Staples: *HOT* FREE Case of Spring Water Coupon
Through tomorrow, October 19th, head on over to the Staples Coupon page to print a FREE case of regional Spring water coupon! Note that the brand will depend on where you live. This is a *HOT* coupon considering there is no purchase necessary! 😀
* Limit one coupon per customer, nontransferable.
(Thanks, Kristy!)
I don’t see it.
When you click the link Pat..its the first one of the left side..hope that helps
It is the first coupon on the left for me.
Click on the Free case of water link and it should be on the top left.
Do I have to print the coupon or can they scan the barcode from my phone?
When I use these coupons I just show the cashier my phone and they enter the 4-5 digit # into the computer. 🙂
I don’t print nor show my phone. Just say I have a coupon and give the store code from it.
Just came from there and didn’t need to print the coupon, just used my phone. They are going really fast. There were six of us there all getting just water.
Wow! What a great Freebie. Thank you so much Collin!
Thanks Collin!
Do I need a membership card at staples to avail this freebie?
Got one this morning with no problem cashier just entered the number on my phone.
Did you have to pay the CRV tax?
Yes, I paid $1.20 for the Poland Spring.
thanks Colin!
thank you !!
Thanks Collin! You’re Awesome!!!!I shared it with my noncouponer coworkers and they’re ecstatic!!!
Sweet! Thank you! will be going after work!
Thank you Collin!
can you print more than once?
You can. But, there is a limit of “one per customer.”
I don’t see it.
how do u get the coupon on ur phone?
Jo, I had to open link in Safari to print. For some reason my phone didn’t let me print from the link on Collins post. Hope this helps!
the coupon says regional spring water, is it mean on any brand of water?
Regional not meaning a brand name, rather the brand available in your region. There’s a map with the coupon showing different brand logos depending on your region.
ok thanks Shopper so i guess my region will be the arrowhead water. awesome thanks collin.
its not printing for me 🙁
Excludes NYC Metro markets.
Thats a bummer :(, considering how much I spend there
Yeah this was really annoying.. I’m in north jersey which is considered NYC metro area so I wasn’t able to get it.
It says regional so does that mean only valid is certain areas? Or the brand of water will vary?
My comment from above 🙂
Regional not meaning a brand name nor where available, rather the brand available in your region. There’s a map with the coupon showing different brand logos depending on your region.
Hi, Melissa. It just means the brand of water will vary. 😃
Thanks Collin! Awesome freebie as my drink of choice is water!!
I got Zephyrhills water for free!!
Just ran our errands and staples was right on the way. DH and I each got one!
Just got a free case of Poland spring , no tax.
What is the brand available in northern CA?
Ploand spring in NY. You have to pay $1.20 deposit though. Got it just now. I always take my bottles back so no biggy.
NI, where do you bring your bottles back if you don’t mind me asking? Does Staples take it back and refund you the crv?
Hi calie. Never took them back to staples. Shoprite, hannaford, walmart and target all take them
I just got back from staples in Michigan. Here we have of ice mountain. Great deal! Thanks Collin!!
Thank you so much :))
I got 3 cases of zephyrhills water for free! I went with my daughters. They could use this in their dorm rooms. Thank you :). Every little bit helps.
Came to the mall to get so free item and staples is around the corner. so happy with the cashier she gave 2 packs of water she said im going to be nice and let you take 2 I know moms need a lot of help. 😉 I have my daughter with me she was so cool #GodBlessHer
Wow that was so nice of her
I had to pay $1.20 for crv. Great freebie. Thanks!!
Not valid in nyc 🙁
Will this work in new jersey?
Got it! Deal of the day! Thanks😃
Thanks Collin! Zephyrhills for us!
I went in with my little brother and they only let us have one. I’ll be going back tomorrow! 😉
Worked great in mentor, Ohio cashier didn’t charge me sales tax either! Wow.thanks Collin!
picked up two cases with hubby today, great freebie! we go through water like nothing in this household of 8! thank you Colin!
I just tried this but only managed to get 2 when I went with my parents. Was told it was just 1 per household regardless of the “1 per customer” print. 🙁 there are like +4 staples around here so it doesn’t matter :p
They should not be able to make up their own rules. It says on the coupon one per person.
You should be able to buy 2, but separate transaction though since you went with your hubby. Cause I went with mine and we did two transaction and got it. One for him and one for me 🙂 but the cashier lady did try to tell me its limited to one per customer and I told her yes I know. My hubby count as one and me the 2nd one 🙂 hahahaha
Thanks Collin! I just got a FREE case of Deer Park water at Staples in Arlington, VA. And I wasn’t charged tax either, so totally FREEEEEEEE!
At my Nashville Staples, the coupon didn’t work on the 24 pk. Nestlé Pure Life water, so I had to get the 24 pk. Deer Park water instead :/ I’m happy for the freebie, I just wished it worked on the Pure Life I wanted.
Pure life isn’t a regional brand, Deer Park is.
It’s Deer Park water here in Winston Salem, NC and no tax, nothing greater than FREE!!
I went to a staples near my place and the employee I asked said they’ re sold out. I don’t believe him. Btw, Im in socal.
That’s the same stuff one employee at Staples told me, too. He said “I don’t think we have it anymore”. I said, well I was spoke with another staff before you, he said he’ll check to see, but I haven’t seen him again, so I was wondering if you have any left. Again, he said “No, we don’t have any more left”, when the other guy came with 2 cases. I looked at him again and made him see that I rolled my eyes. Lol. Some people are lazy. Any how, my husband and I got one each.
Where in socal I’m going in the morning.
There was a display of Nestlé water when hubby & i walked in. We got 2 free from the one at Tanger 🙂 Thanks Collin!!!
Anyone find the irony or humor in that we are all so pumped over free water 🙂 it’s water, the most free naturally occurring thing besides the air we breathe. Reminds me of The Lorax movie selling bottled air 🙂
coupon code is 17382 or 16179 print coupon or show them your phone with download coupon. coupon stated limit 1 per person………..Be aware cashier might tell you, try to limit you to 1 per household.
In Southern Cali it’s arrowhead water, I did not need a coupon they just scanned a code at the counter! Just pay $1.20 CRV that was it. Thanks Collin
I had to pay $1.20 in Central Oregon, but it was still a great deal.
Thanks a lot for the posting picked up my free case of Poland Spring this am. At Staples!
I actually found out about this deal while browsing through Staples online coupons yesterday. I was recycling ink and was curious if they had any good deals. I’m glad you posted this deal for the people who didn’t know Collin. I wonder if they’ll ever offer this deal again. My family and I definitely needed more water since we’re working out a lot.