Bath & Body Works Black Friday Tote Available NOW! Only $25 w/ $30 Order ($115 Value)
Get EARLY Access to this HOT Black Friday offer!
Hurry on over to Bath & Body Works where they are offering up their Exclusive Black Friday Tote Full of Products for ONLY $25 with any $30 order (a $115 value) when you enter the promo code TOTETIME at checkout!
To find these easily find these totes, search 025114529 for the blush tote and 025114530 for the gray tote bag.
Here’s what you’ll get:
- 8oz Aromatherapy Recharge Moisturizing Body Cream
- 10oz Aromatherapy Recharge Body Wash & Foam Bath
- 1oz Heart of Gold Shea Butter Hand Cream
- 3 oz Winter Candy Apple Super Smooth Body Lotion
- 1oz Winter Candy Apple PocketBac
- Silver PocketBac Clip
- Champagne Toast 3-Wick Candle
- Tote bag
Knock Christmas Gifts off your list with this deal idea:
Buy 10 Bath & Body Works Mini Candles $3 each (regularly $5) *Search ‘Mini Candle‘ to find quickly
Add the Gray Tote (search 025114530)
OR Add the Blush Tote (search 025114529)
Total = $55
Use promo code TOTETIME
Shipping is $5.99
Final Cost $60.99 shipped total!
love these deals! thankyou!
You’re so welcome!
YW Keesh!
Thanks for the great deal.
Welcome Patty!
Select Paypal members get $10 off $30 when checked out with Paypal.
Bummer… I was not able to score this offer.
I got this offer too. But the fine print of the email states you cannot use it in combination with any promo codes.
Full text: Must pay with PayPal. Limit one per customer. No substitutions. May not be combined with any other offers, coupons or discounts that require a promotional code. Offer is not redeemable for cash, gift certificates, gift cards, Egift cards, or gift wrap services, nor may it be applied to previous purchases. Offer is only valid online at through 11:59 p.m. EST on Nov 22, 2017.
I think they must mean paypal promo codes. I used it in combination with a $10/30 coupon code and it worked fine.
I stacked the tote offer with the PayPal offer and it worked just fine. BBW has their offers, and PayPal has theirs…. the email that came from PayPal showed the $10 off
Thank you!! Was waiting for this deal.
You’re so welcome!
I don’t consider this a run deal, but ok!!!
Wish u. Would i could just buy the bag
I agree.
Nearly every year without fail I get one of these as a gift from a student. Always love it!
Can you get multiple totes free? Do a $60 order?
I’m not sure, but you could always do two separate orders.
Is it available in store?
Can you use a coupon on top of this?
Love this deal ….thank you Hip.
You’re so welcome Eileen!
Just got my gifts for office staff done. Thank you!
Glad to hear you could score some sweet gifts!! You’re welcome!
This is a great deal!
The totes are Adorable this year! Awesome deal if you want to avoid the crowd on BF, but think I’ll take my chances in store on Black Friday so I can hopefully use a coupon, take advantage of any BF deals & avoid the shipping cost. We have many locations here or I wouldn’t chance it.
Are the candles shaped like tea lights or slightly bigger?
The candle is a 3-wick in a glass jar.
If you’re asking about the mini candles, they are taller than tealights (twice as high?) and a little wider too.
I would advise you wait until BF – IF you want to shop. You can buy more and use all applicable coupons on BF. It’s a great bag this year! I’ve got a few $10 off $30 to use and those can be applied after you add the bags. Love BF at BBW!!!
Can you use more than one code on BF? Is that why you say wait?
Yes you can stack coupons as many as you want in one transaction! The only day of the year that you can do that
Can you stack coupons online BF or only in store?
Is this in store too?
Not in store yet
Several of you have posted that you like the Marshmallow Fireside scent 3 wick candle. I see at least 3 candles with that name. Are they all the same with just different labels? Any other favorite scents?
You’re welcome!
I feel like the deals were better last year… I know I got a BBW tote for like the $25 or $30 and I didn’t have to buy any additional product with it. There was also a deal last year for a Ghiradelli gift basket through through Groupon or something like that which was cheap. Still waiting to see a deal that knocks my socks off!
Tried searching for the tote (both grey and blush) and their site seems to be down
Hope they are not all gone!
Can’t buy the tote right now. Has the offer expired?
I plan on shopping their tomorrow or Saturday, depends on my traveling schedule. But I’m not gonna get this tote, even though I’ll spend the threshold needed to get it. Don’t care for the stuff included inside and the tote is not my style. They’ve had some really cute ones in the past. Still excited to get some other items from them tho
U forget to mention the sales tax in your “scenario” I had over 12$ in tax and shipping alone
Thanks so much for your feedback Jeff. Tax can vary by state. Hope this helps!
If you pay through paypal you get an additional $10 off a $30 purchase.
May I buy the tote with $30 purchase and use the free $14 item with $10 purchase and the $10 off $30 from PayPal in the same transaction? TIA!
I checked my paypal account, where do you ind the $10 off $30??
Can the tote bag be returned? I got two for $30 and I want to return one back….