This Reader Fixed Her Zero Gravity Chair for Only $10 (Beats Buying a New One!)
We have an awesome DIY hack to chair with you!
If you haven’t tried out a Zero Gravity Chair yet, you’re missing out! If you’re not familiar, Zero Gravity Chairs are recliners designed to give you a weightless sensation and in turn, allowing you to experience a deeply relaxed state to release tension.
Hip reader, Diane has been using her Zero Gravity Chair outdoors for years and was not ready to purchase a new one when it broke (which can be pricey depending on the brand!)… so what is a gal to do? Check out her story on how she was able to take her broken chair and make it look as good as new for just $10!
I have fond memories of those old beat-up steel-framed lawn chairs from my childhood. You know the ones I’m talking about, metal frames with colorful strips woven across, you can’t even buy them anymore. They are scattered throughout all of our family photos. My mom would re-weave a few chairs each summer and I was disappointed when I bought my own home and couldn’t find any of these nostalgic chairs to re-weave!
Fast forward a few weeks ago when my beloved zero gravity chair went kaput after years of outdoor exposure. My devastation was short-lived though as I channeled my insanely frugal grandma who made clothing out of curtains (really)!
Did you know that for as little as $10 you can score a replacement bungee for the zero gravity chair? It took me about 10 minutes to restring without using any tools, just some creative intentional weaving through the holes and it looks brand new! I didn’t need to take advantage of the recently posted sale because I’m sitting in my slightly rusty but comfy zero gravity lawn chair recliner that I fixed MYSELF!
Thank you, Diane, for sharing your story with us! We just love it when our readers share ways to save money by fixing things themselves rather than going out and buying a brand new item, and I must say you did a fantastic job!
If you’re looking to try this hack out yourself, we found these gravity chair replacement cords on Amazon for under $10!
Do you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique tip to share?! Fill out our Happy Friday form. Every Friday, we post one submission by a Hip2Save reader (view past submissions) that gives us a glimpse into their frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile. If yours is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon eGift card!
Wheres the best place online to buy a pair. I was going to buy a set from amazon 80ish$ but the reviews weren’t great.
Maybe Kohl’s with 30% off or 40% if you can get a code on eBay.
Great idea! I love that you saved money and gave it a 2nd life! I’ll keep this fix in mind with my zero gravity chairs. And yes, I remember and miss the woven chairs too!
Any ideas for replacing the seating fabric instead of the bungees?
Amazon sells it as well as cord replacement.
Yes! It seems those are available on Amazon too!
I just did this to my chair a few weeks ago!
This is exactly what I need! My husband fixed mine with zip ties last year! Now they are all breaking off and leaving zip ties pieces all over the place! It was a $3 fix, but bad for our yard and the environment to have plastic all over!
I was holding off on buying one of these chairs since some reviews stated it would break, but now that I know they sell replacement bungees I think I’ll get one! Thank you!
Has anyone ever used one of these chairs in their living room? The reason I ask I have very little furniture and I would just like to sit in something comfortable while I watch TV till I figure out what couch to buy later on. Then I will move the chair out to my patio
Yes. My kids have also used it watching movies and playing videogames.
I wanted the aluminum chairs when I bought my house too! lol One day, I was driving by an old house that had an estate sale sign out front so I went in, headed to the basement, and SCORE! Three of them, dusty and ratty looking, in the corner. I think I paid $10 for all three (after the guy got over his disbelief that I wanted them) and then bought the webbing online to re-do them. So, they are out there but you’ve got to check out the basements and garages at yard sales! lol
FYI Target has the fold up woven lawn chairs; my brother just bought one!
I love these chairs, but our problem was that the fabric gave way on one of them. I would love to replace that part if you had any insight on where to get it.