Extreme Couponing Affecting the Un-Extreme?
So, I received the following email from reader, Rashelle. She is feeling very discouraged about using coupons and even dreads going to the store. Here’s what she had to say:
Hi Collin, I know this may seem odd but I was wondering if you have heard from any readers that they have been feeling down about using coupons lately because I have. Ever since the “Extreme Couponing” show has been airing I feel myself getting looks from other customers. For example, I was at Toys ‘R’ Us the other day with my son and a lady in front of me had items that I had a store coupon for which I wasn’t going to use and I asked if she wanted it, she was very thankful and asked if I was sure I didn’t need it and my son said, don’t worry she has a whole binder of them at home, and her tone changed drastically as she said “Oh, you’re one of Those.”
I was in Publix last night doing my weekly coupon shopping and was flipping thru my binder when a couple of women walked past me, looked me up and down and then one said to the other “she’s loco” (crazy in Spanish) and at checkout a husband and wife came into line behind me at the end of my transaction while my coupons were being scanned and started talking very loudly about how the people on “that show” take advantage of shopping (and I didn’t even have a cart full of stuff).
There have been so many times lately when I feel glaring eyes upon me and I feel I need to justify myself to these people and say I am not a hoarder, I don’t have a small grocery store in my house, I am not clearing shelves, and so on, but of course I just smile and keep my mouth shut. I hate this feeling of being embarrassed and ashamed of my coupons because I use to be so proud and happy of all of my great savings and I don’t want this to ruin couponing for me, but it has left me very discouraged, and instead of being excited to do my weekly trip, I almost dread it. I was just wondering if I am the only one experiencing this behavior. Thanks for your time and for everything you do!
Since I cannot give you a hug (I so love hugs!) or tackle the stores with you, I am hoping that all of you readers can make Rashelle feel inspired to continue being proud to use her coupons! What ways have you motivated yourself in times of discouragement? How have you made your couponing adventures positive and fun?
I’ve been getting a lot of snotty cashiers, particularly at what used to be my favorite Target. They “limit” items (w/ no signage anywhere) when the shelves are already empty when I get there, won’t let me stack Target and Mfr, try to even tell me I can only use 1 mfr even if I have more than one item and a matching number of mfr for that item!!! It’s terrible, and I get comparisons to that STUPID show ALL THE TIME from them! I hate it, it really is ruining everything for me. I hardly go anymore, i prefer wags or cvs at this point….Targets not worth the hassle and aggravation i end up dealing w/ because these ppl now have this crazy coupon lady misconception!
oh well, i’m still saving my $$$… prob more than I can say for them, haters!
I am in the same boat as you! I had an issue at Target the other night, 5/31. The first cashier was cool about all my coupons and separate transactions but I had to run back in for some groceries and my second cashier would not let me use more than one like coupon. I asked her when this Target policy came into effect and she told me it has always been this way. I was only saving 50 cents on a $3 item! I was pretty irritated by her attitude and drove to a different Target where I had no issues.
There’s a Target coupon policy posted online. I think we both need to print it and carry it with us to the stores. If Target didn’t want us to do manufacturer and Target coupon match ups they wouldn’t release coupons that match up with P&G coupons and state “Have you tried using our coupons with P&G coupons yet?” It’s obvious in this tough economy that the Target Corporation is welcoming couponers with all the Target coupons they have distributed online and in newspapers. These cashiers are being more than just a nuisance. They’re harming Target’s ability to earn.
That’s how I feel about Wal-Mart. I look at it like this, if “we” are too much trouble for them I will just use my coupons and spend my money somewhere else that does appreciate it. If everone starts going other places they may rethink their arritudes.
My momma always said it is all in what is important to you. Why should I give my hard earned money to the grocery store?
When I could save money using coupons and use it on something else of importance.
Be proud of couponing!
Remind people that if they would listen to the whole show, they would hear that they donate alot to charities and have people calling them for help.
Plus the grocery stores are getting paid for them coupons. If they want to complain tell them to do it at the manager.
I think their just jealous that they dont know how to coupon and save money. if u know in ur heart that ur not clearingb shelevs or hoarding 6365 cans of mustard then u shouldnt worry. id be more worried with the cashiers taking my coupons than anything else. also since i started i gave a couple of free items to my mil and now she coupons too but just forb things she buys when she needs them 🙂
Just remind people the show is called “extreme” couponing. You are simply trying to survive in this economy and they should try it.
I was raised on couponing and I love couponing. I used to do it sometimes myself, but never EXTREME. My husband didn’t have the time or patience for it either. Now, that I started back somewhat, I can save us $40 off our grocery bill, and he has been a little more patient with our grocery shopping. Lol! Also, yes I do get a little pumped after watching the show, but know in reality I have only ONE coupon per item and a small apt for my things. So ya…;)
2 if there’s an in store coupon as well…hehe..y’ll know what I’m trying to say! 🙂
I have never brought my binder to any stores with me because Of one remark I will never forget while I was in Walgreens.. I heard the employees making fun of all the people that bring their coupon binders in the stores with them and try to get everything for free and clear the shelves.. From that point on , I will never bring a binder with me.. I will although bring in a little stack of coupons in a little coupon holder.. I try to plan my trips before I go to the store.. But I will say that LATELY I am getting so many people behind me in lines huffing and puffing because my coupons take forever to be scanned.. I always have quite a few! It’s embarrassing. especially when I’m holding up a huge line at the drugstore and the cashiers usually don’t know what the heck they are doing! LOL..
I like to do my shopping early in the morning or late at night when there is not alot of people. I like to shop when there is not a crowd so i can take my time in the aisle and i do not have to rush because someone is trying to get by. When you shop early in the morning or late at night you might just be the only one standing in line to check out and you can take your time with your grocery and your coupons.
Please do not let those other people make you feel bad about saving money and taking care of your family. Those people that compare someone whose trying to save money to those in the show that are way to extreme do not know what real life is about. I used coupons here and there as my kids were growing up, but with time and a full time job it became to time consuming for me. After watching the show I found websites like this one and others that help me organize my coupons and I walk into the store very proud of the money I am saving. I do try to go shopping when there is not to many people so I can take my time and not be in anyone’s way. I saved over $20.00 today and everyone at the registar was cheering me on and saying great saving.
As entertaining as the show as been, it has created more problems then it is worth. The casual non-couponer who watches has no idea how extreme the people on the show are, and doesn’t understand the entire concept of coupons. To them, t’s like any other show about nutjobs that TLC runs, and now we are all suspect. It’s been bad at the Drugstoresaround here, but the grocery store has been okay, and the cashiers know I’m not a freak and treat me well. When I get comments occasionally, I just tell them that everything that I save means that I don’t have to work 2 full-time jobs anymore (as of March 2011 – WOOT), and if they don’t want to wait,there’s a very nice self checkout several registers down with NO WAITING. Pttthhhttt on them. They’re just clueless people and should be forgiven for their idiocy even while you stand up for yourself.
Seriously????? Why do you care what they think? How can you let total strangers make you feel bad about couponing?
We coupon to save money for our family. We coupon so we can use that money for other things to better the lives of our families.
Smile and forget the comments/looks from people who don’t matter.
I’m proud of the fact that I coupon.
I’ve had people mention to me the extreme couponing show when they see my buldging binder. I smile and tell them the show is unrealistic and if they would like to learn how to save money on things their family really will use, to give me a call. I then offer up my phone number.
It takes work to coupon and save the kind of money I save. I am PROUD of that and you should be too!
I’ve had people huff in line behind me…. tough turkey (the clean version of what I have to say about that) They can go to another line or deal with it.
Sister, you are going to have to develop a thicker skin.
lol…….I was on the soapbox for a minute. 🙂 But, I just don’t care what people have to say about my couponing. I’m after my savings!!!!! BOO-YAHHHHHHHHH! LOL
I was sitting on the sidewalk the other day getting my binder caught up while watching the kids played. The mailman came and said, “You’ve been watching them shows, huh?” I was a bit irritated, I have to admit. I just said, “I did this long before Those Shows…”
My mom taught me to coupon when I was a kid and my kid watch me do it. Don’t worry about the jealous people. That show is exetreme and some people are over the top. But that is what sells reality shows. Hold out for the cashier that gives you a pound because you did a good, or that person who smiles at you when they see your binder (that’s what I do). And when a person remarks “oh you are one of those….” Smile and reply “It’s a SKILL!!!!”
This reader’s email could not have come at a better time because I am starting to feel the same way. Life got a little busy recently (in a good way) and I have just started picking back up on using coupons. One of my first trips was to Publix, where they informed me they no longer take Target coupons and even after I said it was ok and that I still wanted the product, the cashier kept talking down to me as if I was upset. Then yesterday, I went to Target to find 2 Charmin packages ripped open and coupons removed. I stay motivated by not stooping to that level, doing the right thing and not taking anything personal or getting angry.
I understand that takes a little more time for most couponers to check out, and most poeple also understand that fact. And when I also hear oh you are one of those!!! I just say yep!!! I did have one lady that was very rude behide me one day making a comment after I was walking away about it was about time, I hate standing behide ” those poeple” Belive me I was very offened, I turned to her and said I just saved 80 dollars for that 5 min of your time THANK YOU VERY MUCH, of course she had no comment. After that day when I’m in line I make it a pint to warn others, or I apologize and let them know it may be a min or two. It always turns a sour face into a smile. Brush it off sister, more than likely you will never see them again!!!!
I always do my couponing when i know the stores are slow, like later in the night or first thing when they open. Plus!!!!…see nothing wrong with saving money as long as you aren’t hoarding, like I feel the show represents.
Hold your head up high I say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And keep couponing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honey don’t feel bad about using your coupons. You are not doing anything wrong and if the manufactures didn’t want us to be able to save on their products they wouldn’t publish the coupon. Be proud that you are able to save money whenever you can. Colin does an amazing job informing us of all the deals available for us. Feel sorry for all the people out there that do not take advantage of what is available to them … HUGS!!!
I’m not as nice as the rest of you. I’ve only had a couple of people make any kind of negative remark about my bbinder. They said something about the tv show and hoarding, so I asked them if they believed everything they see on tv, cause if they do, then they’ve got far bigger problems than my coupons could ever cause! Just because I’m organized doesn’t make me crazy, but throwing away money by shunning coupons does.
I was in a Meijer the other day & I had $45 worth of coupons all for things I need, plus I was buying things to donate to the disaster relief projects. A lady behind me insisted on seeing my receipt to see what percentage I saved. I told her that my total savings was over $100 and I was happy with that, she said, you still paid too much. I felt so humiliated. She was so loud, and I like to just keep to myself. I was happy with my purchase and never had anyone grab a receipt out of my hands before. I almost felt violated. Now, I too, feel kind of scared to use my coupons for fear of who’s watching! geesh.
Don’t worry! Those that poke fun, or make rude comments are simply un-educated in the field of couponing! Feel good about yourself that you have this knowledge!
I get all the looks, the questions and the rude cashier here and there but .. What I HATE the most is when someone tells me that they looove the show. I feel so awkward that I don’t know what to say like if I have anything to do with it.
Just say ” what show” that’s what i would do
I know… sometimes I swear if I get 1 other person if I am like those people from the show I will scream… I haven’t dealt with people with attitude most have just been curious and I tell them that I although I do save money it is very time consuming and I am NOT like the extreme couponers.
I feel the same way. I have always used coupons but only a few at the time not $800 dollars worth of coupons. Even before the show was on I hated shopping at Wal-Mart(who isn’t hurting for money) because the cashiers act like you are trying to rip them off. I had a cashier just yesterday pull my stuff out of my bags because the coupon would not scan. I had the very products that it listed but she just kept reading the coupon and looking at my items (while there was a line behind me). I wasn’t trying to steal anything from her, but you would have thought that was what I was doing. I finally just snatched my coupon out of her hand, and told her we was done (costing me 75cents more in the end). There may be those people that try to pull off buying the wrong products for their coupons but I only had 6 coupons and it took FOREVER to check out. Guess that is why I avoid Wal-Mart as much as possible. I look at it like, why not save money on a item when you was going to buy the product anyway. I hope I never see or hear anyone making remarks about my coupon using because I will not be able to just smile and walk on. The people making those remarks are the ones that are in debt up to their necks because they are too “good” to save money.
you tell them sister!
Don’t worry about them-they’re just jealous because they don’t have the smarts or want to take the time to clip the coupons and use them! I’m not a huge fan of the show either because I feel that it promotes hoarding too. I don’t clear a shelf unless I’m only buying one or two items and that is what’s left. I’ve missed out on many deals because people clear the shelves, but if its something I really need badly-I get to the store early! I’ve used coupons off and on for years, but now I’m smarter about how I use them. Keep couponing and when you’re called ‘The Crazy Coupon Queen’ just smile and say, yep, that’s me! (and think of the money you’re saving!)
Thank you. I am not alone. I get comments all the time now too. About half are positive–people are impressed with how much coupons can save you. The other half of the time people are mad because it takes a little longer to check out or the cashier assumes you’re pulling a huge scam. Seriously if the RR the cashier JUST PRINTED OUT won’t scan, that’s not on me! But most of the time I fume a little about the negative stuff and then tell myself it isn’t a BIG DEAL. lol
I wish they would just stop broadcasting that extreme coupon show!
The show i think is encouraging people to wipe the shelves clean. I had a great coupon deal and when i went to redeem the shelves were bare. I just wish people would be considerate and not hoard. I will continue to shop with my binder because I LOVE SAVING MONEY!!!!! and boo on anyone who looks at me or anyone else that binder/coupon shops negatively
Most couponers think that their children will distract them from concentrating on their purchases…mine…well, they distract other customers FOR ME during check out. Admittedly, they are usually dressed in costume. Yesterday my son was Indiana Jones and my daughter was her usual “wear every piece of jewelry plus a beautiful dress” girl and the customers at Publix think they are a hoot. I have never seen the show about coupons but it’s a “reality” show people…if it doesn’t have a shock factor, NO ONE would watch. Ratings…no one wants to see someone like me go in to Publix and buy $180 worth of groceries and only pay $87. There is no shock in that, other than the fact that I let my children play Halloween all year long:-) Save your family money…bottom line. Don’t hold up lines with multiple transactions or empty the shelves. Buy what you need and can donate and don’t worry about others.
Out of all the comments, I love yours the most lol! Your kids sound adorable and I completely agree with what you said 🙂
Thanks a lot! I appreciate that. Just the mere fact that someone would read the idiocy I write is hilarious:-) You have to have a good sense of humor and not take yourself serious when you have young ones and couponing on top of that. It makes life so much easier. When you laugh…people laugh with you. :-). Mostly people just want to take my kids to the nearest tv station to which I reply…”no encouragement please”. I just let them be kids, that’s the beauty of it.
This just cracked me up! I have 3 children under the age of 5, so they are usually with me when I’m couponing. It’s quite a trick to keep them busy. Maybe I’ll try the Halloween approach LOL!
This “Halloween approach” does sound like a sure bet, can’t wait to try, LOL! Thanks for sharing!
My thoughts are if they don’t want to wait for you to use your coupons offer to let them pay for your groceries and you will gladly not use them!!!
Don’t give those “wannabee’s” a 2nd thought. Yes, we take up time at the registers,but we have as much right to be there as anyone else. I’ve had a couple of “looks” but mainly my time gets taken up by people wanting to be coached on how to do it! I’ve had at least half a dozen people (including clerks) stop me and ask me how to get started. I allowed two guys the other day in front of me at Rite Aid who only had one item each. Both thanked me and one said “thank you, but I’d really like to have that coupon binder you’ve got there!” and we laughed. One more thing: any store that doesn’t want my coupons doesn’t need my business. CVS has done the best PR with me by their kindness and encouragement. They actually HELP me get the items sometimes. That is in Jacksonville, Alabama. So Shout out to J’VILLE!
I started going to WAGS and CVS at night after I get off work 9 or 10pm. It is easier for me because I do not have my son with me and it is slow at the stores at that time; therefore, I can take my time at the register and so can the cashier without feeling anxiety that I have a whole line of people behind me glaring. I don’t bring my binder in the store just because It is so big and bulky, takes up the whole cart. But it is a good idea to have your binder in your car at least in case you see items on the clearance rack and you know you have coupons and especially if it will be a money maker. I get the same feeling of anxiety like at Publix when I’m checking out..usually what I do if someone comes up behind me and they only have a couple items I will warn them ahead of time and say, “just want to let you know I’m going to be a while…I have tons of coupons.” and laugh it off. That way I gave a warning and it is their choice if they want to stay in my line or go to another. I have had people thank me for letting them know & move to another line and I have had people say oh it’s okay no worries and stay in line. I have also had people say mean remarks..not to my face but loud enough where I can hear..like “damn people with coupons, get a real job so you don’t have to use coupons, takes for ever.” (usually with cuss words mixed in). but I just flat out ignore those comments and try to just laugh in my head because I am the one saving money! Even if I was rich I would still use coupons so I could be even richer!! lol
I HATE the show Extreme Couponing!!! It has almost killed the couponing in me;-( Everything that I get with coupons is personal hygiene items which I donate to one of our local food banks or another group that is in need. I love to do for others, but it’s not fun anymore going to a store with my small amount of coupons and my list. Cashiers always have to reference my sales to the TLC show. My response is always the same, “I’m not a hoarder, I donate what you see here and I don’t spend hours upon hours clipping coupons. You see that I only have a few in my hand.” I wish the show would be cancelled!!! I don’t think it offers any useful information. It just shows one how they can be “greedy”, how they can “attempt” to steal, etc. I get more information from Collin here on Hip2Save!
There are a lot of responses and I don’t have time to read, but I always try to deflect stuff like that with humor. If someone said “she’s crazy” about my coupon binder, I’d laugh and say “I tell myself that all the time!” Or if you want to guilt them a little, maybe “I tell myself that all the time, but on our tiny budget I work as hard as I can to make a dollar stretch”. In the situation with the people in the checkout line talking about Extreme Couponing, I’d probably say “I *know*, aren’t those people over the top?? I mean, I’m all for saving some money and having a little extra of our favorites onhand, but who has room for a whole grocery store in their garage, right?” I think you’ll find that if you take away their ammunition for passing judgment, by humanizing yourself and your reasons for being a smart, frugal shopper, then you might at least feel more empowered even if you don’t change their mind.
I actually had a cashier convert to our way of thinking the other day! I turned a $40 bill (before sales tax) at walmart into a $15 bill including sales tax!! She was asking me for pointers!!!
I think (being such a smart alec) that I would say something like “I’ve heard of that show but I have better things to do than sit around all day watching every ridiculous thing they put on tv- like saving enough money annually to take a family vacation. Good luck with your tv show though.”
I may use this line sometime…. 🙂
I have had remarks made about my binder everytime i go shopping now. But i turn it into a possitive letting them know that the show portrays a false sense of couponing for the majority of the coupon users. I tell them the way it is, I use them to save on my everyday shopping trips so I have money to enjoy a movie or some other enjoyable recreation that we would not be able to do. I also let them know that i help families that are out of work at this time or not being able to make ends meet. And I smile and let them know I am usually able to save 50 to 75 percent on my grocery trips and no I dont have a garage full of stuff or extra rooms full of stuff I couldnt use in a year. and smile all the way checkout..Most are positive and want more info on how to save, a few say its wrong and we make prices higher for them because manufactures raise the prices to compensate for the coupons. This lady also told me I ought to be sorry for holding up the line while they had an issue with a couple coupon Not IP coupons that didnt want to scan. I had ony about 15 items on this trip and it really didnt take but a few minutes at the register. I told her i wasnt sorry I have just as much right to use my coupons as she does to spend her cash. and smiled all the way home.
I agree with what everyone has said. I’m new to couponing and am really proud of myself when I save $20 or more on my grocery store or drugstore visits. My kids and husband call me the coupon lady now! But you know what, my shelves are stocked with lots of items now and I’ve been getting so many items for free! It’s a great feeling. I get those looks too and I just ignore them. If they want to pay full price for an item that they can get for free or close to free, that’s they’re problem! I’ll never do it again.
I try to stockpile enough non perishables to last us a couple of weeks, my husband is a trucker who owns his own truck and if the truck goes down, which happened the last 3 weeks as well as hubby had a problem with blood pressure meds, ended up in ER and was taken off the road for two more days, then we have no income. Our two kids are in college and I am as well. The last 3 weeks have been hard, but my small stockpile was just enough to carry us without me having to ask my parents for money but once, a year ago, it would have been two or three times if not more. I simply plan for downtime. I also try to stock up on things the kids need for school. For instance, I bought my daughter 6 bottles of body wash a couple of weeks ago, she is a counselor at an 8 week sleepover camp with only a half day off a week to go to town for essentials and they don’t get paid until the end of the 8 weeks. This was enough body wash for her to take to camp with some left over to take back to her apartment in August. Fortunately, I don’t get any bad comments here, we live in a small town and most people know my situation, most of them ask me where to find the great coupons! At our local WAGS, I am a legend with one of the cashiers. I never buy a huge amount of stuff, but I always try to get the best price for everything, he calls me his “Super Saver Customer” LOL
I’m not an extreme couponer but I have a little accordian file with all my coupons and it goes EVERYWHERE with me. I’m 22 years old, I own my own home, and work at cvs making a little bit over minimum wage. How else do you expect me to survive? I don’t save near the amount that most do but the money I do save helps A LOT!. I love telling people about how much I do save and when I find good deals. Let people stare, they’re just jealous because they’re not as smart as you are!
OP, I hope you snatched that BRU coupon back!!! Sorry you were treated poorly, don’t give up. It will die down, people have short memories.
They give us dirty looks for couponing and saving money or they give us dirty looks for not living within our means and going broke. You can never win!! Just take care of your family and move on.
i haven’t had to use it yet, but i have a line ready for any snide remarks from shoppers behind me in line. “if you want to hand me $28 (or however much i’m saving that day) in cash i’ll gladly be out of your way…” that should shut them up
Just ask them if they saw a dollar on the ground would you pick it up? Well i find them all the time with my coupons.
I know what you mean about picking up a dollar – I see coupons the same way. I try to be a coupon fairy when I’m in line and see the person ahead of me buying something I have a coupon for but won’t be using. This usually goes over pretty well, but one time I offered a $2/1 Herbal Essence ‘poo coupon to the lady in front of me and she acted like maybe she hadn’t heard me, so I handed the coupon to the cashier who was ringing her up, and the cashier said to the lady, “Do you want me to use this?” The lady just shrugged. I remember thinking (a) “Wow, I’d be thrilled if someone handed me $2” followed quickly by (b) “You’re welcome!” LOL! There used to be a stigma that using coupons was only for poor people, so maybe I actually was embarrassing this lady. But shoot, I’d love it if someone handed me a coupon for something I was buying (that I didn’t already have a coupon for) 😀
As far as stores go, I’ve actually had a better experience, I think because the checkers are more educated. But definitely, I’ve felt more self-conscience about it. Also, lots of shelf clearing, buying every paper at the dollar store, etc. going on in my area.
When I first started using coupons, I was worried about taking too much time in line. My husband’s response was, “Who cares, no matter what you do, there’s going to be someoone who doesn’t like it.” That really gave me a whole new viewpoint. What a great motto to use in life, because it can get really consuming to spend a lot of time and energy worrying about what others think. Who cares? They’re not paying my grocery bills. And the most vocal people are usually the ones that enjoy whining and complaining anyway, so I feel like I just helped them keep their mind busy. When I look at it that way, it makes me laugh. I had one guy behind me watch me use my coupons, then watch me use my debit card to pay for my groceries. He gave me the evil eye and muttered, “It must be nice. Us poor people have to use cash.” I thought about explaining to him that a debit card was cash, but because I didn’t want to ruin his day, I just laughed and said, “Yeah, it is nice.”
You are not alone I’ve been there, sometime I cried because of how people treated me when using coupons but I am going to let those people stopping from saving money for my family.
Coupons are $$ for me. Its money that I can use to treat my kids to a movie, or oooh pay abill or too. I had a lady at Target tell me that cutting coupons looked like alot of work, and not worth it. Well I enjoyed my free M&M’s and she had to pay for hers, I paid for trip that day with 50% in coupons…that is money that no one else is going to give me and their time is not more important than mine. So I smile. I also stood in line while someone bought $40 in junk food with food stamps and gave the cashier a hard time but no one commented but when I shopped the cashier said “Since that lady was on Oprah everyone has coupons” Well, I didnt see the Oprah episode, but I go home happy that I am doing what I need to do to take care of MY FAMILY.
Don’t worry about people. It is easier said than done, I know. Focus on the fun you used to have. That little feeling that you get after you leave the store knowing you still have money and there are still good deals to score. It is a job–your savings are your paycheck. Do not be ashamed. Smile and swipe those coupons.
On another note, I know that the employees at Walgreens are stashing items behind the counter. Just last week I witnessed a Walgreens store manager bring 6 large bottles of Listerine and put them behind the beauty counter. This was during the RR deal. I had been to that store 3 times that week and the shelf was always empty–and still was. Where did she get those 6 bottles? So if they give you a hard time, just know they are doing it to, or would like to.
I am so embarressed for the people treated you in that disgusting manner. I have had mixed feelings about “extreme” couponers as well but have found many to be great community memebers who bless others by donating. Although, there are some I am sure some do not not fit in this category. Couponing is new to me but in the few months I have really enjoyed doing it and it has helped my family budget a ton! I have only had bad experiences with cashiers…its like they think I am trying to get one over on them??? I have felt ashamed while at Walmart, Walgreens and a few to other places due to the reactions of the cashier checking me out. Keep your head up!
No matter what you do, there will always be someone who judges you. THE HECK WITH THEM. Just do what makes sense to you.. Saving you and your FAMILY money.
I usually let people in front of me if they only have 1 or 2 items. I also offer coupons to others too.., most are greatful! Keep it up and when in doubt, KILL THEM WITH KINDNESS.
Feel proud of your coupons- you’re saving money, and they’re probably jealous that you are saving money and they’re not, and/or they’re generally grouchy. I’m so happy that I’m not like that, and that I get to save tons of money while shopping, in order to use the stuff myself, give it away to friends and family, or donate it to a local food bank. I’ve been using the same old coupon wallet for years now, and I just treated myself to a cute new coupon wallet on Amazon with some gift cards that I scored through my credit card and Swag Bucks.
I have the best Wags EVER (In Wheaton, IL on the corner of Naperville and West Loop), and was just there talking to the manager, Steve, about coupons. He’s very pro coupons, and is even cool with us using Register Rewards at Jewel Osco, our local grocery store. He just had his district manager come to the store, and say that he was going to use this Wags as the model for other Walgreens in the area who want to be more friendly towards couponers in the area. 🙂 That’s what I’m talking about!!!
I haven’t had any problems with looks or comments, but I have been discouraged by some of the things I’ve seen-like newspapers that have been ransacked for the coupons, coupon “litter,” all over the store, and so on.
I’ve also felt very badly for the cashiers at some of my stores who have told me crazy stories about people who refuse to play by the rules and take it out on the poor employees trying to enforce them.
I’m hoping things just all blow over. Until then, I’d just say, “Oh, I’m not an extreme couponer. I’m just an extreme cheapskate/saver/organizer/whatever…..
It is also possible not to shop with a whole binder or box of coupons. I typically just take in one envelope; sometimes I even just put them in my pocket or my wallet next to my debit card. I know lots of you wouldn’t like to shop without your whole stash, but you can save (almost) as much without it.
I agree completely! My biggest discouragement now is that I go to a store the day after the sale starts and everything is gone 🙁 now I can’t even get the simple things I want or need that week because everyone is clearing shelves. Hopefully this is just a fad. I find myself driving to different locations trying to find something I need for a recipe!