Walgreens: Issues with Coupon Stacking?!

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I have received many emails from quite a few of you lately who have had issues “stacking” Walgreens Instant Value store coupons found in the monthly coupon booklets with manufacturer coupons.  It seems that several of you are being told by your managers/cashiers that the coupons in the booklet are manufacturer’s coupons that cannot be stacked with other coupons!  In an effort to try and get to the bottom of this, I contacted my local Walgreens store and asked the manager if this was a new policy and he clearly told me that you can in fact stack an Instant Value coupon with a manufacturer’s coupon for additional savings.

Also, I contacted Christie over at Wild for Wags to get further insight on this issue and she said there has not been any changes to the Walgreens coupon policy and that the issue is most likely due to uninformed or untrained cashiers/managers.  She suggests digging through your 5/8 SS insert or 4/17 SS insert and looking for these Walgreens ads (pictured above) that clearly promote stacking an Instant Value Walgreens coupon with  a manufacturer’s coupon!  If you’re able to find one of these ads or any other ad that promotes stacking, I highly recommend sticking it in your coupon binder in case you run into any cashiers or managers who tell you they no longer “stack” coupons.  Also, be sure to bring your Walgreens corporate coupon policy with you every time you shop, as it clearly states the following:

When purchasing a single item, Walgreens accepts one manufacturer coupon and applicable Walgreens coupon(s) for the purchase of a single item, unless prohibited by either coupon offer.

Honestly, I’m not quite sure why the Walgreens store coupons are giving so many of you problems at the register.  All I can say is to come armed with a positive attitude 🙂 and your Walgreens corporate coupon policy …and if possible, an ad page promoting “stacking”. Good Luck!

(Thanks SO much for the details and photo, Wild for Wags!)

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Comments 246

  1. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I have learned this lesson the hard way. You MUST give the cashier the manufacturer coupon first. Then the walgreens coupon 2nd. If you give them the walgreens coupon first, the register won’t accept the manf coupon. Not sure why it works this way, but it makes all the difference.

    • katie

      did not work for me either way, it beeped

    • Meg

      Our Walgreen’s will do the coupon doubling if you give manufactures coupon first and Walgreen coupon second as well. We had to go in and find a “helpful” employee at 2 a.m. to find this out. They wouldn’t tell us otherwise. They kept saying you can’t double coupons.

    • Livvy

      I try to give the Manf. coupon first, but the Walgreens store I shop most insists on scanning the Walgreens coupons first. I’ve also had the argument many times over whether a Walgreens IVC that says “manufacturer’s coupon good only at Walgreens” is a Manf. coupon or a Walgreens coupon. Walgreens is making it confusing by including the word “manufacturer” on their coupons.

  2. Kari

    and this is why I no longer shop at Walgreens…the one by my house is anti coupon and don’t even want to take the coupons in their own flyers let along a manufacture…i’ve called corporate over a dozen times and they always say…”we will contact the store and someone will get back to you to fix the issue”…and no one EVER calls. It really is sad because I know that i’m not doing anything wrong but always leave feeling like a 12 year old caught shoplifting…the humilitation and DRAMA is so not worth my time. I don’t even look at the walgrees ads anymore so I don’t know the deals i’m missing (:

    • Nora-Lee

      That is really sad, but it is true. I only go to select Walgreens where they are coupon friendly. One cashier told my the internet coupons I had were copies and she couldn’t take them. I went to another Walgreens’ 2 miles away, and the cashier there took all my coupons, I even told her that another Walgreens’ refused them and she couldn’t believe it. So, if you find one that is friendly stick with that one, it’s not easy but it makes all the difference.

    • katie

      same here

    • Kristyn

      I have the same exact problem with the store next to my house every employee there is trained to be rude to couponers and never excepts my coupons or their own coupons. I have also called corporate a dozen times and they never call back when they say they will.

  3. Cristalle

    My Walgreens is no longer allowing me to stack the coupons anymore as well. I never used to have a problem with this, but the manager at my store pointed out that the coupons in the booklet as well as the coupons that print from the register now say “manufacturer coupon” at the top so that is why they are claiming that I can not use any additional coupons with this since they will not accept 2 manufacturers coupons for one item!

    • Brittany

      I had the exact same thing happen to me. I was trying to do another Pampers deal with a Walgreens coupon that printed at the register and a manufactures coupon and they said they were both manufacturers and I couldn’t stack them.

    • ann

      the coupons in the monthly booklet are NOT manufacture coupons but in house walgreens. i investigated it. here’s the situation. if the coupons in the monthly booklet just for sake of this conversation, real manufacture coupons then why won’t they work at krogers, meijers, target. none of these stores would dare take this coupons, because they are not true manufacture coupons. walgreens just trashes them once they are redeemed. they are not mailing them out for reimbursement, because their is no reimbursement from the big companies.
      also a true manufacture coupon starts with the #5or #9 and not 0000 like walgreens coupons. also a true manufacture coupon on it has certain wording like. we will reinburse you .08 cents for every coupon and also an address to mail the coupon, lets say to proctor&gamble, unilever, kraft, etc.
      be persistant and do bring the walgreens policy and if that does’nt work, do call the toll free
      number. the more we complain the more they will look into it. and if you don’t get a call back from walgreens corp. keep calling.

      • Laura

        I tried to tell my wag’s this. The mgr told me that they were “electronic” manufacture coupons. She then read the line that said “manufacturer coupon good only at walgreens”. I tried to tell her that it was a manu coupon because I couldn’t take it down the street to walmart and use it. She told me that they do get reimbursed but it is all done through their computers, they don’t have to send anything in. I was one of them that wrote Collin about this and now I think I am even more confused, lol.

  4. tiffanyb

    The only times there should be an issue is when you are only buying one item and have two coupons. This happened to me recently with the Tylenol Precise deal, I had to add a piece of candy to get both coupons to go through.

    • klippincouponqueenz

      Every time I have gone to Walgreens I have had to have the same # of items that I had coupons for. Seems like there is a conflict in their policy.
      If you look @ their policy under general – it states
      the # of coupons must match the # of items
      while under multible coupons it states
      1 manufacture coupon & walgreen coupon can be used per item
      Again – conflict in policy

    • kyskeeter

      I just bought the Precise today and they took both coupons with out me adding a filler item. The way you have to do it is to give them the Walgreens coupon first, then the manu coupon. If you do it the other way, it won’t allow you because the system won’t down adjust the walgreens coupon, but will the manu coupon.

  5. Hilary

    Yeah! I had problems with the Pampers Infant Care booklet coupon yesterday. Heart racing…. Eventually I just didn’t use the 50 cent wipe coupon I was going to use to make up for having an extra coupon. : (

    • Jaime

      Our WG posted signs with limits on all sale items. Then said we can’t do mutiple transactions or go through line multiple times to roll our register rewards. I had the coupon policy with me but he said managers reserve the right to make those changes. I started to protest until he said it was because of what I refer to as “hoarders” and that he was looking out for all of the upset customers who get left out of the good deals because of one or two people who clear the shelves. How can I argue with that? If you are an exteme couponer remember it only takes one bad apple to spoil the bunch.

      • Hilary

        Oh, I was only buying a couple of packs of diapers.

        • CouponingGeek

          Sorry Hilary, I didn’t mean to put my comment under your post. It was meant to be an original thread, not a reply. Those comments were not meant for you! (Jaime)

          • Hilary

            No problem! : )

      • Laura Larsen

        I had the exact same prob at my Walgreens. They told me they would no longer let you use filler items in order to use two coupons because of ppl clearing the shelves. I made it clear that I was not one of those ppl and I was just trying to get my one good deal every Sunday morning on a few products at a time. She said the “extreme couponers” were coming in on Sat night and hiding items that would be on sale the next day, going to all registers (pharamacy, photo, front, cosmetic) when they tried to limit the number of transactions, etc. So she didn’t enforce a limit, just tightened up the policies the store follows in a way that hurt the rest of us. they told me it was TWO ppl specifically doing this. I have to wonder though why, if they know which two ppl are doing it (and she told me they go from store to store and the managers talk to each other and all know who they are) they have to ruin it for the rest of us who obviously aren’t clearing the shelves. I wish ppl would consider this. If it continues (and I imagine, with shows like Extreme Couponing on the air it will only get worse) those of us who are honestly just trying to save a little money lose the ability to even do that. Makes me so angry!

  6. April

    I had the same issue, the manager came over and fixed everything for me and told me that from now on always hand the manufacturer’s coupons to the cashier first let them scan of them then hand them the Walgreen’s coupons. I have not hand one problem since.

  7. Lindsay

    I was behind a couponer at Walgreens a few days ago and they had a sign printed at the register that said only one Man. Coupon per purchase, so she had a bunch of bottles of body wash and could only use one coupon instead of one per item. She just walked out of the store and I asked about the corporate policy and they didn’t give me a clear answer.

  8. Laura

    Yesterday the cashier insisted on taking my coupon from the infant care booklet and cutting it out. I thought this was strange, because I have used it many times before and never had someone want to cut it out. I told her this, and she was like, “who did that? I can’t believe it. We need that coupon” I didn’t want to give it to her (come on, its my coupon), but she was just overly insistent. I finally just said whatever (since I just wanted to get out of there), and I let her take the coupon. Never had that happen before.

    • Jen

      Several cashiers have tried to take mine, but when I point out that it’s a Walgreens coupon and ask if I can have it back, they look at it again real quick, and say, “oh, it is” – then hand it right back to me. I’m glad, cause I only have one copy!

  9. Laura

    This happened to me on the pampers deal this week. The cashier and mgr both told me that the infant care coupons and the coupons in the monthly booklet were “electronic” manufacturer coupons. She said she got a long email about new rules. When asked why I haven’t seen or heard of it, she said your not supposed to, it’s privileged information. Not quite sure how I am supposed to shop there if I don’t know their policy. Wish I had one of those ads to go show her.

  10. sarah

    I haven’t had any problems yet, but I’ve been following your advice to hand over manufacturer’s coupons first…

  11. Rachael

    I had an issue at Walgreens on Sunday with the BOGO deal on body wash. The manager wouldn’t let me use a manufacturer BOGO coupon because it was already on sale BOGO. I showed her the policy and she just said, sorry the register won’t let me do it. I complained to Walgreens via their website, and yesterday the manager called me back and apologized. She said they were out of the product now, but offered me a rain check. She also said that because my coupon would expire before the product came in she would still take it, since it was their error. I suggest calling or emailing if you have an issue. It worked for me! 🙂

    • Renee

      Same thing happened to me except the store manager somehow called around and got me 4 bottles the next day!

  12. Jennifer

    If you’re using a manufacturer coupon and a “store” coupon then you CAN use both on 1 item and do not need a filler in that situation. The coupon-to-item ratio is for manufacturer coupons only. Many times I go to Walgreens and only purchase 1 item and use a manu. coupon and store coupon…and I’ve never needed a filler in that situation.

    • Dawn

      The problem comes in when you try to pay with a RR. Then you need the filler item.

  13. Erin

    I had a horrible time the other day, manager would not let me talk he talked right over me, i tried to explain it to him and he was very rude. i told him i think i have the explanation in the coupon policy on me, he said “Im sure you do” as he looked at my binder. He said the MFQ says “only one coupon per purchase” and that means no Wags coupon also. SOOOO lame. He told me to go ahead and call 1800 Walgreens and report him, I said great idea I will do that now… 1800 said they will have a DM get back to me in about 2 days. UGH

  14. kathy

    I had the same problem at my Walgreens with the Scott paper towels. The manager insisted that I could not use the extra value coupon with a manuf. coupon because the instant value was considered a manuf. coupon, CRAZY! I told her it even showed the example of it in the paper (which I forgot to bring with me). I didn’t buy it knowing I was not getting the sale.

  15. Stephanie

    I don’t normally shop at walgreens anymore. Ours doesn’t do the register rewards most of the time so I end up paying even more then I should. I do get make up because I get my points up and they usually are buy one get 50% off. I usually have two coupons to help.

  16. Julieanne28

    I don’t shop Walgreens anymore. I do not like the item to coupon ration, RR being manf coupons & they expire quickly. I love CVS & we have some great cashiers at all of our local stores. My sister & I went to a different CVS recently & the cashier was so excited; she said they don’t have many couponers at that store & she was thrilled with the deals we got. I love the fact that you can stack ECB’s too. I stopped shopping at RiteAid when the cashier told me that YOU people (couponers) cost us money & want everything for free…

  17. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I had issues with this same thing this week! I left so frustrated. I sent in a comment via email and a WAGS manager (different one from the manager on the morning shift) called me the same day! She was very knowledgeable about the coupon policy and explained I could use both on one item. The reason we had beeping is b/c the cashier scanned the WAGS coupon first.

  18. Bayil

    First let me say that I work for Wag, and if you think that coupons are difficult for you to deal with, they are not much better for employees to deal with either. As you know, Wag’s coupon policy is pretty new and getting the word to all its employees has been tough. Every single manager and assistant manager seem to have different ideas about what is allowed. I was told at one point to always take store coupons (out of the weekly flyer) first, then IVC (out of the monthly book), then mfg coupons. Others have told me differently.

    Because of the way they are handled, the IVCs are handled like mfg coupons for our system. That is why you have to hand over the mfg coupons first, then the IVCs. I’m not trying to defend Wag, or some of the horrible employees we have, but please remember that in a lot of cases, you may know more about the coupon policy than the employee.

  19. LTibbs

    Why do we need to feel like we are doing something wrong by using coupons? We as customers should NOT have to find a friendly cashier or someone who “feels” like dealing with our coupons. Very frustrating! I have turned around and left the WAGS in my town because I have seen this one horribly rude cashier and decided it’s just not worth it. I am always very organized and do only one transaction in a trip so as not to tick off the cashier. I work in a customer service field and I would be fired for sure if I treated customers like this. Unreal and sad.

    • Jen

      Yup – I did the same exact thing recently. I walked in the door and saw “Super Crab” at the register, and saw “Super Clueless” at the beauty counter. I walked right back out the door.

      • Veronica

        Lol…It’s a shame that we actually have to search for a FRIENDLY looking cashier.

    • Julie

      great point!

  20. ann

    well a couple of days ago, i went to my local walgreens and tried to use the facebook ($5.00) coupon and the natures made $1.00 coupon. they would not let me use both. they told me the walgreens coupon is a manufacturer coupon, so i couldn’t use both. besides the facebook coupon says “not good with any other offer. so i just chose to use the $5.00 coupon and pay .99 cents plus tax.
    on another note, i have been banned from entering my local walgreens. management has kicked me out.
    i’ve been couponing for 37 years of my life. i abide by their coupon rules. walgreens does not abide by their own coupon rules.
    i can’t tell you the hassles i’ve gone through the last 2 years. where the register beeps and the cashiers refusing to take my coupons and just hand them back to me. i buy the correct size and i use by their rules 1 walgreens coupon with 1 manufacture coupon.
    i’ve been accused of “stealing their stuff”and they tell me “loss prevention won’t have that”
    i go thru the registers like everybody else, i’m just coupon savvy. a few days ago they wouldn’t accept the coupons on the tylenol heat patches that were $7.99 and i downloaded the $5.00 coupon and in the may booklet with the $3.00 walgreens coupon. heaven forbid, i’m a criminal.
    i’ve tried showing them their policy to no avail. i never used more then 8 coupons in my purchases. apparently i was too sharp for them, and they banned me. i would try to reason with the store manager, but he keeps accusing me of coupon fraud.
    i only have 1 computer and can only download maybe 2 bricks coupons if that at times
    i got sick and tired of being harassed constantly day in and day out.. i let them know i was not happy and tried reasoning with them. in my efforts i was banned today forever stepping foot in my walgreens.
    so i have hired an attorney, who called corporate and they agree i was doing nothing wrong and that per for their coupon policy the store is supposed to accept a walgreens coupon and a manufacture coupon.
    if anyone is committing fraud it’s walgreens. my email is messed up, so i would like to hear your opinions on this, so blog away.
    i know it’s just not me as there are many couponers who feel they get the run around by walgreens. their coupon policy is nationwide and as told by corporate all the stores should be abiding by it.
    only exception, is store discretion if you where to bring in lets say 50 coupons thru a purchase.
    bottom line they make the rules as they go along. no one cashiers or management is up on policy.
    i went to another walgreens, even though i was banned, i was banned at one particular store.
    i had a $2.00 off coupon on reach toothbrushes and bouth 2 just like the coupon says. now they were on sale for .99 cents each. when i went to the register and the cashier entered the coupon it beep, remember the coupon is for $2.00 and i only spent $1.98. so per walgreens own coupon policy they are supossed to adjust the coupon down so i get them free. well hell no said the cashier, she said she never heard of this.
    i find out she tells me she’s been a cashier for 3 yrs. for walgreens and she’s never heard of it) so we argue back and forth and then i pull out the walgreens coupon policy and she’s shocked. so she still doesn’t believe me and calls the manager and he says to go ahead and give them to me free. she finally apologized to me.
    what it boils down to is nobody is informed of their own rules, or policy. this tells me poor management. i’m filing a lawsuit. it may turn into a class action. it’s to early to tell. a letter is being sent to corporate.
    i’m being treated like a thief, and i’m just plain tired of this bull—… get your story staright walgreens, and you wouldn’t have so many coupon problems if you followed your own policy… anne

    • Helena

      This is so utterly pathetic, I am shaking in anger at your story! I can’t believe that your Walgreens banned you based on their own ignorance! I sincerely hope that you give those workers hell with your lawyer if it came to that. I can’t believe how Walgreens’s employers are so ignorant sometimes that they actually have the nerve to blame their customers for their stupidity in situations like yours. They should know that it’s BECAUSE of coupons that they have jobs! Who in their right mind would go to Walgreens to buy their overpriced items if not for coupons? I never even stepped foot in my Walgreens that was a mile away from where I lived until I had coupons in my hands to use because of this site! Ugh. Can’t stand it when I hear stories like these and it makes me so mad for you. I hope corporate steps in and fire the manager who banned you based on his stupidity. I don’t even care if it sounds mean. If you were CAUGHT stealing, yes, I can understand them banning you, but you WEREN’T doing anything illegal! Shame on them for being so anti-coupon that I hope it bites them in their A$$!

      • ann

        the day i was banned, i came home from my walgreens store. this store literally is behind my home. been shopping there for 7 years and called corporate. i taped the whole converstion. i didn’t mention i was just banned. the purpose of this conversation was to get their coupon policy, right from the horses mouth. like i said i didn’t do anything wrong. i only had 8 coupons. i calculated i was spending before coupons $32.00 and then my final bill was to be approx. $2.00 with tax. ca’t forget tax.
        so in the end i got what i wanted out of corporate.
        i also would bring my recorder in and tape them at the register when all hell would break loose. i was always patient and cordial. but there was times i wouldn’t except cashier handing my coupons back to me, because she told me i would be getting the items for free. that’s the ideal lady.
        i have lot’s of evidence against them. my laywer says i got a great case against them. also when this goes thru the court system, maybe then, walgreens will be more receptive to us couponers. it will open their eyes … remember i’ve been doing this for 37 yrs. i’m no newbie here..lol
        on another note. you are ALLOWED to use a buy 1 get 1 free coupon on a sale that is buy1 get1 item making it all FREE. this per walgreens own coupon policy. it boils down to ignorance and walgreens not training their employees.
        here’s my motto, their is more than one way to skin a cat. if the coupon doesn’t work at one store try another, since each stores make their own rules as they go along… lol

        • Helena

          I hope everything goes well for you. I can’t stand it when store managers and cashiers pull BS out of their mouths whenever I use coupons to prevent me from getting things for free so I hope that things will change for the better soon. I mean, why would Walgreens’ corporate even release a coupon policy if they aren’t even going to implement it and make sure their stores do so also? That’s the purpose of a corporate coupon policy and it’s pathetic when store managers don’t even follow their own coupon policy and act surprise when I show them their corporate coupon policy like they’ve never seen it before. I mean, really? With the internet and email and Walgreens’ website, they’ve NEVER seen it? Or were they just to lazy to even bother to read the coupon policy when corporate told them to?

          Overall, Walgreens should know that they have great deals, but there are always better deals elsewhere if they don’t come up to snuff with their coupon policies and enforcing it to ALL of their stores. Their customers are what drives their stores and they’ll start loosing them if they can’t even bother to read, understand AND implement their coupon policies whenever a customers want to use coupons. Treating us like trash does nothing except loose our business and every customer COUNTS.

      • TW

        Isn’t it more pathetic to file a lawsuit against a couple of ignorant managers? Life is full of so many more important things on which to spend one’s time!

        • ann

          i disagree and let me explain why. problems with couponing is a nationwide problem not a couple of managers, but hundreds of managers and cashiers who don’t bother to follow corporate rules.
          why bother putting a corporate policy out there and not abide by it. it’s also considered fraud on walgreens part.
          also i was accused of stealing by getting free items legitimately. that’s slander according to the law.
          and lastly i believe this lawsuit will open walgreens eyes and ears and every coupon customer will benefit and not have to put up with a different answer by the way, the winds blows. it needs to be uniform across the board for every customer.
          i’m sorry if you don’t agree. also, i don’t like to be called a thief.

        • Renee

          I was told by a WAGS cashier that I was commiting COUPON FRAUD for trying to use a BOGO coupon on a BOGO sale. When I told her her own store’s coupon policy was that you can do this-she said she was told by her boss that we were DOUBLE DIPPING and that we would be getting the items for free and that wasn’t right!! Corporate sorted out my mess and I was vindicated with 4 free products.

      • shoehoard

        Believe it. I wrote Collin a couple days ago because I was accused of coupon fraud. I had an internet printed coupon for $1 off Culturelle. The manager said it didn’t have a watermark on it and said I photocopied it so she wouldn’t take it. This is the 2nd time I’ve had coupon issues and rudeness from Walgreens management. I wrote to corporate. Haven’t heard a thing. I never buy more than 2-3 like kind items. I spend hours each week on hip2save and couponmom. I buy my 2-3 newspapers and clip coupons each week. I print from Smart Source, Coupons.com, and Target.com, as well as manufacture’s websites. I’m not an extreme couponer, I don’t hoard. I have a small, 6-mth supply of things in my basement. I read weekly flyers and try to shop the best way I know by matching coupons to sales. I don’t photocopy, I don’t decode bar codes, I don’t commit fraud in any way. So why does Walgreens treat me like a criminal?

    • Julie

      sorry. I hope the lawsuit works for you!

  21. Helena

    Fortunately, MOST of the cashiers where I live are coupon-friendly or coupon-neutral so they usually don’t care whenever I use coupons. There is one cashier who is the quintessential coupon-police who makes you feel like a criminal even when she’s the dummy who doesn’t even know her own store’s coupon policy. But a call to corporate or two makes up for her higher-than-thou attitude toward me using coupons since whenever I’m at that store, she’s never at the register so maybe her manager thought that her attitude wasn’t helping the store’s reputation at all. Whatever. As long as she’s not ringing up my purchases, I’m fine if she’s taken off the front registers since she probably most likely irked other couponers also. Other than her, I’ve never had any problems with coupons stacking at Walgreens and it better not change any time in the future, although I hope that Walgreens get rid of the ‘Manufacturer coupon good only at Walgreens” on their IVCoupons because that’s misleading a lot of cashiers into thinking it’s a manu coupon when it’s not. I mean, I would LOVE to be able to use their $1.00 IVC off Cottonelle at my local store since they double BUT I can’t because it’s NOT a manu coupon so it’s misleading to put “manu coupon” on the Walgreens IVCoupons when it’s not.

    • Kristie

      That’s exactly what I tried to tell the guy on the phone at the Walgreens corporate #. He insisted that they are manufacturers coupons and I explained to them that if they were, I should be able to use them at other stores. I got no where with him. So frustrated!!!!! I asked him if Walgreens actually had any Walgreens coupons that could be stacked and he said there are some in the ads and some online. Not happy right now!!!

  22. LoveMyBeautifulGift

    I had a similar problem last week…one of our stores is not anti-coupon per-se, but they definitely aren’t very coupon friendly either…since the corporate policy came out, there have been way fewer issues w/ using coupons there, so I have started using this store when I’m nearby…however, last week, the cashier was insistent that I could not use a MC w/ one from the coupon book…I was very polite but did tell her that if she scanned them, they would go through…when they did, she called another cashier over and they discussed it for a minute before she told me that they would allow it this time but that she was certain that it wasn’t allowed and that she would be checking with her manager and that I should be prepared to not “be allowed to use the system” like that in the future…I smiled and told her that next time I came in, I would be sure to bring a copy of the corporate policy in case there were any questions…the look on her face nearly made me lol…I really think that the stores that are suddenly making this rule up are just trying to get around the corporate policy so they don’t have to deal with “those coupon people”, which is absolutely ridiculous when their coroporate is catering to and trying to attract exactly “those people”…

  23. kyskeeter

    There seems to be a lack of education at Walgreen’s. I have three stores in my hometown and I never have problems at two of them. The one I did have problems with is the one that opened since Feb. I don’t think they are training there staff on their policy. I showed the new store manager my policy, and he said I have never seen this, where did you get it. I told him off their website, and he said he would have to get it and read thru it completely. He took my phone number and called me a few days later, and because of all the hassle that they gave me, he gave me a $10 Walgreen’s gift card. Collin is correct, you have to have your policy at all time, it paid me to have it. Thank you Collin for the tip on the policy.

  24. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I just discovered a helpful tip here in Detroit: My Meijer will accept the Walgreens RR. They don’t even beep. The cashier scanned 1 to see if it would work and it worked perfectly. So after that 1st one worked, I handed over 4 more! They all took the correct amt off my total without any beeping! I love my Meijer!

  25. mtluvcoupons

    I went to Wags a couple of days ago and was told I couldn’t do the Clean and Clear deal (using the BOGO coupon) because it was already BOGO. Every time I go to Wags my deals never work out…this is why I mostly try to avoid shopping there. Has anyone else had a problem with the Clean and Clear?

    • Stephanie

      I havne’t even tried. Whats the point it never works out there : )

    • Helena

      Yesterday, I went to 3 Walgreens. The first one, I was able to do the B1G1 deal with a B1G1 coupon with no problems. The second one, the cashier argued that I couldn’t do it because I would be cheating the system so I didn’t get it (even with the corporate policy in hand). The third one, the cashier had no idea how to input the coupon so I just left when she couldn’t make it work and refused to make it work since it was already B1G1. So, overall, 33% success and 66% ignorance from Walgreens. Not bad. It would have been 0% success several months ago so I’m satisfy with what I got. At least I know which Walgreens to go to later on this week for another B1G1. 🙂

    • Renee

      Yes the store I went to had some and then I found out why-they weren’t letting people use the BOGO coupon along with the sale. I called corporate and they called the store and today I picked up 4 free bottles……

  26. Stephanie

    I find it funny when they get mad. . With my coupons it pays for their hourly wage if not more then a hour. If they get rude to me I remind them that these not only cover your wages, but keep your job 😉 I wouldn’t buy half the stuff from stores if it weren’t for coupons. Then I inform the company that I have complained on social media sites and have let hundreds of people know how I was treated and had many responses. This usually results in prompt feedback from them and gift cards to try and get my business back. In fact at home depot on a poor employee I was contacted by district management within 1 hour and had the manager reward me with $200(we had spent $1500) CASH the day before Christmas. He also promptly fired the employee. Coupons not only give the company money value of the coupon +.8 it also gets product moving that normally would be sitting their for months. If they do not want business thats fine. This is why albertsons is great. The cashiers cheer for you, dance and inform you THEY WANT COUPON BUSINESS.

  27. sandersfamilyfl

    I’m actually done shopping at wags too. The first bad experience was with the splenda deal when they wouldn’t give the rr because It was free with the coupon. They just threw it in the trash after it printed. I asked to see the mgr and he stated that because the splenda was free and it was an un-advertised rr deal they didn’t have to hand them out. Second was with the clean and clear bodywash. They wouldn’t let me use my Bogo coupons. Called corp and still waiting for a call back. Walmart ad mached the bodywash and took my coupons.

  28. Valerie

    I just went to Wags on my lunch break to get the raincheck Scotch tape – B1G2 Free. What a disaster. Now I know why I don’t shop regularly at Wags. I really felt sorry for the people behind me.

    However, I frequent at RA at least once a week. This week was terrible too. All my manufacturer coupons would beep. The shift mgr stated that they no longer have to take manuf coupons if the register beeps, even if they are for the right size product. I was steaming. I called corporate and they said RA shift mgr was wrong. Plus it wouldn’t take my Video Value coupons. Claimed they had to be duplicates; which I told him there is no way to print more than one now and I just printed these off. Then the B1G1 candy manuf coupon didn’t work and they just said, sorry. Corporate is having the store mgr call me. Let’s see what happens.

    • Stephanie

      Let him know you posted about this on social media 🙂 That usually gets their attention that you told loads of people your experience.

  29. Julie

    Had the same problem last week with the cottonelle. I’m in the test area so the deals are far and few. I was so irritated that I left the store emailed corp which forwarded my complaint to the manager whom emailed me back the same dumb thing she told me in store…which is that IVC are MFC.. You really can’t argue it since they do say they are. I told the manager I would no longer be shopping at their store and sent her numerous pict/times that wags has actually encouraged using an IVC with a MFC…nothing back from her. So now, I will be finding a new wags to spend my RR from last week. Then I’m done with WG until they get a clue! For me it’s a pride issue…I’m right and they are wrong. UGH!!

    • Dawn

      I’ve heard about the new Walgreens program that gives you points instead of Register Rewards. If Walgreens moves to that program nationwide I will NEVER shop there again. I have a hard enough time with their coupon policy; reduce my rewards by rounding down to the nearest dollar and I’m gone!

    • Jolynn

      TOTALLY AGREE!!! I have quit going to Walgreens because their customer service is non existent and they are too difficult to deal with!

      • Kristie

        That is exactly what happened to me when I tried to buy the swim diapers a few days ago. The manager told me I couldn’t stack the Walgreens “manufacturer” coupon with the manufacturer coupon from the paper. He was really nice and I felt like I couldn’t argue with him. I was pretty upset seeing how others were able to get this deal.

  30. Dawn

    Make sure you ALWAYS use your manufacturer coupons BEFORE the Walgreens store coupons. If you don’t and the item rings up less than the mnfg Q it will beep and won’t let you use both coupons. Walgreen store coupons are not really coupons… It’s a price adjustment.

    So if you buy an item that’s $5 and the Walgreens store Q takes off $3, the item will ring up $2 after store coupon. If you tried to use a $2.50 manufacturer coupon it won’t work and the register will BEEP. You must always use manufacturer coupons first if the price of the item will end up being less than the mnfg coupon. That might explain why some people might have hard time stacking coupons.

  31. Jolynn

    I really don’t like Walgreens. I have had too much trouble with their cashiers and coupons that I do not go there anymore. I can get great deals at CVS, which is SO MUCH better! So for me, it’s not even worth the savings to deal with Walgreens. By far the worse drugstore out there.

  32. Rosie

    I had the same thing happen (for the first time) yesterday with the Dove candies- Luckily, my Wag’s gal’s are the best! She had alrady had the same issue earlier in the day and she just did a manual adjustment. She knew the policy well and said the register was just nor reading them correctly.

  33. t

    I called 1-800 # yesterday because of this problem, and the customer service lady told me some in the book are manufacture and some are Walgreens. It clearly states which ones you can use with a manufacture coupon and which ones are not.


  34. Brittanii

    I called Walgreens earlier this week to see if my local store (Irving, TX) had any in stock and the woman I spoke with on the phone informed that an email went out 3 days ago and that they would not allow stacking or B1G1 free coupons which would make both items free any longer. I have a hard time believing this because their coupon policy hasn’t been updated but I ALWAYS have problems at Walgreens with coupons. I can’t imagine that such a large company has such misinformed employees.

  35. terri

    and the new scanners seem to beep at everything! I know the cashiers don’t like them. They even beep when they actually go through. Maybe that’s why everyone’s a bit more critical of the coupons? fingers crossed it gets better.

  36. jmartcougar

    I went to walgreens today and the Manager took my coupons out of place and put all my wags coupons first then manufacture even though I had them the other way around. When the register kept beeping he banged his fist against the cash register and was furiously punching in each coupon. The people behind me were laughing at his stinkin attitude.

  37. Jessica

    I had a manager try to explain to me that Register Rewards are NOT supposed to print if you use a manufacturer’s coupon because they are manufacturer’s coupon. I just smiled and thought of all the ads I see (similar to the ones in this post) where they advertise using manufacturer’s coupons as part of the price breakdown. To me they are a classic example of “bait and switch”- “Please, come in and enjoy our savings!” But when you get there you are met with uneducated workers and fickle computers. I now only shop there for free stuff and so I can use the RR at Publix.

  38. LD

    I very rarely go to Walgreens for all the above reasons . A deal is a deal but my sanity and precious energy is not worth even pay me lol. So pay me to make me feel bad or mad or both lol. And use my energy up . Dont think it is worth all the free soap I could get.

    On another note I did talk to a manager and another worker about those monthley coupon who really seemed to know what they are talking about . The Walgreens programers do not program the monthley booklet coupons as a store coupon they r programed into the system as a manuf. coupon. So if you only get that item with both those the sytem wont take it. If you get something else as a filler and give the manuf first then the wags it should take it. Now i know the manager can override this as they did for me. But they would only do it that once lol . And the same cashier the next week when I went in would not do it. So even when they do know how to take care of it they wont they dont really care about having our coupon buisness. I guess wags makes enough off perscriptions and others paying full price the managers dont really need the coupon people $ , well ones who use and stack store ones anyhow lol.

  39. Tuesdae

    This happened to me just last week. I contacted their Corporate offices because of the way a manager treated me. They then contacted the store that I had problems at. One of the managers at that store called me the following day and asked me to come in for what I was trying to do. SO I did and they were SO extremely nice to me. He even went out of his way to check me out. If you show their corporate coupon policy and you still get nowhere…call corporate and that will help the store get educated on their own policies.

  40. Kristie

    Just got off the phone with the Walgreens people from the 1800 # and he said that the Walgreens coupon booklet contains manufacturers coupons and they can NOT be stacked with another manufacturers coupon. I felt like I was talking to a brick wall. He didn’t understand how anyone was able to stack both coupons because he said the register would reject the second coupon. I told him if the coupons were in fact manufacturers coupons, then I should be able to use them at other stores, but I can’t because they are Walgreens coupons. He argued with me again. So it sounds like the people who are getting these deals have awesome Walgreens. Walgreens just lost another customer in my book. I didn’t shop there for a while because of all the RR problems and coupon problems, but I thought I would give them another chance. They just lost my business!!! Any advice???

    • A

      Corporate doesn’t really solve any problems, they defer to the store manager to call you back. All the Wags stores in Houston that I have been to say that the monthly coupon book is a manufacturer coupon that cannot be stacked. The cashiers don’t take them in the order I hand it to them. They wait for me to hand them all to them (one by one) and then put them on the counter and go through them. They reject them sometimes even before scanning them. CVS is much more coupon friendly in my opinion.
      I wrote about this yestserday, but here is the short version.
      Went to WAGS (2 stores) and they both refused to take the BOGO Free and Clear body wash, stating I couldn’t walk out and not pay anything. I politely explained their policy and told them the Manufacturer would pay them, it’s not like they were losing money. One store manager yelled at me and chased me out of the store. Not only was this embarrasing, but I also had given my free Pop Chips coupon to the cashier in attempts to sweet talk her.

      • Renee

        I was told the same thing-but I would be paying something- the TAX!!!!!!

  41. trailmama

    oh i have such a love hate relationship with walgreens. i did the pampers deal this week and it went through ok, but it was interesting because the coupon from the booklet automatically adjusted for twice the amount (so $4 off instead of $2 because i got two packs) then i had two manufacturer coupons – i thought the booklet was a wags coupon & then had a manufacturer coupon for each pack too. everything beeped (for me it always does – manufacturer/wags/register reward etc – i think it’s programmed that way for our stores) the manager came and actually was nice, he looked at the print out and said, i honestly don’t know why this is coming up this way. i continued to be nice and acknowledged it is very confusing. it seems like if i pull a policy out it all goes down hill, even if i am nice. but if i just play the “please educate me” even though i may know more than you, it all seems to work out. today – got a soniccare toothbrush, three bottles of bayer asprin, lollipop for daughter, kleenex, clearance bandades all for $30! and was able to use two RR. the same soniccare toothbrush alone is 79$ at walmart!

    • Julieanne28

      They should be located in a rack at the front of your store.

    • ann

      just so everyone knows you can also dowlnoad the monthly coupons in the booklet and print the coupons. go to walgreens.com
      upper right hand corner click on save, once the page pulls up, then on the left hand corner click on coupons.
      now really there is no reason to print these coupons, because they are in stores in the monthly coupon booklet. but at times the stores runs out of the booklets too.
      hopes this helps. 🙂

  42. A

    Btw, perhaps the “manufacturer” coupon in the monthly booklet cannot be used at other stores since the manufacturer agreed only to reimburse Walgreens and not other retailers?
    So could it in fact be a manufacturer coupon and not a Wags coupon?
    I know some say to hand over the manufacturer coupon first, but others said to hand over the Wags coupon first??

    • Laura

      This is what the mgr said at the wag’s I usually go to.

  43. Sil

    I am so glad that I am not alone. My recent Walgreens experiences have just left a terrible taste in my mouth. Most recently, my local cashier fought me so long about the coupons that I got sent to the end of the long line that had formed to complete additional transactions. She stated that this was store policy. I actually got punished for her actions! Nice customer service Walgreens! This has never happened to me before – all my transactions have been taken care of at the same time. While waiting in line, I discovered an error which the cashier disputed. I was right. The manager was very nice while he completed my transactions. The attitude that we are trying to cheat the system is offensive. The cashier I speak of above, always has a comment like, “Well, that’s as low as it’s going to get!” Really nasty. It’s not the Price Is Right where I am spinning a wheel to see what my discount is… thanks for the vent. I have always loved Walgreens but I am seriously considering jumping ship and going to CVS….

  44. Debi

    Maybe some one already said this but….
    My store got new computer scanners. I overheard the one cashier that I know also coupons and she is so frustrated with the new scanner. I’m trying to say that it is a computer glitch for the scanner technology that may be the culprit.

    I don’t shop walgreens, it’s too difficult. i’d rather KNOW I’m spending 50cents more somewhere else than to end up paying $1.00 more than I’ve planned.

  45. CC

    I have run into this problem also and a manager was kind enough to point out to me that although the “Instant Value Coupons” say that they are “Good at Walgreens”, further down they state that they are “manufacturer coupons good only at Walgreens”. In other words they are ringing up as manufacturer coupons, so trying to stack them with another manufacturer coupon isn’t working. I wish Walgreens would do something about this, I never had this problem until they recently changed the monthly coupon books. Argh!

  46. J

    Also, please remember that some of these cashiers do not know they are wrong, don’t complain too much because they need jobs too.
    I have never been offered a gift card. I guess I am too nice in my complaints!

    • Brenda

      I agree, I try to remember this too. I use to work retail and remember how bad it can get. Personally, I have basically stopped shopping at Wags and spend my money (er, coupons!) at RiteAid instead. I still feel bad about the last time I went in to do the Cottonelle deal at Wags. When I handed her my coupons, she started to say that I couldn’t use both of them and I pulled out my coupon policy. The poor girl started to cry and I hadn’t even said anything to her yet. She said they are getting so many emails from corporate that are confusing and that depending on which manager was working would depend if she was suppose to take two coupons or not. They are being threatened with getting fired over it. I think it shows how disorganized and mismanaged Walgreens as a whole is. I truly hope someone will get a clue and figure out how to fix this mess soon. Employees are not effective when they are scared to do anything for fear of losing their job!

  47. Tiffany

    Wow, this JUST happened to me last night! The cashier didn’t even want to scan them, she told me they were both manufacturer coupons. Then she points out that one expires on the 15th (it was the 11th), and hesitantly enters the coupons. They both went through fine! She seemed surprised, but went along with the order (and then scrutinized every other coupon I had…)

  48. Mitch

    Occasionally I spend a long time at the Walgreens register while the cashier tries to figure out my coupons.
    One of the problems seems to be you cannot have more coupons than items you are purchasing.
    That would mean, no stacking if you only buy 1 item.
    That must cause tons of confusion.
    That is what needs to be fixed!

  49. Denise

    Just wanted to try to clarify for everyone. I work at Walgreens and it is true that the coupons in the coupon book are, in fact, manufacturer coupons and we are no longer allowed to use them along with other manufacturer coupons. We were told that it is coupon fraud and can get in big trouble if we keep accepting both.

    • Tiffany

      Can you tell us when the policy changed?

    • Renee

      I just did the Cottonelle deal today and the STORE MANAGER rang up my manufact. coupons and then scanned the coupons out of the book!!!!!!!

    • Laura

      This is exactly what my mgr said too. I brought in the ad from the 5/8 paper to show her. I explained that if it wasn’t walgreen’s promoting the ad then it was the manufacturer promoting using both….she had told me previously that the manufacturer was starting to crack down on this. She is taking it to her meeting today. Hoping she calls and tells me one way or the other.

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