Printable Coupons: Orajel, White Cloud + More!
Orajel has 3 great new coupons available! These coupons should go great with Kmart doubles! I’ve also heard from a few readers that select Orajel products are on clearance at Walgreens. Please note these are SmartSource coupons and you’ll just need to click the print button to access them.
Orajel Coupons:
Save $1 on Baby Orajel Teething
Save $1 on Baby Orajel Tooth & Gum Cleanser
Save $1 on Orajel Toddler Training Toothpaste
(Thanks, Stephanie!)
Other New Coupons:
Save $2/1 White Cloud 24 roll pack of bathroom tissue or 2 White Cloud 12 roll packs You’ll need to enter your info to access the coupon.
Earth’s Best Organic Coupons
$5/1 Earth’s Best Organic Infant Formula
$1 Tender Care Chlorine Free Wipes
$1/2 Earth’s Best Sesame Street Products
$1/10 Earth’s Best Organic Baby Food
(Thanks, $30WeeklyGroceryChallenge!)
At a CVS here in Allen texas, I saw the orajel toothpaste on clearance for 2.00. That is cheap this toothpaste is not cheap regularly.