New Coupons: Cheerios Cereal, Green Giant Vegetables, Pillsbury Toaster Strudels & More
Here are even more new coupons that are available to print…
*$1/1 any 40 Count Totino’s Pizza Rolls or Bold Rolls
*$0.75/1 Box Original Cheerios Cereal (in the Yellow Box)
*$0.40/1 any Flavor/Variety Pillsbury Toaster Strudel
*$0.40/1 any Green Giant frozen vegetable
*$0.50/1 any Box of Betty Crocker boxed potatoes (excludes buds or pouches)
(Thanks, Brook!)
I keep having java problems and it won’t let me print these. Uggg
Try using the use desktop printer option, thats how I print them when I get this error.
I’m having problems with the pages loading, are there any other links?