Finding Balance…

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As I have stated many times in the past, I often struggle with finding balance in my life. If I spend too much time on the computer, I feel like I am neglecting my kiddos and my hubby and vice-versa. With the holidays approaching and all the hot deals that are likely to surface, I know I will feel even more pressure to hang out with my computer way too frequently. And it seems that I am not alone. Check out this email that I recently received from a reader…

I love to save money and get excited on many of the deals you post. However, recently I feel like I am married to my computer, coupon book and your site :).
I have let my home duties get behind and I am always checking in on your site. I also love to read what others say as I learn so much and also love to offer replies on questions others may have – as I know how much others have helped me learn –plus, there are times I am corrected and I actually am thankful I was, it’s another learning experience –better at home then in the store with that cranky cashier.
So, now I sit here wondering – is it ok to take a break or will I go through couponing withdrawal? Will it be hard to get caught up? How long of a break to take?
I get Sunday papers delivered, so I won’t be behind on my inserts. I am just so exhausted of separating, cutting, sorting, planning, – and getting to the stores early and making sure I do not forget to cash in rain checks on time and before the expiration date of my matching coupons.
Coupon shopping is weekly and never ending it seems. I recently had to buy quite a bit of food without coupons to get restocked on some things I let get behind. And, it made me think – oh no! My husband is upset that we ran out of such and such and the cupboards are not full and so now I had to pay full price. So, I am adding my weekly shopping food coupon shopping trips back into my schedule.
But, I am only one person and my kids are too young to help and I do not spend nearly any time with them like I should. I am luckily to clean the house, cook meals, do laundry, organize the budget, plan out appointments for the family and get them there, so on, so forth. My husband works (long days: approx 60-70 hours a week, 5 days) and I do everything else – a 24/7 job that doesn’t include a full nights rest, thanks to my little baby girl who still doesn’t sleep through the night. Between my toddler and now 9 month old – it’s been 22 months so far and not one night have I slept through a night yet.
I like to think I am a typical SAHM who is married with a few kids and a couple pets. So, what are your thoughts? What do you hear from others on this?

With that being said, how do all of you find that perfect balance (or is there even such a thing)?! Do you ever feel overwhelmed with couponing and deals? Do you ever want to go into a grocery store, leave your coupon binder behind and purchase everything at full-price just to take a break? If you have taken a break from couponing, how long of a break did you take and did you come back feeling refreshed? Feel free to answer any or all of these questions and share any additional tips that you may have.

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Comments 321

  1. Patti

    First, thank you Colin for your hard work and sense of humor.

    Second, I am probably one of your older coupon mom’s. Kids are grown up and out of the house. Here are my thoughts from a “been there, done that’ point of view:

    1) Set your priorities.
    2) Schedule your time and activities each week (may have to even be daily when starting out) based on these priorities. Ideally the items with the highest priority get the most time, but this isn’t always the case.
    3) Review priorities and your schedule regularly. If it’s not working for whatever reason, review and change. Be flexible.
    4) It’s not a stagnant process. There will be times when your family needs you more. There will be times where saving every nickle will be a high priority. There will be times when you just don’t give a rip.

    Go with it girls!! Thank you for being great moms to the next generatiion. We all need you.

  2. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Wow! I am not alone in this world! I have a 2 year old, I work 40 hours a week (not to mention the 1 1/2 hour drive time. I am married but I hold all the responsibility of cleaning, grocery shopping, laundry, paying bills, the majority of the cooking and making sure my son is bathed, fed, etc. Not to mention trying to keep on top of couponing.
    I agree that it is a part time job alone. From finding the deals, to printing and clipping coupons, to getting the store (I live 20 minutes from the nearest grocery store), etc. I am not sure how you find 100% balance when you are this busy. Because once you think you have it figured out, wow, something else is thrown at you! I can only suggest to take a deep breath and realize that spending time with your children is WAY more important than saving a dollar! I just hope I can follow my own advice!

  3. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Let me start by saying, I have often wondered how you find the time to do all you do. I definitly appreciate all you do for the rest of us, but understand it is alot of work. I have looked over most of the comments and noticed no one mentioned, HELP. Have you thought of asking someone to help you with this, someone that knows what they are doing. There is no shame in asking for help. TAKE a BREAK, you deserve it. We all love you. Please don’t get burnt out.

  4. Rebeka

    So funny that this is posted today on HIP2SAVE~it’s Monday (payday) and I USUALLY have all my coupons cut, my lists written down, and my plan in front of me for tonight’s shopping trip. I go when my husband gets home with my cash to last me the next 2 weeks. I usually will hit 5 stores and it takes about 3-4 hours. I’ve been doing this consistently for almost a year. Today is different~I’m feeling unmotivated, tired of doing all this WORK (even though I know it pays off) and just feel like going to one store this week and leaving my coupon book at home. I can’t believe I just wrote that last sentence. I’m glad to know that I’m not alone in feeling like a break/breather is necessary. ~BIG Sigh~

  5. Jennifer A

    My two boys are in school during the day so I don’t feel the guilt of taking that time to search the net and clip the coupons during the day while they’re away, but during summer break, I really didn’t want to be glued to my computer, and since I had a really great stockpile, I just decided to take the summer off. I haven’t couponed since May/June, and we are just starting to run out of things like toothpaste, soap, dishsoap, and I’m down to my last laundry soap. My husband keeps saying, “you’ve gotta get back to couponing!” lol I’ve been going out and getting the papers on Sunday’s and getting All You magazines but haven’t clipped any coupons in months so I’ve got this overflowing tote bag of coupon inserts and magazines and it just seems like a huge mountain to climb. I’m considering just going with the file system for the inserts rather than try and catch up with clipping them all. I will say this, taking the summer off to just enjoy being with my kids was great, and I didn’t miss couponing that much since I had such a great stockpile, but I’m really ready to get back to it. For SAHM’s with children that aren’t in school yet, I definately feel for ya. I remember those days of not having any freetime, or feeling guilty if I wasn’t giving them my undevided attention at all times. I think if you are feeling stressed out about it you should give yourself a break. Couponing isn’t going anywhere. It will be here when you are ready to come back. If you’ve got a good stockpile, you can live off it for months, and even if you don’t, so what. So you’ll spend a little more for things for a while. Couponing is a lot of work. It’s like a part-time job for me. Everyone deserves a vacation from work.

    • Katie

      Ahh! Me too! I did the exact same thing you did – and now I have months worth of inserts! But it’s because of the stockpile that I’m able to take the summer off. And that’s worth it. Definitely baby steps though – getting back in the swing of things with small deals here and there.

  6. Ebony

    Well i just came off a hiatus so here is my advice

    1. take the “fly-lady” approach, set a time give yourself say 10 minutes to clean 1 bathroom, go in scrub the toilets, rinse out the sink etc. When that timer goes off, go back to what you were doing. Do this about every 1-2 hours.

    2. Take something out of the freezer for dinner first thing in the morning. That way you dont find yourself at 4pm wondering whats for dinner.

    1. Although some deals are just too good to pass up you wont DIE without them. I was upset because the nearest rite aide is 45 minutes away so I couldnt take advantage of all the free candy everyone was getting. Although it was a great deal, I had to pass on it.

    2. Ask yourself if you NEED it, I hate it when i have to pass on $5 shoes or free shipping but sometimes I save money by NOT shopping. Just today I wanted to get some kids books from with thier 4 for 3 promo and free shipping but I would have ended up spending $19, although its a great deal for the books thats $19 more dollars I wont have until payday.

    3. Use a coupon generator or database. If im going to the store for something specific I will go to one of the message boards like hot coupn world and type the product in thier database to see if there is a q out for it, if there isnt a printable one I usually just have to suck it up, but at least I looked and I feel a lil better paying full price knowing I didnt have the Q anyways or there wasnt one out for the product at the time.

    4. Plan your menu- I plan right down to snacks since I have young kids, I cant say how much this has helped me cut down on the amount of random items i purchase. I plan a weekly menu, get my coupons together and go to the store, i leave about an extra $5-10 for unexpected deals i might find like chex mix for .50 cents or cheese on sale. I think alot of us are running low on staples I cant WAIT for the holidays and all the q’s for flour, frenchs fried onions, canned goods!

    5. When it comes to keeping up on inserts just do the best you can, at one point i had my coupon binder then pockets inside the binder with coupons I hadnt filed yet and it just became a mess. If the binder method doesnt work for you, scrap it for a while. I switched to envelopes about 10 different categories sounds crazy but its easier for me then me putting them in the slots, the coupons falling out, my boys pullin coupons out the top of my binder etc.

    6. Remember to have fun, even if you have to force yourself off the computer. Take the kids to the park, go play ball with them, let them help you when your doing certain tasks. Its all about quality of life and even though coupons are a necessity for me, sometimes i just have to push myself away and do a craft with my boys.

  7. Lynne

    A few things I’ve done to save time: I no longer clip, sort, file coupons. I just date the insert, 3-hole-punch and stick them in a binder. Any printed Q’s go in an expandable file in A-Z format. I use hip2save or southersavers (she has a printable shopping list). I get my list & Q ready before heading to the store. I see so many gals with carts pulled over sifting through a huge file of Q’s, taking hours to shop rather than minutes. Just the other day a gal behind me said she was a huge fan of Q’s too and just spent 3 hours in publix (Seriously!?!) I always have little ones in tow, so that would not work for me. I would rather compile my list late at night and hit the store first thing in the AM.

    I really limit which stores I shop. I prefer Publix & CVS. After I’ve stockpiled things like cereal, bodywash, soaps, razors, toothpaste, I stop purchasing them unless they are a money maker or I’m down to two in the stockpile. After three weeks of couponing, I like to take a week off from shopping altogether. I use that week to cook from the pantry and stockpiled ingredients/freezer items.

    I’m a SAHM and for now, I use couponing to stretch our family budget. Yes, it takes time, but it is part of the job.

    • cheryl

      THIS IS THE BEST ADVICE I’VE SEEN-THINK I’LL TRY THIS whoops-didnt mean to cap lock

  8. Sarah

    wow, I feel the same way. There are times when I feel overwhelmed and I have everything layed out on the table and things are mess in the house. I try to get organized during nap times but that doesn’t always happend. I took a 6 week break from couponing this summer but I still got the inserts so my coupon stock wouldn’t go down. With that being said, I hate to buy full price now because I always think how much more I could of saved if I just shopped the sales with my coupons.

    I go through periods when i have to take a break from coupon so that way when I get back into it I am not that burnt out. But getting the binder in order is a lot of work when you take breaks with one eye still on the says and this site of course.


  9. Suni

    WOW…..I am in aww by the overwhelming response that this post has gotten in such a sort time. But I am so very thankful to think that I am also not alone. I am a wife, mother to a 2 year old and mother to a hyper dog, I work full-time, and am currently suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis (which makes you extremely tired to begin with) and I too feel extremely overwhelmed at times with couponing.

    I pop onto Hip2save daily (sometimes more than once a day) and I check out the deals to see what I HAVE to have and what I am gonna let go by, I then try to get my stuff together that night at home and then I get an hour for lunch (I have CVS, Rite Aid and Walgreens about 3 miles from my work) so I usually do my shopping at lunch. I do have a husband that loves the awesome bargains I bring home but he HATES the mess of coupons here and here and o yeah over there too. I cant seem to keep up with filing my inserts….I write my dates on them and somehow they just seem to end up all over the place. About once a month I stay up late at night and organize and purge (expired) coupons and yet I still find myself unorganized. I feel so exhausted from all the running I do that when I get home to cook dinner, clean the house, do laundry, pack bags and get my deals ready I just dont feel like taking the time to file…..but I am not complaining because I know what I gotta do its just a matter of self-discipline and just doing it….

    But the moral of my story is THANK YOU COLLIN for EVERYTHING you do and the time you put into this site. You truly are a godsend to many during these tough economical times and there just is no way for us to repay you for what you do. And also a THANK YOU goes out to everyone who has commented on this post as I know there are many tips out there that you guys/gals are posting that will help so many….and to know we are not alone…..we are here to learn and to give back….

    I regards to the break all I can say is; by all means if you feel you gotta take a break from couponing, please do so….your health is worth more than the extra couple of bucks you are gonna spend this week on groceries because you know deep down you will be back to couponinng shortly and you will make that money back on your next visit to the store…..

    Thanks for listening… back to couponing 😉

  10. Amanda

    I have definitely been feeling the same way lately. I read that email and thought it could have been straight from me.

    First and foremost, family comes first for me. My kids are growing up far too fast to spend so much time finding the best deals even though it is one of things I am very passionate about. I try to do my couponing during naptime, after the kids go to bed, or when we’re all watching a movie together (trying to be in the same room so I can multi-task couponing and playing with the kiddos). That doesn’t always happen, but that’s the ideal situation for me.

    I’ve also given up on running out to get the freebies and steals if they’re things that we could do without, already have in stock, or things we wouldn’t be using on a regular basis. This has really helped to cut the number of shopping trips down to a minimum and reduce the stress of toting around my two young ones. It makes for happier kids when they’re not strapped in the shopping cart all day. Experience has taught me this for sure! I’ll still take them out with me but I try to have a plan of attack so that we’re in and out quickly.

    As for spending so much time on the computer, I’m guilty of this as well, especially since I run my own internet-based business from home. I just try to constantly remind myself that deals and sales will come and go, but the time I have with my kids is limited and far more important than running out to get that freebie.

  11. janee

    I’ve cut way back on my couponing/deal finding lately. I canceled my newspaper subscription and only occasionally print a coupon if I know one is available on an item I already planned to purchase.

    I have two (soon to be 3) small children who need ME more than our budget needs the extra money we were previously saving. I’m now concentrating my efforts toward living simply and only buying what we really need (not just a bunch of stuff I COULD use because it’s a really great deal).

    I may pick up couponing more later in life, but for now I am happy with my choice. We aren’t going to break the bank without it, and no one ever said on their death bed “I wish I’d spent more time using coupons and shopping the sales.”

    • Heidi S

      Your last statement is SO true – thanks for the reminder!

    • Laura

      So true!!! I will use a coupon only if it is something I had already planned to buy. I won’t use a coupon *just* to get a good deal on something that wasn’t part of my shopping list already. I see so many people who ‘coupon’ and LOTS of times they are buying things just because the deal is too good to pass up. So for me, instead of spending $5 on something I don’t need, I am saving $5 buy not buying something I wouldn’t have bought without a coupon anyway.

  12. Cindy Starcher

    Hey Collin girl!
    You know I too, at times, find myself going through every deal that you post or searching through the clearance isle hoping that I have that perfect coupon to play to get things free or for just a few cents. I do get behind with my couponing…and I will have ads from one end of my house hold to the other! But I recently quit my teaching job to be able to stay home and spend time with my kiddos. My coupon endeavor has saved me quite a bit of money…and I love to find those perfect bargains. But you know, before I was couponing I was spending money like you would not believe! I would go to Walmart, or CVS and buy everything for full price! Now that I have been couponing for a while, I know what prices are good and I know what coupon I could play to make it even better! I think I am learning to be a better steward of my money and i am getting so much more for quite a bit less. Where I have to be careful is with the picking and choosing of what deal to cash in on and which ones not to. Sometimes I think I buy more “stuff” than I would have if it just were not on sale or if i wasn’t looking for a great sale! Sometimes too, I find that i have a great coupon for a product that I would never have bought if it weren’t for the coupon. Sooooo, i am having to rein myself in at times to not over spend on GREAT DEALS…which brings me to a question for you Collin…seeing how you find the deals before the rest of us do…how do you pick and choose what things to participate in and what not to? You have a huge temptation yourself!!


  13. KizAnn

    Well, I have used coupons in the past, but i have found this new site and i am haveing a blast. Couponing is alot of work if you are a person like me useing like 60 coupons every week, stocking up on the sale items and matching them up with coupons. It is such a big saveings. I am stocking up for the winter. To the poor woman that is looking for balance. I think first of all you need to get yourself a real good night sleep!!!!!!!! isn’t there a grandma or sister,or sister-in-law that could take the little darlings for a night or even two? It sounds to me hun you just need a break all togther. I send you happy thoughts that grandma or auntie will come through!!!!!! you take care and get some needed rest!!!!! Take Care KizAnn

  14. Lorraine Simka

    I always say couponing is a job in itself. When I don’t have my coupons ready, or haven’t looked at the ads I’ll shop for the things I need at Trader Joes or Aldi’s.

  15. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    For me… I pass up many deals because of time and I do take breaks. I will have times when my inserts stack up or I do not do the drug store shopping for a few weeks. I just can not do it all. I know the deals will come around again.

    I keep my inserts organzied writing the date on the front page of the insert. If I do not get to cut them for a bit at least i can find the coupon I am needing when it is listed on a site.

    I will still keep up with the food coupons, but at times I will just go to the lower priced grocery store to get things when I am running out of items and need to restock.

    I have frineds that catch every deal. Sometimes I find that urgency to make sure I get in on the deal, but in the end… I have found that another good deal with come next week and speind the extra time at home getting things done around the house is oh so worth it.

  16. Stacey

    I lost my coupon carrier this summer. I took a break all of July and August and was back at it in September. It was a good break. I think I sometimes it we get so engrossed in “the deal” and the “free” item and free shipping even if we don’t need it. Sometimes it’s good to take a step back and get back to basics and then when you have had enough down time it’s easier to pick up and jump into it with both feet.

  17. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I am a single parent with 4 kids one of which has 2 disabilities. I do everything plus work full time and take care of the kids. I have my own health problems but I think the key is balance. I use Steven Covey’s book on highly effective people. I also us a single mom’s resource book. Couponing has helped my lifestyle but I do take breaks simply because I do not have the time. Right now work is busy and my children are taking my time. I like couponing and shopping as a release sometimes in other words it is therapeutic. I work hard at family and work and trying to stay in a budget. It is just balance.

  18. Pam

    🙂 I pick just two stores to shop at and don’t worry about the other stores deals. Meijer and Rite Aid. Two are enough for me to get plenty of great deals/free items.

    🙂 If you miss a deal OH WELL, another one will come along. ( I have to tell myself this OFTEN!)

    🙂 Remember, your kids won’t be this little too long. So, it might get easier to do “everything” when they become more independent BUT SPEND TIME WITH THEM NOW since they grow up so quickly. 🙂

    • AnnMarie

      That’s what I’ve found saves me too! I do Safeway and Rite Aid. Every once in awhile I will do the Walgreen’s, Target or Albertson’s.
      It’s saved me so much time!

  19. Christy

    I’m a busy mother of five great kids, ages 13, 11, 8,5, and 2. My kids have many activities and we are very busy! I lead a girl scout troop, a confirmation class, and am an active participant in two Bible studies. I was lucky enough to be born with lots of energy and even though I’m 46, I get a lot done in a single day!

    I’ve been couponing for over a year, not because we have to, but because it is fun for me. I brought our grocery bill down from $900/mo to around $350/mo. The extra money gets split between the college fund (we’re gonna need it!) and the vacation fund. I get up 1/2 hr before everyone else so I can read the blogs, and I try to check them throughout the day. I follow 3 blogs pretty closely (hip2save is one of them). I have three kids in school full time and my oldest is homeschooled, so he helps me with the shopping. He is learning to coupon and loves it, too.

    I tell myself that it’s ok to miss a deal now and then. I’m not stopping my life to go get a deal. My husband will also stop at the stores on his way home. Getting up early on a Sunday morning to hit Wags and CVS is a routine now and my kids can’t wait till I get home from the stores to see what I’ve bought. We are eating better than ever!

    Balance is important and I think the bottom line is to find where your comfort level is. And if you get burned out, take a vacation from couponing. My guess is you’ll miss it and want to get right back into it 🙂

  20. Julieanne28

    I am a stay at home mom to one son who is 9 years old. I used to clean houses to supplement our income but I lost those due to the economy so now I really have to coupon to make up for what I no longer bring home. When I first started couponing I spent hours collecting coupons, viewing websites, and shopping several days a week at many different stores. I felt like I HAD to get every deal out there. Now I only view hip2save, iheartpublix and southernsavers. I only shop at Publix, CVS, and sometimes Bi-Lo. I normally only shop one day a week, I hit all 3 stores on the same day. I carry a cooler in my car for cold items(I live 40 min from Publix, 20 from CVS & Bi-Lo). I do stockpile laundry detergent, toilet paper, paper towels, cereal, cleaning products, and bath items that way if I don’t feel like doing a deal I skip it for a few weeks.

    Here are my suggestions:

    1) Don’t clip coupons from inserts file them by date and only cut what you need.
    2) Clip and file (I use a binder) internet printed coupons asap! These can stack up quickly.
    3) Choose the stores you love to shop & save the most at and only make 1 trip a week if possible.
    4) If there is a deal today on product X rest assured there will be another so if you miss out don’t beat yourself up!

    Happy couponing everyone! Thanks Collin for all you do!!

    • Julieanne28

      I forgot to mention that I use 4×6 index cards for my store lists and I paper clip the coupons to the index card that way when I get to the store I know exactly what I am buying and I have my coupons ready.

  21. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    i include my children in my coupon shopping, even when they are playing shopping with there toys they have their coupons :).

    I make sure my kids come first before a deal or a shopping trip.

    however my husband and i do have intense moments of fellowship about my lack in keeping up with some chores (i hate them anyways LOL)

    All and all, coupons have become a way of life in my families budget, not that we have over extended ourselfs and have to have them to make it, but we use the money for the extra stuff i.e. vacations or going to see elmo live!!! (thats this friday)

    • sarah

      you crack me up! way to look at it – spending time with your kids! My two year old loves getting coupons as they come off the printer, so I guess I’m on it too. I also love your “intense fellowships” comment.

    • Sarah N

      I keep an envelope with animal supplies coupons. We don’t have any animals, but I clip the coupons and give them to who ever needs them. My 20 month old, rambunctious son got a hold of it one day and was sitting on the floor covered in coupons with a big smile on his face saying “coupon, coupon, coupon” over and over. I had never heard him say that word before and with little kid some times it is hard to understand there beginning words, but plain as day he was saying “coupon.”

  22. Chip

    First of all I want to thank Collin for all her hard work. I can’t even imagine how she is able to do all this AND coupon/shop. I don’t have any advice because most of it has already been given with the other comments. The only thing I would say is maybe find a friend that is in the same situation and see if you can help each other out. One of you watch all the kids for a few hours while the other gets coupons together or goes out to shop. You could take turns. Or maybe get a family member to give you a break so you can find time. Yes, sometimes I do just break down and buy something full price. A few weeks ago I want to Safeway and bought dinner from the deli. When I was done it came to $17. I felt guilty but then my wife pointed out how much I had saved over the last few months. I suppose my point is that we each have to find what our “perfect balance” is, and once you do, don’t feel guilty.

  23. Nancy

    I took a break over the summer…it was just too much for me to coupon and keep up with everything. I did hate buying at full price and my stock pile dwindled considerably. But, I am back and feeling better about the whole thing and of course the money I am saving.

    I don’t have to do every deal posted — I just got a ton of stuff at CVS and while Rite Aid is smokin’ w. deals this week I don’t have to go just for those sales.

    If I have learned anything it is that there is always gonna be a sale and probably a coupon to go with it….

    I think each person has to do what is best for themselves and their family. No way could I have done this when the kids were little.

  24. ChristaHolt

    Hey Collin and fellow couponers!!
    I am married to a wonderful husband, I have 3 crazy kids and I am new to couponing. I started last year and I have yet to “conquer” thegrocery and drugstore games!! I have spend so much time online printing and trying to score great deals. However, it has been the source of many fights between my spouse and I. I try explaining that I m nly trying to “contribute” because I am a SAHM and my husband is the breadwinner. I have only been able to save 20 or 30 bucks a shopping trip. My husband works very hard to provide for us, and being a young”hip” mom doent always make life easy. I get down on myself for not being able to master the art of couponing and often want to give up! I need help trying to figure this all out to “convert” my husband, friends and family. I’d like to be able to say “we wont have to spend for a while, we have all we need for a few months!” Advice for a newbie??

  25. :::grace:::

    my husband got back from deployment in april, and i started couponing so i wouldn’t have to get a “job”, and be on someone else’s schedule- with 3 kids under 5, i can barely keep up as it is! boy was i wrong- this is definitely a JOB! i got addicted, fast.

    i’ve only been following hip2save for about 2 months, but have done so religiously. my husband has been away for training the whole time, and i have definitely been too caught up. haven’t paid enough attention to the kids, been up til 2 am EVERY night, haven’t worked out in TWO WEEKS! the house was a wreck… i cleaned 12 hours friday to get ready for him to get home that night, on our anniversary.

    saturday i had to go to the store in a rush to buy for my daughter’s 3rd birthday party. i lost my bag and binders at michael’s, and didn’t even care about my wallet and phone- just my coupons. i actually cried at the register, because i paid full price for almost everything at michaels and target.

    this is the first monday in 8 weeks i didn’t run around like a crazy person, from store to store, with my 8 month old attached to my chest, to catch all the deals. did i want to? yes! but i had to let it rest for a few days. i clipped and organized sunday, and if i get out to the stores later in the week, okay… and if not, that’s okay too… might try to catch a few deals on groceries. but there is nothing i NEED. we’re even going to a renaissance festival tomorrow for a day of fun!!! i enjoyed my “no shopping monday” 🙂 having said ALL that, thanks collin, for your time and dedication!!! 🙂 xoxo :::grace:::

  26. mamabear

    I think the biggest thing that helped me was hooking up twitter to my blackberry, so when the deals are posted I get a txt that was I’m not bound down to my pc… I used to spend hours on there and left the internet up so I wouldn’t miss a deal. Now I just get on to get the really important q’s and stuff like that. It has really helped. I am actually on a coupon break right now and it is the best feeling!!!

  27. jane

    I took the summer off. I didn’t mean to, but the sunshine and fresh air were calling me outside and I don’t have a laptop. I was pretty well stocked with paper goods and other essentials and I love our local farmers’ market in the summer, so I found myself buying most of what I needed there. I decided not to worry about it. When the weather got cold, I started couponing again, and my attitude is, if I save $5, or $10, or $2, it’s something. It can really take over your life otherwise and there are many ways to save money—like not shopping! 🙂 Try to find a balance that you are comfortable with.

  28. Donna S.

    I can’t believe how that sounds like me. I always feel like I’m behind on my deals and there are times I would love to leave my coupons at home. Then I feel guilty for not using my coupons. I also have the bare cupboard thing happening. My husbands always, asks for as much shopping and couponing that I do why is it that there is never any food. I always want to get that deal and feel disappointed if I didn’t get it. I know that there is always another deal if I miss one but I really hate to miss one! I have to say that without couponing I would never be able to get all those extra items. I have to thank you for all that you do. You have really helped me out. I can’t tell you how many people I have given your web site too.

  29. kristi

    I am much like Lynne (comment 107). I went to a seminar hosted by Jenny of She pointed out that you don’t need to cut out every coupon, just save your inserts and date them. After all, these sites tell you where to find the coupon and you just cut it out as you need it. I also just do one grocery store (publix) and one drugstore (usually CVS). CVS allows you to shop both sales Saturday after 6 so you only have to go once a month. Just get a raincheck if needed as they never expire there. I used to spend 4-5 hours each week chasing every deal in each store. Jenny taught me that the deal with come to your store eventually so if you don’t have to have it all right now then just do one drugstore. My life has become so much easier after learning this lesson and I still have a nice stockpile! I have a 9 month old and 2 year old at home and couponing has allowed me to work part time. I never plan on going back but I am so glad I found a balance!

  30. JANELL

    HELP!!!! I have screamed that many times before! I am a mother of three and work part time from home and am a full time mommy! 🙂 I LOVE Hip2Save and Collin and all that she does but as I was “skimming” through most of these responses I didn’t see anyone address this mother’s Lack of Sleep! (maybe I missed it since I was skimming)
    If I know one thing to be true about myself…I am better in ALL areas if I have slept well at night, including being creative and being reasonable with my choices (even the ones I say NO to). Like someone said..another great deal will be along again soon, you can’t win them all!
    So, back to the Lack of Sleep for this mother and for many of you who are still not sleeping through the night because your kids aren’t.
    **And this is not a plug for this author or her book, I just know it works..GUARANTEED!**
    I was introduced to a website/book called “The Sleep Sense” program. It is a book you can order and download and it walks you step by step on helping and teaching your babies/toddlers to sleep through the night. It has worked wonders for mine. All 3 of my kids, ages 7, 6 and 2 are all in bed by 7:45pm and I don’t hear from them again until 7AM! That allows me some time w/my hubby, time to work coupons/deals, etc., whatever I want! But most importantly SLEEP!
    It is something you have to commit to and work at but once you have it down after a few weeks, it will flow and become routine. Like I said, no plugs here for this website but I was blessed by someone who shared it with me so I can sleep. Her website is: by Dana Obleman.
    Hope this helps with that side of things and Sleep Well!

  31. Stephanie

    I took the month of September off. For the first 2 weeks I felt guilty, but there was literally no time to do the sales. I was just buying the necessities & often those I was getting at the last minute (like feeding my poor dog rice & carrots because I was out of food. I just kept telling myself that there is always another deal just around the corner & this is why I stockpile. Before I got back into the game, I took it as an opportunity to clean/organize/use up stuff in my fridge, freezer & pantry. I did feel refreshed. I lost out on a few catalinas & 1 RR (About 11.00 worth that I didn’t spend & expired). I still feel huge guilty about that, but I keep telling myself it will be OK & there are worse things than having expired coupons. I am now ready to go back to it fully charged & took one day last week to organize my coupons. It felt so good to get back to it & I felt that surge of saving!

  32. Annie

    Hi Collin, you are amazing! I know many, many people appreciate the deals you post and everyone I have ever referred to you ‘LOVES YOU’ and your HUGE HEART 🙂
    When I first started couponing I was running to many different stores, stockpiling everything and anything whether we needed it or not. After five years I am down to one grocery store and one drug store. I value my time with my family too much to run to every store for every deal. I know if I wait long enough it will come around to my store. I love the thrill I get from a great deal and I do not like to pay full price for anything – it is all about balance. If you need a break take one, we will love you anyways for all what you have given us 🙂

  33. Jessica

    Oh we ALL feel that way! I LOVE all of the good deals, but also like to be organized and have my household running smoothly. My blog tries to give tips to hopefully make it a little easier to fit it all in and give yourself a break and more credit along the way. Good luck!


  34. Lola

    My husband and I did serious hardcore coupon shopping for 6 months and stocked up on all necessities including food storage. Now if we get low on something I will start to watch for deals and stock up when the deals arrive. Lets just say I don’t feel like I am married to my computer or to my coupon book or to cutting coupons. I am only looking for a few deals at one time and leave the rest behind. In the beginning it was hard for me to put down the coupons but after awhile it was freeing and I am not stressed about getting every deal out there. I struggle with food just because we are both so busy but what I save with food I save and I can’t sweat the small stuff if I can’t save. Saving is just a bonus. It is nice to have the extra money but it is also nice to have time off and to enjoy at home with family. We are also stocked on upcoming Christmas and birthday gifts for the kids which is so nice that I don’t have to worry about that right now.

  35. Sandra Roberts

    I did take a break, I got tired of clipping and stressing! lol My husband was getting on me when the cashiers didn’t know what they were doing and it upsets him to hold up a line! It upsets me as well, but he gets upset with me instead of the cashier! lol He thinks it’s how the coupon was printed.

    This is what really gets me:
    Last weekend, at Walmart, I didn’t look at which cashier we had (I wasn’t feeling all that great), so I didn’t realize she was one I’ve never seen before, she scanned everything we had, then took all my coupons, looked at EACH and EVERY one of them, talking or should I say mumbling to herself, guess she was reading the coupon? lol Anyway, she scanned every coupon that was NOT interent except one which was a manufacturer coupon for a free product I got in the mail, then she left the register without saying a word!

    My husband’s looking at me like what’s up and I said it nice and loud so the lady in back of me could here “I have no idea, she just stopped! Scanned the coupons from the paper, but took the internet ones and the freebie one with her! She came back, I asked what the problem was and again she mumbled and scanned all the rest of the coupons.

    I LOVE couponing, saving 1/4 – 1/2 off our grocery bill every week is a big help, but I hate it when we get cashiers like that, it’s frustrating and makes me wonder why bother! Then I remember when I see my total go $20 or more lower!

    As far as how I shop, I have a list I get online for Walmart and I name it Walmart Deals, these are the deals with the coupons, then I get my shopping list of things we need for the house, then I look through my coupon book to see if any coupons match that. When we are shopping, I am looking off 2 lists so I don’t miss anything.

    Do I bring my coupon book with me? Not always, if I am not feeling well, I only bring the coupons I know I am going to use with me. If I am going deal shopping and feel fine, I do bring the book just in case my husband spots something he wants and I have a coupon for it, I don’t get upset! lol

    I don’t clip all my coupons, I leave them in their inserts and clip as I need to, but then I realized I miss out on a lot of good coupons that way, so now I try to clip them and add them to my book……….unfortunately when I got sick last month, I fell behind, so now I’m 1 month behind on clipping and have no intention on clipping them. lol

  36. Emily

    I sympathize! Once you’re hooked on couponing, it just about kills you to pay full price! 😉 Here’s what I do. (Btw, I’m a SAHM with three kids, ages 5, 3, and 2, so I’m pretty busy at home.)

    I do very basic couponing for food items. I chose one store (the closest to my house) and only go there. If there is a good deal, I make sure to take advantage of it, but I don’t spend hours and hours matching coupons. I make my list of things we need, check if there are coupons to match with those items, and then add whatever stellar deals have been making the rounds in the blogosphere. It only gets out of control, time-wise, if I try to add in EVERY deal, or worry about what ecoupons are on my cards and how to match those, etc. etc.! (I load ecoupons, of course, I just consider them an added bonus!)

    Second, I only “deal shop” at CVS. I love my local CVS – the manager is super coupon-friendly and now that I’m there every week he knows me and my kids. One of the clerks there even scouts good deals for me! The point is that I chose ONE STORE that worked for me, and I stick with that. Do I wish, sometimes, that I also shopped at Rite Aid or Target? Of course! But I choose not to add extra trips because that detracts from time with my family and time taking care of my home.

    Third, sometimes I take a week off entirely. Not shopping not only saves you time, it also saves you money – you’re not spending anything if you’re not in the store! And one week, here or there, is not going to wreck your ability to stockpile.

    Fourth, I don’t clip all my coupons. I know there is massive disagreement over this, but for me, with small kids to care for, clipping coupons was WAY too much work. I have a hanging file folder where I file each week’s inserts. When I know I need a coupon, I find it and clip it. (I do flip through the inserts each week when they come, and if I see a coupon that I KNOW we’ll use, I clip that right away. But those are kind of rare!)

    Hang in there! You’ll find a balance that works for you!

  37. Renee

    I too am feeling a little overwhelmed with just keeping up with it all these days!! I enjoy couponing, saving those pennies, but it can get tiring. I try to leave the binder at home, but I just can’t. I have set certain priorities within my family and have learned that it is ok to let some sales go! I am a SHAM to three teeanagers 13, 16, 18, and thought it was tough when they were little! Boy was i wrong…teenage life is a whole new set of issues. (you still don’t sleep all that much) But back to topic at hand. I too have just recently used up the freezer stuff, let the stockpile go a little, and it was ok. I lived to tell about it and think that now I am going to be more relaxed and selective with my purchases. It was good to take a little time off from it all. A good deal is a good deal but not at the expense of “loosing it”! I am attempting to find balance and make it all work! If anybody has the secret, let me know.

  38. Sarah

    First, I want to say a huge “Thank you!” to you Collin for all that you do. I mean, if we all seem frazzled just trying to keep up, imagine what it would be like if we couldn’t come here to scan all of the deals that are already played out for us.

    I would also like to share a few tips that help me to keep some sort of balance (and sanity!):
    1) Only get the deals that you know your family needs or will use. There’s no sense in making yourself crazy trying to score a deal on something that you really don’t need.
    2) Try to split up the cleaning throughout the week. Designate a few tasks for each day and try to get done what you can. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t get to something. Is it really going to kill anyone if the floors don’t get mopped today? Same thing with coupons. Try to clip them one night and the file them another.
    3) Make a menu plan for the week. When everything else around the house is falling to pieces, it’s good to know that at least dinner is covered.This will also help you stick to your grocery list since you will only need to buy the things that you need for that week’s meals.
    4) Cut yourself some slack! We all see the amazing grocery hauls that people post online and it can be hard not to get envious. But what you don’t realize is that trips like that are probably few and far between. Most real people who have obligations such as work and family don’t have the time to spend every waking moment planning a trip like that. So stop comparing yourself. Every family’s needs are different.

    I hope that helps some of you who are stressing about the all mighty balance between family and coupons.

  39. Jennifer

    I am about 2 months into couponing so I know I’m still ina honeymoon period. Im concentrating on “shopping” from my pantry first, then whatever I have left in my grocery budget goes to coupon shopping/stockpiles. Little by little my piles are growing. We are serious abt getting out of debt, so this is essential. It is time consuming!! Today, I bought 4 Boxes of purex 3-1 laundry sheets, 2 toothpastes, 1 toothbrush, 2 bottles of dishwashing liquid for $0.38!! That inspired me to keep going!! Im not sure if I would make myself do this if I wasnt a sahm and both kids werent in school. But for now it is worth it. Thank you for all you do!

  40. Kelly M.

    Sigh….It is always nice to know you are not alone. I have two girls under the age of 4 and they make life balance challenging with one never being a good sleeper, preschool running, working full time from home, and the household requirements of daily living. Back in June I graduated with my Bachelors and thought I would feel a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. In some ways that is true, but I don’t ever feel like I have time to sit and watch a tv show or anything. One thing about couponing that really relieved me from some of my stresses over it was the way in which I keep my coupons. I used to use the binder method and while wonderful when you come across something you didn’t know was on sale, it was simply to much for me. I simply keep my flyers, write the date in the corner from what is printed on the fold of the flyer and then keep them in date order. Then when I see the deals posted I go to that date and cut out what I need. I have less clutter, don’t lose already clipped coupons that I might have clipped thinking “i might need this” and it saves me time spent cutting.

  41. Kelly Ludwig

    I take my inserts every Sunday and put them in a binder (A,B,C,D) and have labeled over them into month category. Depending on what I have in inventory that what my focus is. Toiletries or groceries. I do one to three deals a weeks spend about an hour. I have saved so much money and shared so many secrets with my friends and family it’s crazy.

    This works for me and my family. I work 40+ hours a week. My husband just don’t get the coupon thing. I have a daughter in college that benefits from all of the savings and one getting ready to go away It truly helps.

  42. Meghan

    That’s funny because I ran to Costco this morning to pick up a few items and I thought “Costco is so easy because I cannot use coupons there!” It also helps that the carts are big enough to hold multiple kids, I never have to go back to correct a transaction error, and they are never out of something on my list because every one else got there before me….therefore I never have to rework my scenerios quickly!

  43. janet

    i am currently on break, but do check your site occasionally for the quick and easy deals. i took a break because we moved. not only do i have a whole new group of stores to familiarize myself with in this new region of the US but i also am living in an apartment with out much room to stock up and the impending move into a new house is also helping encourage me to whittle down my pantry. it frustrates me to no end when i go to the grocery and pay full price for stuff i used to get for pennies. i cant wait to get settled and back into it, but i do appreciate the extra time i now have to spend with my daughter and get some exercise. hopefully i will be able to fit it all in someday…. maybe.

  44. Debby

    I have a family of four. And as some one else mentioned here. I work full time. Clean, cook, pay the bills. My husband also helps, but not as much as I’d like. LOL. I am extremely organized.

    Every Saturday night while at my sons football games. I take my little coupon box with me. I also take Collins lists for whats on sale at cvs and walgreens. I try and get my coupons done then, before the game and at half time. I clean out the expired coupons during kids dentists appt, dr appts and haircuts while I am waiting. I shop every Sunday morning. Get up at 6am while everyone is still sleeping. Shop at walmart first, cvs, walgreens then safeway. I am usually home by 8 or 9 am. Cook Sunday breakfast and no one ever realizes I was gone. I also make a dinner list every sunday for the following week so I know what we will be eating by looking in the freezer to see what we have. I LOVE COLLIN. And I love the commisary deals she posts. I could not be this organized without all her help.

    Collin I think you should start a post on your site of wants and all of us whom you helped could definately give back and send you any coupons you might need. sometimes I read things that you like, Terra chips and Twizzlers for example. Would love to help you out and send you the coupons I dont use.

  45. Jennifer

    You can’t have balance without flexibility. Life is always changing and without the willingness to roll with it, we get lost. For example: today, I was supposed to do the grocery shopping, finish clipping my coupons and get some housework done on my “day off”… but my 1-y-o is sick and it all went out the window. I had a sweet housework/chore/meal plan set before school started, but once reality hit, and we are back to the drawing board.

    With coupons, there are times here and there when I miss a couple of weeks of inserts, there are weeks when craziness hits and I get my coupons ready only to be too busy to go to the store and *gasp* sometimes, my RR’s expire and I don’t notice for 2 weeks. Not once have I lamented for more than a few seconds that I missed out on super cheap Lysol wipes. There are more important things going on.

    Do the best you can, find the balance that you need for right now and know that life changes and that you’ll be looking for a new kind of balance soon. What works today may not work tomorrow, so be patient and willing to try something new when you need to.

    AND…. the newbie phase is pretty intense, right? In my experience, and from what I have seen posted here a few times, the urgency to get every. single. deal. wears off and things get much more relaxed as you find your own personal groove.

  46. Heather

    I don’t actually clip coupons…I file them in a manilla folder for that week. I write the date and SS, RP etc on the outside of the folder. I also include a printout of what coupons are added to and omitted from my sunday paper. I then just go look at that sheet to see if I actually have the coupon and flip to it to cut it out. I have tried so many different ways and that works best for me. I work in the school system so I don’t have a lot of time. I get to keep all the coupons because there are many things that I would not clip coupons for but would get them if they were free~

  47. Laura

    I love this website, I am married with no children, full time job, so I do feel I have all this extra time, apart from cleaning and doing laundry, I have fun spending, but expecially saving money. I came up with an idea for my new years resolution…to keep track of what I spend AND what I save for the entire year. My plan is to keep it on a excel or something like that and everytime I get something in the mail, order something that I save on shipping or just by percentages off, I will keep a tally. I am excited to try this and hope a few do it as well. I really don’t look forward as to how much I will be spending, but excited to see how much I can save. So on another note it’s all about balance and I agree you don’t need every single deal!

  48. Tambry

    My tips:
    1. Limit to ONE grocery store per week.
    2. Limit to ONE drug store (chances are it will be on sale at one or the other a week from now)
    3. Check your sites twice a day instead of sitting at it for hours at a time. You may miss out on a free sample of shout, but life goes on and your laundry will be done and put away.
    4. STOP USING THE BINDER SYSTEM! This nearly drove me crazy. Do use binder for store coupons but file them by week in an accordian file labeled (10/11 RP, 10/11 SS, 10/11 P&G)

  49. Megan

    I’m taking a break right now due to paralyzing first trimester morning sickness (not sure why it’s morning sickness when it lasts all stinking day AND night 🙂 ), and I think it’s been a good lesson for me that even if I miss out on some deals, life will surely go on. It helps that I have a good stash, so I really don’t have to buy anything but fruit/veg/milk type items.

    The sleep issue is probably even more debilitating than most of us realize; seriously, if you aren’t sleeping well, every challenge gets magnified to infinity! We used The No Cry Sleep Solution with our son, you can find it on Amazon. My son isn’t sleeping perfectly, but much, much better, and I know I am a better momma to a well rested kiddo! Another thing that has helped me is being more focused with my computer time. I make it a point to check my fave blogs (via Google Reader, no point actually going to the blog if there’s nothing new) twice a day, no more than that. I also have a fabulous blog that covers my grocery store, and I owe that woman a lot, when it’s time to write a shopping list, she’s my go to resource. Would it help to limit the blogs you follow?

    And I’ve been completely avoiding the comments section until now!

  50. jen

    I have always wonder how you do it. I am a single mother and I work over 40 hours a week. I limit myself to a cup of coffee and your site in the morning before getting kids up and I take a few minutes at night to read over post. I limit myself to rite aid and walgreens. I use winn dixie also. I avoid any store that gives a hard time like walmart. No I am not organized by far. I try to be but if not no big deal. you have taught me great savings tricks and if you need a break I think all of us would agree you deserve it and you have done a great job teaching.

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