Host a House Party: Get FREE Products + More

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Readers, Heather and Shannon, recently emailed to let us know that they were both chosen to host a DiGiorno Pizza & Hoops House Party! Check out all the FREE goodies they scored (pictured above and below)… lots of FREE DiGiorno pizza coupons, Pizza Cutter, Refrigerator magnet clip, Pot holder, Oven timer, plates, basketball game + more! Have you been chosen to host a House Party recently? Let us know in the comment section.

Now what are you waiting for? Go test your luck to see if you can host one of these upcoming House Parties:

*Weight Watchers Ice Cream House Party (New!)

*Fresh Wave Freshen Up Your Life House Party (New!)

*Little Debbie Cloud Cake Break House Party

*Green Works New To You House Party

*SINGER Sew Very Easy House Party

If you’re wondering what a House Party is..
Well, a House Party is thousands of parties across the country, hosted by people like us. Each event is sponsored by a leading brand (such as Kraft) and focuses on something cool that the sponsor wants its best fans to experience firsthand and share with their friends. Basically a House party let you share the products you like with all your friends, free of charge! Companies love to promote these type of events because it spreads the word about their products.

What free stuff will you receive?
That all depends on the specific brand your throwing the party for. Each brand has their own unique Party Pack filled with all kinds of free stuff to make your party a success!

If your interested, follow these steps to start applying:
First go on over here to sign up to be on the mailing list. They will email you all the new, free and exclusive House Parties you can host as they become available. Next click over here to look at all the upcoming House Party events. When applying you will be asked a series of questions to make sure you’re a good fit for the House Party. That’s it! Now

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Comments 82

  1. Kari H.

    I hosted the Philadelphia Cooking Creme Party. Loved it!!!

  2. Kelly

    I was chosen for the Shutterfly Party last November and last week I hosted the Philly Cooking Creme Party! The party packs are always great and the time spent with friends is so enjoyable!

  3. katie

    good for you guys! i apply for practically every house party and never get chosen. one of these days, hopefully….

    • noahsmom1008

      Me too! I have applied to almost all of them and they always say….sorry, you weren’t chosen. I have given up on House Party. Sorry to say.

      • D

        Agreed, it is a waste of time to apply. πŸ™

        • Wendi

          I tried several times before they chose me. Keep Trying.

    • Lydia

      Keep trying guys! I tried so many times before they chose me. Lol, I had the short survey questions memorized! I didn’t even need to read the questions anymore b4 I answered them! Anyways, good luck!

  4. Heather L.

    I hosted the DiGiorno pizza party last saturday. Lots of great free food! I was also able to use another coupon I had and get soda for almost free as well! We were able to have friends come over and had so much pizza left over that we took some hot pizza to a couple of our neighbors. It is fun to not only have great deals for your family but to bless the lives of others by sharing the fun! πŸ™‚

  5. emilytwinmom

    I am hosting my first party next month – the kraft sandwich one! I have no clue what they will send so it’s rather hard to plan the party… but I invited a few friends and neighbors over to see what we get! I’ll send in a photo of what they send out, hopefully it’s good stuff!!

    • Robyn S

      Check the party planner guide on the website. It should tell you everything to expect. I have hosted two parties and they were great fun! Look for the box to arrive about 10 days before the date.

    • Nicole

      I am doing the same party next month (Kraft Sandwich). I am so excited I can not wait to see what we get:)

    • Wendi

      You’ll get 5 carving meat q’s, 2 cheese q’s, some mayo with olive oil, some sandwich mayo, 16 recipe books with q’s and 16 lunch bags.

  6. Katrina

    I just got selected to host the Kraft Ultimate Sandwich Makeover party in April! WooHoo! I can’t wait.

  7. Lydia

    I just hosted my Digiorno/Hoops party yesterday! My older sister and I both won a Digiorno party and our younger sister won a Philly Cream cheese party! So we decided to throw one big party yesterday! It was a lot of fun and we all got lots of free items! So worth your time to fill out the surveys to see if you will get chosen! I filled out at least 5-6 surveys before they finally chose me! Thanks for posting about House Party on your site Collin! πŸ˜€

  8. Thamika

    This past weekend I hosted the DiGiorno Pizza & Hoops House Party. It was so much fun and all my guests had a blast.

  9. Julia

    We just hosted the Philadelphia Cream cheese party and I got an awesome skillet! I love these parties!

  10. cutsiecow

    Awesome Pics…love them! Ive hosted about 5 party’s, loved them all but PhotoWorks. There photo products don’t last….I had 2 coffee cups made plus photos. The coffee cup pictures on them only lasted about 7 months, now its been a year and the pics are barely visible. Anyways, I love these house party’s! Congrats on getting picked!

  11. Maura

    I just had a TruMoo house party and am invited to a DiGiorno party this weekend! I have hosted a Jolee’s party (AMAZING Party Pack!), Capri Sun and Alexia Foods parties over the years. Such a fun way to learn about products and get some freebies too! πŸ™‚

  12. Merideth

    I also hosted the DiGiorno party this weekend. It was fun and the party pack was full of great stuff. My guests were all so happy to walk away with great coupons. My first party was the American Ninja Warrior party in December, and it was pretty lame. I was disappointed with the lack of party supplies on that one. I love any excuse to throw a party, though!

  13. Heather

    I hosted the DiGiorno party too – it was so fun! Love the House Party experience!

  14. Amanda

    I hosted a DiGiorno party this weekend as well! It was fantastic! The most fun we’ve had in a long time. I’m definitely going to keep applying for the products and parties that we love or would like to try out.

  15. Donnann

    I hosted the Philly Cooking Creme party a few weeks ago, it was an awesome party pack. The recipes were so yummy. We gave out coupons, recipe books, wooden spoons, shopping lists, and refrigerator magnets to all our guests. We received coupons for free cooking creme to serve at the party, a skillet and an oven mitt . I can’t wait to win another.

  16. Las

    I hosted the Di Giorno one as well – I couldn’t believe the box of stuff they sent! The coupons ROCK!

  17. jmartcougar

    I have applied to like 20 of these and haven’t gotten picked grrr!

    • noahsmom1008

      Me too…you just give up after a while. Those surveys take a while to fill out and then they don’t choose you. Oh well.

  18. Samantha

    I am crossing my fingers I get accepted for the Green Works party!!! =]

  19. Mitzi

    I too was selected and hosted a DiGiorno party on Saturday. It was exciting to receive the box of goodies and discover its contents. It included a great book of coupons that I used for the party, gave to our guests plus kept a few for myself.

  20. Brenda Bobich

    I also got the pleasure of the DiGiorno Pizza party what a great prize pack Enjoyed by all!

    • Anonymous

      ME TOO! AWesome!

  21. oct25

    I have hosted a PS3 party (awesome pack) and the Freschetta pizza party, also an excellent package. Be creative in your answers, the planners want to see that you will put their product in the best light. I always respond that I will have about 12-15 guests. I also noticed that there is often a geographical area that is targeted. See if your state is listed.

  22. sarah

    I hosted the Digiorno this past weekend too and it was fun. The best part is the extra coupons, I just told some of my friends who picked up the coupons, Kroger(in VA) has Digiorno on sale for $4.77, and the Digiorno house party coupons are worth $4 off any Digiorno! Digiorno Rocks!

  23. Shannon

    I was just reading the blog and went – OH! That’s my picture!!!! Thanks for posting Collin! We had a wonderful time! Quick question for other DiGiorno hosts – did you have a hard time finding the pizza with wings and cookies? I could only find the breadsticks and I checked 5 stores – Target, Food Lion, WalMart, Kroger and Martin’s! I was shocked!

    Although, when I hosted the Bull’s Eye party the product wasn’t in the stores around me for almost a YEAR! I had all of these coupons for FREE BBQ sauce for my guests and it was never in the stores.

    Still LOTS of fun!!! And I love HOUSE PARTY!!!!

    • Erin

      I checked at three different Walmarts before finding all of the items. It was a bit of a challenge. The pizza and cookies were my fav!!!! I really crashed my diet this past weekend…hehehehe

      • Shannon

        Thanks for the feedback, I was bummed I couldn’t find them! I can’t wait to try the cookies!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      @shannon, I found mine at walmart, food lion, and kroger all 3 varieties, walmart was by far the cheapest. I live in VA.

      • Shannon

        So strange! I’m in VA too, Chesterfield. Well, I’m going to check again! I checked quite a few times throughout the week and asked at my Kroger, said they only get in the breadsticks, which were actually on clearance!

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          holy cow! I’m in mechanicsville! I was really surprised to find them…but I agree the cookies one was the best!

    • HLangley

      Hi Shannon, I am Heather, the one in the picture above you! =) I live in southern california, and had no problem finding the DiGiorno pizza’s at my local supermarket, Stater Bros. They had all kinds of varieties. My favorite were the ones with the honey bbq wyngz (the hot wyng version was a little too spicy for me). I also really liked the pepperoni and cheese pizza, and my party guests seemed to like the buffalo chicken pizza. Congrats on getting chosen for house party! I applied to the Sandwich Makeover one, but didnt get chosen. I will definitely keep applying, because the party this last weekend was so much fun!

      • Shannon

        Hi Heather!!!!

        Glad you had an awesome party!!! I saw your picture and was thinking, I’d love to have her kitchen to host a party!!! Glad you found the pizza packs! We had lots of variety of the different pizza and really loved them! My son is 14 months old and LOVES pizza, he was in heaven!!!

        Thanks for commenting back, nice to meet you!

    • Lydia

      Yes I had a hard time finding the Digiorno and wings ones! I think maybe they are too new yet and not all stores are carrying them quite yet. I searched for the pizza and cookies and never found them. I personally liked the honey wings the best!

  24. Rosie

    I was seleced to host the Kraft Ultimate Sandwich in April. Should be fun! I will share pics from the big event πŸ™‚

  25. Sue J

    I hosted a Philly Cooking Creme party and it was great! Party pack included free Cooking Creme; coupons, oven mitt, wooden spoons, magnets and recipe booklet for guests and an awesome pan that retails for $100. Thanks Kraft πŸ™‚ Had alot of fun with friends and family.

  26. Shannon

    I’ve hosted two parties in the past. One a couple of years ago for Werther’s chocolates (yummy) and one last year for Clorox. Both were great packages!

  27. Ivette

    I have a question, for the ladies that have hosted. When you hosted did they ask you to take a picture of your guests? I’ve recently been selected to do a house party so I would like to give my guests a heads up if their picture needs to be taken.

  28. Erin

    I actually won the chance to host the Digiorno Pizza party too. I have been so busy I have not been able to email my pictures in. It was a great prize pack with lots of free pizza coupons and coupons for all my guests. It was my Mom’s 50th birthday so it worked out great…plus we all love basketball as well.

    • Shannon

      I haven’t gotten my pics in yet either – busy!

  29. cyndi

    I was chosen to host the Digiorno pizza & hoops party. We turned it into a party for our church group. Definitely the loudest party I’ve ever been to! Since we all knew each other we picked basketball star’s nicknames for our names for the day (I was Sweetwater). We played PIG with the little basketball set they gave us and our pastor’s wife won! (She’s a shorty and beat out 5 tall people, including myself). πŸ™‚ We had a great time with all the food and games on TV. It turned into a wii party later with a lot of dancing and singing and goofing around in general. Definitely one of the best parties I’ve been to (or hosted)!

  30. countrylady

    I’m doing the AARP party this week-end. I thought with the AARP not as many people would apply since it’s over 50 crowd. We got water bottles, tote bags and exercise bands! It will be fun!

  31. Catherine

    If anyone has any Amazon coupons they don’t want I would love one. Thanks

    pets @

  32. Rhonda C.

    I hosted a Philadelphia cooking creme house party, and was just chosen for the Kraft ultimate sandwich party next month.

  33. delia

    I also won this party! It came at a great time because it was also my sons 4th birthday so he had a basket ball themed party! All I spent money in was his cake abd drinks!!

  34. Amanda

    We were selected for this party also….we ended up having alot of teenagers over for a spring break party and it was a big hit. Gave the parents the $4 off coupon and told them to match add at Walmart with the Walgreens dt for $5 each so they could score a dignoro pizza for $1! Plus the ones at Walmart have the cookies or chicken wings with them with them.

  35. Brooke

    I had a Digiorno Pizza & Hoops party too!!! This was my first House Party and it was great! The pizza was delicious and the basketball game was fun… we all felt like kids again!

  36. Amani

    Wow! Great Pic. I hosted a Digorno party last year so I figured I wouldn’t get chosen for this one. I LOVE Houseparty and have been lucky enough to host 5 parties last year. I hope my luck continues for this year.

  37. Kathi Long Deese

    I was chosen for the Philly Creme one and next month I am also hosting the “Sandwich Makeover” πŸ™‚ We had a great time trying all the new creme sauces and my friends & family are totally excited to try out the sandwich one next month! Now if I could just win the little debbies for my kids….lol

  38. Ruthann

    I have hosted the Boboli Pizza party and the Philly Cooking Cream Parties! So Fun!

  39. kristien33

    I just got picked to host the Ultimate sandwich party” next month. I am excited, but a bit nervous. How do you get picked again? Is it by how many pictures you put on the site, or how many guests come? Not sure how it works, and if it is a good thing, I would want to be picked again! Any advice would be awesome! πŸ™‚

  40. chrissygwhite

    Congrats to you guys! That is the best looking party I have seen yet!

  41. Wendy

    I recently hosted the Philly Creme part & the party pack was AWESOME – free Philly, oven mitt, refrigerator magnets, shopping list pads & a fantastic new skillet! I also hosted a CoffeeMate party a few months ago that came with lots of free CoffeeMate coupons, a free Nescafe piccolo coffeemaker & coupons for free boxes of coffee pods for it! Don’t give up on applying!

  42. Little Blogfish

    I got chosen to host the Zatarain’s Mardi Gras party, and then a friend I invited to my party got chosen to host the DiGiorno party (I didn’t the 2nd time around, so it was great to be a guest).

  43. Michelle

    I did the Digiorno Party yesterday too! The ACC teams were playing yesterday so we had it around that. It was so much fun and I see why they do these. Several people at my party had never Digiorno. I really didn’t think I would get picked to do one so it was so much fun to do one and I think this one was great too with all the free pizza. Plus the $4 off coupons I got to hand out so those were great for people.

  44. s

    I Was choosen for the DiGornio House Party too!!! Love their pizza!!!

  45. Lora Reynolds

    I have hosted the Yoplait and DiGiorno party!

  46. Cfernq

    I hosted the Philadelphia Cooking Creme Party. Loved it!!! It was the first party I applied to host, too!

  47. sellersr

    I hosted a Zatarain’s Mardi Gras House Party. I was bummed when I didn’t get chosen for the DiGiorno party, but a friend who attended my party did get to host it, so I got to be a guest. I’m holding onto that $4.00 DiGiorno coupon and waiting for a good deal.

  48. Dawnbi

    I was just notified that I am a hostess for the Kraft Ultimate Sandwich party. In the past I have done the Ziploc party and the Bicycle Cards party. I am amazed at all of the products they send (and did I mention coupons?) and it really is fun. If you haven’t hosted yet, keep trying.

  49. Jessey

    I’ve applied to host several house parties….still haven’t been chosen for ANY. πŸ™

  50. Torrey

    Ive gotten 2 house parties before, and my sister got one, but neither one of us nor our friends have won any since the program went viral this year. There are so many applying from our state now that there isnt a shot. Every single party is listed on every deal site online, which is good in a way, but it makes chances sooooo slim now. It was once a great little secret that we’d share with others who we knew were honest & genuinely wanted to participate fully & try & promote the products. We truely enjoy trying the products & hosting the parties (as many here have stated too) but now there is such a problem with the greedy’s selling the prizes..unopened.. on Ebay or Craigslist after the party date. Ruins it for everyone. I guess thats the double edged sword of deal sites lol… you find out some deals that benefit you, but other things get ruined for long time participants/club members. The manager at one of my local drug stores even told me that they had a corporate meeting to discuss possibly ending the use of coupons in their stores. They have been swamped since the start of printable ones, and they run into so many issues with counterfeit coupons, not being reimbursed on deals, or loosing long time customers that get frustrated when sale items are cleared out in multiple stores in the area on Sundays… that theyre loosing more than gaining. sigh. Hope it gets better! Id hate for that to happen.

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