Extreme Couponing Affecting the Un-Extreme?
So, I received the following email from reader, Rashelle. She is feeling very discouraged about using coupons and even dreads going to the store. Here’s what she had to say:
Hi Collin, I know this may seem odd but I was wondering if you have heard from any readers that they have been feeling down about using coupons lately because I have. Ever since the “Extreme Couponing” show has been airing I feel myself getting looks from other customers. For example, I was at Toys ‘R’ Us the other day with my son and a lady in front of me had items that I had a store coupon for which I wasn’t going to use and I asked if she wanted it, she was very thankful and asked if I was sure I didn’t need it and my son said, don’t worry she has a whole binder of them at home, and her tone changed drastically as she said “Oh, you’re one of Those.”
I was in Publix last night doing my weekly coupon shopping and was flipping thru my binder when a couple of women walked past me, looked me up and down and then one said to the other “she’s loco” (crazy in Spanish) and at checkout a husband and wife came into line behind me at the end of my transaction while my coupons were being scanned and started talking very loudly about how the people on “that show” take advantage of shopping (and I didn’t even have a cart full of stuff).
There have been so many times lately when I feel glaring eyes upon me and I feel I need to justify myself to these people and say I am not a hoarder, I don’t have a small grocery store in my house, I am not clearing shelves, and so on, but of course I just smile and keep my mouth shut. I hate this feeling of being embarrassed and ashamed of my coupons because I use to be so proud and happy of all of my great savings and I don’t want this to ruin couponing for me, but it has left me very discouraged, and instead of being excited to do my weekly trip, I almost dread it. I was just wondering if I am the only one experiencing this behavior. Thanks for your time and for everything you do!
Since I cannot give you a hug (I so love hugs!) or tackle the stores with you, I am hoping that all of you readers can make Rashelle feel inspired to continue being proud to use her coupons! What ways have you motivated yourself in times of discouragement? How have you made your couponing adventures positive and fun?
I like to think of it as – Yes, I am one of “those” that likes to save money by using coupons. Too bad for her being one of “those” that likes to pay full price for her items. 😉
I too am fed up with that show. In my area we don’t have stores that offer loyalty cards and out of the two grocery stores we have only 1 of them will double a coupon and that is only up to 50 cents. I would LOVE to get all that free toilet paper and laundry detergent. It’s just not an option around here. I think its ridiculous for people to have all this stockpile and there is no way they can use everything before it expires. Who wants 200 things of ramen noodles taking up space? It kinda makes what specials I do get seem pretty insignificant. But, I do realize that they do those big trips just for the sake of the show. At least I hope so, lol!
I completely agree with you and I am in the same situation where the stores here don’t double coupons and strictly limit how many like coupons you can use in one transaction. I think the show gives us regular couponers a bad reputation. I love getting things free and cheap with coupons, but I’ve felt discouraged a lot lately too because of dirty looks and comments made by fellow shoppers and I believe it is because of he way the show portrays couponers. I have started leaving my binder in the car and only taking in coupons I know I’m going to use that trip and if I find a great deal and know I have a coupon for it in my binder, I will come back and get it. I try not to get down about it because I know I’m doing my family a great service by saving money every week and that far outweighs the snide comments from others!
I don’t give two hoot’s what others think about my coupons. My husband and I are out of debt, home paid off, vehicles paid off, no credit card bills, just paying the basic bills. We are laughing all the way to the bank. So let them laugh, and talk….It’s great to be free of worry….
I just brush those negative comments off! The savings in my pocket far out weigh any of that BS. I’ve come to the conclusion that if I fill my head with ways to counter attack those haters…I myself will loose the joy I get from coupon shopping. Just not worth it! Happy shopping everyone!!
Hello! that is amazing that you are debt free. I am curos if you could maybe email mewith some pointers? I am a mother of 4 and one income and would like to become debt free. Thank you for your time!
I feel bad. I have never experienced such reactions. I sometimes do 2 – 4 transactions in a row. The reactions I get are usually that people are stunned at my total in the end. I’ve had people ask me how I do it. I’ve done the coupon fairy act by leaving extra coupons for others to find & even offered them at the register in or in the aisles. The receiving customer is usually very greatful. Even cashiers who are familiar with me are amazed. I went to Rite Aid yesterday and scored 2 packs of Huggies diapers, 2 boxes of Kotex tampons, 6 boxes of Kleenex tissues, 4 (4 oz) boxes of Ritz crackers, 2 boxes of Corn Pops cereal, 1 4-roll pack of Charmin Ultra, 1 newspaper, 2 Milky Ways, 2 Reese’s peanut butter cups & 1 twin pack of Crest toothpaste. After coupons & the up rewards I received back, it was all free. In most of my local stores, people love to see that. I’ve already donated the diapers.
Only twice, since I started couponing more vigorously, did I ever have folks react funny and that was just usually eye-rolling, which changes to open-mouthed stares when it’s over. My favorite cashiers have even told the customers behind me that they get coupons & tips from me. Now, I’ve been asked to teach a short class to show the students the shortcuts I’ve developed to finding the deals & coupons. (I emailed some of those to you, not long ago, Colin).
I hope that people’s reactions change soon. Not all of us hog all the deals.
Even the time that I got 7 free packs of Maxi Pads in Rite Aid, a woman asked if I had a lot of daughters. I replied, “No, two sons.” The cashier then explained that I donate most of those to the domestic violence & homeless shelter & the foster care association. The woman behind me then told me that I’m an angel.
I’ve had people tell me that they’d be embarrassed to use so many coupons. I usually tell them that, if they had the exact same merchandise in their cart as the shopper behind them & they ended up paying 1/2 the price or less, that makes them very smart & there’s nothing embarrassing about that.
I consider us all being financially intelligent. Suze Orman would love us.
Couponing allows me to be able to afford to feed my household, pay a little more on bills, purchase household items that I would not be able to afford otherwise & help others all at the same time. Other than winning a lottery, I see no other way to be able to do that in this economy.
Hey Melissa, I so agree with you. Could you share “shortcuts you’ve developed to finding the deals & coupons”? Sounds like you’ve got it down and I am still learning.
I’m thinking about doing a coupon class for people in the area. I’ve been doing couponing for about a year now. Would you send me some information. I want it to be useful, and not a waste of their time.
People jerks & can continue to waste their hard earned dollars. The manf & store are giving them the chance to get things cheap, instead they spend too much money. Don’t worry what others think! As for extreme couponing, I refuse to watch it!! So much so that I created a facebook page boycotting it & as a way to hopefully get the word out from all of us couponers as our defense. That normal couponers don’t shop that way. Check it out, spread the word & let’s get our voices heard, stop being ashamed & frustrated! Boycott extreme couponing on facebook
I am feeling the same way! The show could very well ruin it for those of us who truely enjoy saving!
I’ve actually been hearing it too, but not so negative. I’m hearing it from cashiers who are like…right on, good job, you should be on that show. My transactions have been less than light as of late..like one or two items! I would like to say to the rude folks:
I dont’ think they are shedding a good light on people who use coupons to save money. In this economy, you never know what someones job situation is or how long it will last. It is so good that we can save money on the “things we need” (BoLD HIGHLIGHTED ETC) using coupons, you should try it! Plus…if they are actually watching the show to know enough about it…can they really complain? They are supporting the behavior just by tuning in, IMO.
I agree, the people taking time from their family to watch such ‘junk’ on television should be getting the glares and ridicule. They could spend their time doing something more productive.
I hear it all the time, some things are positive and some are not. I try really hard to accept the positive comments and brush off the negative ones. I talk to the cashiers all the time, sometimes they don’t want to talk because I have so much stuff, but most of the time I can get them in a good mood. Keep plugging away, I know it is tough, and people can be mean, but don’t worry about them, you are saving your family money.
I hate the extreme couponing show and can’t stand it when I am at a store and see someone clearing the shelves just to score a deal. People like that are why the stores change their policies and why cashiers get irritated. I use coupons to save money on items that I am in need of, not items I will stockpile away and probably never touch. That show will probably cause many stores to change their policies and of course people that do couponing will probably get a lot of stares. Like someone else posted: if you know you are not hoarding, clearing shelves, buying things you don’t need just to get them, then persevere and ignore the comments. If you are hoarding all the products; well, leave some for the rest of us. It is very irritating to go in for: as an example, diapers, and you see someone is wiping the shelf clean and you find they don’t even have a kid! Yes that actually was someone on extreme couponing. I would have given them a piece of my mind if I would have been needing those diapers.
I have been getting that too lately…I had 5 free product coupons at Winn Dixie and the cashier turned to the people behind me and said “why I am always the one who get’s people like this”? It was so hard keeping my mouth shut but I wanted to say “Lady it’s only 5 coupons…seriously I can see if I had like over 50.” It’s embarrassing. Then you also get those moments where the cashier and the people behind you are so amazed but how much you saved that they ask you how to do it…I like sharing my coupon knowledge when people want to know…We take the good with the bad…in the end I am the one smiling that I just got $55 worth of stuff for under $4…I have learned to no longer feel bad but feel good because I am saving money for my family and they are all just jealous that they don’t!!!! =)
Whoa!!! If I had a cashier treat me like that, I def. would not be able to keep my mouth shut. I would have had it out with her manager and then corporate! No one deserves that!
I had a small grocery order with coupons saving about 40% of my bill. The young clerk was loudly making comments about how they get ‘crazy couponers’ to his bagger. I marched my behind up to the customer service desk and informed the store manager about my experience. Maybe it didn’t change anything, I will never know, but I didn’t want to take that negativity home with me. Plus, I was hoping that the cashier would think twice before making anyone else feel that way. 🙂
I probably would’ve leaned in and said “I know how you feel! I always seem to get the crazy cashiers who talk about the customer as if they weren’t standing right in front of them. Don’t those crazy cashiers know that the customer is probably going to call cooperate and complain as soon as they get home? Well, it sure was nice to chat with you. What was your name again?”
Yes, I’m a little evil 😀
Krista: Ha ha!! Love it!!! I may have to try that one! =)
Anonymous: Good for you!!!!!
I think that was the last time I am going to keep my mouth shut!! =)
Totally know how she’s feeling, I get looks and comments and even people saying I’m “stealing” from the store… I got a good response from an online board, and now I say as sweetly as possible when affronted, “If you would like to give me the cash I wood save with my coupons, I won’t use them.” and sometimes I do respond and mention that the stores make money on coupons…
It’s so funny that this post has come up. I was just wondering this very thing and talking to my husband about it. I’ve been discouraged for about the past month . I can’t even find newspapers anymore on Sundays after 12 in the afternoon!!!! 3 weeks straight, I have been unable to find a newspaper to purchase. Just this past weekend, I was determined to get my usual 4 papers so I left at 11a.m. When I got to my local store, there was only 3 left! I went directly to wags and cvs after my purchase to try and get at least one deal… ALL the deal products were gone! I checked 3 wags and came across 3 BC Powders and that was it! SO, not only can I not find newspapers, I can’t find products either! And yes, I too have been getting “THE LOOK” and the huffs and puffs. My husband seems to think that it’s just a fad at the moment and that it will blow over soon but,…. I think the damage has been done. It use to be a weekly adventure for a friend of mine and I, we even discussed getting HIP2SAVE t-shirts made because on every trip, we would receive praise and compliments and end up writing down the website for people to go to to learn how to coupon! Well, my friend has given up on couponing completely 🙁 I think that’s where I’m heading too…
Oh, and NOW at the wags in my area, when they are out of a sale product, the put a little white sign that reads that they will not be giving out rain checks for the product, “sorry for the inconvenience!” VERY DISCOURAGING!
If you buy your Sunday papers at the same place each week (provided they have them) ask the manager to hold some for you. Where we live the manager said to call the store on Sat evening or early Sunday morning and let them know if I want more than the normal or non at all if there are no coupons. HTH
You can call the newspaper directly and tell them where you shop and how early the newspapers are gone – they will start sending more. When I worked at a convenience store, I chatted with the newspaper guy about how it’s good when they sell out. He said that he prefers to have just one left, that way he knows everyone who wanted one got one.
Wags has gotten worse and worse to shop at. I spend more energy now going to CVS – they are nicer, and will give a raincheck that never expires and still gives you the ECB. Also, they have limits per Extra Care card that mean more are usually on the shelf.
I’ve been discouraged, too. But I remind myself that it would be irresponsible for me to not use coupons! I’m saving so much money that is going toward things like paying off debt and saving for my kids’ college. So I ignore the snotty comments and keep a smile on my face!
I always think that someone is gonna get mad behind me but no one has been too vocal yet about it. Mostly I get comments like WOW, you did a great job and That is hard work!! I did go into Walgreens the other day WITH my binder and I heard a manager and another customor talking badly about couponers and how they clear the shelves and want to split up their transactions so they can get more and tons of other “bad things” they could think to say about couponing. I just stood in line quietly with my binder and eventually they looked at me and I gave them a BIG OL smile! ha ha! Like whatever… I follow their companies rules and if they dont like that I can get a GREAT deal following them.. DONT CARE! ha ha!
To the lady who emailed…. Forget those people that say stuff and dont like what you are doing! Continue to do what you know is right in couponing, be kind and get those great deals for your family! It boils down to this is what is best for your family and let the rest of the world go to … Someplace Else! ha ha! Keep your chin up high and be PROUD OF YOUR SKILLS!! Cuz that is what they are! SKILLS!!! And to those people that say Oh you are THOSE kind of people.. Say Yep, I SURE am! Those kind that save a CRAPLOAD at the stores! ha ha!
Im THRILLED I get to shop and get great deals with coupons! There are ALWAYS gonna be people out there that are jealous and are not gonna like what you do no matter what it is!! I say… Oh well they think that way! I LOVE COUPONING! And this TLC fad will fade!
Why do you care what others think? How can spending YOUR hard earned money really be anyone’s business. I always remember what a very wise teacher said to me once – “JEALOUSY IS UGLY!” THEY ARE JUST JEALOUS!
I actually have had great experiences since the show aired. In fact, the show is what brought me to this board (through another blog that credited Hip2save). Before the show, I used coupons, but never followed the sales or drugstore deals.
I have seen so many people carrying binders now-I love it! Sometimes I talk to them, sometimes I just smile because they are one of us! If anyone is looking down at me or making comments, I probably haven’t heard them because I am have way too much fun saving money. I love it!
I have actually had more of my own friends and family, comment (joke) about how I’m a crazy coupon lady. It’s mainly because I “like” so many pages on Facebook just to get coupons. But again, I don’t care, I’m saving tons of money, getting great products and having fun doing it. I even share some of my great deals with them.
I personally like the show and I don’t judge when someone needs 100 bottles of hand soap-maybe they have 6 bathrooms in their house.
I too have been getting “those looks and comments” lately and it bugs the heck out of me….BUT, I try to keep in mind why I shop with coupons and how it has helped me and my family. There is NO WAY I will explain my self to anyone, I’m not doing anything wrong! They can talk nad give me dirty looks all they want, I will keep on smiling and doing what’s right for my family. At the end of the day…. I have “play money” left that I enjoy 🙂 and I love it!
Rashelle……. You keep doing what you’re doing and enjoy saving $ for your family ! You rock! (hugs for u).
Today I had something simmilar happen to me. The lady in line behind me rolled her eyes and said “Oh God!” when i whipped out my coupons. I smiled and did not say a word. Then when I got home I posted my feelings on fb and within 3 minutes I had 10 responces to my post by other familiar couponers whom we all seem to support each other very much. Try forming a coupon group of you own it has helped me. HAPPY COUPONIG-HUGS TO YOU!!!!
it’ money in your pocket. I really don’t care what they think. I don’t bother them and they don’t bother me. I provide for my family the best way I can. Besides I think they are jealous of us, they just don’t know what they are missing. CHIN UP girl. Stand tall. You know who you are!!!!!!!
I am sorry that you’ve been treated so poorly by cashiers and others recently!! I have been made fun of and riducled about my couponing not by strangers but by some of my own family members! At first it was hard to take and I would get upset but I just remind myself like so many of the other gals that posted WHY I’m doing this! I started couponing to get out of debt and make our paychecks stretch further! I’ve been able to do both with couponing!! I know it’s hard to stay positive but just remember this quote by Dave Ramsey…”You know you’re doing something right when people are making fun of you!” It always puts a smile on my face when I’ve faced with rude people or comments about my couponing! 🙂 Hang in there hon!! Hugs!:)
Keep focused. You are doing all you do for yourself and your family. YOUR FAMILY. You should be very proud of yourself for taking on couponing to provide your family the very best available to you, for we all know it takes time and patience to learn. Do not pay mind to the discontent of others for they are not the one providing for your family. The next time you get “the look” or comments are made, just remember those you love and how you are doing it all for them. If you find you are still uncomfortable, smile and tell them you know of a great site they can visit which will explain exactly how to get the same great deals you are.
By the way Collin, you look adorable in what you are wearing. Baby blue is definitely one of your colors!
I have had people react negatively to my couponing. There is an unpleasant cashier at the local CVS who is nice as can be until you pull your coupons out. Her tone of voice changes and she begins sighing a LOT. I bums me out. I do find myself apologizing when I’m in there sometimes. I hate it.
What I DO know about the scorners is that most of them don’t know how to use coupons. I was sitting in a class a couple of months ago and the girls began to rant about how ridiculous it was and that NO ONE could save that much money. Well I save that much money and I know one of the girls from Extreme Couponing personally. It does happen! I laughed. The laughter got stares and then the girls were asking me how to use coupons.
I try to just reassure myself of what I’m doing for my family. I don’t have a huge stockpile, but we won’t run out of deodorant or shampoo any time soon. As a result of my savings, I am being able to put away a good amount in savings, we just purchased a new Rainbow vacuum, and with only the basic bills to pay, we are comfortable.
I have never seen the show, but if you are happy–don’t let others change that. That is their problem if they are being Debby Downers, and I would just smile and know that I am saving money. 🙂
Those people are just jealous! Keep your head up!
I think that in my area people are embracing the show 🙁 Almost every coupon I want to use, the product is cleared out. A few months ago I rarely had this problem and now, it is rare that I can use a coupon.
That show is ruining us regular and moderate couponers 🙁
I for one hadn’t really gotten into couponing before the show. Yes I think it’s a bit extreme, hence the show but it did inspire me to try harder to coupon more consistently to save our family money. I’ve just started in the last 3 weeks and am starting to see the savings. Of course I’ve gotten really frustrated going to Wags only to not have a single good deal on the shelf when I get there (I’ve basically given up on shopping there for deals after 3 failed attempts) but all in all I think it’s only helped. I talk to people and they all seem to be on the same page with me. Of course since I’m just starting out I don’t have a coupon for every single item in my cart so I might get a different reaction. I love Hip2save! You make it so much easier by just letting us know all the great deals instead of us having to figure it all out on our own.
I am new to couponing over the past month and I have been very excited and think I am lucky to live in a smaller town with a lot of nice people who don’t do that…and I am a little outspoken so I would probably look at them and say something. I am thinking that this will be a phase…right now everyone is trying the new coupon thing…but I have a feeling it will be too overwhelming for some people so hang in there..hopefully this will pass! 🙂 keep smiling and coup-on~
Ok, so my favorite response actually comes from the extreme couponing show. When asked if she was embarrassed by carrying her coupon box into the store, the girl says,
“I have no embarrassment at all carrying this thing(her coupons), I think you should be embarrassed if you aren’t saving money”
I am not an extreme couponer and I hate being lumped in with those people, however, I do feel that people get angry with couponers because they are jealous. They don’t know what to do or where to start and they’re just jealous. Next time someone looks at you or says something, give them a big smile and say hello. Then say, “aren’t those people on that show insane, I would never be like that.” They will probably change their tune.
this extreme coupon show is giving people that coupon a bad name. These stores are changing their policies because of the hoarders. A lot of times the cashiers will ask “do you watch that show” ugh no…I don’t have cable or satellite! I can’t afford it! I wish they would take this show off the air! I don’t care if they make comments…let them talk…maybe they’ll be hungry one day and wish they had coupon-ed!
I havent experienced negativity so far. But I dont like to watch the shoe that much. It is frustrating to me because IMO those results are unrealistic and unattainable.
In my town, I am having almost the opposite effect. EVERYONE here is starting to coupon. I am happy others are saving, but it seems like all the “newbies” are just rude about it. I never clear the shelf unless there are only 1-2 items left already. I can’t even do my normal weekly shopping because everytime a coupon comes out for something, the items are GONE, even when it isn’t a good deal.
On top of that, on Sundays, if I don’t get my papers by about 6-7am, they are gone all over town! I have also had people stop me in stores asking for multiple coupons. I have always been generous about giving coupons to people, but these people are wanting like whole newspapers worth of coupons out of my binder. I am getting VERY discouraged!
The stores are getting hateful about giving rainchecks.
I really wish that the women doing the couponing workshops would also teach coupon etiquette.
I am NOT an extreme couponer. I have a small stockpile that fits on one shelf in my bathroom. Yet, I, too, have been accused of being one of “those people.” I just want to be able to feed my family, and not feel like I am being robbed blind in the process!
I’m new to couponing and I actually got inspired to start because of that show. Yes, I thought it was a little extreme, but I loved the idea of saving money, especially since I’m unemployed. At first my boyfriend and my friends were put off by it. But slowly they started to realize just how much money I’ve been saving. Now they’ve been asking me to teach them 🙂
However, I do understand the looks you’re talking about. Maybe because I’m new to this, but sometimes I feel really embarrassed to pull out my coupons. So instead, I’ve been using the self-check out lanes at CVS. They have a coupon slot, so I never have to deal with any possible embarrassment. AND it seems that CVS actually REWARDS couponers. They just sent me a letter with a special coupon because I’ve saved over $73 this month using their ecb.
I had a similar experience at Publix yesterday. The lady in the line before me had bought Sabra hummus and was about to pay. I had an extra coupon with me and asked her if she wanted it. After she took the coupon, she asked me if I am into extreme couponing? I was really spitting mad. Her bill was one dollar bill less because of me and a coupon and even then she couldn’t resist that crack.
But I won’t allow such people to take me down – because my aim is to save money for my family. I don’t stock up. And I am helping out others by giving away the coupons I won’t use.
On a positive note, I saw a couple with 2 kids last week at Publix and she had some items in her cart. Her husband was telling everyone nearby that his wife had bought $45 worth stuff for only $5. I felt good when I saw that.
I’ve always gotten looks when I go to the checkout with my coupons, and I’m not even talking about having a binder-full. I have small manila envelope that fits right in my purse. A while back (pre-Extreme Couponing) I used 30 coupons in one stop at Walmart and overheard someone say, “Jeeze, they must be poor or something.” I’m not the wealthiest person but we get by, but what’s the harm in saving money, am I right? (I’m sure you’ll all agree with me!)
It’s been getting worse lately, and it’s gotten me to a point where I don’t like to go to the cashiers because they’ll roll their eyes and they’ve made snide comments about my coupons (and my usual amount of coupons is 5-10 coupons, its rare for me to really have/need any more than that). I head straight to the self-checkout lanes whenever I can so I don’t have to be bother with it. I mean, I could understand if I was coming through the line with multiple carts and hundreds of coupons, but 5-10 coupons and basically my weeks worth of groceries? Really?
In this economy I know a lot of people have resorted to using coupons more to save a little bit of money, but thanks to TLC exploiting the ones who take it to a seriously insane level we all have to deal with being looked down upon. But you just have to put a smile on your face and be satisfied with the fact that you’re paying a fraction of what the who scoffing us are and you’ve got that extra change left in your bank account.
That is so funny that someone in Walmart accused you of being poor. The irony!
Since my use of coupons is out of necessity and not to get a thrill of obtaining free products or stockpiling groceries, I think about what I am able to provide my children as a result. If I am diligent and use ethical coupon and sale techniques it usually means I am able to purchase produce and a variety of meat in a given week. For me it’s about having healthy and interesting food to prepare for my family, as well as things they like. Couponing allows me to do that. So keep your chin up!
My experience is the same, but different. I haven’t had anyone shoot looks or such, but I have had MANY people come up and ask me about my coupon folder and how they watch the show.
One thing I’ve noticed lately is that I went to Publix on the very first day of their ad last week, around 11am, and THREE things were already cleared off the shelves and out of stock. My Publix ALWAYS has things in stock, so I know, 100%, that this was just the beginning of what I’ll have to deal with from now on. I was so miserable (I had to find other things so I could use my $5 of $50 coupon).
YES, I blame the show for ALL OF IT.
I personally haven’t had anything like that happen to me at the store, but I know people who snuff at couponers. My response to her was “you don’t like saving money? Because I save 8-10k per year.” I think deep down people are 1) jealous, 2) in a hurry, 3) IN DEBT!! Everyone wants to save money, people just do it in different ways. If I were you, I would just kindly inform people (without being snotty) to let them know how much you save. And if you have no debt (like our family) let them know that too. Maybe that will pull their head out of their butt!! 🙂
One thing that does help me is to surround myself with people like yourself. I have friends to who don’t coupon but are always curious and encouraging. That always motivates me to stay the course!
Why do you care what other think about you? Sometime they are just jelous. As long as you do thing legally, don’t you ever feel guilty about it. Be happy and be who you are.
I’ve had the same reaction from fellow shoppers and the cashiers. I am just starting out and probably will never get $800 to $500 worth of groceries for just a few bucks. I am almost ashamed to bring in my coupon binder.
I think it’s one thing to coupon to save money in this economy, as I do it being in a very low income family. BUT I will say this…. seeing the occcasional grocery cart FILLED to the rim with the entire stock of the items, that’s just plain selfish. Share people. One exerience I spotted a women with 15 boxes of 1 cereal and 25 boxes of noodles. I know the count because the cashier asked how many total boxes of each she had so she could just scan 1 and multiply it. AND she said proudly, “I cleared the self!”. WHAT!?!?!? That’s just RUDE.
I was at Walmart checking out. I had my binder open and my coupons organized with the products. I didn’t have a lot of coupons but the cashier asked me, “Am I going to see TV crews filming this transaction”? She had just watched the extreme couponing show (I have never seen the show myself).
For those of you who get cashiers who say or make negative comments just remember so many stores now have surveys or customer comment cards about the customer service just kindly ask the cashier I’m sorry what was your name or I can’t see the name on your tag and sweetly let them know you will be filling out or doing the survey on his/her customer service. Wait and see the change in the attitudes the next time you come in the store. Now for the other shoppers who look at you funny or make the negative comments, I kindly utter out loud where they can here me just like they wanted me here them alot of people wish they were in my shoes debt free and you might want to hum a little tune for their enjoyment. Somethimes it’s okay to talk to yourself! Give them something to think about.
To hell with them! I think most are just jealous they are paying full retail because they are not patient enough to clip coupons… or they feel they are better than that.
My wife and I never pay more than $3.50 for diapers and much cheaper for wipes (in addition to countless free or “money making” deals). I’d rather save for retirement and/or my childrens college (or even help their retirement). Together we both make more than enough to not coupon, but continue to do it because it is “loco” not to!!
Thanks to each of you for supporting couponing and giving my wife and I the challenge of finding the next best deal!
Well I have been feeling the rudeness of others so much so that I was considering stopping my couponing. I have noticed that if you don’t get to Walgreens or CVS as soon as they open on Sunday then you are out of luck on getting any deals because the hoarders have hit the store already and I like to go to church and then go shopping but not the hoarders. Why do they have to take everything? Leave some for others to use. Now our Walgreens don’t put up but about half of their RR signs on Sundays so you better have your paper with you to figure out whats on sale and they don’t order very much so they don’t have to deal with couponers all week. Most of the cashiers at our walgreens are hateful about it too. They get paid the same per hour if they are dusting a shelf or scanning my coupons so what’s the big deal? And I have been cheated several times by them not scanning all of my coupons. It’s to the point that I don’t want to go shopping there. They don’t have to be mean like that. I’m so aggrivated by the rudeness and also by the hoarders trying to be like extreme couponing.
Mostly I’ve been frustrated because the shelves are cleared right away. My husband is a pastor but even if he wasn’t, Sunday has always been a family focused day so I go later in the week. With gas prices, its for sure not worth it to go to Wags where the shelves are always wiped out. CVS is good b/c their rain checks are good forever!!! Even Target has been empty on sale items lately… My main thing is for people not to be greedy… I try not to clear the shelves and I hope others will do the same.
I thought I was the only one that felt that way! I get lots of “looks” or “you’re a hoarder”…what??? I take like 1 or 2 things of the shelf! I’m not clearing the shelf like “some people”..We have NO stores that will double coupons!!! So i feel pretty geeked when I can get really good deals!
I try and tell people that the “extreme couponing” show does show a negative side to couponing…HOARDING…who needs 300 bottle of mustard…deodorant,…soap…etc…unless you are DONTATING it ALL!!!!
I just try and keep my head held high and makes me feel good when I can post about my good deals and people are psyched to hear about it….
On Tuesday, May 31st. I went to Jewel to get there Oscar Mayer, rosen bun, and 7Up coupon special. I was paying for 2 of each to get the offer for my parents and myself. When you bought the offer the total was $1.90. After the cashier rang up my purchase she pulled up the register tape and sighed Oh ! rolled her eyes and said to me, I’m checking to make sure I charged you correctly. I emailed corporate and five hours later. The store manager called me to apoligize. I’m not a fan of extreme couponing. You would need a second house for storage. I never buy more than six of something. I never wipe out a shelf. If I feel a need for a deal two to six of something is plenty. I explained to the store manager that I feel two doesn’t qualify for rudeness. I will drive to the next Jewel to avoid that store.
It kills me when people are sooooo rude just because you are using coupons. I lost my job in September 2010 yes Im getting unemployment but its alot less than what I was making when I was working. Im a single mother and started really using coupons about 2 months ago. I have saved more than I ever thought possible! I have 3 walgreens in my area but only 1 has a WONDERFUL staff and I have gotten to know them all very well they even have let me in on some deals that were on clearance but not yet out on the floor. I have ran into the rude people but it has not nor will it stop me from using my coupons. I have also ran into MANY people who after see what I saved will ask me how did u do that and I always step aside and will tell them or write down website addresses for them. Being without a job is very depressing at times but saving with the coupons has really helped out.
Do not worry about the others think. I often tell the girls at work about great deals. “Just buy a Sunday newspaper, it is easy!” Their comment is I do not have the time, etc. They are quite happy when I bring things in our family does not need but I had to get to make the deal work. I charge them what I paid for it. I hate wasting and we do not have enough income coming in to give it away. All I can say is IGNORANCE!! My mom who could not even speak English when we migrated from Europe yet understood the value of couponing. I have been using coupons for as long as I can remember. Hold your head high and you go girl!!!
You know it’s like I tell my kids when someone calls them a name…. if it’s not true, then it doesn’t matter what someone says about you. People who know I coupon ask me if I have ever seen the Extreme Couponing show and I tell them the truth – that I’ve never seen it once and I really don’t plan to.
So I might not be the best person to comment on this posting…. BUT I try to be a squeaky clean couponer and make sure that all the couponing I do is in line with my values and keep it ethical, moral and honest. In addition to that, At least 50% of the couponing I do is to purchase items for our local food pantry – and I think that goes a long way towards me feeling confident that I have nothing to be ashamed of in using coupons to save money.
The one thing I have noticed after the Extreme Couponing show release, is that there are a lot more empty shelves these days for items that are good deals with coupons – and since I was a couponer before couponing was cool, sometimes I miss the old days when not so many people had jumped on the couponing bandwagon. 🙂
I wish that they would take that show off the air. It does bring alot of negative attention to couponers. I got those looks yesterday at Wal-Mart and help up one of the two lines open. Not that they couldn’t afford to have more that two cashiers on hand at Wal-Mart. I had a man talk about me so loud that everyone in both lines turned their head to look at me and the person talking about me. So being a red head, I have a big mouth. I turned and started talking very loud myself about him not saving. And of course I had to say some stuff that was mean like “Maybe if you started couponing to save money, you could affored a better attitude”. But just know that the people who are saying that you are “one of those” or “your crazy”, deep down wish that they could save money too. You will probablly never run into those people again. And are you really going to let a few people who want to give you that look keep you from doing what makes you happy. Never appologize to anyone for saving money.