What are YOUR Price Points for Baby Items?

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Check out this email I recently received from reader, Jennifer…

Hi Collin! First, thanks for all you do to help us all save a bundle! Speaking of bundles, my husband and I just found out that we are expecting our first baby in September. 🙂 We are so happy and excited. Shortly after we found out, my husband said “you better start stocking up on baby freebies you know!” He has really come to love my couponing! LOL! I’m wondering if you might ask my fellow Hip2Savers to help me and other first time moms out there. I am totally lost on all things baby. What is a good price point for wipes, diapers, shampoo, lotion, formula etc.? Also, how far in advance can I stock up on certain items without worrying about spoiling? Can I stock up on wipes without worry that they will dry out? I have a million questions and know I can count on my Hip2Save community to help me out with the savings part!

Since all of my kiddos are finally out of diapers (Yippee!!), I am having a hard time coming up with good price points for the mentioned items above. So if you have a baby or toddler, please help Jennifer and other new mommies out by sharing your stock-up prices and any other money-saving tips/advice that you can offer a first-time mom. I would also love for you to suggest must-have baby items (i.e. for me, it was my sling and a Bumbo Baby seat) and baby items that you may feel are totally unnecessary.

And congratulations to Jennifer and all the other expectant Hip2Savers! 😀

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Comments 554

  1. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    My advice buy a tub sponge for a few bucks and not one of the expensive baby tubs. The sponge is softer and makes it easy to give your newborn wipe off baths and still lets them kick in the tub when they are older. Also, don’t buy an expensive high chair. My must have item is a high chair that attaches to a regular kitchen chair. It reclines when they are babies and then converts to a booster seat when they are older. My 2 1/2 year old son still uses his to sit at the table and my 6 month old daughter gets her baby food in one right next to him. So much cheaper and a space saver. My advice from a mother of 4!

  2. InsightfulMinds

    Assuming I don’t need the items right away, but want to stock up, $1 is my price point for a tub of wipes, bottles of shampoo, lotion, powder, etc. My price point for diapers is $5 for a jmbo pack. If I am buying a refill pack of wipes, I will pay about a $1 for every 70 or so wipes, since that is what comes in a tub.

    If I need the items, I kinda don’t have a choice….what couponer waits until they NEED it though lol? Formula is a different story. I try to find the cheapest by using formula checks or with a discount and a total purchase coupon at Rite Aid.

  3. Jen

    We try not to pay more than $4 for a pack of diapers/training pants (we tried many different diapers for dd #1 and found out that we hated Huggies but loved Pampers, even if you stock up & don’t like them you can get $5 a pack on craig’s list or exchange at walmart for the brand you ed up liking), $1 for a tub of wipes (store them upside down to keep the moisture at the top, we’ve had some that we got free for over a year & have been fine). I don’t pay more than $1 for baby shampoo/bubble bath (we like Aveeno & Method Baby). We also recommend Seventh Generation Free & Clear laundry soap (liquid for a top loader, powder for a front loader keeps it clean longer) and won’t pay more than $4 for a box/jug.

    Baby items we got but never used: crib & crib accessories, changing table, pack ‘n play, stroller (didn’t use until about age 2 because she & I loved the sling so much, and it was just an umbrella stroller), bibs (unless your baby is a drooler or you formula feed they don’t need bibs until they start eating solids & then you can get the ones you just wipe clean).

    Necessities: ring sling/ergo/moby wrap (whatever works best for you, we loved the ring sling), bumbo with tray, cooshie booster seat (love, love, love this!), baby carrier you can remove from the car (for infant anyways), Bumkins bibs (just wipe them clean, great for toddlers), Adiri bottles (when I went back to work it was the only bottle my dd #2 would take without crying the whole time), Medela dual pump with built-in cooler (if you’re nursing & going to be pumping), Avent microwave sterilizer (great for trips out of town), blender or food processor & ice cube tray for making own baby food (though my kids were both in this stage for less than a month, they preferred soft finger foods like peas, beans and even grated apples).

    I know I’m forgetting stuff, but it is time to make dinner!

  4. Karen

    With both of my little ones (Son – 2 and daughter 9 months) I have had to use exclusively pampers – They work best on leaks and almost everyother brand caused diaper rash on both. I try to catch the deals at CVS and Walmart and Kroger but the best place I can find on a regular basis is Amazon – if you are an Amazon mom (its free) and you use subscribe and save (you can cancel after your item ships) you get them from anywhere between 10-13 cents a diaper, which is cheap (always buy the jumbo boxes). I wouldn’t stock up too much because you never know which diapers will work. Wipes – I buy whatever is cheapest between huggies and pampers (usually huggies) but again AMAZON is cheaper – it beats COSTCO and SAM’s Club’s prices – I ususally pay 1-3 cents a wipe.
    Clothes – yard sale and handme downs for everyday use
    Formula – subscribe to all of the freebies and they will send you some coupons and samples you can get $5 off coupons for similac
    I breastfed exclusively for 8 months with my first and 6 months with the second – it saved a ton of money!
    That’s all I can think of for now! Hope it helps!

  5. Stephanie

    you are most likely overwhelmed with all the responses… LOL My husband and I had our 1st baby last August… stock up on diapers and wipes!!! especially the small sizes (ones &twos) – you want to spend all your time with your baby and not searching for cheap diapers Sign up for everything!!!- I BF for a while but also used similac formula, they have “strong moms” program they send you samples and TONS of both coupons and rebate checks 🙂 I signed up my mom too- beech nut has samples and coupons (sign up online) Shaws just had a HUGE Gerber sale…. I bought all her baby food for her 1st year- just check expiration dates
    After our daughter arrived we noticed that we really needed an extra changing table for our downstairs… I found a free one on craigslist… ask friends that have older children (you may end up with some junk) but you also get some GREAT stuff 🙂
    good luck and have fun BABIES ARE THE BEST !!!!

  6. Tanya

    Congratulations!! i am expecting number 2 in july!! My best advice is to nurse and cloth diaper!!! They are both so healthy for the baby and good on your wallet! Also, register for the things you know you will use not just what the list tells you you should have. Dont spend too much on a swing, baby tub, jumperoo, or those things because that time goes so fast…granted you will use them again if you have another child or more but to spend 300 on a swing isnt really worth it. price point if i do buy disposable which is rare is $4 or less than 15 cents a diaper. Best of luck!!!

    • kim

      FANTASTIC suggestions Tanya! I’ve found that by using cloth diapers (24 each of small and medium) they paid for themselves (versus disposable) in the first year… AND you can reuse them for each child, and sell them used when you’re all done!

    • Jessica

      I am with you all the way Tanya…nurse and cloth diaper. Both save a ton!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Ask for the cloth diapers for shower gifts. They are sooo easy to use now. No pins and rubber pants. Good quality ones can last though more than one baby.

      • Karin

        Oh so very true. I love my cloth diapers and the cuddle time I get while nursing my babies. Plus there’s no running to the store to get diapers/formulas and no bottles to make, clean, and remember when I go out somewhere. When I do buy diapers/wipes I get them at Costco when they have coupons. Love the wipes and if they accidentally go through the washing machine they don’t leave a mess.

        • RH

          Could you tell me where and what kind of cloth diapers do you get?

  7. Meredith

    Congrats!! I am also pregnant 🙂 A few weeks ago I emailed a bunch of companies and said that I was a new mom and would love some coupons and free samples. I got TONS of replies!! I also did this with cleaning and food companies, but they didnt reply like the baby companies did! Lansinoh and Seventh Generation sent packages of stuff. Huggies a $3/1! I also got bibs, pacifiers, diapers and wipes samples, lotions and creams for the baby and for breastfeeding…. My sister in law just did this too and Graco sent her a $10/1 coupon. You can download the Google toolbar and set up auto insert with your name and information and then copy and paste an email to make things go by quicker. Also, if you register with target you can go to customer service and ask for a gift bag. Motherhood Maternity gave me a bag too! I also second the Amazon Mom… see if there are any Amazon codes in the baby mags at your Dr. office too 🙂

    • Anna

      I’am going to be a new mommy too. I really like your advice, but can you please tell me how did you ask them? What specifically did you say in emails?

      • Jennifer

        Awesome! I would also love to hear how you asked to get such a great response! Thank you!

      • Bridgette

        There are lots of sample letters if you google it. I wrote letters because I am a mom of multiples but you can tailor the letter to you. i stated that I was a mom of twins and that I heard they were offering a program for moms of multiples and that we would love to try their product. I got alot of free things. Check out google for ideas on your letters. There is also a list of companies that will give you free stuff.

        • Robin

          How about you Swag search it. 🙂

    • Michelle

      yes, please share who all you wrote to & what you said!!!

  8. j-9eer

    everyone will tell you which diaper they like best. Buy huggies, luvs, and pampers–never more than 15 cents a diaper– and see which you like best. I have 4 kids and everyone one needed a different type of diaper. With one, huggies leaked, with another, pampers leaked. With my current one, Luvs leak. I agree that wipes should be around $1. We like baby in a pack and play better than a crib. Save your money on that one! Good luck!! Oh, my must have is a stroller that fits the car seat. Then, you don’t have to wake a sleeping baby to do your shopping!

  9. April

    I am a mommy of a 15 month old and love bargains! I only use pampers though and they are the most expensivediapers. However, I prefer huggies wipes. The pampers don’t feel wet enough and DO dry out. They also are very thin. I always figure out the price per diaper or wipe. I’ve found 2-3 cents per wipe or less is a good deal and 19 cents per diaper. If you end up getting some free or practically free, you can be more lenient on your price points. As for formula, I have no idea, I’m still breastfeeding and never bought formula-although I’ve heard it’s expensive 🙁 Good luck with everything and I hope I helped 🙂

  10. DivaChic

    One of my favorite items for all three of my kids was the Boppy pillow. It’s perfect for breast feeding, but also good for bottle feeding too. I ended up buy two, one for up stairs and one for downstairs. I also buy one for every baby shower I attend.

    • Janet

      Hands down I think the Boppy pillow was the best! I would pay full price for that thing. I loved it when I breast fed.

      • melanie t

        Love the Boppy. We get a lot of use out of it daily!

        • Andrea

          Boppy does not work good, if you are big up top. I was not able to use while breastfeeding. Only used it to prop up baby. Kind of a waste for me.

          • Sarah H

            I’m bigger up top (plus size, generously endowed and tall) and found that a boppy on top of a thin pillow on my waist worked great…I also have 2, 1 for downstairs, 1 for up.

    • Amber R.

      Also if you dont want to pay for an expensive boppy pillow, walmart carries a george brand one. It is exactly the same shape and even comes in all the cool patterns! It lasted through both my kids and even passed it on to a friend!!

      • Julie

        I agree with the bobby. It was really hard for me to get the hang of breastfeeding. When my daughter was about a week someone got us one and it made such a difference for me. Eventually i got the hang of it and didn’t need it but it definitely helped with the learning process. We are expecting our second now and this is one of the things i plan on taking to the hospital with me.

  11. Moranda

    Advice you won’t get even though you should… Stock up the freezer! We also turned in alot of our reward pts for gift cards to chilis and olive garden and just picked up to go. Have the giant pads, tucks, and colace waiting for you when you get home. And take a birthing class…knowledge is power!

    For the baby my son was and is easy peasy! He loved his playmat and mirrors!!

  12. Dorothy

    I’m not sure if this was mentioned…
    For those who are formula-feeding their babies, go generic (if you don’t have the “checks”/coupons for name-brand). When my daughter was an infant, we would buy her formula at Target. One day, my hubby and I decided to go with Target brand. We stood in the aisle and compared ingredients. Same EXACT ingredients, same exact vitamins/minerals. They were exactly the same formula…with a $10 difference!

    Congratulations to all the expectant mama’s out there! It’s a wonderful time. Enjoy your pregnancies!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Ditto with going generic. I breastfeed my daughter until she was 6 months and then switched to formula when I went back to work. Target has a generic of the Similac Sensitive- same ingredients but way cheaper! I was just at Target a couple weeks ago and they have a new Similac generic in the value size. It’s HUGE and only $18. AWESOME deal. It’s also worth a shot to try the Target brand diapers. I used only Huggies and Pampers with my other two children (always bought them at Costco) but a friend told me to try the Target brand. SO thankful she did because they have worked PERFECTLY for my daughter and they are much cheaper. I don’t even worry if I don’t have coupons when I buy them because I’m already saving so much money.
      Best advice would be to stock up on wipes and diapers because you’re going to be hit with a lot of expenses during the first few months. Also, you don’t need half the stuff that other people think you do. Babies R Us makes you feel like your tiny little human will need the whole world, but it’s just not true! The one must have for all three of my children was a bouncy chair. Congrats and good luck!

      • Danielle

        I have to second this- I spoke with my pediatrician when my youngest was on formula, and she said that it is all government regulated as to what goes into the formulas. So, they’re actually all the same (store brands, etc), though taste can be different. We LOVED the Target brand, cheap and they had the smaller size boxes for a very reasonable price (he was primarily breastfed, so I didn’t want a huge tub that expired a month after opening).

        Also, e-mail every single baby company whose products you are interested in. If you e-mail Huggies and ask them to show you why they are better than Pampers, they’ll send you a PACK of diapers!! And ditto Pampers. If you ever have a diaper issue, Pampers is awesome-we had tabs that kept breaking, and they sent me two coupons for a free pack with NO size restriction- so we bought the huge tubs, $80 worth of FREE diapers. Aveeno baby will send coupons and samples too, especially for sunscreen. Send them to your mom’s house, your sister’s house, etc to collect extras. Contacting formula companies usually gets you great samples too. Ask your OB/GYN to put you on any company mailing lists they have. We were on many and got loads of freebies that way.

        And DO try to breast feed. I’m not a breast-feeding crazy, but honestly, it’s a huge money saver! Contact your hospital to speak to a lactation consultant if you have issues or stress- they can be really, really helpful!

        A Boppy pillow is an awesome thing to have from birth and up- my 2 year old still lays on his to watch a movie or read books. The sling was huge for us from birth-1 yr, and the Ergo was fabulous after that- we still use it at age 2.5 for my little guy. And don’t buy the bulky travel system- you’ll hate it. They’re heavy, large, and a pain to operate. If I could do it again, I’d get a universal baby carrier stroller (the kind that is just a frame that your carseat clips into) and then a nicer umbrella stroller later on. It’ll save money, and back problems later on 🙂

        Good luck and congrats!

    • TH

      Definitely go generic if you can. Just don’t stock up too much INCASE your kiddo can’t handle a certain kind of formula. I guess I didn’t over analyze if my baby was handling this or that formula better than another. I just gave them both the cheap stuff and told them to deal w/ it 😉 No I’m kidding, they were fine 🙂 Also, Sams club has a large tub of formula that comes out cheaper than Target brand. Target brand occasionally has coupons. That all being said, I recommend breastfeeding if at all possible, and as long as possible. SO cheap, so convenient, great bonding, good for them, and it even takes off baby weight 🙂

      Garage sales….baby clothes are dirt cheap and in great shape on garage sales, b/c, surprise! most babies don’t wear all the newborn clothes they get as gifts more than twice!

      You really don’t know if you kid is going to like a swing or a bouncy seat or just the floor better. Or what kind they will like. So wait out on buying all those bulky items unless you get garage sale prices. I would never ever pay Babies R US prices for those things. Ridiculous when they go for super cheap on garage sales and Craigs list.

      You don’t need an expensive crib set (although I got one b/c it was adorable…go to Overstocks.com!). Buy a few sheets, a mattress pad, and a coordinating solid bumper, and you’re all good. You’ll never use that stupid $100 quilt.

      Diapers…I’d agree w/ most of the price points around here. Sams has a great price on their brand diapers, and they are the overall best diapers I’ve every used. If you just need wipes and don’t want to run around to sales, they have wipes for 1.50 a 90 pack…really a decent deal. I didn’t let my self get fussy on diapers, used whatever was cheapest. Except Walmart brand, I didn’t go there.

  13. Bridgette

    Ok. Alot of good things here. I am a mom to 8 month old twins and my advice is to be as organized as possible before they come. Read everything you can…especially “the Happiest Baby on the Block’! that was a godsend! I have totes in the basement organized with second hand clothes and new clothes by size and gender (because I have a boy and a girl). My husband had a diaper party and we are still working off of those diapers. My mom threw me a shower and the entrance fee was a thing of wipes, which we are still working off of. I had one tote that just had formula samples from the hospitals or mailings. I did breastfeed for the first 6 months. i called every formula maker, got online and sent letters requesting free things. You would not believe what you can get for free, especially for multiples. I bought things at yard sales, from friends and only bought clothes on clearance. If you dont use them, regift them. I agree with some about the crib sets but I bought them with gift cards for about $70 and just now added the bumpers. Dont be afraid to register for expensive gifts either but keep it simple, nothing that is too “frilly” that you dont really need. I did not use a bottle warmer or wipes warmer. Why use a bottle warmer when you can use warm water? If you use ready to feed, set it in hot water to get to temp, it really doesnt take that long. My kids didnt like the swing but they loved their bouncy seats. Another thing they love, the fisher price jumperoos. These are the floor jumpers. I got one at my shower and another on craigslist. I never washed new clothes and I used the same detergent I use for my clothes. I only washed the used clothes when I went to put them in the closet because some things they wont wear because it may be off season. Best advice is to get as much done now and stay organized. If anyone asks if they can help, say yes. We kept a file of restuarants with gift cards and money because there was no time or energy to cook. Another note, sleep when they sleep, leave the dishes for later. I can go on and on 🙂

    • MommySpendsLess

      I never used a bottle or wipe warmer either. I actually made all of my daughter’s bottles with room temperature water. I bought distilled water by the gallon and left it on the counter with the formula. (She was a July baby and we live in Florida so I don’t know if that would work in a northern state during winter unless you keep the heat up high.) For night time feedings and when were out of the house, I was able to pre-measure the water and formula and just mix it when needed.

      • Danielle

        I never warmed them either. It made traveling a million times easier. If you warm bottles at home, you’ll have to warm them when you are out, which is much harder. And if baby is used to warm wipes, baby will demand them on an airplane when you need to use chilly ones. Avoiding the frills early on will make life much easier later!

        A few moms said they didn’t use a changing table- but I DO recommend using some type of changing table. Though yes, you can change baby in the crib/on the floor, the changing table is the right height for you back. We bought a dresser from ikea (3 drawers is usually the right height, $79) and just put a changing mat on top, and our boys still use those original dressers now.

    • Julie

      I live in Wisconsin and I’ve never warmed baby bottles for either of my daughters. We started with warm water and eventually got them to prefer it right from the frig.

  14. Taryn

    I have three children, and with the first two I used disposable dipes and wipes. My third child just turned a year old, and I have been using cloth diapers (and mostly cloth wipes) for a year with her. I love them. I will never go back to disposables. My favorite is Bumgenius one size diaper. It is a chunk of money up front, but they should last you through potty learning, and even with more children in the future.
    I also loved the My Breast Friend nursing pillow. Way better than the boppy for nursing.
    My other baby item I can’t live without is my Ergo baby carrier. Love it! With three children, I have tried just about every type of carrier, and this one is by far my favorite.
    Anyway, there is my two cents!

  15. MommySpendsLess

    Sign up with all the baby product manufacturers for coupons. Try to snag free or cheap subscriptions to the baby/parenting magazines too. Don’t forget your local grocery stores’ baby clubs – I don’t know about the northern ones but Publix and Winn Dixie send out great coupons!

    I got most of my daughter’s baby gear on Craigslist, except the crib mattress and car seat. Most baby gear is used for such a short time it was in nearly perfect condition. The most used baby item the first 4 months was our Graco Travel Lite Crib. I used it primarily as a bedside bassinet at night but what made it great is that it was narrow and sturdy enough that I could wheel the baby into the living room during the day and if she fell asleep before we went to bed we could push the whole crib back into our bedroom without waking her. I bought a bunch of special sheets for it only to discover that receiving blankets wrapped around it and were much easier to change. I’d also recommend skipping the cute but too small terry cloth burp cloths – Gerber makes flat cloth-diaper style burp cloths that are cheaper and provide better coverage.

    My target price for premium diapers (Huggies/Pampers) is $4/jumbo. Don’t stock up on too many NB or size 1 diapers. One or two jumbos of NB size are probably enough (don’t forget to take the rest of the pack from the hospital and ask them for other samples). They’re in size 2’s a little longer but so far my daughter has definitely used the more size 3’s than NB, 1 and 2 combined.

    My target price for baby wipes is $1 for a 64-72 count tub, but I usually settle for $1.50 or less. I prefer Huggies wipes but Pampers are okay if I can get a great deal. Stock up on as many wipes as you can (probably unscented just in case your baby has sensitive skin). I’ve never had a sealed package of wipes goes bad and I had some of them for at least 6 months. I stocked up on Aveeno baby wash and lotion back when K-Mart’s doubles were fun. By doubling $2/1 coupons I ended up paying $0.79 per tube/bottle. My daughter’s 18 months old now and I haven’t had to buy anymore.

    I tried Enfamil, Similac and Up&Up (Target) brand formula and didn’t notice a significant difference. When I finally managed to convince myself generic was just as good (and it was!) it was so much easier not having to worry about trying to get a deal on the national brand and dealing with cashier who didn’t know how to process the coupons (the national brands send coupons that have to be processed like checks). When I was trying to buy the national brands, I was content if I could get the 25 oz tubs for about $16. The last time I looked (6 months ago) the price of Target’s brand had gone up but most of the time I could get a 40 oz can for $16-$18 without fussing with coupons.

  16. Bridgette

    I never answered your questions really…..I only bought Johnsons washes if I could get them for about $1.00 but I still have ones from the showers. We never used powder, doc says not too, or the vaseline either. I will stock up on wipes if they are under $2.00 but I love HUGGIES wipes. I am not sure about diapers because we are still using the ones from the diaper party but I love PAMPERS SWADDLERS! Whatever you dont use, you can exchange at Walmart. i have exchanged 6 packs already and have 10 more to exchange. I love the Playtex drop ins bottles, easy to clean, less to clean and the bags are recycable. I stocked up on food, beechnut and gerber send good coupons for new moms.

    • MommySpendsLess

      I’ve tried both kinds of Pampers and both kinds of Huggies and my favorite diapers are surprisingly from Fisher Price. They’re hard to find (Toys R Us and Amazon.com are the only places I’ve seen them) but the night time diapers don’t leak at all and the day time ones are soft, covered in cute animals and have tab line-up guides.

      • RH

        I have seen the Fisher Price diapers at Wal Mart. I like them too!

  17. Morgan

    I normally buy wipes in the large packs, so I’m not sure with pricing per tub…but I always try to stock up when it is 0.01 per wipe! =) We use whichever type or diaper-as long as they don’t leak! At the end of the day they all are at in the diaper pail anyhow! LOL! I remember when we brought our 15 month old home from the hospital I really liked the Pampers Swaddlers, but I don’t think that was because they were “best,” just felt so soft.

    We formula fed our daughter and she had to be put in hypoallergenic formula (it was SO expensive!) If you are formula feeding, each time you visit your pediatrician’s office-ask for a sample for the formula you use. At first I felt funny about this, but got over it VERY quickly! They also may have coupons too!
    Also- I didn’t use Dreft laundry detergent with my child. I used Shout and All Detergent (Free and Clear). They worked great! I went this route when I was pregnant and price checked the Dreft (it is super expensive!). SO if you luck out and your baby has easy to please skin, go the fragrance free detergent route- you are able to stock up easier during drugstore deals (and goodness knows you will be doing a lot more laundry with a little one! =)

    One thing we had that worked great was a travel swing. We live in a very small condo and it was much smaller (and cheaper) than the larger version and worked just as well. (It was also super easy to carry up the stairs (without the baby in it of course!) to use to shower in the mornings!) We also loved the swaddler blankets that had the velcro! Good luck and cherish every minute- they get big incredibly fast!

    • Sarah H

      A big second to the travel swing…cheaper, less room to store, easy to carry from room to room.

  18. Katherine

    I just had my first this past September.

    For clothes, try craigslist. I got 2 years of outfits for about $200 (in a lot).
    Look at becoming an Amazon mom. Free shipping etc. They have good prices on cases of wipes.

    I got one case of 1s and a 36 pack of newborn. You have no idea what size they will be and you could use Nb for a few days or weeks. My baby was 7.12 and used Nb for two weeks then we went up to 1s. Changed up to 2s at 3 months or so.

    Don’t stock up on Nb clothes. I mostly used onesies for the first week.

    I live my boppy and gave since the beginning. If BF, invest in a few reuseabkw nursing pads and some disposables. You might like one over the other.

    Have at least 2 pairs of pjs that button down the front. Make yourself a postpartum pack for each bathroom – with pads, dermoplast and tucks.

    I also ordered some cold pack pads from a midwife website – wonderful! And some of the peach pads too. It was cheaper than the other pads and they cover more. I used those and Epsom salt baths for a week or two then moved to regular pads. I healed really well.

    Put cleaning supplies in every bath too.

    • Danielle

      Sorry I keep replying to other’s comments rather than giving a long response, but people keep reminding me of stuff- haha!

      OneStepAhead.com has AWESOME reusable nursing pads. They are soft silicone types that don’t leak, don’t dry out your boobs, and don’t add a lot of bulk to your bra. Best things ever! That’s also a great website for all things safety when baby proofing time comes around. They do a lot of coupon codes for 20% off or free shipping, so wait for those unless you need something asap

  19. Agnes

    Im not sure if all states have this store but “once upon a child” is a store where people “sell” their baby and small kiddies stuff for little money and sometimes you can find really good barely used items from strollers to changing tables, clothes, etc… I remember when I was pregnant with my 9 year old now daughter I got almost brad new bassinet for 35 dollars it was amazing, I washed it and it was perfect! I remember it was at Walmart for about $100 at that time.

    • MommySpendsLess

      They’re franchises so it probably varies by area but I’ve found Craigslist beats any of the gear prices at Once Upon a Child. They’re good for toys though, and clothes if you need a certain brand (Children’s Place jeans are the only ones that fit my daughter right now).

  20. Emily P

    A random aside…when I was in the hospital with both of my babies, they gave me a ton of supplies to take home-1 1/2 packs of newborn sized diapers (which was all I needed for my son, but nowhere near enough for my daughter), lots of guaze “wipes” that you wet to wipe, tons of digital rectal thermometers (every time they used one, they left it, and got a new one the next time), qtips to wipe the belly button, etc. I think they also had formula ready to feed they would send home if you wanted it. I had sections, and had issues breastfeeding, so they let me use their hospital grade pump to get started, and from that I got lots of extra breastmilk bottles and other paraphenalia that i could use some of at home. Moral of the story-ask the nurses before you leave what you will get to take with you when you go. You may be surprised at what else they’ll throw into the bag.

    Be sure to ask for a lactation consultant in the hospital-for some of us, breastfeeding is certainly natural, but not at all easy. It takes some work and getting used to, and getting off to the right start is really essential. And some hospitals will let you continue to call the consultant even after you are released.

    • Danielle

      Take EVERYTHING that is in your hospital room that was a supply for you to use, and ask for extra diapers if you have good health insurance. Our insurance company covered 100% after our deductible of $500, so we asked the hospital to give us 3 extra packs of diapers. They bill your insurance for the diapers as “miscellaneous supplies”, so take as much as you can!

    • Bridgette

      Agreed! I left that hospital with everything! Diapers, formula, two diaper bags (had twins), extra cream for when the poo (the maconium poo), the blue “chucks”, the mesh undies for me (love them), anything they would give, I took and thankfully I did! Each shift, ask them to bring you stuff, then take it home. As much as you pay the hospital, take whatever they give you.

  21. grace

    my daughters are 5 & 3, and my son will be 1 in feb… one thing i LOVE is the boppy new born lounger. my son slept on it (in his cradle) for 6 weeks… he was tiny though… it put him at a slight angle, and he slept GREAT! also, if you’re going to nurse, gripe water is a must (of course, check with your pediatrician)… it’s all natural, for colic/gas, and gets rid of hiccups in about 30 seconds… way better than any gas drops! yes, definitely make your own food… sooo much cheaper. i nursed for 5 months with each child, then switched to organic formula. i just discovered at kroger, they have organic formula (comforts, or something like that) for about $10 less/can than earth’s best or similac. i use 5 cans/month so that’s big savings! my favorite diaper for newborns are pampers swaddlers… the lining keeps messes in much better than any other i tried… you will FLY through them. always keep extra clothes for baby, and i’d suggest an extra shirt for you! 😉 i’ve found that a backpack diaper bag is so much easier than a shoulder bag… lots of pockets are important… you can find super cute ones on etsy! good luck, it’s so much fun being a mommy!!! 🙂 oh, and let people help when they offer…. and ask for help when they don’t! 🙂

  22. Jessica Cote

    Basically if I had a coupon I went ahead and bought it. Buying diapers on Amazon is really cheap with the subscribe and save option. Also sign up at Enfamil and Gerber whether you plan to breastfeed or not. Especially gerber since they send food coupons as well as formula.

  23. Ruth

    Congratulations to any first time mom! I usually do a “girlfriend to girlfriend” arm around the shoulder when I tell that new mom-to-be that it is okay to not plan everything and figure out everything BEFORE the baby. 🙂 There will be things you just figure out on the fly – but I had to learn the hard way… I love my Franklin Planner a bit to much I must admit! lol Also, keep in mind, that Boppy Pillows come highly recommended, but it all depends on the size of you and your baby. Mine were all 9+ lbs (the last one weighing in 2 1/2 weeks early at 10lbs 8oz) so the Bobby never worked for me. My all-time favorite go-to was the bouncer – I loved the Fisher Price one. It was simple with no lights or sounds; just a vibrator that soothed the baby. I used that over and over. I preferred it over the swing. I could take it in the bathroom while I was in the shower and not worry about the siblings and the baby. It doubled as a first foods highchair. The Bumbo was not widely available when I had baby showers but I would’ve TOTALLY done that instead! (I look back now and wish it was not just a “specialty” item.)

    I think someone already mentioned garage sales for baby clothes so I’ll leave that topic… 🙂 my favorite method for baby clothes!!!

    In the spirit of the “girlfriend arm around the shoulder”, I would highly encourage all new moms to plan the best you can but also know that your plans will not always go as planned. 🙂 Mine never did! Enjoy the anticipation and know that you’ll be a great mom!

    • Danielle

      Planning is wonderful and can be really helpful, but as Ruth said- it won’t always work out that way! That said, do make as many freezer dinners as you can. Lasagna, enchiladas, and soups usually freeze really, really well. “Fix it, Freeze It and Forget it” (can buy on amazon) is a FANTASTIC resource for cook-ahead recipes. I made 40 freeze ahead dinners before my second was born, and we didn’t cook for 2 months (with added in dinners brought from friends and the occasional take out). Without that, we’d have resorted to living on spaghetti and take out, which is neither healthy nor that tasty after a while!

    • Jennifer

      Thank you Ruth….you made me smile!

  24. Kari

    diapers i tink can be so child-dependent as far as what works and what doesn’t!! both of my boys did the best with Huggies – the only diapers i could find that they wouldn’t leak through so quickly!! i tried EVERY diaper out there, including store brand, and Huggies was it – for both of our boys!! Wipes – tried all of those too, and Huggies was again the winner, although if I got pampers wipes for free, i didn’t pass them up, but some things i was willing to pay a little more for because i liked the product that much better!! As far as other ‘necessary items’ like boppy pillow, exersaucer, jumperoo, clothes even crib, changing table, stroller, cloth diapers if you choose to go that way – you name it – you have a lot of time to take advantage of the best deal you can find at either garage sales and/or craigslist where you can find awesome deals!!! when we decided that i would ‘quit’ my full-time job to stay at home with our boys, i knew i had to get over the idea of getting ‘new’ things for our first child, and then of course again for our second!! One thing that you do want to get new i think would be the infant car seat and base. A lot of times you can find them on craigslist or at garage sales, but my thought was that the safety of my children is up to me, and i wasn’t going to take the risk that the carseat and/or base was involved in an accident and not safe!! the carseat is an awesome thing to have on a baby registry, and if you are able to pick up other ‘essentials’ for awesome prices at garage sales and/or craigslist, you can always register for a boat load of diapers and wipes!!!! 🙂

  25. MommySpendsLess

    In the beginning I thought I had to use the special baby detergents. I found that Purex makes a dye free hypo-allergic baby detergent that’s a lot cheaper than Dreft and I actually liked it better than the “real” thing (which I got at my baby shower) because it doesn’t have as strong of a scent.

    • Danielle

      It’s called Purex “Free and Clear” Target carries it, it’s about 4.99/42 loads, but usually they have $1 off coupons and the occasional B1G1 free sale. If you write the company and say it’s all your baby/family likes, they’ll mail you a coupon for a free bottle! This is the ONLY detergent and softener we use.

      • MommySpendsLess

        This one was actually called “Purex Baby” in a white bottle with a pink lid. I found it at Winn Dixie next to the Dreft. They may have since changed it to Free and Clear though since perfume and dye free detergents are becoming more popular for the whole family.

  26. Andrea

    Garage sales, craigslist, and clothing and gear from friends and families are the way to go. I haven’t read all the comments here, but I have found diapers.com to be a lifesaver for me. You can buy large quantities of wipes, diapers, etc., and they also accept manufacturer coupons, which can be applied in addition to their e-coupons. Sign up for the mother’s club and you also get 20% back on each purchase. Shipments of $49 or more ship for free (and it’s FedEx 2-day shipping).

  27. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    sign up for the similac moms gold program. I am getting coupons for free tubs of formula, 10.00 off coupons and a few other things. it’s free too!!! if your meijer doubles coupons you can get tubs of wipes there for less than a dollar. pampers and huggies.

  28. tatiana

    I have two kids one is six the other is a year in a half. For the diapers I ussually pay about 5.00 per bag but whenever there is a deal , like when walgreens had in dec. the 5off next purchase and they had diapers bogo so I ended up getting 4 bags of diapers and a bag 300+ wipes for less than 16.00 so thats when I stock up, also you have to be careful not all babies are good with some diapers like my first one she had a very sensative skin so I had to buy her a certain brand .for my first child for we would buy in the big can of formula at cosco, by that time I didn’t know about coupons, in my opinion as of what i have experienced i think that you should wait before stocking up on formula because their are many different kinds with my first one I tried about four because she woulnt tolerate some of them. and the second one I breastfed the whole year .

  29. Tiphanie

    Lots of good responses. I have a 2 yr old and one dur in May. My main thing is breastfeeding if you can. Saves a ton of money. Formula is expensive. Also see if you qualify for WIC. I get free milk, cereal, cheese, eggs, juice, and bread from it. I love my pack and play with bassinet i got on clearance for half off for $47 at Target and boucer for newborns. I’m not so much of a bargain shorrper when it comes to daipers and wipes, i buy costco brand for both. Love them. I have a wipe warmer and i have never used it. I think its silly and my kids have never cared that the wipes werent warm. lol

  30. Rachel

    I have 2 little boys (2 1/2 and 6 months). Before I got into coupons, I tried out all sorts of brands of diapers. As others have said I found Pampers to work best for boys, especially at the newborn age. When my 1st son got older, I tried Target’s up and up brand and LOVED IT! So, the second time around I started off with Target brand and think they are even better than Pampers. So, just to say if you don’t have any coupons, it is a good cheaper brand to go with and they also have been having a $1.50 coupon off on their site.
    We do cloth diapering most of the time though and spent about $550 for all the supplies it takes with our first son. I definitely think it was the way to go. It is so nice not paying a huge chunk of money everyweek on diapers. Then when #2 came along I just bought one new set (since I was diapering 2) and it cost even less! (We use the bumgenius one-size diapers… if you are interested check them out at cottonbabies.com, I know it may sound gross and crazy, but they are awesome!!)
    A baby item that was a must have for me that I didn’t see mentioned so far is a summer infant swaddleme! They make swaddling so much easier! And swaddling was a lifesaver for both my boys!
    I LOVE shopping for baby clothes. I am always looking for good deals all year long. BUT, When Old Navy does their additional 30,40, or 50% off the clearance, that’s when I stock up! I buy most of my pants for $5 and under and shirts for around $2! I have gone into 2nd hand shops and don’t see nearly as good of deals (just my experience)!
    Congratulations on your little one! 🙂

  31. Nicole

    I try to spend between 1-2 cents per wipe (it’s much easier to calculate and compare prices by breaking down the price per wipe than price per container). For brand-name diapers (we only use Pampers) I try to stay under 20 cents per diaper.

    Amazon is great for diapers. With subscribe and save (you can cancel after your diaper order has shipped, then “re-enroll” in the program every time you need diapers–do this to avoid them automatically sending you diapers you may not need), I can get a HUGE box of diapers (140+ diapers) for around $20 shipped…that’s more than HALF OFF!

  32. Lydia

    Ask your pediatrician for formula samples. The formula reps always leave some with the doctors and the are usually pretty generous in handing them out. Mine told me to come back when I ran out 🙂 Obviously she won’t supply me the whole time but I scored 8 of the smaller cans from her.

  33. Liz

    My #1 best tip to save thousands of dollars is to BREASTFEED! Even if you’ll be working you can still make it work for your family. Even if you supplement with some formula, the more you breastfeed the less formula you have to buy. Even if you “try it and I never had enough milk” (which is 99% of the time a fixable problem–contact your local La Leche League or lactation consultant) you can still give your baby what breastmilk you do have. Where there’s a will there’s a way. Breastmilk is undeniably the best food for babies and it’s FREE!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      please don’t quote facts like 99% of the time, when that just isn’t true. There are millions of mothers who are physially unable to breastfeed and many of them feel like failures as women and mothers when they are unable to, despite seeking medical help and advice.

      • Liz

        Actually, I think you’re the one who may be uninformed. I am one of those mothers who has a diagnosed chronic low milk supply and I was the one who first posted this. I have gone on to breastfeed 3 children, supplementing with formula. I have done the research and consulted the professionals. Many mothers think they have a low milk supply when in reality almost always it’s a latch problem; a TINY amount of mothers actually don’t make enough milk. Many of these mothers give up when they could go on to cultivate a beautiful breastfeeding relationship with their child. Please don’t quote facts like “millions and millions” when that is just not true at all.

    • Lisa

      I called them after I got a clogged duct and they had some very interesting ideas on how to fix that problem…I think that it would have worked, but I had a doctor lance it and clean it and it worked just fine after that 🙂

      • Liz

        Glad you stuck with it!

  34. AM

    I’m due in June and I’m stocking up.

    Right now you can get huggies natural unsented wipes
    Huggies Wipes-3 packs of 216 (648 wipes total) for $11.57 shipped so 0.2 per wipe with amazon mom

  35. Jenny

    I’m not a mom, but my sister does have 9 nieces and nephews. My sister said that a wipes warmerr was the one unnecessary item. The wipes cooled down before she could get it to the baby’s bottom and it dried out the wipes and she had to continue to add water to them. Do you really need one more thing to do with a newborn. Also don’t stock up on too much formula. What if you baby need soy and them you’ve bought a whole bunch of regular formula. I guess you could donate it to a woman’s shelter… just my 2 cents. Congrats by the way!

  36. Jenny

    I’m not a mom, but do have 9 nieces and nephews. My sister said that a wipes warmer was the one unnecessary item. The wipes cooled down before she could get it to the baby’s bottom and it dried out the wipes and she had to continue to add water to them. Do you really need one more thing to do with a newborn? Also don’t stock up on too much formula. What if your baby need soy and then you’ve bought a whole bunch of regular formula. I guess you could donate it to a woman’s shelter… just my 2 cents. Congrats by the way!

  37. MommySpendsLess

    For clothes, I had a great thrift store by my work so I stopped in on my lunch break about once a week during the last 6 months of my pregnancy and bought anything that she could wear the first year that was cute and in perfect condition. I went to a retail fixture store and got a set of size rings, NB through 3T, for the closet bar for about $1 so I could keep everything organized and see what I had. By the time my daughter was born, she had a ton of adorable clothes (and of course we got a bunch more onesies at the baby shower).

    I’m probably the only parent to ever say this but I’m not a big fan of short sleeved onesies. My daughter wasn’t a swaddler so I worried about her getting cold in short sleeves and by the time she was about 9 months old I started dressing her in regular clothes.

  38. JC

    Congrats on your upcoming arrival!!! Lots of good advice here, but honestly, every baby is different so it’s really going to depend on your baby what items work well and are ‘must-haves’ for you. For instance, someone said “you’ll hate a travel system, don’t buy one.” Well, I LOVED my travel system, and I still use that stroller over my umbrella stroller! And someone else mentioned that they loved Bumbo, but Bumbo was something we had and rarely used.

    As far as price points, I use Huggies wipes (thicker and more moist than Pampers wipes) and I buy them at less than 2 cents per wipe. Diapers on the other hand, I use Pampers and depending on the size of the diapers pay between $0.10 and $0.18 per diaper (the bigger the size, the more expensive the diaper). Hope this helps! Good luck!

    • Sarah H

      It’s so true, every parent and baby is different. I LOVE my ring sling (made it myself after I lost the first one) and COULD NOT raise a baby without it (okay, i’m exagerrating, but you get the point), and i’m a bit of a sling/breastfeeding evangelist, but it doesn’t work for everyone.

      I’d suggest that for stuff like strollers, if you’re very active or a traveller, do your research. I swear we did as much market research for our stroller as for our car. My hubby and I call it ‘stroller stalking’…I’d see a family at the mall or the zoo with an interesting stroller and go ask them what they liked or disliked about it, would they recommend it. I ended up loving both my strollers (graco quattro travel system and graco duoglider), which is really important because we go to the zoo weekly and go on lots of zoo and theme park vacations. Definitely go for test drives at babies ‘r’us before you get one…

  39. marcia

    My second baby (girl) is six months old and my advice would be to breastfeed if you can and if you do, to look into getting the “my brest friend” nursing pillow. I used a boppy with my first baby (boy) and the brest friend is much, much better!

  40. Rose

    Don’t worry about buying too many baby things. There are always baby showers, homes for pregnate kids, abused mothers & children safe houses & storms victims that can always use baby products. At the prices Collin finds for us I never mind buying extra to donate. I I have always started buying baby stuff the week my daughters announced they were pregnate. My youngest daughters husband was in the guard, so his pay was cut when he was deployed to Iraq while she was pregnate. H2S really helped me make the difference in their budget while he was overseas those 18 months. Again, Thanks , Colin

  41. rebekah

    ATTENTION, ATTENTION, ATTENTION: Target has an awesome Graco crib on clearance for $80! It’s actually the crib I got a year ago, but a friend of mine is prego and just found it there. Its in white or expresso. I think they are getting rid of the old models to introduce some new colors.
    Now, back to the topic. I started to stock up when I became prego. my daughter is 6mos now, and I haven’t bought diapers or wipes since my “stock up.” I paid an average of $2 per pk of jumbo diapers and an average of $1 per wipes tub. Just wait until the drug stores have some awesome deals, and you MUST sign up for all the baby brand mailing lists!! I even got friends to sign up and give me the coupons.
    Similac sends out $5 coupons. You can get the premade bottles of formula for around $5… making it practically free.:)

  42. 3Gmom

    I am somewhat new to couponing still, so I am still trying to figure out what my price points should be on baby supplies.
    For must have baby items, if you do much traveling or spend a lot of weekends out of town then I would really recommend a pack-n-play. Mine has been used through three children now, and it came with a bassinet attachment and a changing table attachment, so I didn’t buy either of those. I use it every time I go out of town and I used it as a bassinet with my last baby.
    Also, if you have a lot of friends or will be having a baby shower, then don’t buy clothes (especially if your baby is a girl!). I got so many clothes in all different sizes that I did not have to buy my first baby any clothes at all for the entire first year!

  43. amanda

    Congrats on yor upcoming baby. My price point is .10-.12 cents a diaper and wipes I just get when they are on sale. My one item I used the most was the Boppy and my glider rocker. I nursed all three of my kids to over a year and worked full time so a good breastpump was essential. I borrowed one from my a friend which I guess is frowned upon but I bought new tubing and a new set of shields and never had a problem. Another thing that I tell all my girlfriends that get pregnant is take an extra bag to the hospital with you and stock it with diapers and wipes. I always asked for extra diapers and wipes and just took a couple of the diapers out for the room and put the rest of the pack in the take home bag. I asked for diapers and wipes from ever new nurse or aid that came in the room and even had nurses bringing me extra packs of diapers. They charge one flat fee for all new babies and my kids never went to the nursery and I nursed so no formula. I know this will probably be frowned upon by many people but I never had to use my diapers at home until usually 4-6 weeks after we got home. Also if you are going to breastfeed ask for the breastcream at the hospital and have them bring a few extra. The are great to stick in the diaper bag. Always take advantage of your lactation consultants and never be afraid to ask questions or voice any concerns. Off subject but take pictures during the pregnancy you will wish you had if you don’t. Also write down all milestones or things that you want to remember even if it;s in a day planner when they happen because you may not in your sleep deprivation remember to do it later. Well congrats again and enjoy!!!!!!!!!

  44. Katrina Marks

    Wow – you have gotten quite a few comments and responses already. I have 2 kids, now ages 6 and 2. I loved Pampers for both, but Walmart will let you return/exchange unopened diapers, so if you stock up on kinds and find one you don’t like that they carry, you can exchange the rest for what works for you. Must haves? Every baby is different. Some like rocked, some don’t, you know? I would spend the money to invest in a really good, gender neutral, carseat and stroller that it will fit on. These can be used with more than one child and are well worth the money when they can be moved without waking the baby! Breast feeding does save a lot of money, but that choice is up to you. I completely agree that I would invest in yourself and time with your husband NOW while you can. Spend the money to date and the time to sleep – your life is about to change in a wonderful way, but you will be glad if you go into this experience strong. Best of luck to you and I pray you will have a safe delivery!

  45. Amy

    I thought I would add my point of view on things. I have 5 kids and have learned some great things through each one. The number one thing I learned is how little you really “need” to take care of a baby. Diapers for $5 or less, wipes for $1 or less, a place to lay her, some clothes, blankets, and car seat. Keep it simple. I have used all diapers/wipes brands and it seems diapers fit each bum differently so try a few brands out, and I seem to like Huggies wipes best. Sometimes if you over think things, it becomes overwhelming when it really doesn’t need to be.

  46. Sarah

    The biggest money saver for buying clothes is buy from rummage sales or buy at the end of the season for the next year. As far as items that are great for the baby are bobby, bumbo seat, hooter hider (nursing cover up can find homemade versions at a cheaper price tag), Ventaire bottles, bouncy seat, to name a few. Contact companies. Coupons are great and help make babies more affordable. I would wait on buying body wash/shampoo because of skin irritations (or if you did buy them and couldn’t use them you could use them as a gift for someone else.) If your baby does have skin irritations from the body wash/shampoo/lotion use dove body wash instead of body wash. Definately buy your diapers on Amazon with the subscribe and save/amazon mom/parents magazine discount. It makes for some really cheap diapers with free shipping.

  47. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I am a mother of 5! I have 2 using pull ups and diapers. I use what ever diapers are the cheapest. I pay around no more then .09 -.12 a diaper on Amazon. I paid 17.50 for a 180 count boxs. but I strive to pay no more then 3.50 for a pack of 42 in the store. and wipes I pay no more then 1.00 a tub. When they have a great sale I would stock up. Diapers and wipes will last forever. They do not go bad! and soaps and such also. The baby milk I would say do not buy. You never know what your baby will be able to drink. you may buy so much and come to find out it cant handle it. and have all that milk. And you can go thru so diapers and wipes fast so I would start stocking up on 2-3 packs of newborn and 5-6 size 1s and maybe 5-6 size 2 or even more. If you dont use you can always list them some where. like creigs list or give to a friend!
    Congrats. Hope all goes well!

  48. Lisa

    Lots of great advice here! I’m rounding out my first year as a new mom! Here’s my 2 cents – FOOD: Generic formula – lg container of Earths Best = 29.99 and the same size container of generic organic Kroger is 16.97. We currently feed our LO 16 to 24 oz per day which we go through one lg container per week. However breast is best if you’re able to do it and FREE! I work 40+ a week and went back after 8 wks … breast fed the first 6 months and the medela pump in-style ($300) was GREAT! If you don’t have to go back to work then you might not need a pump. You can rent a pump from the hospital / monthly cost about 19+ dollars. Price it out around your situation. ACTIVITY: Play mat and swing! I bought a brand new fisher price portable swing from a garage sale for only $10! Everything came a part and could be cleaned so I was happy! DIAPERS: Just found Amazon Mom! Got my first shipment today of 132 size 3 Pampers sensitive for $23 dollars! I was paying 19.99 – 16.99 for a box of 62! WOW did I waste $$ before Amazon Mom! MOBY WRAP!!!! ($40) Still use it when we go to the store!! The Moby Wrap is simple and once you learn how to wrap it you will be a hands free women with your LO close to your heart! Good Luck and Congrats!

  49. Courtney

    The best advice I have is find a friend who is willing to share and give you hand me downs with a kid a little older than yours. At my church, I have a few moms who gives me clothes and toys and books that their kids have outgrown. The biggest effort on my part was to make sure other moms knew I was open to used items. I always accept anything offered, and if it’s something I won’t use, I give it to someone else or good will. That way, no one has hurt feelings, and I keep that line of giving open. I also have a mom that had a kid 9 months after mine was born that I pass things along to. We have a Bumbo chair that has been through 4 kids so far!

    I combine cloth and disposable diapers. I use cloth at home, and disposables at night and when we will be out for the whole day. I got the cloth off Craigslist about 3 months before he was born! By combining the two, I am able to stretch a pack of diapers, and also have the convenience of disposables when I’m out and about all day.

    I use formula. I started out with Goodstart as that had the best coupons! I bought ahead with the intention of if it didn’t work with my baby I could donate it to a womens shelter. I was able to combine coupons with Target sales (and sign up for a registry with Target – they give you high value store coupons!) to buy quite a few cans at about $5 each. When I stopped getting coupons, I switched him over to the Kirkland brand, with my dr.’s ok. I also sold all the Similac and Enfamil coupons that I wasn’t going to use on eBay.

    I feed my baby table food, I’ve only given him 1 jar of baby food ever. It helps him adjust to a variety of flavors, and it saves a lot of money! Even at .10 a jar, it adds up.

  50. Diana

    I know everyone is giving you great suggestions and info for baby needs.. but as a fellow mom.. I wanted to give you suggestions for yourself. NOt everyone talks about what happens after you have your baby.. and you do need your own attention to make sure you are comfortable and heal okay.
    I suggest stiocking up on feminine products.. pads etc. Also things such as Tucks, lotion for your breasts if you are thinkig of breast feeding. If you have a favorite bath gel etc.. pick up a nice set as a gift to yourself. Soft cushion to sit on , comfortable clothes.. Stock up on your medicine cabinet, and things that you find comfort in.. Having a baby is a wonderful experience.. but dont forget about taking care of yourself.
    There are plenty of coupons and deals that Collin has been posting for the bath products(which you can also pick up baby care items), Stayfree just had B1G1 coupons, with all the after holiday clearance and such.. you can find some good deals now.
    Congratulations.. and Good Luck!!
    Also.. there are resources that have great yard sales and other sales where you could pick up all you “need” for the baby etc.. here is some I have used.

    • Crunchy Deals

      I love that you said this . . . so true! You have to take care of yourself in order to take care of your baby! No, you may not get to take a shower daily at first, but it can be overwhelming if you don’t make a little time for yourself.

    • Sarah H

      Also, in the realm of ‘mommy care’, get some lube for when you can resume ‘activities’ with your hubby. Seriously…it can be a bit scary to resume, especially if you had an episiotomy or tearing, and if you’re breastfeeding it dries you out…so just have some on hand to promote success. And give yourself the time you need…make sure you feel ready, and it’s generally a good idea to attempt it right after the baby’s fed. FYI, they have a *private time* radar and seem to delight in wrecking the mood!

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