High Value $1/1 Popcorn, Indiana Products Coupon = Only $1 Per Bag at Walgreens (Starting 1/20)
WooHoo! I am so excited about this new coupon that recently popped up on Coupons.com! Just head on over here to print a rare and high value $1/1 Any Family Size Bag, Any Flavor or Multi-Packs of Popcorn, Indiana Products coupon! As I have said many times before, I am obsessed with their Kettlecorn… but be careful, though, as it is very addicting!
Even better, starting the week of 1/20 at Walgreens, you’ll be able to score the following deal:
Popcorn Indiana 8-9.75 oz 2/$4
Use the $1/1 Popcorn Indiana coupon found here
Final cost only $1! Great price as these are really nice-size bags!
Remember – this deal isn’t valid until 1/20!
* Also, select varieties appear to be priced around $2 per bag at Walmart as well.
(Thanks, I Heart the Mart!)
yay!! love this popcorn, i would pay full price for it! Its that good
Question…on the coupon, it says redeemable at Wal-mart. Will Walgreens accept this coupon? Or do I need to go to Wal-mart and have them price match? Thanks!
My Walgreens refuses to take any coupons that have another store name printed on them. So price matching is a good idea.
My locall Dollat Tree (Richmond, VA) also sells this popcorn, so possibly free there.
That’s the word I’ve been seeing around the blogs.
FREE always wins out
I love the Chip Ins but they are so hard to find. I used the .55 cent coupons the other day at Wal-Mart and at first the cashier would not take it because the coupon would not scan. I asked her to call a manager and they ended up taking the coupons. It even says Wal-Mart on the coupon.
So is 8-9.75 oz. considered family size?
I’m not completely familiar with all their products. Do they have individual sized bags? “Family size” on other products is usually larger, I believe.
I have the 9.75 oz bag of Kettlecorn and it’s about 10 servings (that what it states on the bag). I like the white cheddar better.
It says on the coupon, “Family Size Bags Range From 4oz to 10.5oz” hth
I agree, are these 8-9.75 oz bags considered “family size” bags? Will this $1/1 coupon work on those size bags?
Yes! See my comment right above yours
Are the 8-9.75 oz bags considered “family size” bags? Will this $1/1 coupon work on these sized bags?
I was in Dollar Tree yesterday & I’m almost positive that I saw these bags in there. I’m not sure what the flavor was. I’m thinking it was the “fresh flavor” bags. Will Dollar Tree accept this $1/1 coupon? (since it would make the bags FREE!!!) I’ve never couponed at Dollar Tree before, so I’m not sure what their coupon policy is, if the coupon makes the item free.
A friend of mine went and she spent .11 cents out of pocket! She said it was like a religious experience….lol!
At our Dollar Tree in the Atlanta ‘burbs, they limit you to 3 Q’s per visit on the same item.
Sorry, Hubbs-I’m dragging you along tomorrow
FYI, I just printed 2 of these $1/1 coupons out & at the bottom of these coupons, it says “Family Size Bags range from 4 oz to 10.5 oz”.
So, according to that, these $1/1 coupons are fine to use on the 8-9.75 oz bags that will be on sale at Walgreen’s (for 2/$4) starting on 1/20!!!
I’m printing my coupons now & saving them for the 1/20 sale at Walgreen’s!!!
Mmmmmm ! LOVE this popcorn! The bacon ranch flavor is the BEST!!!
I bought their popcorn 2 days ago at Dollar Tree! I wonder if I could use the coupon there to score some FREE popcorn. The bag we bought was gluten free which is crazy exciting for the GF girl.
I think most (if not all) of their popcorns are GF!! I’m not GF, but my best friend, her mom, and sister are all GF so I try to keep my eyes open for cheap GF products for them.
Has anyone tried the cinnamon sugar drizzled with maybe white fudge or something???
I am not sure what it is but it is a seasonal flavor that is sooooo good.
I saw it at wal mart and they had one bag only at the time so I bought it.
A friend came by and ate 90% of it and I was screaming inside at them to stop.
I am going tomorrow to buy 2 cases and I will hide them from everyone even my children!!!
I got some kind of white/dark chocolate drizzled kind at Bed Bath and Beyond (of all places) and it was fantastic. I love the classic kettle corn though.
I saw this sold at my local Dollar Tree today in Virginia Beach, VA. Maybe they have it elsewhere, so it’d be free?
I bought the kettle corn drizzled with chocolate and peanut butter at Walmart and it was to die for!
Our Walmart might price match but the bags are $4-5 a bag as of Tuesday when I was there (same size as the ones at Walgreens). Our Walgreens will take the coupons if they scan.
Can someone help me? I clicked the link and I can’t find the Q anywhere on the site. Zip code? Thanks!