Kmart Double Coupon Deals 7/4-7/10

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As most of you know, Kmart will be holding another super doubles coupon promotion on health and beauty products at select locations starting tomorrow, July 4th and running through July 10th! Here is a list of participating Kmart locations; however, I always suggest contacting your local Kmart store (even if it is on this list) to be sure that they are indeed participating (you never know with Kmart, right?! 😉 ).

Below are the basic “rules” for this event:

*You can use manufacturer coupons up to and including a $2 value (i.e. if you have a $2/1 coupon, it will be doubled up to $2 for a total of $4 off the price of the item)

*You must be a member of the Shop Your Way Rewards program AND the cashier MUST swipe your reward’s card at the beginning of your transaction!!*

*Limit 5 total health & beauty coupons per customer per day (No, grocery coupons.)

*If you are using more than 5 coupons in your transaction, ONLY the first 5 coupons will be doubled.

*Does not include Kmart Store Coupons or Kmart Pharmacy Store Coupons (i.e. Kmart coupons will NOT be doubled)

*If you are not currently a Kmart Shop Your Way Rewards card member, do NOT stress! There are 3 simple ways to become a member: (1.) Go to the Customer Service Dept at your local Kmart or Sears store and request a card; you will be able to sign up and receive your card immediately (this is obviously the best option if you have a store close by)! (2.) Call the Shop Your Way Rewards Card dept at 1.800.991.8708; they will take all your information over the phone and then a card will be mailed to you (the card typically takes 6-8 weeks to arrive). Even if you do not have the physical card in hand for the double coupon days, you can give the cashier your phone # or member # in order to pull up your reward’s account. (3.) Click here to sign up on-line; then just print off a temporary card to use while you wait for the permanent card to arrive in the mail.

Alright, before listing some great coupon doubles deals you can score, I want to let you all know about an awesome P&G Catalina promotion going on. Spend $35 on participating P&G products (BEFORE coupons) and get a $10 Catalina coupon to use like cash on your next purchase. Here are 2 deal scenarios to turn this P&G Catalina promotion into a moneymaker– with a HUGE thanks to The Krazy Coupon Lady for putting these scenarios together…

Deal Scenario #1:
Buy 5 Crest Rinse, 1L $4.99 each = $24.95
Buy 4 Oral B Advantage Toothbrushes $2.99 each =  $11.96
Total = $36.91
Use 5 $2/1 coupons from the 6/6 PG (hand these over first and they will all double for a total of $20 off)
Use 4 $2/1 coupons from the 7/4 PG (will deduct $8– these won’t double since the limit is 5 per day)
Pay $8.91
Get back a $10 Catalina coupon
Final cost FREE + a $1.09 moneymaker

Deal Scenario #2:

Buy 2 Gillette Body Wash, 12.2 oz $4.59 = $9.18
Buy 3 Gillette Men’s Deodorant $4.49 = $13.47
Buy 4 Old Spice Body Wash $3.50 = $14
Total = $36.65
Use 5 $2/1 Gillette Body Wash or Deodorant coupons from the 7/4 PG (these will double and deduct $20)
Plus, use 2 buy one get one free Old Spice Body Wash coupons from the 6/6 or 7/4 PG (deduct $7)
Finally use the $1/2 Old Spice Deodorant or Body Wash coupon from the 6/6 or 7/4 PG
Pay $8.65
Get back a $10 Catalina coupon
Final cost FREE + a $1.35 moneymaker!

Here’s a round-up of my favorite deals:

Bayer Aspirin (“baby” in pink box) $1.99
Use the $1/1 coupon from the 3/27 SS
Final Cost FREE!

Clean & Clear scrub $4.49

Use the $2/1 coupon from here
Final cost only $0.49!

Clearisil Pimple Blocker Pen $3.49

Use the $2/1 coupon from here (Click on “Save Now”)
Final cost FREE!

Gillette Body Wash $4.59 or Gillette Men’s Deodorant $4.49

Use the $2/1 coupon from the 7/4 PG
Final cost ONLY $0.59 or $0.49!

Nivea Lip Care $2.69

Use the $2/2 coupon from here
Final cost $0.69 each!

Oral B Crossaction & Advantage Toothbrush $2.79-$3.99

Use the $2/1 coupon from the 7/4 PG
Final cost FREE!

Visine Drops $3.99

Use the $2/1 coupon from here or from the 4/11 RP
Final cost FREE!

L.A. Looks Styling Gel $2.59
Use the $1/1 coupon from the 5/23 SS
Final Cost $0.59!

Tampax Pearl 18 ct./Compak Pearl 20 ct. $4.79
Use the $2/1 coupon from the 6/6 PG
Final Cost $0.79!

Advil PM 20 ct $4.29

Use the $2/1 coupon from here
Final cost only $0.29!

Would you like to see even more Kmart Coupon Double Deals?! Well, head on over to The Krazy Coupon Lady and make sure to scroll through their very extensive Kmart list!

Let us know if you come across any other Kmart deals!!

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Comments 129

  1. krystal

    I’ve never had a problem with any Kmart doing the double coupons, thankfully! Got to finally use the $2 Boudreaux’s Baby product newspaper coupon that’s been burning a hole in my pocket for the last several months! Priced at $5.29, after double coupon final prices was only $1.29! yea!

  2. julie

    we took about 15 coupons with us but only found about 7 of the items and priced close to what Collin listed. I was surprised at the price differences here in California. Everything went smooth though and ended up with.
    3 free toothbrushes
    men’s deoderant for like .49 cents
    2 things of mouthwash for cheap
    pack of razors for 1.99
    I wish i had more coupons to use on the things I could find but i am new to couponing and just getting started with my stash.

  3. Chelle

    I am a working mom with a degree in marketing. I have to say the promotion for doubling coupons is poorly advertised and the store employees at least in our region seem to know nothing of the promo that many of us savvy bloggers have posted. I have since removed all links related to KMART from my blog as I cannot direct my audience to their store anymore. Today, I went kmart. First of all, 3 of the store associates knew nothing of the double coupon promo even the guy in customer service! The store mgr took a long time to locate but then she verified on the phone to the customer service associate that yes the double coupon promo is going on..It was my undertstanding that the store will doubling coupons up to $2 limit 5 per day and only for health & beauty items…they didnt specify any other restrictions so I went along with my shopping with my infant in tow. I got my items and had 3 coupons but after careful scrutiny from the associate they would not double at the reigster…the mgr came and said that she doesnt know why they are not doubling on the register but could not override this error? How can a manager not have the authority to fix a problem she knows is wrong on the spot? I had coupons for lotion, diapers and mouthwash the whole experience was such an ordeal and the fact that a store mgr cannot make the situation right at the register is bogus! So, I just left the items there along with the other items. Apparently, its a valid promo thru 7/10 but from a customer experience it’s poorly executed it at the store level! I have been very disapointed in kmart for quite some time but this really did it and I will take all my business from now on for our family to Target and Walmart – where the experience from a clean parking lot, cheerful employees and great customer service is clearly superior- it’s not always about price! Get things right Kmart!!!

  4. CA

    Just a heads up – my KMart said the P&G promo is no longer in effect. I went this morning and purchased 2 boxes of diapers and did not receive a $10 coupon at the end of my transaction. The girl at the service desk was very nice, looking through the ad trying to find an end date – she found none, so she called her manager. The store manager said the promo was over. My issue was that the signage was still up in the aisle and no one could find an ending date in the ad for this week. It obviously wasn’t the CSR’s fault and her manager on the phone wasn’t budging, so I just called corporate when I got home. The girl at corporate knew nothing about it and couldn’t find anything in the ad, so she called the store. She said that someone at the store said that the coupons stopped printing yesterday. Even more of a reason why the signage in the aisles should have been removed! She also admitted that their people who designed their ads should have done a better job of being clear about beginning and end dates. In the end, corporate would only give me a 10 off 50 coupon. Since I rarely spend $50 in one trip I asked for a gift card. They said they couldn’t do that. Frustrating for me! Just wanted to save you all the headache!

  5. hoovla78

    OK, so I was reading everyones comments yesterday and thinking to myself how lucky I was, because my kmart seems pretty awesome compared to the stories on here. On Monday i went and got deodorant, 2 boxes of tampax pearl and a tooth brush for $2 and some change……

    THEN… I went back last night and struck out : ( It felt like they raised all the prices since I had been there last! I was so bummed. grrr I really think that once my local kmart realized it was double coupon week, i think they went and raised the price, or took away the sales for certain items! That defeats the purpose of doubling coupons! I mean why even bother? As a marketing tactic just to get us in the store? I mean that part may have worked, but it seems to backfiring since at some point we’re all going to be too aggravated to ever go back!

  6. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I had a $25 GC from Kmart and used it in 3 transactions and TRANS #1 got 5 mouth washes (bonus packages), 5 toothbrushes, TRANS #2 got 2 Gillette Body washes, 3 Gillette Men’s deoderants, 4 Old Spice body washes and TRANS #3 got 4 Old Spice body washes, 4 Tampax, and 1 bonus mouth wash.Used my GC and did not pay any OOP. Got 3 $10 Catalinas. Wanted to do more but went on vacation for a long weekend.

  7. Crystal S

    I was excited to get to use my $10 cat from last weeks PG promo. My total came to $10.52 before the cat and tax, and $11.50 after tax. I handed over my $10 coupon, and was suprized to find that my total was .57!!! The coupon also removed the tax from the products. My receipt said total .52 + .05 tax (our tax here is 9.3%) for a total oop $.57!!! Both me and the cashier were excited! Thanks for posting deals like the ones above, I really appreciate it!

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