Ped Egg Pedicure Foot File ONLY $3.99!
Amazon is offering up a *HOT* deal on the Ped Egg Pedicure Foot File! It’s priced at ONLY $3.99 (the lowest I’ve seen)– down from $9.99! I don’t have this products myself, but after reading quite a few reviews, I’m going to jump on this deal. My hubby is going to be thrilled and I will be too once I start putting this Ped Egg to use. You see, my hubby won’t rub my feet… to put it nicely, he finds my feet… well, not too appealing! 😉 So if this Ped Egg does the trick. I see lots of foot rubs in my future! Here’s to hoping!
The Ped Egg ships FREE with Amazon Prime or on $25 or more with Super Saver Shipping. If you don’t have Amazon Prime, you could purchase 7 Ped Eggs for a total of $27.93 which will score you FREE shipping. These would make great items to throw in gift baskets for friends and family.
(Thanks, Couponing to Disney!)
I have one and I love it! I haven’t used it in a while – I *really* need to, lol. Just don’t over-do it the first time. Even though it is not sharp to the touch it does remove skin and you can go too far.
I totally agree, I love mine. But dont over do it. Once in a while i will file too much and expose a crack in my heal and that really hurts. But it works great!
Wow I hated mine.
I actually picked one up at the Dollar Tree maybe 3 weeks ago. Check there, for $1 you can’t go wrong!
Loved mine too! This is a great price, considering the fact that I’ve worn down the blades on my original one. Thanks!
The replacement blades 3 pack are $3.79 for all of us who already have it… GREAT!! I actually use it as soon as i get out of the shower. You aren’t supposed to use it when skin is wet, but it takes much less time and effort… you just need to have self-control.:)
Thanks! Just placed my order.
I needed new ones but just haven’t wanted to spend the $10 on them. Just got them for FREE with my Amazon giftcard from Swagbucks. 🙂
Shipping is free even without the $25 minimum. Just select standard shipping. 🙂
shipping is 4.98 …
there’s actually a cheaper one for 1.49 and 4.99 shipping just in case you’re purchasing and don’t have amazon prime and don’t plan on purchasing in bulk!
p.s. heather – thanks for the tip on the dollar tree! i might check there!!
I love this product. I also use it right after showering, followed by smoothing with a pumice stone & moisturizing with lotion (which I got for free at Wags some time back, of course). The results I got have been phenomenal.
got mine at the dollar store too.
I heard it was bad for your feet and caused your caluses to come back faster!!
Idk where did you get your info from? Would be interesting to find out. I have one and I don’t seem to have any problems other than when I need a new blade. I use after the shower as well.
My heels are HORRIBLE. This works so well and so quickly. I do not find that it comes back quicker. I don’t use mine after a shower bc I actually (for me) have found that it works better on really dry feet. To keep up with it, I use that quench lotion right after showers. That seems to be a really good combo for me.
The Ped Egg is awesome!!
I hate this product it caused severe damage to my feet! I work in a restaurant and spend 12hrs a day on my feet. I tried this product 2 years ago and it caused my feet to crack and they are still that way.
Ooh I love my Ped Egg! Such a silly name, but it does work great. I need a new replacement blade pack 🙂
I have one and I think it’s junk. And, I asked the pedi lady why they don’t use blades to remove callouses like they use too and she said b/c they come back worse once removed.
I had one but had to promise the lady that did my pedicures that I would throw it away. She said that she sees so much infection from the Ped Egg. She said that most people don’t clean them each time but that even the best cleaner cannot remove all of the dead skin cells from the grater. When you use it the next time you are actually opening up your skin to those dead cells thereby causing infection. She also said that no one should get rid of all of their callouses. They are there to protect the delicate parts of the feet. The goal is to smooth them and soften them a bit but not to remove them. OK, just her two cents via me. 🙂
TODAY IS THE LAST DAY! There is one at Rite Aid made by Dr. Scholl’s for $9.99. There was a $2 Q that came out in the inserts a few weeks ago (expires 6/30) or you can use the $2 Q that came with one of the free sole samples in the mail that Collin posted. Also, there is a $5 SCR on this poduct that ends TODAY. So, makes it $2 but if you are getting more deals at RA and can use your $5/$20 or $5/$25, perhaps you can get it FREE!
I love my ped egg and have never had any issues with infections or calluses coming back quicker or worse. I highly recommend!
Pedicure salons have an obvious financial interest in discouraging inexpensive self care at home. I don’t at all buy that you are more to getting an infection at home than you are by going to a salon. That makes no sense at all. At home you control whether or not you clean your own germs off the ped egg. At the salon you have little control over whether or not you are exposed to other people’s germs.
I’m glad to get the low cost refills. The ped egg works great!
I am a licensed beautician and not currently working in a salon, so i am not trying to deter any one for profit sake. i agree that you should not use this product. instead use one of those sloughing bars. you should not use ANY metal implement on your feet or hands. The use of any metal implement is illegal in the state of PA. and its illegal for a reason. you are not supposed to remove such things as calluses and “extra skin” it causes infection and does cause them to come back full force. So when those ladies at the salon ask if you want the razor to your feet…please just say no.
I can see why it would be dangerous to have another person shave your feet with a razor blade. The pedegg is much more delicate than that. If someone didn’t follow the directions or used it every day or something I could see they might have trouble, but many people find it works just fine for them. The reviews on Amazon are good.
I bought one a couple years back, hated it and chucked it. I much prefer a pumice stone!
Where do you get pumice stones? Do you get them at Target or Walmart?
I get my pumice stone at CVS. It is about $3.00 and lasts quite awhile. It has a long handle which is nice for using in the shower.
I have one and my feet crack every time I use it, so I stopped.
I have this and LOVE LOVE LOVE it! My feet are terrible and I’ve tried everything on the market to get them soft and smooth. This is the only thing that has worked so far! It’s works just as well as the $50 pedicures!
After reading all the mixed reviews, I am begining to think that this product works best for people with REALLY bad dry heels and feet, like mine. It doesn’t seem to work as well for those people who have decent feet already and who are just looking to smooth them a little. Just a thought for those of you who are debating on this product. I’ve had it for 4 years and love it. It definitly has not made my feet worse!