Ritz Pix: FREE Offers for New Members!
If you are not yet a member of Ritz Pix, head over here to sign up and you can snag one of the free offers below (note: you can only choose one of the following 4 offers)…
*20 FREE 4×6 Prints–Promo Code: TRY38U92
*4 FREE 5×7 Prints–Promo Code: TRY54K21
*2 FREE 8×10 Prints–Promo Code: TRY63B78
*1 FREE 5×7 Folding Card–Promo Code: TRY41Q3F
Plus, new members can also snag 25 FREE 4×6 prints with any of the above 4 offers! Keep in mind that you can select FREE site to store shipping or pay $1.99 for home delivery.
(Thanks, Pirates of the Supermarket!)
I am so on this. I have a bunch of people I need to send photos too, thanks!
Sigh. I miss Ritz camera stores. There are none here in CNY. Only in NYC and Albany area. I used to get my 35 mm film developed there all the time when I lived in SC several years ago.
How do you get the free 25 prints? Do you just add them to your cart and it automatically takes off the price? I couldn’t find anywhere on the site where it talked about it.
Use the Promo code that Collin gave.
its not giving me the 1.99 shipping or giving me free 4×6 prints. Its still charging me 2.20 for them, and 4.99 for shipping
I had a bit of trouble with this. It gave me the 2 free 8×10’s, but was still charging for the 4×6’s and charged $6.99 for shipping. I talked to the live agent on chat, and she said that they had no discounts on shipping and she had no idea what the ad was talking about. She also said that if I wanted to get the free 8×10’s and the free 4×6’s, that I would have to do two separate orders and pay the $6.99 shipping for each of them. I said, NO THANKS! And I went ahead and did two separate orders (had to use the code RPNEW25 for the 4×6’s) and had them sent to the store. I’d rather drive 15 miles to pick them up than pay $14!