How do You Pay it Forward?

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With the holidays fast approaching, it is impossible not to get into the spirit of giving. Not only does it make you feel great to give to others, but I honestly believe that the more you give, the more you get back. Plus, don’t you love demonstrating to your own children the significance of giving to others?! One of my favorite things to do is to give my kiddos spare change to drop into the Salvation Army’s red buckets at Christmas time when I am leaving the grocery store. With that being said, it is often more fun to come up with things to give to others that do not necessarily cost you anything out of pocket. For example, consider donating several hours one night to babysit the kids of a friend or neighbor who never gets any “me” time, bake cookies and surprise a neighbor for no reason at all, or even consider handing over some coupons to a fellow shopper. I also love to be a “coupon fairy” by leaving coupons next to products at the store for an unsuspecting shopper to use later! Check out this email I received from reader, Liz, who appears to be a fellow coupon fairy. 🙂

Today I was in Target, picking up my free cat food and free red potatoes (I got my free dog food yesterday). While in the cat food aisle, there was a woman with her daughter (around 8 years) buying some Meow Mix. I heard her adding up the items and thought…. hmmm, I bet she would appreciate a coupon or two! I immediately opened my book and pulled out a Meow Mix coupon for $1 and tapped her on the shoulder and asked her I she would like to have it. She recognized me as a “real couponer” and began to ask questions. As I answered her questions about stores and finding deals and how to get coupons, I noticed that most of her food was filler staples (high in filling up and low in nutrition); she also had 3 or 4 dozen eggs. While we spoke, I handed her 2 BOGO egg coupons from the Good Egg Project and she was both shocked and happy. I gave her your website as a good starting place to get her feet wet and also told her how to get ink cartridges for about $2 and paper for free.

I guess the cashier took the coupons because she searched me out while I was at the register and asked me again for the name of your website. It felt good to get another person excited about saving money, especially someone that obviously needed the savings. So, I ask you to challenge all your readers to give away a coupon or two to a stranger as an opportunity to be a good egg! After all, isn’t that what the good egg project asked us to do?

How do YOU Pay it Forward? Have you ever shared your coupons with a shopper? How do you give to others without spending money?

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Comments 354

  1. Stevie

    Aw thats awesome. None of my family coupons but I will help them out by sharing my stockpile. I wish they would try and get into it because I would teach them everything I know. On my site I have coupon giveaways once a week or more. Since I get a few paper subscriptions theres always coupons I wont use so I give them away! 🙂

    • katey

      just same with me .. I share my stockpile with my family. they sometimes give me money for thank me that i let share my sotckpile with them. I try to to teach them how to use coupon and they still not get it how it work but my sister want learn so bad but she have no computer and plus she not know how to use computer too. that mean i have to lot to teach my sister. i gave my nieghbor my some stockpile and they are so nice and she let me share her garden and herbs. it make me feel great to give someone that i know. I want to donoate food and stuff to people but i not know where in my area.

  2. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    This is a great article. just one question. Where can I get ink for $2.00?

    • diana

      I have the same question!

      • Jaime

        me too!! I buy ink twice a month (work from home).. and would so love to know where to buy it for $2!!

    • nonebetter

      You must have read my mind, I hope Liz reads the comments and passes that info along I just ran out.

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        I was wondering the same thing!!!

      • Lou

        I’d be interested as well…and also free paper…thanks in advance!!

    • funnybunny

      I love getting others excited about couponing and share how they can save a ton of money. It feels so good knowing that I can help others with just a few words and I am so grateful a friend of mine shared her experience and wisdom on how to save $$$ for my family.
      BUT: I’d also LOVE to hear about those $2 cartridges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • jiya

      I have the same queston?

    • JD

      Yes, please let us know!

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        Ok, it looks like ALL of us are in need of some cheap ink! I know the cashier at Walgreens told me that on Earth Day, they offered a $1 ink refill promotion. Of course, she told me this AFTER Earth Day, but I will try to remember for next year! Also, free or $1 paper is available at Staples and Office Depot often with rebate. Collin just posted a coupon for Office Depot for $1 paper yesterday, so no waiting around for a rebate!

    • dawn w

      yes please tell 🙂

      • Mary Beth

        Left a comment at the end asking for $2 ink info, but am adding my plea to this list! With all the $1 paper deals at Staples, too (thank you, Collin, for pointing them out — including this week’s deals), I’ve been good on paper for a while, but the last time I went to purchase HP ink (even with a coupon) I almost burst into tears at the cost!

        • Collin

          Hi Guys,

          I emailed Liz earlier regarding this and here’s her response:

          Here is the breakdown on my ink deal: I went through where I got a 20% rebate. The ink seller is I ordered 8 ink cartridges at a great and awesome price of $32! Then, I got a 13% discount, bringing my cost to $28. I got free shipping (due to another order I added to this one: they have free shipping on $55 or more). I paid 123inkjets $28 and got a rebate from for $6.40 (just for my ink cartridges). $28 – $6.40 = $21.60. Since I got 8 cartridges, $21.60 divided by 8 = $2.70. Sorry, it was closer to $3 than $2, but still always a really great deal.

          I hope this helps! 🙂

  3. Nicole

    I once hunted down a woman in toys r us to give her a game coupon I decided not to use. She couldn’t believe I tracked her down in the store just to save her some money.

  4. Julie

    Thats awesome Liz!
    If there are coupons Im not going to use, I place them by the item in the store. When those Listerines were on clearance awhile back at Target, I left some of the coupons that would make them free by them so someone that is going to use it, can get it free! Thats just an example. I also sign my mom and sister up for good freebies or coupons since they work or go to school full time or both:) That way they get in on the fun too!

  5. Shayla Davis

    That is awesome what you did! I had the coupon fairy visit Publix the other night and was so grateful!
    BTW how do you get ink for $2 and free paper? :}
    Plz email me this info because I am not sure if I know how to get back to this page…new to all of this couponing stuff!
    Thank so much

    • Anonymous

      Office Depot and Staples always have offers where you can get reams of paper free or for a dollar after rebate.

  6. Anonymous

    I do a bit of coupon fairying myself. I had a baby that died when he was 9 days old. I do however still receive coupons from Pampers and Huggies. At first it made me sad when I got them and I’d throw them away but then I realzied that someone else could use these coupons. So when ever I get diaper coupons in the mail for from the newspaper I always leave them in the diaper section of the grocery store. I know buying diapers cost a lot so every coupon that someone gets is a big savings for them.

    • Michelle

      ((((hugs to you mama))))

    • Jaden Brulotte

      Oh my gosh, that is so sweet of you… *hugs* to you, your good deeds will be rewarded!

    • Jaime

      yes, yes hugs to you! You will certainly be blessed!

    • Sarah Sims

      That’s great that you passed on those coupons. My angel would have been two and I remember all of the things that I recieved after not bring her home. I know I threw away many.

    • katey

      aww!! hugies to you!!! same with me i hate to see throw away diaper coupons… great idea to left on shelf diaper at store. but i will keep some coupon for who going have baby to gift for them 🙂

    • Amanda

      That’s very nice of you, I’m so sorry for your loss. I started crying just reading your post

    • Takako


    • Karin

      That’s so nice of you. *hugs*

  7. katie

    I like this. I think that most of us share our stock pile, but how does that saying go, you can give a man a fish and feed him for a day or you can teach him to fish and feed him for a lifetime (or something like that?) It is important to help, in any way we can, but if we have the time and opportunity, we really should share the how to’s. thanks for sharing!

  8. Natalie

    I often will leave coupons by the product for items I decide not to buy. Lately, with all the Redbox codes that were posted here a while back, I have been passing along the code to the person in line behind me. Also, if going through a tollway booth with a set price, I will sometimes pay for the car behind me, especially if it’s a $0.50 toll, I’ll just give them a $1 bill and tell them to use it for the car behind me. A stranger did this once for me, at a $2.50 toll and I will never forget the little unexpected moment of kindness from someone I will never have the opportunity to thank.

  9. Delia

    I updated my Facebook status with my $112.00 in coupon savings at the grocery store on Monday, lot’s of people commented and asked how. I took the time to write a letter to all 15 of them and told them that I learned a lot from youtube “Follow Me Mondays” this site and others like it. We are having a coupon 101 party next month! I also am putting together a starter binder with inserts from this weekends paper for a friend of mine as a housewarming gift!

    • Jaden Brulotte

      What a neat housewarming gift idea!! I also like that you posted your savings on FB… lol! I am always trying to help people by passing along my couponing info, but I think sometimes it’s overwhelming for them if I go too far and try to explain EVERYTHING… maybe if I posted something like that people would be more interested in learning it themselves 🙂

    • Nicole

      I post my pictures too. I used to be the only crazy friend that did it – but guess what now a couple of my friends are hooked so they now post big saving pics too. It really does inspire others.

  10. Michelle

    I’ve handed people coupons in the store before if I saw they had something in their cart that I have a coupon for, I’ve not done the coupon fairy thing as my son lasts just long enough in the cart for me to shop, any longer and he would probably explode lol

    • Jaden Brulotte

      How old is your son? Maybe you could try my idea of giving HIM the coupons for the coupon fairy! 🙂 I’m going to try it with my three year old and I’m praying it will make shopping a little less stressful for BOTH of us! 😉

      • Michelle

        He is three years old, but if I let him out of the cart at the store he runs every which way, the boy does NOT sit still. He has so much energy it’s crazy. He does like to help though, so maybe I can pick a few coupons before we go and look for the items with him, because it really is a good idea!

        • Jaden Brulotte

          hahaha I know what you mean about running all around… my store has these mini carts so the kids can have their own cart and help “shop”… well, I tried that all of ONCE before I realized what a disaster it could be with a three year old! hahah… she ended up running around, rolling on the floor in a tantrum, and by the third from last aisle, she was, and I quote- “too tired for walking”, so I had to put all the stuff from her cart in mine, return the mini cart, and promptly buckle her into my cart! lol!

          • Michelle

            Oh my gosh, haha isn’t it so embarrassing when they do that? I always say terrible twos were nothing compared to the threes.

  11. Jaden Brulotte

    This is great! I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a coupon fairy, and I’ve recently decided to give my three year old daughter that privilege while we’re shopping… I took out some coupons I knew I wasn’t going to use (baby and cat ones, I don’t have either, lol!) and put them in a baggie and wrote “Ilyana’s coupons” on it… I told her when we’re shopping, she gets to *hunt* for those items, and when she finds one, leave the matching coupon with it! I haven’t had the chance to try it out yet (hubby went shopping with me last weekend and ended up keeping her busy the whole time) but I really think it will be a win-win-win all around! Win for me, because she’s occupied and less cranky… Win for her because she gets to play a fun “game” and also understand that she’s helping others out… and Win for whoever finds the coupon and needs it! 🙂

    • Angela

      What a great idea! LOve it!

  12. sugar6839

    how do you get free paper and $2 ink cartridge??

  13. amanda fricke

    I always leave my extra coupons in the aisles or if I see items in someone’s cart ahead of me that I have coupons for I ask if they want some coupons. I also love to stock up on free or really cheap items to donate to those in need or local food banks. Another way to pay it forward is to donate items to send to the troops. I recently got the Charmin To Go rolls for free and I’m shipping them to my uncle in Iraq. They love to get items like these 🙂

  14. Sadie

    The coupon fairy loves to take coupons to the mall and share with a family with little kids. She always has an extra coupon for Gymboree, Gap or Children’s Place. Parents at those places love to save some extra money. And it makes the coupon fairy feel great!

  15. CP

    I do the same thing, giving away coupons and freebie items. Some of my favorites so far have been sending magazines & sample items overseas to soldiers, and I donated a few gift baskets full of items I got for free or cheap for a United Way auction we are doing at work. My family doesn’t do much couponing, but they love when I come to visit because I unload some of my stockpiles on them 🙂

    • Lisa

      I too am a coupon fairy! I just did this last Saturday at Target so the jeans and Merona coupons I had didn’t go to waste. I love being able to help someone even if it’s only a dollar!

  16. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    That is soooo sweet,some people just don’t know how little things can make a big difference in ones life. Just think what a great world this would be if everyone done just one little kind thing for someone. Plus you just don’t know who you might be helping out!!!1 God Bless All The Coupon Faries!!!!

  17. heiAt

    I too, have left coupons on the shelf but sometimes i wish i could be invisible so i could the reaction to it. I’ve also given my friends and family extra coupons with details on a good deal. They seem happy about it…..But what i’m wondering, is how Liz finds ink cartridges for $2! I love couponing, but my ink is roughly $25, just for the black and white.

  18. Delene Yochum

    I share..My best friend lives next door to me and she works very hard and but finds lil time for couponing . I am a couponing freebie nut..My friend does many things to help me because I no longer when I get great buys like the chps from Amazon or the cocoa fm Boca Java I share..And I know that are certain things she always buy @ the grocery Dove Chocoolates..She and I shop together so @ check out I say did you buy this today and hand her the coupons. We both help each other ..Friends are wonderful.. Collin thank you after finding your site I have been able to share with friends more 🙂

  19. Aubrey

    I usually try to share coupons that I won’t use as well! I share good deals on Facebook and with my family. The last time I was in Old Navy I had 2 coupons for $10/50 and I wasn’t going to use them so I handed them to another lady with piles of clothes in her cart and two kids running around. She was so appreciative! One can just hope that one geed deed leads to another!

  20. LaToya

    All my extra coupons of things that I think are too much to spend on even with the coupon, I leave there next to the product because I know that someone will be coming by to buy it and they were going to pay full price for it, so why not let them have the $1.50 off or whatever.

    Additionally, anything that is going to be free, that I don’t use, goes straight to the women’s shelter. I recently got 30 boxes of Kotex totally free….those went straight from my grocery store downtown to the women’s shelter. I realize some people have a different philosophy on buying too much for something or taking advantage of a good deal, but I believe if it’s going to a good cause that’s more important. Don’t hate on trying to help those less fortunate 😉

  21. Laurie

    Collin, please find reader LIZ and have her tell us where to get the $2 ink! We NEED this info. I am becoming ink poor with all the good deals you find for us.

    • Michele

      My thoughts exactly! I would love to know how to get my ink cheaper!

  22. Pam

    we need a post devoted solely to the $2 ink cartridges and free paper…!!!
    usually, I have to make quick decisions about printing coupons, is the cost of ink worth the savings on the product?? (many times it isn’t)

  23. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Love it! I do th same thing! love to help! I also leave extra coupons under the first product on the shelf too!

  24. Casey

    I too am curious about that $2 ink! In terms of pay it forward… I often purchase items through use of coupons/sales and give them to my family and friends. My cat is on a special diet so any free cat food I get I can’t use, but my mom can feet to her cats. Plus all those free items (after single check rebates) at Rite Aid provide an opportunity to give items away. I don’t have a young one in diapers, but I did the Rite Aid deal couple weeks ago and donated them to a friend with a little one. I have given coupons to family and friends for items I know they use. Grandma LOVES Wheaties so any of those coupons go to her. I have never (as of yet) handed coupons to other shoppers, but I have thought about it. Perhaps I’m afraid they will look at me weird! I don’t know. I have left coupons near the item (coupons for dog food-cuz I don’t have a dog). Hope someone will use them. Perhaps this article will inspire me to be more brave and actually hand them to people. After all I’m helping them save money. Just some of my friends have made comments about couponing taking too much time and they would just rather pay full price then “deal with the hassle.” So I’m hesitant of random strangers judging me in the supermarket. Not a good enough reason to stop me though I suppose.

  25. stacy

    when I have a stockpile of stuff ie razors or tissues (no i dont roll around in them) i give the stuff away either to a womens shelter or to friends and family or to my neighbors across the street who have 4 kids.. last year I gave them a bunch of cold medicine stuff they could use and I slipped in a bottle of Ducolax i was like well you never know ///hhahahaha.. magazines i get in the mail i read them and then give them to my friends or drop them off at the local coffee shop

  26. stephanie

    I am always the coupon fairy, either leaving them on the shelf by the product, handing them to people in line or telling them how to find/get coupons. I try to get as many of the freebie items as I can with my extra coupons, when I’m out. I usually have about 4-6 grocery bags to give to the church pantry full of staples. toiletries & food we don’t use. Also, donate every Christmas all the extra toiletries. Last year, sent 4 (2ftx3ft) boxes to the troops. Feels good to give them the extra shavers, pads, soaps, etc. that we just can’t use. I already have my boxes set aside this year & have been adding to them as things come in. There are some great organizations out there that help the troops & others in need.

  27. Tiffany

    I do this often in the baby section at Target. If I see someone with a Baby Shower gift list I will pull out some coupons and give them to them. I did this a few times when the Huggies wipes were such a great price a few weeks ago! Great filler for a baby gift, mom’s never get wipes and it’s a necessity and it was a PERFECT example of the power of coupons! The three people I helped were completely amazed!

  28. Mendy

    I too like to leave coupons sitting by the products at stores for others to get good deals. I also like to use my coupons to get things for free or very cheap and then donate that stuff to local food pantries! Also I like to tell others about the deals I find, so they too can get in on the same deals! 🙂

  29. Lynn J

    I often give away coupons I don’t need.

    I not only add to the Salvation Army kettle, but I have been a volunteer bell ringer and so have my children.

    I ofcourse share my stock pile with friends and family, but I have also given things away through my Yahoo community group.

    I clip coupons for my co-worker whose wife is expecting and share deals with her on baby items, and I send freebee things to my daughter and my bf regularly.

  30. Mary

    I print all the diaper and wipes coupons and clip all I find and give them to mothers at church. I give extra coupons to families who could use extra help. I gave Ensure supplement coupons to a 90 year old lady and she was so excited to tell me how much she saved and said It is better than soda pop! I also give coupons to people in the grocery store. I tell them I have been blessed with more coupons than I can use.

  31. Brittany Erickson

    I love giving away coupons! My friend always goes shopping with me and will always ask if I have a coupon for it for her. I have been a beneficiary of people leaving coupons on an item and have been so thrilled! I leave mine too when I know I will not buy the item. I also share redbox codes with people all the time. Most people here have no idea what a code is, so I will wait with them and enter it in. They are so happy when they get a free night’s rental!

  32. Kristen

    I CONSTANTLY give out coupons. I have a rewards card at the movie theatre and I always pass out the money off coupons that come with it (I dont’ need 3 large popcorns and sodas) and just yesterday I left a Huggies coupon on the shelf at Target because I am moving up to Pull Ups and these were for Little Movers. When I get a coupon by email that isn’t specefic to me (doesn’t have a one time use code) I print out multiples and hand them out like Santa. The stores probably hate me because everyone is getting a discount when I’m around!! 🙂

    • Julie

      The stores probably love you, because everyone is getting and discount, and they are getting face value plus a handling fee! 🙂

      • Latasha

        With the way many stores act about coupons, I don’t know if they realize that they make money by accepting coupons. Wish they’d figure it out though and stop hassling those trying to save some money!

  33. CathyMerchant

    I love giving out coupons. Just the other day two girls were buying some quesadillas I had $2 off coupons for and gave them a couple. Even little things make you feel like you helped at least one person out today!

  34. bri

    It makes my heart happy to pay if forward.
    *We keep at least one box of granola bars in the car and will hand them to the homeless on the street corners when we see them.
    *coupon fairy
    *send my expired coupons to the military overseas
    *send alot of my stockpile personal goods and samples to “anysoldier” using the “Any Marine” program
    *collect toys all year long to donate to our local “Sparks Of Love” (firefighters) toy drive. This year one of my girls won a bike and she’s saving it to donate too
    *one time we had just done a HUGE Target sales run and had several lunchables and other snack items when we walked out and into a woman asking for donations for her and her 3 young kids. We pulled out enough for 2 meals and gave them to her
    *I get stopped and questioned ALOT about couponing and how. I’ve always got time to share your website and how easy it is to save 60%+ on almost everything!!

    • Jaden Brulotte

      Some of your ideas are so great! I love the granola bars one, if I lived in a city I would definitely do that!! It’s so heartwarming to hear HOW MANY of us are able to help others just by saving what we do… What a great post! 🙂

    • Nicole

      I read on here one day about someone making a bagie full of samples for the homeless. I made one but was to scared to roll down my window. I assume you don’t feel this way or are you always with another adult in the car when you do hand it over?

      • bri

        Usually it’s me and a kid and the kids hand it out. I do it in well populated areas, not when I’m the only one on the road 😉

  35. Diane McGhee

    No one has answered the $2 ink question???????

    • Latasha

      Read the post collin added to above.. . .

  36. Gen

    I was a coupon fairy yesterday for the first time and loved it! I was in Joann Fabrics and overheard a lady say, “Boy, I wish I had a coupon with me”. So, I opened up my binder and handed one to her. She was really surprised and thanked me several times.

  37. madwitemomma

    This post CRACKS me up, because I often call myself the coupon fairy!! I leave coupons I’m not using on top of the item on the shelf. When that happens, usually the same day or very soon after, I will have some total stranger come up to me and give me a coupon!! I once had this man yell and chase after me across the store to hand me a coupon!! It was SO bizarre because there were a TON of people in the store and he was coming straight to me!! At first I was a little scared because he kept yelling “Ma’am , ma’am!!” at me, and I wasn’t sure he was talking to me. By the time I turned around, he was out of breath from running after me!! I was so shocked that he did all that for a stranger(btw it was an awesome coupon too!) I even posted this story on my blog!
    I truly believe like you do Collin, that the more goodness that you put out into the universe, it comes back to you! Thanks, for this post.

  38. Tamara

    I stockpile up tooth brushes, tampons, shampoo, and other needed things like that, and have the college girls (at the Bible college I work at) “shop” for what they need. Many of them can barely make their school bill, so this is a big help to them.
    I also give away coupons in line to people. They are usually grateful, but I have had some people refuse them, and look at me strangely. They tend to think twice I think when they see my total go down, down, down! 🙂

    • Jamie

      I’ve had people refuse my coupons too and look at me live I was offering them something horrible. It’s the strangest thing to me.

      • Mary Beth

        Me too. Or take the coupon, and then walk away without buying the product — I once saw an older woman in Petsmart looking over all the canned cat food prices carefully, and got into a conversation with her. Turns out she fed a stray cat. So I gave her some of my Whiskas BOGO coupons, explaining that the small tubs were on sale, too. Then, while she was still comparison shopping I surrepticiously put back some of the tubs that I had in my cart, that I no longer had coupons for. But to my surprise, she picked up a few cans of another cat food, no Whiskas, and walked off. Probably threw the coupon away — I know I was too startled & regretful to ask for it back. I much prefer being the anonymous coupon fairy now!

    • Anonymous

      At least they are only looking at you strangely. I’ve been told off several times about how I’m stealing from the other customers (making the prices go up) or that I’m just a piece of crap.
      I even had a supervisor yell at me (literally screaming) telling me how I’m stealing from the store by not paying for my items.

      I’ll take looking any day. LOL

  39. sarah

    Can I just ask where you get ink for $2.00 and paper for free? I would love to do that I go through so much 🙁 Thanks!!

  40. Lisa

    I like being a coupon fairy, handing out coupons to people when I see they are buying something I have a Q for. Sometimes they look at me like I don’t NEED a coupon!! But whateva!

    I have even told someone, Hey, those are free or cheaper across the street (during a hotwheels deal last year).

    I love to bake cookies! My sons will help me and then we’ll give them away to our neighbors. I also take lots of my stockpile to a missionary in town, along with any baby stuff I no longer need.

  41. Mayra Castaneda

    My mom and my sister in-law came from to visit me from Mexico and as usual I took them to the mall to do some shopping but this time was different cause I had my binder with lots of coupons to share with them, when we went to target to get all the beauty supplies they needed the initial total was close to $80 they ea ended up paying around $20 they couldn’t believe it. Then I took them to CVS and Walgreen’s and got so many items for just cents. So that was a good way for me to help them since I didn’t have much cash in hand to give them.

    Another thing that we are doing is with all the free stuff that we are getting, we are going to adopt a family for Christmas at our church and not only give them their dinner but lots of pantry items that will be very helpful for them after the holidays are over.

  42. carol

    Hugs to Anonymous…………… Thank you Collin for getting me started. One of the assistant managers at Target came over to me about a month ago and whispered “how do you do that – I really want to save money” and gave her three sites (yours was tops of course) to check out. A couple of weeks later, I saw her again and she said she’d been clipping coupons from the Sunday newspaper inserts and going online and her husband was so proud of her for trying to save money. Now, yesterday I had a not so pleasant experience with a customer behind me at the checkout – I had separate transactions as I was shopping for my daughter and of course, a boatload of coupons. So I leaned over, smiled and said “you might want to try another lane because I have a lot of coupons” – he just grimaced at me and growled “one of them is 10 Items or Less and the other is at the other end of the store – I’m staying right here thank you very much!!” I just smiled again and thought to myself “Alrightey then, we’ll see how that works for ya!” Because of his bad attitude, he missed a checker opening up right next to us and boy did he have a loooooong wait behind me.

  43. Becky

    Being the coupon fairy is one of my favorite things. I generally distribute when I’m in line and I see the people around buying items I have a Q for and I won’t be using.

    I also clip and print Qs for my friends at work–for stuff I know their kids like, Dove chocolate Qs for my boss who keeps her candy dish full for us (it’s the least I can do :)) and I save all the diaper ones, too. We actually have a Coupon Board in our breakroom that we share them on.

    And since I don’t have kids, I use all my toy Qs to stock up on my Christmas donations. I work for a children’s treatment center, so they’re the beneficiaries of all the fun stuff!

    Keep up the great and generous work, everyone! 🙂

  44. 3zacharm

    When I was shopping for school supplies, I printed off several $1.00 off post-it note coupons and brought them with me. There were such fun colors. I found some mom’s that had kiddos and gave them away. I told them that they the post-it notes were a dollar so they would cost only 7cents (tax). I had a few mom’s hesitate and look at me like I had a agenda. When they realized I was just another mom, they were very apprectiative. It felt great!

  45. Janae

    I too leave coupons i know i will not use by products at the store..I want more info on this ink cartridges… I need ink right now and don’t want to spend $50.00 because that is what is costs to buy ink for my printer. HELP!!!

  46. jen

    I talked my mom into couponing with me! I have helped her cut her grocery budget in half and have someone to share the coupon sillies with. There are not many people in my life who get excited about scoring free candy, but my Mom will drop what she’s doing and meet me at Rite Aid to get in on the deal! We spread the word on saving money with couponing and enjoy finding deals!

    • Jaden Brulotte

      I wish I had someone that was into couponing like that with me!! It’s great that it’s your Mom too… I can imagine the fun you have together! 😀

      • Michelle

        Same here, my friends think I’m nuts haha

  47. Debbie

    I was shopping some deals at the local Ultra one day and as I stood trying to find the right product to go with the sale, I noticed the older gentleman next to me doing the same thing. I helped him to find what he was looking for at the right price. When we turned around I noticed he was stocking up on his Pepsi products that were also on sale. I went in my purse and gave him $3 in Pepsi coupons. Now I’m always on the lookout for someone that I can pass random coupons to.

  48. Melissa D. H.

    When I see someone looking at a product that I have a coupon for, I always pull it out and share. Most people are very surprised by this. I even had a gentleman ask me if I would come with him to find his wife in another aisle in the store, so she could see my coupon binder.

    I also pay it forward by using my coupon savings to replace income that I previously made by tutoring a student with special needs. With all my coupons, I can now afford to tutor him for free! His mother does the best she can, but still struggled to support her family. She always said that she would pay anything she needed to, in order to get him the help that he needs. Now she can get him that help and have a little less financial stress. Hooray for coupons!

    • Jaden Brulotte

      THAT is incredible! I love hearing all these amazing stories about people helping… Hooray for couponers with BIG hearts!! 🙂

    • Michelle

      I wish there were like buttons on here!! There are so many great stories and it is so wonderful that you pay it forward like this

      • bri

        Gold Star to you! That’s heartwarming!

  49. Jenn B.

    One of the best things about finding this website is the ability to be able to be a coupon fairy, it amazes me how many of my friends and family members will come to me to help them save money. I’m just glad I can help people in this way….and it wouldn’t have been possible without hip2save!

  50. Monique

    I actually did this the other day! I was at Marketplace Foods and I had a bunch of Organic Valley coupons and I saw a lady looking at their products so I offered some of the coupons I had. She was so appreciate and we ended up talking for awhile! It feels good!!!

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