Walgreens Corporate Coupon Policy Now LIVE!
Oh my gosh, I never thought that I would actually be posting a Walgreens Corporate Coupon Policy!! Can YOU believe it?! Those of you who have been couponers for quite a while understand my excitement…especially, those of you who have run into issues at Walgreens. As always, I recommend that you head over here and print a copy of the policy for yourself.
Here are some of my favorite points…
* In the event that any item’s selling price is less than the value of the coupon, Walgreens will only accept the coupon in exchange for the selling price of the item. (This means that the cashier/manager should adjust the coupon value down to match the item’s value)
* When purchasing a single item, Walgreens accepts one manufacturer coupon and applicable Walgreens coupon(s) for the purchase of a single item, unless prohibited by either coupon offer.
* When items are featured in a Buy One, Get One Free promotion, up to two coupons can be used against the items being purchased, as long as the net price does not go below zero for the items being purchased. (Woo Hoo! Yippee! Are you jumping for joy with me as well?!)
* Walgreens accepts valid internet/print at home coupons.
Let us know what you think of this new policy in the comment section below. Personally, I am really impressed by the policy…thanks Walgreens for listening!!
Maybe all those recorded phone calls to Walgreens made a difference, right?! 😉
(Thanks, Amy!)
I wish their policy was as clear as Rite Aid’s, there coupon policy is awesome!
This is good news. Just 2 weeks ago, my Walgreens told me they no longer accept internet coupons and that each store manager makes their own policy on whether or not they will accept internet coupons. This week, I’m going back with a printed copy of their corporate coupon policy.
WOOHOO! First thing I want to do is go to the only coupon unfriendly Walgreens around here, and try to buy an item with 1 manufacturer’s coupon and 1 Walgreen’s coupon book coupon and if they try to tell me stories about only using 1 coupon, I’ll whip out their coupon policy, KACHOW!
Okay, no, that’s probably not what I’ll do, LOL, but it’s fun to imagine. 😉 It seems like they’ve answered most of the questions – Just a few tweaks and it will be perfect!
I think you should do that. Not to be mean or anything, but it’s such a simple transaction and it’s probably the only way that store in particular will learn, by having someone do one simple transaction and point out their coupon policy in black and white. You will be doing every coupon user who enters the store a favor.
I just know there is a Coupon-Hating Manager/Cashier somewhere just about ready to have an ulcer over this new policy!….You know they are still going to nitpick but at least we will have something to back us up…YEAH WAGS! But, I will still wait a few months b4 trying to shop with them again…Let’s see how this policy really will work
I was SO excited to see that they were coming out w/ a policy! I’ve been counting the days =) I didn’t even care if the policy stunk, I just wanted some rules to follow and now I have it and it’s not as bad as I anticipated. YIPEE!!
Yippee – I tried to use a coupon Walgreens mailed to me as an aplogy – it was $2 off Always. Well most of it is $3.50 hre in NJ but they did have the pantyliners for $1.49. I asked them to adjust the coupon down – No I was told you can’t make money on this – we can’t give you $2 – No I say (wondering if I was speaking a different language!) I waould just like the product for free no overage – ohh no we can’t.
Well NOW we have the new policy I can!
I received one of those coupons too. I can’t figure out why they sent it to me. I never tried to buy always at wags. Does anyone know why we got those coupons?
We received those coupons because they ran out of samples that we signed up for and so in place of the samples they gave us a coupon worth more than the original sample…Awesome!!!!
Thanks! That makes more sense now!
thank you so much collin! your phone calls made a difference, I am sure!!!!!
It doesn’t necessarily state that we can use a B1G1 coupon w/ a B1G1 sale? Does it?
This is what I had a question about. is it like CVS and you’ll get two free? Anyone know?
yes, please I was wondering the same thing!! TIA 🙂
This si how i see it…
“When items are featured in a Buy One, Get One Free promotion, up to two coupons can be used against the items being purchased, as long as the net price does not go below zero for the items being purchased”…Meaning u can just pay tax, they r saying that the total price can not be BELOW (key word) ZERO…so u can use a B1G1 and only pay tax beacuz u will be @ ZERO + Tax.
Collin, you are awesome. I totally believe that YOUR VIDEOS and calls, backed up by all of our emails and phone calls MADE THIS HAPPEN!!!!! It’s a little too coincidental that this policy happened just weeks after your whole phone call ordeal, no? GOOD JOB GUYS!!! WE DID IT!!!! I emailed a complaint after being treated badly, it gave me an automated response saying I’d be contacted shortly, I never was. I was FUMING mad about being ignored! They could at least have followed up with me. I put 5 different ways of reaching me for contact!
Finally Walgreens!!! Now shopping there won’t be such a fight w/cashiers and using Q’s! Thank u Collin for your phone calls w/Walgreens and all us shoppers for letting them know how we feel about their Q policy.
Excellent! Now if only all the stores I shop at would implement the same policy!
Why shop at Walgreen? CVS is a best store to shop.
We don’t have CVS in Washington State sadly… so we have to choose between rite aid and wallgreens.
CVS Stinks! I go through months without any good free back to back deals so I end up having to spend my ECB’s and then put money out of pocket to get in on a new deal. I never put money oop at WAGS! I have been rolling RR’s for as long as they have been out and never put out more than a filler or two worth oop. WAGS rocks! (and most of mine are coupon friendly now and they know me well and I talk with the managers all the time so it is usually smooth sailing except for when I screw up my count :s )
I still refuse to shop at Walgreens. If they don’t want to let me take advantage of coupons, I’ll be happy to take my business to CVS. HA! In your face Walgreens. This policy comes to late for me.
* In the event that any item’s selling price is less than the value of the coupon, Walgreens will only accept the coupon in exchange for the selling price of the item. (This means that the cashier/manager should adjust the coupon value down to match the item’s value)
I’ve missed so many deals because my Walrgreens wouldn’t adjust the price down. I’m so glad they have official rules to follow now. I’ll be printing a copy to take with me. 🙂
This is great! I went in yesterday to get the Listerine and I Motion. The cashier and manager told me that I couldn’t use my coupons with those items because the coupons were $.01 more than the cost of the item. The manager told me it was ILLEGAL for him to adjust the price therefore I couldn’t use the coupons for the items. I took my coupons and left. Today, I printed the policy and went back to get my items. I had a nice cashier who didn’t question anything and adjusted the price so I could use the coupons. Thank you so much!
Does anyone know if you use a B1G1 on a B1G1 sale if you get 2 free like CVS?
So much better than I expected! I printed mine out. Thanks!!
Just had an interesting and somewhat confusing chat online through the Walgreen’s website. I wanted confirmation that the manager had to follow the new policy and that coupons for over the selling price had to be accepted and reduced down. I think I finally got the confirmation at the end but not sure manager’s will stick to it. I still dont understand what she was talking about reference sale items and coupons.
Please wait while we contact the next available agent…
You are now speaking with Selena L!
Selena L: Hi! My name is Selena L. How may I help you?
you : I have a question about the new coupon policy on the website.
Selena L: I’ll be happy to assist you with your question.
you : Are all stores required to follow the stated policy, or can the store manager follow his/her own policy?
Selena L: Let me check that for you. Just one moment.
Selena L: Thank you for waiting.
Selena L: The coupon policy in-store may be at the discretion of the store manager.
you : So why have a corporate policy if the manager isnt required to follow it?
Selena L: The options in which the manager has the option to have discretion are regarding multiple identical items when there is limited stock to use multiple coupons and coupon offers that are not covered under the covered guidelines.
you : Okay. So are they required to follow the rest of the policy? Like reducing the amount of a coupon if it exceeds the item value?
Selena L: In the event that any item’s selling price is less than the value of the coupon, Walgreens will only accept the coupon in exchange for the selling price of the item. Coupon redemption can never exceed the selling price of an item and no cash back is ever provided in exchange for any coupons.
you : Right, that’s fine. So the manager cant refuse to take coupon because the coupon is for more than the amount of the item?
Selena L: Yes, the manager can refuse to accept that coupon in the instance that the items selling price is less than the value of the coupon. The coupon can never be more than the price of the items quoted price. The price would have to be greater than or equal to the value of the coupon.
you : But the policy says if the coupon is for more than the selling price, the coupon must be reduced to match the item price. Is that right? They have to take the coupon and reduce its value?
Selena L: Unfortunately, that is not the stated policy. For instance, if the cost of the sale item is $25 normally priced at $30 or more and the coupon is for $30 off the cost of the sale item, the coupon would be invalid, because its value exceeds the selling price of the item. The manufacturer will not redeem the coupon.
Selena L: Walgreens policy will not allow the use of the coupon because the manufacturer will not redeem this coupon.
you : No. The new coupon policy clearly states if the item is $4.99 and the customer has a coupon for $4.99, they should deduct $4.99 for the coupon. Is that not true??
you : I’m not talking about sale items at all.
you : Sorry I meant a coupon for $5.00.
Selena L: Yes, for non-sale items, that is correct
you : Ok, thats what I was getting at. Thanks for the information.
WOW… that was confusing! Still may be a bumpy checkout @ the old Wags…
This is crazy..why do they have a policy in place…I will go tomorrow and see if they even know that there is a cpn policy in place. Will keep updating.
gery..Miami fl
she doesn’t know what she is talking about and I think you should email a copy of that to walgreens corporate. The new policy doesn’ t say if it’s on sale you can’t do it and if it’s not on sale you can. Under sale items and under multiple coupon items it clearly states the coupon will be adjusted down.
As for bogo, I have a great walgreens, they are actually so super coupon friendly that one of the cashier’s clips many coupons before sending sunday papers back and hangs them throughout the store stapled to aisle tags of items. And she always points out if there is a wags coupon to use with it and she always has cheap filler items ready to suggest should you need them. I have always gotten 2 items free with bogo coupons and bogo sales.
Thank you Collin, for all YOUR work in making this happen! I waited with anticipation for each “Follow me…” video of our ridiculous phone calls with Walgreens. It was so hilarious! Now, finally, they actually have a coupon policy! You really are the BEST!
PLEEEEEEZ like Collin had anything to do with Walgreens instituting a coupon policy; she just caused headaches and harassed innocent hourly employees in numerous states. But when you don’t have a job you don’t appreciate nice customers…..do you?
Waht the heck r u talking about???!!!!!!!
If u have nothing nice to say then BE QUIET!!!
Ummm wow. Why are you on this site if you are just going to insult not only the owner, but all of us who do stay at home? I think THAT is pretty pathetic
FINALLY!!!! now, the question is are the employees knowledgable about this new policy? This should be interesting. All your hard work paid off!!
Buy One, Get One Free Coupons
When items are featured in a Buy One, Get One Free promotion, up to two coupons can be used against the items being purchased, as long as the net price does not go below zero for the items being purchased.
Sales tax must be paid for any Buy One, Get One Free coupon offers, if required by applicable state laws.
I will begin shopping @ Walgreen’s again. I have been SOOOOO frusterated w/them within the past few month, that I stopped going there.
What the heck are you talking about ?
Hey, Are you serious, are YOU serious? What parts of Collin’s videos for her WAGS coupon questions were actually harassing? She was asking questions in a polite manner. You, on the other hand, are border-line harassing this site with your “all-caps” comments. Who still does that sort of stuff on-line? There are other ways to convey emphasis on point besides the “caps” key.
Sounds like a disgruntled WAGS employee is creeping around here…
If you got nothing nice to say here, you are the one that need to shut up and keep your opinion to yourself. For one thing , if you are educated enough, you don’t need to use that kind of language here. If you don’t like Collin, find or make your own web site where you can say or use your own language or insult your own self.
Amen Sista!
I have a feeling that this is the same person who was harrassing Collin about the tortilla post. Just another child-like individual with too much time on their hands
This came at the perfect time. I had left walgreens frustrated trying “unsuccessfully” to get the clerk to reduce the value of a coupon. When I got back to work, you had this posted…….and I marched myself back to Walgreens with the policy in hand. They reduced the coupon that time with no problem!!! Thanks Collin
Yesterday, I went to WGN at Bridgeport, Chgo, I try to buy Air Wick and it’s $3.99. I gave a Q to cashier $4 off and she (and the MNG ‘s there too) told me that I can’t use the $4 Q because the item is on sale for $3.99. … so, end up I left the store. And the MNG said, ” I knew it!”…I was so mad..
YEEE HAW!!! Suck it coupon hate-in’ cashiers!!!
Thank you Collin!!! I’m so glad I have a coupon policy now that I can show to both managers and cashiers. I hate to have cashiers worry about backlash from their managers for accepting a coupon, so thank goodness for a uniform coupon policy, Walgreens!
A little over 2 weeks ago, I sent a complaint letter to the CEO of Walgreen’s. I was too PO’d about their inconsistencies regarding the acceptance of computer printed coupons.
I pointed out that their failure to address this issue was bad business. Additionally I provided them with links to a lot of coupon mommy blogs and readers comments about the policy .I CC’d the entire executive board. (don’t mess with my money)) . His office responded the next day, advising that the coupon blog sites would be reviewed by senior management in both marketing and operations.
* When items are featured in a Buy One, Get One Free promotion, up to two coupons can be used against the items being purchased, as long as the net price does not go below zero for the items being purchased.
Even my coupon friendly cashiers never let me do this. Now score!
Just got back did the lean pockets, air wick and natures bounty vitamins deal. All with no problems. The airwick coupons did beep. I told the cashier he needed to adjust the coupon down to 3.99 But the cashier pushed them through full price. He said they can’t adjust them down because walgreens gets reimbursed the full value of coupon $4 SCORE
I was so happy yesterday when I found this before my shopping trip to Walgreens for the air wic and Listerine. Needless to say, not so happy after the ordeal. After going to 3 different wags to find the air wics, I finally find them at a Wags in The Villages, FL (if anyone is familiar with the area it’s the biggest retirement communities in the state of Florida, taking 3 counties! and filled with grumpy old people! No offense.). After getting my deals i go up to check out and hand over the coupons. She gets to the fourth Air Wic coupon and it beeps and tells me I can’t use it. I tell ask her to just lower the value of the coupon, that it states in their policy that they can do that. SHe looked at me like I was stupid and says she’s NEVER lowered a coupon value! She then calls the manager and explains to him what’s going on. I told him it clearly states in their new coupon policy that they can lower the value of the coupon to the price of the item. He told me that no, they can’t do that and that they just sent a REVISED copy of that policy to the store. I told him that I just printed this offline and he was like, yeah, but they’ve changed it already. You can’t do that. But he ended up giving me the coupon anyway in a mngr override. He was also saying that he could show me where it says but never did! I was so mad. Then when I did the easy ride pull ups, they didn’t print my RR and before I could say anything to the cashier, she was pushing my stuff off to my son telling him to put it in my cart and was hurring to start the couple (Village members) behind me started ringing up.
Needless to say, I emailed Wags last night and will continue to write them til i hear back!!
I live 20 mins from the villages LOVE IT!!!
So often, in our busy and over-extended lives, we remember to complain but forget the manners our grandparents practiced. To a national company that is willing to listen to their cusotmers – I give a GREAT BIG thank you, wo-hoo, and go Wags! It’s a pleasure that we can continue doing business with you …
I went to Walgreens today to use some rr’s that are going to expire. I asked the manager about the new coupon policy before I began, just so I was prepared. And, just as I thought, not one person in the store had a clue about the new policy. Good thing I had the policy printed off so they approved it and things went fairly smoothly. So just an FYI, just because they rolled out this national policy, doesn’t mean all of the employees have been informed.
The store employees and managers have no clue of the policy. Word to the wise, if you plan on following this policy, you might as well print it out and have it with you when you go. I made the mistake of leaving it at home.
One of my local Walgreens I visited today told me they will not be following the printed policy. They did honor it this time 10 min. later and with the help of the manager. The assistant manager rang the airwick up at $4.00 (it was priced at $3.99) then scanned the coupon $4/1, he said they will not be reducing the amount of the coupon because it messes up his records. He was aware of the policy and even stated I was right. Very confusing.
So, they are just going to make up their “own” coupon policy??
You know it was those videos!!! Put it over the top…straw that broke the camels back…Yippee!