Extreme Couponing Affecting the Un-Extreme?
So, I received the following email from reader, Rashelle. She is feeling very discouraged about using coupons and even dreads going to the store. Here’s what she had to say:
Hi Collin, I know this may seem odd but I was wondering if you have heard from any readers that they have been feeling down about using coupons lately because I have. Ever since the “Extreme Couponing” show has been airing I feel myself getting looks from other customers. For example, I was at Toys ‘R’ Us the other day with my son and a lady in front of me had items that I had a store coupon for which I wasn’t going to use and I asked if she wanted it, she was very thankful and asked if I was sure I didn’t need it and my son said, don’t worry she has a whole binder of them at home, and her tone changed drastically as she said “Oh, you’re one of Those.”
I was in Publix last night doing my weekly coupon shopping and was flipping thru my binder when a couple of women walked past me, looked me up and down and then one said to the other “she’s loco” (crazy in Spanish) and at checkout a husband and wife came into line behind me at the end of my transaction while my coupons were being scanned and started talking very loudly about how the people on “that show” take advantage of shopping (and I didn’t even have a cart full of stuff).
There have been so many times lately when I feel glaring eyes upon me and I feel I need to justify myself to these people and say I am not a hoarder, I don’t have a small grocery store in my house, I am not clearing shelves, and so on, but of course I just smile and keep my mouth shut. I hate this feeling of being embarrassed and ashamed of my coupons because I use to be so proud and happy of all of my great savings and I don’t want this to ruin couponing for me, but it has left me very discouraged, and instead of being excited to do my weekly trip, I almost dread it. I was just wondering if I am the only one experiencing this behavior. Thanks for your time and for everything you do!
Since I cannot give you a hug (I so love hugs!) or tackle the stores with you, I am hoping that all of you readers can make Rashelle feel inspired to continue being proud to use her coupons! What ways have you motivated yourself in times of discouragement? How have you made your couponing adventures positive and fun?
I’d like to propose that we all write/call/email TLC to get that show pulled off the air. Or at least to tell them our side so they don’t sensationalize it as much. It’s not fair to all of us that are normal, sane people that are just trying to save a few bucks. Personally, I boycott that show and tell anyone who will listen to do the same. I don’t have cable, but if I did I’d cancel that channel too!
TLC doesn’t give a hoot about how it affecting “real life” couponers. As long as there is this much interest in the show, they’ll keep it on the air.
I stopped couponing for about 6 months because I was too involved in so many other things that I literally didn’t have the time. I tried to get back into it recently but I gave up. At this point, I’m waiting until this fad passes. The show just pisses me off. However, I’ve learned even though I was saving at least 50% on every grocery shopping trip, I’m spending the same amount now that I’m not buying items just because they are a good deal!
People tell me all the time, “Oh so you watch that show huh? Thats how you got all into this!” And I tell them no, that i’ve never seen it. Then they usually ask me how i do it! Because they want to too! BUT-as for the people who give me dirty looks, I want to tell them, “Hey, i’m not buying this stuff and paying for it with my EBT card or using food stamps…” Those people that give you dirty looks are just too lazy to cut the coupons out of the magazine HAHA! Just ignore them. Let them waste their money paying full price for stuff. What a shame that they do… But if EVERYONE couponed then I’m sure manufacturers would have to make the system harder and everything. I think they should just stay ignorant and angry. MORE FOR US! haha jki. there are JUST people like that in the world and you can’t change em.
But really if they are using EBT/Food stamps to pay for their groceries and using coupons to make that money go farther that is terrific. Lots of people are using food stamps now because of job loss etc. That is what it is there for.
And just so you know if you have an EBT card at least in Virginia you have to pay tax on the coupons, so a lot of people using an EBT card don’t want to use coupons because then they have to have cash for the tax. And as someone with an EBT card it does help the money go farther and I’ve been able to get the fresh fruits and veggies that before were just too expensive.
LOL!!! It’s “reality TV”, I am not running out and buying a bag of dope because I saw an episode of “addicted”. I am not running out and signing my daughters up for pagents because I saw an episode of “toddlers and tierras”, nor am I trying to stage an “Intervention” for my third cousin that drinks more than I do. I watch these shows because it is entertainment.
If you want TLC to stop airing episodes then write letters to all the viewers that are watching it, because all long as it is geting the HIGH ratings and bringing in money then TLC will continue airing it.
I encourage everyone to write TLC and tell them what you think. That might actually make a difference.
I have felt that way alot lately. But then I think about all the money I have saved my family and I carry one. I also do not like taking my binder into store, of course I always run into those only if I had my binder moments but I only take in the coupons for the items I plan on purchasing. I was getting tired of being stopped a million times to answer questions about couponing. The nasty looks do not bother me, I just smile at them or say Hello. My husband taught me to kill them with kindness instead of trying to just kill them. I am really hoping once the show’s season ends alot of the craziness will die down as well.
Here comes a long-distance hug! I really empathize with what she wrote. I have lost a bit of the sparkle in my couponing due to that show. Just like other fads, this too shall pass. I really hope that all this new attention to this interest will die down. And, all the true couponers will return to normal and continue to have all the fun. I want newbies to succeed and all the haters to just go back to their hole!
This is my own opinion from what I’ve gathered from watching the show a few times (which I am NOT really a fan of)..
*The stores are bringing this on themselves. This is not meant to be offensive by any means if you work at a store that is shown on the show. BUT – the episode that I watched last night was about a lady who was clearing a shelf because of a double coupon that exceeded the value of the item. The kicker is — the lady was getting the overage. I think that is HUGE – the overage. Although I’m jealous of this, because no local store offers overage near me (besides Walmart), but — the lady on the episode said “it may not be something I need, but if it allows me to get overage for some things that don’t offer coupons, then it’s something I do need..” I think what would reduce shelf clearing is overage. I think double coupons are safe because sure people want free things, but are MOST likely not going to clear a shelf just based on the fact that it is free. It seems like most are clearing shelves because of the amount of overage they can get.
*There is a local store near me that offers incentives such as $5 off meat purchase of $25, which I think is a great way to replace “coupon overage.” Perhaps stores can cut that out and allow for produce, meat, and other department specials in which it is extremely difficult to find coupons for.
*Like I said, this is my own personal opinion, but after doing personal research from watching a few episodes – this seems to be the pattern.. I can’t necessarily blame them for wanting the overage though.
On a side note, I get stares too — because I’m only 23, and I carry a coupon binder, so I guess it looks a bit odd for someone so young to care about finances? I just don’t like paying more than I have to is all, but I’m not upset when something costs me a few dollars in the end rather than free.
When people look at me funny I tell them I have seven kids and that is why I coupon. We have to watch every penny!
I don’t feel the need to explain myself to anyone for my couponing. I have four kids and we have one income and if I didn’t coupon my kids wouldn’t get any of the goodies I get with coupons. for those who say we take advantage of the sales…….ya damn skippy! I recently went shopping with out couponing and my husband told me I wasn’t to leave the house without my binder again lol. Those that complain either have more money than they need or they are jealous because they are too lazy to the work of a couponer.
I so agree. Whenever we need to shop I go alone, my husband does not have the patience to deal with me going up and down the isles with my coupons, and when I do bring the coupons I only end up saving him at most $5.00 because he will throw whatever he wants in the cart and expects me to have a coupon for it.
I was couponing long before the show and I continue to coupon. The Extreme Couponing show is TERRIBLE and gives a false expectation to new couponers, which causes havoc in the stores. This show has negatively impacted how couponing is perceived, and in turn this has spiraled into negative actions… The stores have tighted their policies and even restricted some. Coupon companies have imposed limits on multiple coupons used in transactions. Stores are even imposing limits on buying multiples.
I absolutely despise the show, especially for some of the disgusting fraud that is being commited by J’aime Kirlew on the show. I have never received odd looks, negative comments or laughs (That I have seen or heard) but It’s not going to phase me. People who wish to pay retail, can do so if they want! Like mentioned before, I am laughing all the way to the bank!
I want my kids to have “happy tummy’s” and so when I can feed them for 2 weeks instead of one, just by using coupons….then all dirty looks are forgotten. I am doing it to save $ for them not for the person behind me in line……….
It’s amazing how people are. All I can say is to still feel proud. They don’t know you, they don’t help you with any bills that you have or provide for you nor your family. I ignore people when I do my shopping to the point that I don’t even apologize for making them wait anymore; sorry I am a paying customer too.. Rashelle, keep that head of yours high and keeping on smiling because at the end of couponing and shopping to provide for our family we are SAVING BIG girlfriend!!! Keep cutting more coupons and keep you mind busy and don’t stress about it, life could be a lot worse.
Cheers to you!
I can honestly say that I have not had negative looks, that I have seen. I have been stopped several times because of my binder. I have gone to the store with a plan that failed because there were so many items out of stock. I have learned to get rain checks for everything I went for and was out. As for the dirty looks and bad comments. I would agree with Jennifer…this too shall pass. They will continue to over spend and we will continue to underspend. 🙂
I have said to one person that gave a bit of attitude, if more people that were on welfare and/or food stamps committed some time to couponing, maybe they wouldn’t need as much, or any government assistance.
Aw i send a long distance hug too! Please do not feel down about couponing. I know it can be hurtful when you find someone giving you dirty looks or saying something that they sure should not but we all have the right to use coupons and as long as we have them we should! Most of the couponers i know do not use it for trying to stock their house like a store, even if we did as long as we can so what? Most of the ones that do buy alot of stuff they do not need donate it so in fact they are giving back to the needy. We all need to hold our heads up and be proud that we can make not only a difference in our familys life but maybe alot of others too! Just hold your head up and your coupon hand out proud!! Your not doing anything wrong and if others do not understand well…i am sure they will get over it.
I know exactly how you feel. I’ve gotten the looks as well. I’ve found that if I take a fellow couponer with me, it makes it that much more enjoyable. There is actually a ladies coupon group here in my home town who get together and talk about their deals and swap coupons with each other. These people who are going to the extreme, are they really enjoying themselves? When I go out shopping I want it to be a time I can relax and enjoy myself!
As I haven’t had any negative experiences with couponing yet (except for the frequently cleared shelves) I know where you’re coming from. I definitely wouldn’t pay a second thought to what people say, just go about my business. I’ve had a few people comment and say “oh look she has a coupon binder like those ladies on tv” but even those mild comments I just smile and keep on going. It’s seeming more and more like it just comes with the territory and just like with anything else in life, you can’t let a few rotten apples keep you from doing what you’re doing. It’s not wrong, illegal, or greedy and I bet if they had the resources to do it, they’d be doing it too.
I totally know how you feel! The worst for me is when I’m with a bunch of my friends who don’t know I coupon and they go off about the crazy coupon people. But you know what? YOU are the one saving money! Whether you’re saving $5 or $500, that was money you would have spent and money all those mean glaring people ARE spending by not using coupons. To all those people who have the time, expertise and focus to use all the coupons they find, I say GO FOR IT! You are amazing! Next time you feel a glare from the person behind you in line, try to take as loooong at the register as you can lol Just kidding, but next time just turn the other way and be super friendly to your cashier and thank them for helping YOU save money! 🙂
I think we should all stop watching the show. then maybe it will go off the air.
I totally agree!
I am new to couponing. I don’t watch that show, however.. without it.. I never would have found sites like yours. I do not hoard things.. I don’t have a grocery store in my home.. nor will I EVER. I buy what I need and I save on most of what I buy. I usually average 30-40-50% savings. Every now and then I get lucky and save more. I really only do most of my planned out couponing at Walgreens. There was a women in Walgreens the other days who wanted cigarettes behind me and she said “Oh, your one of those extreme couponers.” I didn’t have an over-abundance of stuff, I had a half cart full and maybe 7 coupons. I looked at her and said “Enjoy your cigarettes, I’ll enjoy my savings.” She looked up at me with big eyes and said “Whatever” and just walked away. If you have the right to say something stupid to me.. I’ll make you feel the way you just made me feel. I DO feel that its not fair that whenever I DO go into Walgreens to get my deals (I never have more than two coupons for the items I getting) They are sold out. People need to STOP wiping out shelves. You discourage people who want to save. To me.. couponing is NOT about getting 20 ketchups for 10 cents.. Its getting what I need to get by, at a discounted price, and NOT becoming so frugal that I can’t do anything but sleep, eat, and breathe coupons. Theres much more to life. It helps to save along the way.. but don’t become coupon crazy. In the end, its going to affect everyone if people let greed take over. Stores will stop doing promotions.. I mean.. they are in it to make money just as much as we save money. We aren’t owed anything.. but we should be able to enjoy ourselves.. and I am so happy TLC showed me what couponing is because I found this website, but I HATE TLC for making everyone who uses coupons look crazy. Its really not fair to the ones who don’t get crazy! Okay Im done. 🙂
This week my local WalGreens started putting a limit on the number of same like items you can purchase in the same visit. They have limited it to (4) same like items (doesn’t matter of the scent, flavor or such). If crest toothpaste is on sale, you can only get 4 per visit. Maybe this will help with shelf clearing… you never know.
I have used coupons my whole married life (37 years). I have a year supply of everything we use. I only buy 1 or time of an item every week. I do not nor have I ever cleared shelves. I love using coupons. I do not care what other people say to I know I save alot and love saving. I would much rather see someone using coupons and not the little credit card (food stamps) that comes from our goverment.
Love your website Collin!
I agree!
Because of the TLC show, I actually got into couponing. (we only have the free tv, so I’ve only gotten to see the shows online) It made me look on the internet for couponing tips & ideas – which brought me to Hip2Save! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this site!!! I’ve learned so much! 🙂 Thank you for having such a friendly, informative site!!
I too have gotten looks but as many of you hear have said, it is worth it for the money saved. I agree that you should always look for the best deal but feel that if you are taking items that you do not need and will not use just to create a stock pile, that is excess and it is waste! I hate to say that I am a fan of the show but get most excited when I see the participants donating all or most of their haul. (My favorite was the gentleman who donated 100% of what he bought to the local food bank. He willingly donated all of his stock pile instead of referring to it as part of the family ) I feel that if you are blessed enough to find a great deal then you should “pay it forward”. Be a coupon fairy or even better a coupon gifter! To the young lady who is frustrated, if you are couponing with good intentions (feeding your family, and saving money on things you NEED) then hold your head high, girlfriend! You should be proud of what you are doing. I would love to learn from you!!!! Keep it up, eventually like all trends this too shall pass and you will again be among the smart elite group of savvy shoppers who love it again! Kuddos to you!
haters gonna hate!!!
Oh Darlin! Big ol hugs from me too! I have run into a few nasty attitudes from people, but I just smile, and suggest that perhaps they should get into another checkout line, as it may take some time for me to checkout. On the other side of things, I have noticed quite a few ladies with coupon binders and when we run into each other in the store we usually end up sharing deals and coupons. So, it can go both ways. I always try to remember the old saying: “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission”. It seems to make me smile when I get negative reactions.
Regarding the show, I’m glad it is on. I had NO IDEA how awesome couponing could be until I saw the show. I now save about 50% off of my grocery bill, thanks to seeing the show and then doing some research and finding wonderful websites like this one. Of course the show is extreme, but I imagine thats mainly for the ratings. I am sorry to see some of the abuses that happen during the show, like emptying shelves, but in general I think it brought a lot of attention to couponing, and in this economy we could all use a little help.
Keep smiling darlin! Lots of love is comin to you from across the country!
I can relate with Rashelle. I have been getting that attitude from people a lot since that show aired. I will have only 10 coupons and I get comments about it. I have a small coupon organizer because I don’t like carry a big binder but I still get those looks. Today I went over to the wine section where nobody was so I could go through my coupons without people watching me. I shouldn’t have to feel the need to hide. One time in the grocery store a women walked past me and said, “aw look at her and her little coupons.” I just ignored her sarcastic comment. I have felt the attitude and looks before the TLC show but it has gotten worse. I am not gonna let it stop me from saving money. I don’t go over board with coupons, I usually have less than 20 in an given shopping trip and sometimes I only have one or two. I also have times where people give me positive comments and are really nice about the coupons.
Not only do I get the nasty looks from the customers, I get them from the cashiers as well. The last visit I had (on Sunday), the cashier literally rolled her eyes with every single coupon she rung up. I have to imagine it’s in part the negativity of the show. I also read some comments about how extreme couponing was STEALING! While I disagree with that assessment, I think the majority of ppl on that show are bananas–save maybe two or three of them. The hoards and stashes of items are ridiculous. Ppl buying diapers for babies they don’t have, the one lady that bought 62 things of mustard when her husband doesn’t even eat it—what are you going to do with 62 bottles of mustard!!! But in the end, you just have to press on, despite the looks or comments, find others who support you in what you do (and teach them, too) and use the coupons responsibly for your family. You’re not doing anything wrong by wanting to save some money!
I have noticed a few stares here and there myself lately too. One older lady come up to me and said “Are you one of those extreme couponers?” I have stopped taking my binder into stores with me because of that. I still want to be able to save money and get awesome deals but because of that show I feel like it has created a bad impression. I guess we have to ask ourselves what is more important? The opinions of people we don’t even know or going to bd at night knowing we have done our best to save our families money and live with minimal debt. We have to remember the tips that Collin has given about not buying what we don’t need, not being wasteful, being coupon fairies and donating to those less fortunate. Let’s all cotinue to coupon with character and who cares what other people think!!
I would take the same approach I take when in public places with my nephews, don’t let social pressure get the best of you. You are not breaking the law. Just remember people can not make you feel, you are in control of how and what you feel. When you start having those thoughts, just tell yourself, “Couponing brings me joy and I will not give this person power over me or my emotions.” -Best Wishes and Happy Couponing!
I hate the way the show portrays the purchases. They seem to all be lucky to live near stores that:
1. Do not limit quantities
2. Limit the doubling of coupons (my store only doubles the first 3)
3. They are able to collect so many of the same coupon.
My local paper has coupon inserts on Wednesday. I used to be able to get a few extras by going by places that carry them. It is a free publication. Well, they now do NOT put coupons in the papers at the stores. The only ones with coupons now are the ones I get at my house so it is harder to get multiples.
You have to remember that things about extreme couponing. It isn’t the people its the show. Do you really think that TLC would do a show or someone like use normal coupoers? No probably not. The show asks the stores for prior premission and they ask the store to preorder the stuff so that there is enought. No stores carries 3000 boxes of the exact same cereal, it was preorded for the show. If you also catch how the majority are so excited and say, “I HAVE NEVER SAVED THIS MUCH BEFORE!”
Several stores also have suspended their normal coupon policies for the show as well. Its not a realistic look at the couponing world in my opinion.
im frustrated with all those that want to stock pile. I just want deoderant so I dont smell and want to use a coupon or two. Especially at any of our local Walgreens, I can never get any of the deals. They are always out. I just want one!
First of all if it were me I would have flat out said, ” Why, YES! I am one of THOSE people.” People like me are only paying .50 for this bottle of cleaner why people like you are paying 4$.
Its smart to save money. And on a side note if you donate like I do. You could mention that. I spend hours clipping coupons so I can get free things to donate to those who are in need…what have you done lately?
Also, coupons are there for a reason. If it was taboo to use then they wouldn’t exist or be illegal and they aren’t. Next time you are shopping hold your head up high and remember their bill may be a couple hundred or more and yours will be 30$ or less! Do not feel guilty or embarrassed. You have a family to feed. You don’t ask questions about the money they spend why should it matter the way you spend. The may be the type of people that are knee deep in debt because they want all the newest things in life.
We live in an area that limits how many like coupons and only 20 coupons per transaction. The store that I actually shop in has a lot of couponers! They are very good with letting us do multiple transactions but you never see us do more than a couple. We all want everyone else to get the great deals too and do not wipe out the shelves. That is just wrong!
I was drug into couponing 2 years ago and really questioned it when I first heard I could get things for free. Now, I can’t imagine ever paying full price for things again. So if they give you those looks, then I say look at them and say, “yes, I know I am crazy for wanting to save money!”
Oh the looks and the comments are crazy one guy called me and hoarder and I simply responded with a question…. What would you do if you was a single mom of 3 who just recently got laid off, April 12th, to be exact….from a job of 2 years (big bend hospice) ?….. and his facial expression was priceless… he quickly apologize and said that he would keep my family in his prayers and if that happened to him he would be couponing too.
So, with that said I don’t let the comments or their facial expressions bother me!!!!
I’m on a mission to keep my family well stocked with the thing we NEED and FOOD on MY TABLE…
I rather take their rolling eyes or crazy facial expressions instead of my children sad faces because mommy don’t have anything for them to eat.
Good for you – If people only knew…. I will keep you in my prayers too.
((hugs)) I have encountered alot of people that have acted that way too. But I have also had people enjoy talking with me about how I am saving tons of money for my family and I am giving back to our local pantry. I don’t get a lot of stuff, but enough for me and my family. I was able to make a mens health and beauty aid shelf. It went so fast! Knowing that I am helping my family and my community helps me deal with those negative nellies! I also like shopping with a friend now. I’m not as stressed and we help each other out and just have fun shopping. Keep focused that you are saving money and helping your family. Sometimes I leave my binder in my car so I can just get in , get what I need and get out 🙂 Good luck honey! Hang in there!
Hi – I have had both good and negative responses (mostly good) from other shoppers when they see my binder. I will ALWAYS bring it into the store with me!!!! I refuse to feel embarased & I am willing to do the work to save money! My answer to some of the negative remarks have been – “You can go ahead and pay retail if you want to, I chose to save money” (while THINKING – I’m SMARTER than that!) , ” What I am saving on these items will be enough to cover more than half of my electric bill, I’m happy with that!” . Hang in there – be proud of yourself for couponing!
Ya know, thats the problem right there….woe is me b/c of that show. Ignore it and those people who don’t get it. Smile and say darn tootin’ I’m going to save every penny I can!
That show is not realistic in any sense (for supposedly being a “reality” show). People who shop like that (extreme) have been around for years. Its only b/c its in the limelight that everyone is paying attention.
Also, b/c of that show, all couponers are lumped into being extreme, which couldn’t be further from the truth. I have been on the receiving end of snide remarks, most recently at Target from the customer behind me. She made some comment about extreme couponers. I turned and said whats so extreme about what I’m buying? 4 coupons?? Yeah real extreme! Lady’s eyes bugged out and didn’t know what to say. Seriously, I had 4 coupons…no stacks, just Kandoo Wipes, a shirt for dh, some clothes for the kids and toys I found on clearance!
Just give it some time, it will eventually die down! Don’t get discouraged b/c the store is OOS. Get a RC… or don’t. Move on! Nothing to get upset about as deals always cycle back around.
for 3 weeks no sale items or newspapers. I hope it blows over soon. It is a lot of work couponing (time) and some people decide it’s not worth there time to save. I know a couple of people that started because of me couponing and they didn’t last at it. I even told them about free items on sale and cheap items. They didn’t care.
I don’t get everything I buy for free but now people think I do and I should just give it to them. I even had a family member call me once to see how many UPR I had because they didn’t have any money!!! Asked me as if they had no value at all!! No I did not give them my UPR ; ) I myself wouldn’t have money for TP and shampoo if I wasn’t couponing.
People skills! when I get the comment or look from someone in line with me I usually smile and then tell them what the money I am saving ,by using coupons,is earmarked towards. Right now the money I am saving will pay for my sons wedding next summer. And yes I have already have enough money put aside due to couponing to cover the cost of the wedding and not have to dip into our regular income or savings. Most people then go WOW!!!! Then start asking me questions about my coupon bag, how long i have been saving etc. I like to think they might go home and try to save a few bucks themselves by couponing.
You don’t have any reason what-so-ever to feel ashamed or embarrassed, some people look for reasons to talk trash about something, you just happened to be the target that day. I’m getting what I want and need for very little out of pocket expensive. I couldn’t care any less what small minds need to keep them busy.
As far as the show, I’ve only seen a couple videos. That’s plenty for me. It’s just like any other reality show, seems to pick the bottom of the barrel when it comes to who they choose as representatives. I’m hoping the show is just a fad and will soon die out. I haven’t had too many problems with cashiers, most know me from before the show began so they know I’m not ‘one of those’. As for wiping out the shelves, sometimes I think that’s simply an excuse. Both my Wal-greens and Rite Aid always had low stock on hand as well as empty shelves long before EC ever hit the air.
I coupon because it saves me money, I get to try products I normally wouldn’t purchase due to price, I find it fun and exciting. Don’t let those people make you feel bad. You’re not doing a thing wrong. Stand tall my coupon sista and make us proud. ( ; <<!!~~ that's supposed to be a wink,.
It all comes down to…what is your goal with couponing? and are you going to let a few passing looks/feelings get in your way of that goal? My guess is no BECAUSE you are a couponer and you are made out of a different cloth than the typical shopper – you are smarter to say the least!
I’m new to couponing myself. I’m loving every minute of it (well, except the clipping, the sorting, the drives to different stores and the looks I get from the cashier who doesn’t know how to ring up a printable) …other than that I’m totally loving every other minute of it, lol.
Anyhoo, I’ve noticed that the there are haters everywhere. Even people on this discussion post. We’re complaining about people who stare at us and make us feel bad, yet those same people are making the stockpilers feel bad. Why? You don’t like to be made to feel bad, so don’t make others feel bad for their preferences. Can’t we all just cheer each other on?
* Vanessa *
I hear your. Even my co workers teased me at the beginning of that stupid show. But since they know that i am always sharing good tips with them when they are looking for a deal but dont want to do the leg work, and I always share my goodies with them. They dont mess with me any more. When I shop, I just say to my self., its more mony in my pockets so who cares.besides, I am albe to get extra stuff that I generally would not be albe to do without coupons,
People talk about you if your shoes don’t match your shirt. I say who cares, they obviously have nothing better to do. Shame on them for giving good people a bad name. Don’t let them discourage you, they are no better than anyone eles. Continue saving money and remember, “he who laughs last, laughs best!”
As a 27 year old mom of an 18 month old, because of couponing I have been blessed to stay home with her. My husband and I have zero debt and have been able to start saving much more money towards a house. People sometimes give me strange looks but let them, I am being a SMART shopper! On the other hand many times I have had cashiers and people in line behind me say wow how did you do that! So I guess just like anything you have to take the good with the bad, and think in the long run how much money you are saving on all the things you would normally buy.
More power to you and your patience in couponing. I wish I could do what everyone is doing.
Who cares what those loco people think? If I could figure out how to make it work in NYC, I would do it. NYC stores give you hard time accepting internet coupons, so people just give up.
Keep on couponing!!!
I admire your pluck, if you are stuck in town, CVS and Walgreens take Internet coupons.
Rashelle, it takes a lot of work to clip, cut, organize and strategically have a plan when you go to shop. People who stare don’t realize the savings you are actually saving while using coupons. I’m sure if they did they do the same. Who likes to hand over cold cash or even a cc to pay for items. I would much rather let a manufacture pay for half of my items or in our case all of it. In todays times FRUGAL SHOPPING is SMART SHOPPING. So keep doing what you are doing and hold your head up high when paying with coupons and smile and know that you are making a difference for YOUR FAMILY…..
Wow! I can’t imagine caring what anyone thinks of my coupon-ing. I can’t believe people buy things w/o coupons or buy things when they aren’t on sale. You could be, notice I didn’t say “should” be, making rude comments about how “loco” they are for not using coupons! I feel bad for the people behind me when I am taking double the time in line because I have as many coupons as I have items, but I don’t feel bad enough to use less coupons. Keep your head up because you are doing a good thing for your family and it’s frankly nobody’s business if you have a grocery store in your basement or not.
Michelle, You need to laugh at them “ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK!”
Wow! Almost 600 comments. Looks like this topic hit a nerve!
I have been couponing for years and use them even more now that I am a widow. Yes I too get stares and comments sometimes but I attribute that to ignorance of couponing on their part. Please don’t allow the ignorance of others discourage you from couponing. Hold your head high knowing that you are saving your family’s hard earned money.
I work retail and I also use coupons, since the show started we have noticed a mayor increase in coupon shoppers, now lots of them want to pull the same type of total that they see in the show $0.00 or overage when that doesn’t work because they didnt organize or stock their coupons correctly they became verbally abusive, and difficult to deal with, I hope that the show goes off the air it will make my life easy.
On the other hand, I was in Target last week and they went over my coupons with a fIne tooth comb and would not take more than 1 per transaction meaning I couldn’t us the Target $1 off when you buy 2 for several items.
I took my coupons back and left everything at the counter and walked out.
If you don’t want my business that is your decision, but I don’t accept these game changing rules!