Nestle Pure Life Rewards = FREE Cases of Water!
Nestle Pure Life has a pretty great rewards program available, Nestle Pure Life Healthy Rewards! Basically when you purchase 3 cases of Nestle Pure Life Water you’ll earn a FREE case of water (up to $4.99) or purchase 5 cases and get 2 FREE cases of water! All you need to do is mail in the original receipt and 3-5 proofs of purchase!
To sweeten this deal further–make sure to use the $1 Nestle Pure Life Water coupon! You should be able to print this 2 times per computer.
(Thanks, Freebies4Mom!)
This offer is limit to 10 coupons per household…that’s a lot of water!:)
Thanks Collin…welcome back.
That is what I was wondering, so we can actually purchase 25 cases of water, and get 10 coupons for free cases of water?
Keep in mind these aren’t good on the 6 pack of water. ONly works on the 20 pack and higher.
I know this is off of the subject pictured. I went to Target 2 weeks ago with my 20 battery coupons for Rayovac. The cashier did not ring up one of them and I guess I did not pay that much attention. I took my receipt back in to them and they said someone would call and I have not heard back. If I take the batteries back I lose my coupons. I will then have no batteries and no coupons. What would you guys do? Does anyone have that corporate # that was given out on a Target post?
If anyone has a BJ’s Wholesale Club near them, they are running coupons for buy 3 cases get the 4th free. The cases are 30 bottles for $3.99, so if you use the $1 coupons, that is 120 bottles of water for $10, plus you can get one free through this deal !!!
Hi Michelle M. i don’t know if this would appeal to you or fit in with your budget (it’s pretty tight at my house 🙂 ) but were it me, i’d just eat it this time, and next time you go in, get one more free pack of batteries with your last coupon. 21 battery packs for the price of one still sounds like a good deal to me! (That’s still less than 5 cents a package.) That’s assuming the price is the same and the coupon hasn’t expired, though, i guess. Good luck to you 🙂
Oh so sorry — i just realized Target probably has your coupon from the original transaction. You know, were it me, i’d still just eat it (this has happened to me a few times, actually). Reason being B1G19F is still an *amazing* deal, and if Target has you mail anything in, you’ll lose half the remaining savings in postage. You know what’s best for your family, but were it me, i wouldn’t chase this dollar, but would instead hold my 19 free packs of batteries close to my face and sniff them like a lovely, free bouquet of flowers 🙂 . And laugh at how well you stuck it to the man.
My best wishes to you.
I did not get 19 free. They did not ring any of my 20 coupons up. So I paid 20$. Now I have no coupons they have them. If I return them I just get my 20$ back and lose out. I guess I will just call the managet again! Oh boo.
Michelle M,
The Target # is 1-800-440-0680…before you call, take a deep breath, as I know you are probably frustrated…how in the world did she miss 20 coupons?…just explain what happened. They are very nice, and I’m sure you will get your money back…as long as that cashier didn’t throw your coupons away, her receipts/coupons should be off for that day.
Can I offer a couple of hints?…take a small tablet or a piece of paper with you when you shop, and as you add an item to your cart, write down what the item is going to cost you after the coupon discount…then before you check out, total what you have…this way you will know approximately (since there might be some tax) what you are going to pay. If there is a big difference, you will know right away and you can question the cashier before you pay. And the other thing is, and you might have read this, because I have said it here before, I hold onto my coupons and hand them to them one at a time…when that one is taken off, I hand them another. I know this sounds anal, but it’s worse having to go to customer service if they miss a coupon or two.
Could luck…I hope this helps some.
Thanks Fran!! I will take your advice. Thanks for the # also. I did feel at the register that it was too much but I had not tallyied so I really did not know. In that same transaction they charged me for two other products twice. I was actually overcharged $26.99. They gave me the 6.99 back but will not let me know about the coupon thing.
Also, for eight upc’s you can get a $10 Sporting Goods Cash Certificate.
Can not get the address to come up can someone post it for me PLEASE