Reader Tip: How to Score Pregnancy Tests for $1

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I recently discovered that Dollar Tree sells pregnancy tests… for only $1!!! I was hesitant to believe that these tests would really work, so I did a google and youtube search and sure enough, they’re just as reliable as the MUCH more expensive name brand options. And I can vouch for the $1 test first-hand – I’m pregnant and got a positive read with the $1 test on the day before my missed period!!! Stop wasting your money on the expensive name brand pregnancy tests and head over to Dollar Tree!!! πŸ™‚

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Comments 179

  1. Deb

    I have had accurate results with these tests as well. I noticed when I was looking for them at Dollar Tree once that I couldn’t find them anymore. I asked and I was told that they still sold them but they were being kept behind the counter because they were being shoplifted so often. Really, for $1?! Anyway, if you can’t find them at your store, you may want to ask because they may just be put behind a counter somewhere.

  2. Tiffany

    It never occurred to me to buy these when I had to monitor my miscarriage or with my first successful pregnancy. It would have been a huge money saver!! But After I saw a friend buying them, I I asked her about it and she was convinced they worked. She thought she was pregnant took one and she thought it came up negative. She went for her normal check up and they did a test on her three days or so later and guess what… !! LOL She went back and looked and sure enough it had been positive it was just very faint. Three weeks later I followed right behind her with the same deal. I did however follow up with a more expensive one to be sure. But I would say give them a try…

  3. Valerie

    As a woman who has successfully battled infertility (read: lots and lots of pregnancy tests). The dollar tree ones are actually MORE sensitive than a lot of the name brand ones! πŸ™‚ at one of my dollar trees, they are located on a shelf right below the credit card swipe machine!

    • linda

      Ditto on the infertility and finding these tests to be great. Even at a dollar I think I dropped hundred on these tests. : ) 3 kids later I consider it a fine investment.

      • Eve

        Same here! When the hubby and I were not having luck trying to conceive I would buy these 20 at a time. I swear by them!

    • tracy

      I also deal with infertility and bought tons. I loved that I could take them any time I liked without feeling guilty.

  4. nichole

    Love them wasted money on expensive ones with the first and learned my lesson. Recently I went to the doctors thinking I was 8 weeks when in fact I was 7. Come to find out I had tested positive a week early. Everyones hormones are different and I’m thinking the third time around my body produced higher hormones earlier.

  5. Amber

    I used more expensive brands on my first pregnancy, but for my last two, I discovered Dollar Tree tests and haven’t had any problems using them. I definitely recommend them to friends. If they don’t work for them (false negatives, etc.), at least they only wasted $1! πŸ™‚ However, I haven’t heard any complaints from anyone I recommended them to.

  6. Amanda

    I found out at the hospital at 2 weeks pregnant (blood) I was so excited & wanted to see those 2 lines for myself. Bought a test from the Dollar Tree & BAM..pregnant! I wont ever spend that much money on name brand test.

  7. Angela

    You can get pregnancy tests as well as ovulation predictor strips for much cheaper on Amazon. Like, less than $6 including shipping for 25 pregnancy tests, or a combo pack of 40 ovulation strips and 10 pregnancy strips for less than $11. Just search for the Wondfo brand. If you are trying to get pregnant, both of these items can be incredibly helpful!

    • tracy

      good to know I need to buy both since I am starting a new round of fertility treatment. Cheapest I found them was 50 ovulation tests and 25 pregnancy tests for $35

  8. Rosa

    They are the same ones that the dr uses. When I was preggers with my 2 I used the expensive digital one which had an error message then I used the cheap one which was positive with the same urine so it depends on the batch and I was 13 weeks at that time so congrats to all the moms

  9. michelle

    These tests sure do work as good as the over-priced brands! It gave me a positive test within seconds of “activating” it.

  10. Shelly

    Dollar General has $1 tests as well. We sell more of them than any other brand!

    • Lacey

      DG also carries ovulation tests (5pk) for about $5.

  11. mom2cutestboys

    My last three babies were a + on the dollar tree test! Love them and the price!

  12. Christine L-U

    they worked just as well for me. I researched and found out the same thing online…. since they are regulated they all work pretty much the same. I got a few since they were so cheap, and I did not feel bad about using them (like I’m wasting money), so if I wanted to double check a day or two later since the pregnancy hormones increase daily, I would try another one, and see that sure enough the lines were darker

  13. Meg

    Isn’t that what everyone goes to Dollar Tree for? Hee, Hee

    Test strips can also be ordered in bulk from quite a few sites for those dealing with infertility.

    I also highly recommend the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. The author’s name is something like Weschler, and you can find it on Amazon. After 2 years of infertility, we got pregnant one month after reading it. Sorry if that’s all tmi-I have a real heart for women wanting to become mommies.

  14. C

    Love these! When trying to get pregnant, I was really impatient to find out, and with the tests only being $1, I could them more often. I wouldn’t have done that with other tests at $6+ each! After months of “-“, I did finally get the “+” (just before my missed period).

    • Dawn

      I used these with both my kids and found out a few days early too!! Awesome Dollar Tree find! lol

  15. Sara

    I used a lot of these tests while trying to conceive. When I got a positive result (before my period was due), I followed up with a blood test to determine the hcg level, and the hcg level was only 12! Many of the more expensive tests don’t pick up a positive until hcg levels are at 25 or higher. These dollar store tests are very sensitive!

  16. Rebecca

    Sweet… I totally need this deal right now πŸ™‚

  17. Mrspurple

    I buy mine online as well from ebay or some of the pregnancy online one. They tell you to use a cup but I use them like I would the more expensive ones and they have always worked just fine. I think I paid about $5 or a little less for 15.

  18. hakeber

    Yup, I got a positive 3 days before my missed period with this baby!

  19. Sarah

    I must be weird because out of the three different pregnancy tests I took, the one like these from the dollar tree was the only one that was negative for me… I am pregnant though…

  20. renee

    I keep a stock pile of these just so I can reassure myself when I feel crummy in the morning. No more surprise babies for me!

  21. Christina

    I used these to get pregnant with my twins, the tests were reliable! Love that you can get ovulation predictors for $1!

  22. ella

    I purchased in past the purple ones from the picture πŸ™‚
    5 years and 9 months ago πŸ™‚ I went to the dollar store and purchased 10 of those $1 tests. I thought if one did not read right at least another will, so all 10 of them showed that I was pregnant πŸ™‚ I taped them together and placed a ribbon on it and gave my husband surprise when he came home from work πŸ™‚

  23. Penny

    These are the ones I used with my last two and evey other time I thought I might be pregnant. They are cheap and work just the same as the expensive ones.

  24. sunshineonmypath

    these didnt work for me. i took two of them 6 days and 7 days after my missed period. they were negative. got a clearblue blue dye test and it showed up positive instantly.

  25. Hilary

    I love all these comments! Both of my pregnancies were confirmed by Dollar Tree tests as well : ) The Dollar Tree cashier was talking to me about being pregnant before anyone in my family knew! lol

  26. Amanda

    Got my first positive with my pregnancy with my daughter on a dollar store type test. Second one to confirm was on a bulk-priced one I got from Amazon. Both picked up the hcg levels before a standard-priced brand name one did. The only brand name one that picked up that same day was an early-response type digital test. These $1 tests work and I can confirm!

  27. chicagirl55

    I was trying to conceive for quite some time with one m/c before getting pregnant with my now 10 month old. I did a LOT of research on pregnancy tests because I went through a TON of them! I think that most of the pregnancy tests that you get at the dollar store have a sensitivity of 25-30 miu/mL. That is actually a very sensitive range so they are great in that regard. The problem is that the dye that they use is quite faint. It was really hard to tell if I was looking at a truely positive line or an evaporation line.

    That being said, I used the cheapies until I saw what I may question as being an actual line and then followed that up with a First Response Early Result test. They are sensitive to 20 miu/mL and the dye is a lot easier to read. If I got anything even remotely close to a line on that one, I would use a digital test with a 30-50 miu/mL sensitivity. With this regimen, I ended up getting a positive pregnancy test 9 days after ovulation (and presumably conception) which is at least 5 days before missing a period.

    Also, if you do plan to go through a lot of these tests, you should check out They have test strips that are under $1 each when you buy in packs of 10 or more, plus they almost always have a good coupon code out there!

    • Kim

      Love love love that site. Used it for my two boys and now my sister is using them as her and her husband are trying now…saved her tons of $$$. Suppper cheap pregnancy tests…

  28. Esther

    Yep they work. No reason to waste money especially if your trying in get antsy and want to take a million tests.

  29. Laura

    Hubby and I are going to start trying for our first in the spring so thanks for the info Collin!

  30. Kirsten

    I too have battle with infertility at the beginning of our marriage and was so grateful for $1 store pregnancy test. Saved so much money. Never had a false reading (even though at times when it was negative, I wish it was wrong). I don’t have infertility problems any more…pregnant with number 7 and have used $1 store pregnancy tests every time. They have been 100% accurate.

  31. Hannah

    they also sell drug tests for marijuana… I just happened to notice that the last time I was there. Gave my husband and I a good laugh

  32. melissasue81

    Walmart has basically the same ones for 88 cents. I have ordered the online strips too.

  33. Whitley Lauren Hart

    I can vouch for these… I was only 6 weeks along when I took one of these tests, and it read positive in seconds! I didn’t want to spend much on it if I wasn’t pregnant! πŸ™‚ You could at least use these before purchasing a more expensive one. I’ve heard they have standards that have to be met for all pregnancy tests.

  34. Heather

    I also have had great results with this test. I found out with my son that I was pregnant 4 days early! tests a lot of the pregnancy test on the market and compares them. It’s a great and very informative site! πŸ™‚

  35. Caitlin

    I also used these tests. Bought three of them to verify, and all three were positive. This was almost three years ago, as I now have a happy, crazy two-year-old little boy. πŸ™‚

    • christa

      I have a similar story. I bought 2 tests and they both showed positive. My daughter is 1 now πŸ™‚

  36. Sarah

    Hmmm….good to know!! I’ll have to keep this in mind for when my hubby and I start trying in a few months for #3. Although, I have figured out both previous pregnancies that I was preggo before my missed period because about 1 week after I got pregnant I was HORRIBLY MEAN to my husband for an entire day!!! (I am normally not a mean person) And after that day (both times), I didn’t have any more “off” days during my pregnancies!! It was so weird!! So now we know that if I start acting like a WITCH for an entire day then I must be preggo!! πŸ˜‰

  37. Tennille

    I’m a believer! My last 3 pregnancies were tested and proved acurate with the $1 pregnancy tests from Dollar General! They were spot on!

  38. lauren

    If anyone needs a bunch rather than a single one, I’d go for the ones you can buy online that are just the little strips, they work out WAY less expensive and less waste too cause it is just the little strip (you can get hte ovulation prediction strips too)

  39. Tisha

    I can vouch for the Dollar Store pregnancy tests as well! With my first pregnancy I spent over $60 on pregnancy tests! On my 2nd & 3rd, I spent no more than $6 total since I got them at a Dollar store near my house… Best find EVER! And I must say, they seem to be much more sensitive than the expensive ones b/c it took 7 weeks to show up w/ the pricey ones & only 4 weeks w/ the dollar store ones!

  40. mandy

    I tried the dollar store test and it did not work! I got a negative, when in fact I was pregnant and so I didnt think anything of it, just chalked it up to the stress in my life and after 13 weeks my husband convinced me I should probably try a more reliable test, and whatta ya know-along came baby number three. Currently pregnant with number 4, tried the dollar store test first, got a negative, then bought the name brand and got a positive. So not at all reliable for me. By the way, both times I was 8-9 weeks along, so its not like I was taking it too early. So beware. May work for some and not others.

    • lauren

      It does depend on the individuals hormone levels. My sister couldn’t get a positive test on anything with her pregnancy, they did the blood work and confirmed she was pregnant but said the levels were so low she was definitely going to miscarry, they kept doing blood regularly to keep an eye on her and the levels went up, but way too slowly to be viable they said, but she has a happy, healthy 18 month old now! So, if you are one of the cases like this, the specific test could make a difference as some supposedly respond to lower hormone levels than others…

  41. eve

    I love Dollar Tree i use their tests and they were accurate. I took their pregnancy test and it read negative and the next day I got my period. This really works.

  42. Tiffany

    I buy these to test my HCG diet kits…LOL. And here I am still buying the band name to test to see if I am preggers…silly me. IDK why I was wasting so much money… Thanks for this post and all the comments.

  43. Faith M.

    Do these Dollar Stores have the digital tests? That’s what I need ATM. I seem to have issues with standard tests. I’m not sure if I’m getting evap lines or faint positives.

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