil, slightly mash add lots of butter sprinkle with pepper.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)


    • Rachael

      Ooh. I am going to have to try that. Just before my hubby went Paleo I started mixing in cauliflower with the potatoes for mashed potatoes and it was really good. Because of not wanting to cook separate meals for everyone the last two weeks I have been eating the same way he is for at least two meals a day. I tried to eat fast food for dinner tonight and I am paying for it now. I guess I am going to have to just give up and do the same thing he is because I seem to feel much better I certainly have been sleeping better.

  11. Michelle

    I love roasted veggies….made a roasted potato and roasted fennel soup the other day so good….

  12. mary

    This is a little bit OT, but if you have never tried ghee to make eggs, you have not lived! 10x better!

    I read a while ago about the paleo diet and I can’t say I buy into it much. Somehow I find it more likely we were eating a lot of bugs back then, and whatever nuts and berries happened to be nearby. I wonder whether hunter/gatherers would’ve wasted their precious food-hunting energy collecting such low calorie foods…unless they were starving. Or perhaps that is why humans want to eat constantly, because they were always starving.

    • DeAnna

      Actually, if you do some research, you will realize that starvation did not begin to occur until the advent of agriculture, which led people to have LESS diverse diets, not more. The paleo-diet is a way for people to get back to more wholesome foods as opposed to processed foods full of sugar, white flour and unpronounceable chemicals.

      Hunter-gatherer societies are extremely well fed and are usually more healthy than agricultural societies.

      Collin, I love that you are putting up these recipes and I just bought a butternut squash and will try that recipe you put up tomorrow!

    • Jess G

      As an archaeologist I am extremely amused by the paleo-diet. I would like to point out that if you were truly to follow a paleo-diet you would be vegetarian, because our hominid ancestors started out vegetarian. And yet it is nearly impossible to be a vegetarian and get enough protein on the paleo-diet. On a different note- you would be amazed by the variety of things that people have utilized a s a food source in the past. For example, there is evidence of people eating huge quantities of pollen several thousand years ago.

      • DeAnna

        I realize this might not be the forum to debate the paleo way of eating, I need to say that as an anthropologist I know there is plenty of evidence to support that our ancestors ate meat at least back to over 2 million years ago. They weren’t active hunters per se, but they did scavenge for meat, especially bone marrow. Vegetarianism has never been and never will be healthy or adequate.

        • jiya

          being a vegetarian I am not agree with u. It’s ur personal prefrence what u eat.
          There are many foods like lentils that can supply u amount of protein u need in a day…do a little research.

  13. Ruby

    Collin, and everybody else too: a lot of counties in Florida have home delivery fruit and veggie services, or pickup locations close to your house. I use Fresh Box Organics, which is the one where I live, but basically I signed up for the service and each week (or every other week) they deliver a box of produce to my house. The contents of the box are on their website each week, and they have a list you can make of things I never want them to send me. It has allowed me to try things like brocolette, kiwi berries, purple sweet potatoes, oriental eggplant, swiss chard, rainbow carrots, delicata squash, and fennel. My theory is, I pay for the service, I can’t waste the stuff! Anyway, it’s a trend that’s taking off across the country so I encourage you all to check into it. 😀

    • Deb

      We do this in Washington! It’s a little more expensive but it’s fun and you are right you get to try all kinds of cool things! I don’t sweat the extra cost they deliver to me and we are supporting our local farmers in the winter!!!

  14. Alysha

    Basically any veggie roasted w kosher salt, pepper, and olive oil will taste delicious! Yams, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, broccolli, Brussels sprouts, onions, carrots, green beans, even zucchini.
    Just heat oven to a high temp and roast away til browned slightly.

  15. gemini345

    Erin be prepared turnips take on a completely different flavor when cooked….I will only eat them raw and I love them, but I cannot stand cooked turnips.

    • midget

      I’m the same way with carrots. Raw are tasty, but cooked? Blech, horrible.

      • Jami

        I thought it was only me. I hate cooked carrots, but could eat a bag of raw ones.

        • Suzy

          Me, too! Try them seriously roasted. It is a whole different veggie almost!

  16. Deb

    My family just went vegan a few weeks ago. WOW what a difference! We were trying to think of snack foods we could have and decided to try kale chips! They are to die for!! Also cauliflower pizza is super easy and a nice replacement for regular pizza! Thank goodness for Pinterest recipes!!

  17. Christina

    That looks delish! I think I’ve been getting turnips mixed up with beets, shape wise. This recipe makes me want to try them.

  18. Korva

    YUM! Thx for sharing!

  19. michelle

    sounds yummy! do you have the recipes?

  20. Melony

    We do freaky fruit friday here where we go to Meijer and get fruit that we’ve never heard of before and then try it. We have found some we like and some we don’t but we did try it. It makes things interesting! 🙂

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      What a fun idea! My kiddos would love doing something like this on a weekly basis.

      • Melony

        Though, we have had to research on how to peel and eat the fruits which also makes it kind of fun! 🙂

  21. Sue

    Ok ok I will eat my veggies 🙂 LOL I am about how Mrs. Hip was but not with the apples I would swap them for oranges. Ok but I am having health issues and just sick of my muffin top thats now a layer cake. So I will be trying this and more so please keep them coming. I need ideas for things that travel well HINT HINT as my days are long outside of the home. Thanks I will share if I like them on your next post k

  22. Mia Bean

    Thanks so much, I can’t wait to try!

  23. Christine b

    hmm think i really hate turnips but will give it a try : ) pic makes it look yummy! Thanks Collin!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Ya… give them a try – you may be surprised! 🙂

  24. Ann

    Collin, you should check out; a fruit/veggie co-op. They have pick-up locations throughout Boise and the total cost is only $16.50 for a huge basket of fruits and veggies. I purchase these and they always surprise us with something unique (i.e. turnips, kale, asian pears, eggplant, brussel sprouts) Once I had to google one of the veggies that was given to us and found out that it was a type of squash. They also give you an abundant supply of the staple fruit/veggies (lettuce, celery, apples, oranges, bananas, onions). We’re a family of 5 and go through the entire basket each week.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Thanks for mentioning this… my sister let me know about this program when I first moved here and well, I got sidetracked with unpacking and getting settled. I will definitely be looking into this now. Thanks for the reminder!

  25. mel

    I tried 2 new veggies this week! Sunday I roasted Butternut Squash (which is fairly inexpensive at Walmart, $1.6xx for pretty nice sized one!). All I did was cut it into chunks after peeling and de-seeding. Mixed it with EVOO along with salt & pepper, into a 400* oven for 30-45 mins, until it was soft & tender.

    Today, I steamed asparagus and made a balsalmic vinegar reduction. It was goood! I’d never attempted asparagus before, but it is really easy. all you need to do is take 1 or 2 asparagus and break off the bottom stem (you’ll know b/c it’ll snap where it needs to!) Then take a knife and cut off the rest of the stems from the bunch. Rinse. Then lay them on a dinner plate, add 1/4 c of water and toss with some salt. Top it with another dinner plate (upside down so it’s like a lid). Microwave about 2 1/2 – 3 minutes, until they are a very bright green color. Be careful not to overcook them, otherwise they turn mushy. The asparagus was on sale $2.99/lb at Winn Dixie… not sure what the going rate is, but I paid just over $3 for the bunch.

    For the balsalmic vinegar, just take 1 C (any brand should do) and over a med-low fire, let it reduce – preferebly in a stainless steel pan. Took about 1/2 hour or so to reduce down, about 3/4 C. Added just a little bit of brown sugar towards the end. Just a warning, its an eye stinger if you look directly into the steam it gives off. And an odor, so open the windows if possible!! Tossed it with the steamed asparagus and it was a hit!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Both of these recipes sound delicious. Thanks for sharing!

  26. Crissy

    Thanks so much for the recipe, I just bought a big bag of turnips today, I’ll make this tomorrow for our breakfast for dinner night. BTW I’ve been eating paleo/low carb for several months now and I always feel awesome, I have also lost 25lbs eating this way with very minimal exercise 🙂

  27. Allie

    Collin, I was trying to find your post about your fun peeler thingy that turns the veggies into fun spirals. I can’t find it and can’t remember which post it was in, or what it’s called. Could you repost please?
    Thank you. You’re awesome!

  28. Leslie

    Hi Collin,

    It has been mentioned but you gotta try making KALE CHIPS! They are really AWESOME, super easy to make and soooo good for you! Oh…And of course, super CHEAP! Your kiddos will probably love them too since they are really crunchy just like potato chips! I could eat the entire bowl…but that’s ok!!!! Pure addiction!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Thanks, Leslie! I am adding this to my list of recipes to make! 🙂

    • Melony

      I love Kale chips!

      • Celia Husmann

        Me too!

  29. Leigh

    I like to roast carrots, onions and turnips together. I just cut them all up and spray with Pam. I sprinkle with Lawry’s and toss again. Then I place them on a baking sheet sprayed with Pam. They are delicious! Roasting seems to really bring out the flavor of veggies! I love to do this when I have cooked a pot roast instead of cooking them on the roast!

  30. Jami

    Thanks for the recipe. I’ll definitely try turnips next. Tonight I made bok choy for the first time. Turned out awesome…..
    I chopped it into bite size pieces, heated some coconut oil, sauteed some garlic then added the bok choy and a little salt and pepper. I then poured a tomato chicken soup over it. (Budget Friendly “Creamy” Chicken Tomato Soup)

  31. brittney

    Ok so i am wondering, do they really taste like potatoes because i would love to try those with my kids. Thanks for any info.

    • Laura

      Yes, they really do! I make a beef stew with turnips and my husband, who refuses to eat “healthy” foods, thinks they are potatoes!

  32. Pepi

    I love roasted veggies! They are delicious. I love to do brussel sprouts with root veggies (turnips, parsnips, potatoes). Yummy.

    Produce however is expensive. Any ideas on how to save on fruits and veggies – especially those kinds?

  33. Patty

    Some of you all are cracking me up. Get out of McDonald’s and Taco Bell and eat real food!! Cook from scratch, use fresh ingredients. Too bad they don’t teach home ec or nutrition anymore in high school. It’s sad how the young (and sometimes older) cashiers cannot identify a turnip, let alone a spaghetti squash, at checkout.

    • Amy

      LOL, I’ve had this experience with eggplant, zucchini, leeks, and kale.

  34. Missy.

    I tried the chicken and butternut apple dish that collin posted a couple weeks or so ago. Well I liked the apples, I guess I’ll have to keep on working on the squash aspect. But I’m not a big fan of the regular yellow squash. I like cucumbers, does that count? Though I don’t agree that we’ve been here millions of years, I am super excited to see some interesting new recipes that incorporate more fruits and veggies. Hopefully we will be able to grow a successful garden this year 🙂

  35. Cojo

    Another cool alternative to add fat, olive oil in particular, but to avoid the chemicals in Pam, is to get a sprayer that makes a mist of oil. I use one called Misto that I got from amazon but they also sell at Target for around $10. You fill with olive (or any other) oil and then pump the lid to add air and it sprays a fine mist of the oil. Works great as an alternative to Pam for oiling a pan or for misting your veg prior to roasting. I think it’s healthier because it adds less fat, you get to choose the oil you prefer, it doesn’t use chemical propellant and because it is refillable, costs less in the long run. Great product.

    • Lori McK

      I definitely have to check that out on the next Target run. I’ve been looking for a good alternative to Pam. Thanks!

  36. kris

    Thanks for all of the yummy recipes! I just made these roasted green beans last night and they were a huge hit with my whole famiy!

    They are way too simple and taste way to delish for simple green beans. The original poster compared them to french fries!

    • kris

      we do too!

  37. Betsy

    We really like radishes in our house. They are wonderful cut in half and sprinkled with a bit of salt. We like spicy food, so everyone including my kids love them this way.
    You can, also, roast radishes and they get sweet when roasted. We still prefer them raw with salt (we like their spice), but it was fun to try them a different way.

  38. Anne-Marie

    Hey Collin! Not sure if this exactly fits in with your diet but I have recently become addicted to green monster smoothies! It has yogurt, bananas, peanut butter, milk and a TON of spinach. Tastes amazing and really really healthy!:)

  39. sheena

    i see in the picture you used purple turnips? ive tried yellow turnips and we use them as a substitue for mashed potatoes here.. peel, cube and boil till soft, then mash w/ butter, salt and pepper.. they are actually in my opinion BETTER then mashed potatoes, and i LOVEEEEE my mashed potatoes! my kids didnt even realize they were eating turnups! and loved them!!

  40. leann

    do these taste like potatoes? I am a super picky eater, i feel like i eat alot of junk and fatty foods especially since i started couponing, i wish there were coupons for fresh foods! also, what kind of fat do u use?? lol not an expert cook haha

  41. Donna

    Has anyone tried Chia Seeds before? They are supposed to be really good for you. I just ordered some from Amazon based on the reviews, hope they taste good!!

    • DeAnna

      I put Chia seeds in my oatmeal, cereal and yogurt. I think they are delicious! Very strange looking, but good. And they help clean out the system 🙂

  42. Jen

    These turnips look great! I don’t think I’ve ever really had them, I think i shall make this dish this weekend. I’ll try to use very little oil lol

  43. E

    It seriously makes my day to see people trying new veggies! Even if they aren’t organic they’re still a step in a positive direction! I cringe when I see couponers in line buying nothing but crap (I know, maybe they have a garden or bought their veggies earlier or whatever), sure it’s free…until you have a heart attack from all of the sodium in that frozen chemical filled crap! I have a blog with some yummy recipes…it’s just started but there are a few recipes up already!

    • E

      I just added recipes for kale chips (and other ideas for kale) and really yummy turkey muffins.

  44. Krista

    This would be a good time to find a great money saving deal on Beano 😀

    • Melissa

      if you eat it regularly you won’t get gas

  45. Suzy

    Collin, try this trusted recipe adapted by me from the Joy of Cooking: It is very yummy and cheap! Cut up raw cabbage into bit size pieces. Boil in salted water until tender-crispy. Drain and add butter or whatever lubricant you wish. Dump into a dish. Add lemon juice and salt to taste. Treat as a casserole and top with cheese and chopped nuts. Very good.

    I also love to roast veggies with just evoo and salt on 400 degrees F until the sugars caramelize. Mmmmmm. Anything seemingly unappetizing is so pleasing.

  46. Beth

    I have been making my daughter’s baby food and in the process of doing so have tried a lot of new fruits and vegetables. I had never had parsnips until I made a puree for my daughter. It is one of her favorite foods. I too was intimidated by some of the fruits and vegetables in the produce section, but over the past few months I have had a lot of fun trying new ones!

  47. Jessica

    Tonight my husband and I are trying your recipe for the squash hash. I have never bought/eaten a squash before. At the grocery store, we didn’t even know what one looked like! Embarrassing. And yes, it was intimidating to me, but we are going to try it.

    Question: for the squash hash recipe, it says “cubed squash” but do you include the skin? Do you peel the squash? or cube it so the skin isn’t included? Thanks!

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