KFC Coupon Update
I just want to update everyone on my previous KFC post. The ONLY reason I posted the link to the Oprah site with the KFC PDF coupon was because so many readers haven’t been able to print the coupon. I’ve received numerous comments and emails regarding this, so I was excited to see that Oprah was doing this for the people that missed out.
After thinking about it I do realize that quite a few people will probably try to take advantage of this and I don’t condone that on my blog and I don’t want any of you to think I do. I’m sorry if I upset any of you with posting the link. I have since removed it.
I also want to mention that I really do not feel it was smart of either KFC or Oprah to post a PDF version of this coupon. It’s probably going to make it that much harder for everyone to redeem this at their local KFC. When I went tonight my transaction went smoothly because the cashier was easily able to verify that each coupon had a unique pin code. Anyway, I do hope all of you are able to redeem your 4 free meals and enjoy them like we did!
You are great and your site is AMAZING! Thanks for all of the sweet deals you find and share with all of us. And BOO to anyone who has anything bad to say about you!
Check out unthinkkfc.com now! They reverted back to the coupon printed probably so people can’t take advantage.
How things change so quickly. Also, the cap on printing coupons is most likely due to the software you had to install tracking how many you already got. Get your coupons while the deal is alive. 🙂
Hey Hip2save! I just got a link in my email for a $2 off any dove ultimate anti-perspirent/deoderant. It’s a Bricks coupon. I was able to print it twice. Here’s the link:
I downloaded the coupon four seperate times. After printing I noticed they all have the same pin. Is this okay?
I hope the.pdf works, because I don’t have a color printer, which means I cannot print the coupon from the KFC website. I’ve noticed this problem with practically every coupon site. Kinda sucks.
Hip to Save, I don’t know how you do it, but I’m glad you do. I called my son who has 5 children under 11 and told him he could take the whole family out to dinner. Now, that’s only one person I shared with and with things changing so fast I went into panic mode. I thought, I could print for him and then mail, etc. It’s a very unique gift to take on the responsibility to share and then let it go.
Who said you need a color printer to print out coupons. I do it on my black and white all the time. It doesn’t say anything about the coupon being in color.
Yeah, about color printing, you just need to go to your printer’s printing preferences and set it to print color images in black & white. Without that, of course you would have problems printing practically every coupon!
both our KFC’s didn’t have the grilled chicken=(
we have to wait till Saturday, i guess that’s when its expected in! im anxious to try!
I am sorry you felt pressure to take down the direct link to the PDF file. I fully understand why you did took it down. I think people that have been following your blog know that your intent was pure. You were trying to help people who were having trouble, and nothing more. Keep up the good work – you’re 100% goodness to the core!
bricks keeps telling me to install the software, but ive been using bricks forever!! and i reinstalled it and it just keeps telling me to install the software. Can someone help me please? I will die without my coupons 🙁
I originally saw the coupon through a different email that informs me of new coupons. I think my coupon printed through coupons.com but cannot remember now! Thanks though for helping all of us! I was thinking about having lunch there tomorrow. =)
The same thing was happening to me with the coupons installer.
I quit trying, came back here later, and was able to print 4 coupons with diff barcodes.
Keep trying!
Stacy, that happened to me to. I opened the link up in Firefox, and had no problems printing the coupons from there… all 4 of them. Good luck!
We know you always have the best on intentions! Thank you for all the hard work you put in to bringing us these great deals!!
BTW, I just printed 4 coupons from your original link w/NO problems – and all had unique codes! Yeah for yummy FREE food!
My printer is set to black and white. All it does it print out blank pages.
I cannot print the coupon 🙁 Wish I could get the pdf 🙁
We all got our free meals last night! Thanks!
Just wondering – anyone who used the coupon already, were you able to choose your chicken pieces or did they just give you whatever they picked out? I prefer white meat so if they are only giving dark, I guess I shouldnt bother to go.
I’m going through oprah.com now to try to print out the coupon but all my prints have the same code. How do you get the code to be unique?
Our KFC in Oregon took the coupons without even looking at them closely. We didn’t get the grilled chicken though…they only offered orginial or crispy…but that ok, 3 meals for FREE…I was happy!
CJ- I was given the choice between a breast and a wing or a thigh and a leg. HTH
I printed my coupons out from the KFC/bricks link and got 4 coupons with the same code on them. I think they were seriously not ready for the amount of people who would want this coupon!
I printed the coupons yesterday when the “limit” was 4. My husband also printed some at work.
My MIL was having trouble printing them, but I guess they changed it to PDF…so she printed 10! When I went to KFC last night (I had all diff. pins) they just put my coupons in a pile. I think that if you just use 1 coupon they wouldn’t know…so I was thinking that making it a PDF was a bad idea on the part of KFC.
I ended up giving 2 of my coupons to a homeless man that I see frequently. I figured I fed my family last night…he could use a hot meal too.
CJ – my husband tried to use one coupon for lunch today and they said they got to choose EVERYTHING.
They gave him crappy chicken pieces and cole slaw & mashed potatoes. He hates cole slaw and complained that he would just throw it away. The guy said, “fine but that’s all we’re giving for these coupons, we can’t keep up any other way”
Oprah’s website has a FAQ page about this deal and this is what it says:
“If you have concerns about using multiple coupons with the same code number:
All the PDF coupons downloaded from Oprah.com on the evening of May 5 have the same bar code.
Subject to the terms and conditions of the coupon and instructions on Oprah.com, these coupons will be accepted by participating KFC restaurants in the U.S.
If you downloaded coupons and they were not accepted at a KFC restaurant:
Please call 1-800-CALL-KFC.
Our Customer Service representatives will assist you and also take the information about your experience and follow up with the restaurant.”
I just went to print from the KFC site and of course it was busy….but if anyone printed the PDF from here they are accepting them with no problem. You can read this on the Oprah site page 2.
Thanks Hip2Save.
I had emailed KFC because I was having an issue printing the coupon. I got an email back that said that they knew the first pdf did produce the same numbers but that they would be honored. They said that they extended the printing deadline to 11:59 pm CST because of all sorts of problems too.
Let me tell ya something
The pdf was used for a loooot of people because this morning I went to a KFC in Chicago the line was out the paking lot more than 30 people on line and all of us received 2 pcs of wings and a spoon of mashed potatoes and cole slaw If you complaint they tell you
What chu want for free??