Where to Find the Best Grocery & Pantry Deals This Week!

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Pantry staples are more expensive than ever. Here’s where to get the best prices on your grocery essentials this week!

milk in refrigerated case at Kroger

The cost of groceries is at an all-time high, and it looks like high food prices are here to stay. As a result, many families struggle to put food on the table while keeping their grocery bills in check. Since food is essential and there’s not much we can do about rising prices, it’s more important than ever to shop for groceries as strategically as possible.

For some, that may mean shopping at multiple grocery stores to get the lowest possible price on every item. If you don’t have many grocery stores near you, your strategy may involve choosing the retailer with the best prices of the week and making just one trip to save on gas. No matter what your money-saving strategy is, it will require some planning, and we’re here to help!

kroger shopping cart full of groceries

Below, we’ve shared this week’s price comparisons for pantry staples and other grocery essentials at four popular retailers. The information can help you plan your grocery shopping for the week.

Remember that some retailers aren’t available in all areas of the country, and prices may vary by region. To account for this, various team members check pricing from coast to coast, and we share the current national average every week.

We hope this list helps you develop a grocery shopping strategy to maximize your food budget, whether visiting multiple stores to save the most money or consolidating trips to save on time and travel expenses.

Here’s the cost of pantry staples & other grocery essentials at four popular retailers this week:

walmart eggs


milk in refrigerated case at Kroger


Select Kroger locations may have half gallons of store-brand milk for just $1.39 with the weekly digital coupon!

Great Value White Bread


holding a pound of butter sticks


case of bottled water at Walgreens


holding a bag of flour at Walmart

All-Purpose Flour

bag of sugar next to measuring cup full of sugar

Granulated Sugar

Great Value peanut butter

Peanut Butter

holding a box of spaghetti


holding a bag of white rice

White Rice

Save even more money on your groceries with these deals >>>

About the writer:

Jenna has a Bachelor's Degree from Lycoming College and her Master's from Penn State, holding 4 years of writing experience between a variety of publications and Hip2Save.

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Comments 98

  1. Maria

    Thank you for posting these deals to save us money, every penny saved helps. I have found Aldi’s has great prices overall. Other places I shop to save money are The Grocery Outlet, Sam’s Club, the 99 Cent Store, and The Dollar Tree.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re so welcome, Maria, and I definitely agree that every little bit helps! 💕🤗 Thanks so much for sharing all the stores you shop at to score the best deals near you!

  2. Theresa

    Trader Joe’s has the cheapest eggs in my area. They were $1.79 for a dozen when I was there last week. Milk was reasonable priced too.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Oh wow! Thanks so much for letting us know about those prices, Theresa. Great prices for staple items! 🎉💕

    • Hipgrandma

      Agree. TJ’s eggs in Grand Rapids MI are $2.49 which is cheapest in town

  3. firstladyml@aol.com

    really like this

  4. Vikky

    Thank you for this!!! We all have to save now…

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re welcome, Vikky! 💕

  5. JLM

    Thank you for posting these!

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re welcome, JLM! 💗

  6. Michelle Kill

    Thanks for all the work on this!!

    • Trish (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re very welcome, Michelle! 💖

  7. Holly Kai

    If you use 2 percent milk, you can save HALF the price. All milks are the same price, so mix 4 percent/whole milk half and half with water. I use filtered and boiled water (cooled) to be sure it’s clean and safe. I’ve been doing this for about a year now. I also only buy milk on sale and freeze enough to last until the next sale – usually every 3 weeks.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Such a great “hack,” Holly. Thanks for sharing how you make your own 2% milk and make it last! 🥛🤗

      • Jodi P

        You may have misread her comment.
        This is not a hack for getting 2% milk.
        It’s a bad idea.

    • mona2

      But now you only have half the protein and calcium per serving.

      • Dee

        Exactly. You’re watering down the nutrition in the milk. I’ll save on a lot of things, but I’m not going to shortchange the natural nutrition in a product.

    • Jodi P

      That’s not how it works. You’d need to mix 4% milk with 0% fat free milk to get 2% milk.
      Mixing milk with water, gives you water with milk in it. 2% fat, yes, but it’s no longer MILK.
      It’s ok if that’s what you like to have, but just know you are only getting HALF the the calcium, vitamin D, and protein of actual milk, no matter what type of milk you buy.
      Milk is a great value for getting those nutrients, if you like milk.
      Please don’t give watered down milk to children, especially.

  8. Ashlie

    great post! Yes, definitely varies by region. I will say my Aldi has had white bread for 50¢ a loaf for maybe 6+ months now!

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks so much for the kind comment about the post, Ashlie. 💕 Sure appreciate the heads up on the bread pricing at your Aldi location – that’s an amazing deal! 🍞🤗

    • Csandst1

      Wow 🤯 that’s amazing 🤩.

  9. sheilaann

    Yep I just scored on some these as well. Thank you

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re most welcome, sheilaann! 💞

  10. lauramolina

    Thank you for posting these weekly grocery deals it’s so helpful.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re very welcome, lauramolina! 💞

  11. Karina

    Wow I’m surprised that ALDIs prices are higher!

    • Jodi P

      In my town Walmart is 10-20% higher than Aldi.

  12. Celenorma

    Thank you for these comparison prices!

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re so welcome! 💕

  13. berrygirl71@gmail.com

    Will you ever add in Albertsons prices? I find they have great deals as well

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks so much for this Albertsons suggestion – good to know they have great sales there too. ❤️ I’ll be sure to share this with the team. 🤗

    • Cammie

      Albertsons by far has the best prices in my area for meat, cheese and the front page big sales. Im just worried because they got bought out by Kroger and our news was saying they will be closing all stores if the when the buy out is complete. Our store manager who is super nice, just said he cant talk about it and employees who will talk say they are worried. I wont just miss the 1.99 chicken and hamburger and .50 sales but the bakery items, they have way better chocolate chip cookies and french bread then Kroger.
      I would love an updates on what is happening with albertsons/safeway. Last week what I bought at albertsons for $61, would have been $178 at Kroger. We have no Aldi

      • Anne

        They have NOT been bought out by Kroger yet. The sale has been stopped by a judge in a higher court. So this is false news at this time.

  14. Amy

    I would love it if you could expand on this to include organic, gluten free, and keto foods. I have to eat differently and especially need good deals! We also use Kerrygold butter so I am ALWAYS seeking a good deal for stocking up on it.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks a bunch for sharing what kind of pantry and food deals you’re on the hunt for, Amy. ❤️ I’ll be sure to pass your suggestion along to the team! 🤗

    • Maggie

      Costco’s store-brand version of Kerrygold is reportedly nearly identical, according to online reviews of it.

  15. Shawna Colen

    Thank you. My area the Walgreens usually has the cheapest water at 2 for $7 but lots of sales for 2.99 also.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re very welcome, Shawna! 💖

  16. kristini

    Great post! Ty.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re so welcome, kristini! 🥰

  17. Kathie Hernanfez

    Thank you for the grocery deals. Every time I turn around I’m paying more at the supermarkets.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re very welcome, Kathie. Hoping this and other grocery-related deals we share are helping keep a bit more money in your pocket! 🤞💕

  18. Angie

    I love this because I’m always looking for the best grocery prices. I can share that, yesterday, in MN, I bought butter at Kwik Trip. $2.99 per pound, plus there was a 50 cents off coupon in app, and I got 5% more off by using the Kwik Trip debit card. It’s the cheapest I’ve seen butter!

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      WOW! Nice score on butter near you, Angie. 🧈🎉 Glad to know you enjoy these grocery posts. 💕

  19. Jennifer DuPont

    Please post more grocery deals. They are at an all time high and we need to save $

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      We’ll continue to keep an eye out for the best prices, Jennifer. You can also bookmark/save our groceries category page linked here, to check back often to see the newest deals that have been posted. ❤️

  20. Pwg

    What about dollar tree? Hey have way batter prices for some like bread.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Oh yes! Thanks for mentioning that, Pwg! ❤️🤗 Another great option!🍞

  21. Rosie

    These Walmart savings help a lot. Along with the Walmart + assist program really help people like me on government assistance stretch the dollar.

    • Trish (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for sharing how your able to save even more with Walmart, Rosie! 🙌💖

  22. Jessica

    I love this- it’s a lot to ask, but I would really appreciate a list of cheapest organic deals. I don’t buy organic butter usually, but when we can afford it or find good deals we prefer to buy organic yogurt and milk, peanut butter and sugar.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for sharing your suggestion, Jessica! We appreciate the feedback on what type of products you’re on the hunt for – I’ll be sure to pass this along to our team. Glad to hear you find those organic deals helpful! 🌱✨

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re very welcome, Debra, and thank YOU for the sweet comment and support. Glad to hear you’re loving all the Hip deals! 🎉❤️

  23. Mama6

    It would be great if you could include Safeway/Albertson’s deals as well. This week alone Value corner milk is $2.27 a gallon. All varieties. Pasta is $1.29 per box. General mills cereals, granola bars , breakfast bars and snacks are $1.99 each. So many great deals especially if you use their app.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for the suggestion and sharing some great deals you’ve spotted this week at Safeway/Albertson’s, Mama6. 💓 I’ll be sure to pass this along to the team!

  24. Sharon

    Who makes the store brand products? The store themselves or do they contract with the major brand companies?

  25. Ihearthip

    I have really been surprised with Target’s prices lately on food. Hope they keep it up.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      We’re hoping they keep the savings going too, Ihearthip! 🎯❤️

  26. Sharon

    Walmart in DFW area just went to 11.08 for the double 18 pack of eggs (36 eggs). Crazy!

    I paid 6.83 for the same exact ones at the same Walmart 9 days ago.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      WOW! That’s definitely a significant price increase on eggs, especially for the same location and store. Thanks for the heads up on what price you’re seeing, Sharon. ❤️

      • Sharon

        The cost of basic items is getting scary, with no end in sight.

  27. brittany

    This is the kind of content we need! Thank you

    Even posting best grocery deals of each store’s weekly ad would be amazing. “Target’s best deals this week include …,”

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re welcome, Brittany! ❤️ Thanks a bunch for the feedback and suggestion. I’ll be sure to pass this along to the team. 🤗 In the meantime, you can find other grocery savings here and Target deals here, if that may be helpful! Happy saving!

  28. Dana

    Part of our weekly ad deal for Kroger has 18 ct eggs for 1.99

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks, Dana. I see a note at the top of the post with the eggs about that coupon being available for select locations. Such a great price for 18-ct! 🥚🙌

  29. Hipgrandma

    I found eggs for 2.48 at Trader Joe’s last week. Best price I’ve seen lately in Grand Rapids MI

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for letting us know where you’ve spotted the best savings at near you, Hipgrandma. 😊

  30. Kim

    This may be regional, but I paid $5.12 for Egg-Lands Best 18 count at Walmart. Great Value brand for the same size count was $5.36.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks, Kim! Sure appreciate knowing about the egg prices near you. 🥚💕

  31. Happy Aunt

    Love this type of post! I don’t have Kroger anywhere near me, but it’s interesting to see how often Aldi really isn’t much if any cheaper anymore before they they became “cool” to shop at.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks a bunch for the awesome feedback, Happy Aunt! 💕 We’re so happy to hear you’re loving these posts. Glad they’ve been helpful for comparing prices for Aldi. 🤗

  32. Mell

    Thank you for getting the prices of stuff I really appreciate it. Hope you guys keep this as a weekly post.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re very welcome, Mell! 🎉❤️ Thanks for the happy feedback! 🤗

  33. 77_purity

    Too bad we don’t have a krogers. We dierbergs and Shnucks for are grocery stores other than the big chains like aldis, Walmart, Target, tj, and warehouses

    • 77_purity

      And eggs are $5.26 for 2 dozen cage free at our Sam’s.

  34. mom2trent

    I found Aldi to be the cheapest this week for baking/candy making. Chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, powdered sugar, etc.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for sharing! Good to know you they have great prices on baking good type of ingredients. 🍪💕

  35. Barbara Reinert

    If you’re on the East or West coasts, look for Grocery Outlet Bargain Market. They’re prices are exceptional! Not your typical surplus or salvage store. They carry a lot of high quality and organic brands. Lots of great cheeses, fresh veggies and a small but really decent meat dept. Nothing is ever past due date. Some items may be close to a due date (maybe a couple months off) but the lower prices reflect that. Going to GO is like going on a treasure hunt. You rarely find the same items twice. Merchandise moves fast. I actually got a 15lb turkey for Thanksgiving for $3.99!!

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Oh wow – thanks a bunch for sharing about this grocery outlet, Barbara! 💗 Sounds like it’s worth a visit for those Hip readers that may have a location nearby. Good to know about the dates and selection too!

  36. Sara

    My local Associated Grocers affiliated stores have 10lb bags of store brand rice for $3.99(39.9 cents per pound).

    • Trish (Hip Sidekick)

      Awesome! Thanks for sharing the deal you spotted on rice, Sara! ❤️

  37. Linda Jasiak

    Thank you !

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re very welcome Linda! 🥰

  38. sylviamorrison

    Here we go. First off if you have a kid that only likes bread w/o crust get Walmarts brand. Though I’m a 69 yr. old great grandmother I don’t like crust. Though Walmarts has crust it’s as soft as the bread itself. Even the brown breads aren’t as crusty. As for the milk my MIL always used fat free milk. It has all the vitamins & nutrients of regular milk. But her family didn’t like the taste. So she made a half gallon of it, half gallon of regular milk, mixed it together & you couldn’t tell the difference. Then lastly I’m going to mention the trick in shopping at Krogers. First off always use your free kroger card. Check it every week online or app. Often you’ll get digital sales & even freebies that no one else gets for being a member. If you lost yours you can use your alternative ID which is the phone number you registered with. Or contact Krogers for a new one or replacement. Now the fun begins with reading the ads online. First off if you have items that require 10 for $10 it doesn’t mean every item you want you have to buy 10 of to get that price. It means you have to buy 10 in the10 for $10 group to get that price. They also have weekly digital coupons where you can buy up to 5 items at the same price as long as you buy them all in one transaction. There is another sale where if you buy 3 you get $2. off each one. Then this week $5. off $15. on personal care items. Outside of bread I do most of my groceries through Krogers because they are cheaper than Walmarts here and Walmarts rarely has sales in the grocery section. Krogers will actually tell you how much you saved on your receipt including your monthly & yearly savings. Every week on one of the days they have bonus points to build up your cents off on gas. Then I use a gas buddy card to get even more of a discount. It comes out of my debit card from Krogers through gas buddy. I usually only fill up once a month so I only save $1 or $2. But why not? I know this all seems like a lot. But once you get used to it it becomes habit.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for sharing all these great tips, Sylvia! 🤗 Love your suggestions for soft bread options at Walmart and the milk mixing trick—so clever! Also, your Kroger shopping advice is super helpful, especially about the digital coupons and gas savings. It’s awesome that you’ve got such a system down! Thanks a bunch for taking the time to share your insights! 💕

  39. TracyS

    It might be helpful to cite the location where your prices were found, as my local prices dont seem to match yours (Target milk 2.79, Target butter 4.29 etc). My best egg price beats yours by far- Food4Less, a Kroger affiliate, has eggs in the Chicago area for 2.99

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for the feedback, Tracy! 💕 You’re absolutely right—prices can vary quite a bit depending on location. Just a heads-up, we do note at the top of the post that prices may differ by region, and our team checks pricing from coast to coast to share the current national average each week. So awesome that you’re finding such a great deal on eggs at Food4Less in your area—$2.99 is a steal! 🥚🙌 Thanks for sharing about prices in your area here in the comments!

  40. Diane

    I paid $3.50 for cage free eggs this week at our local Trader Joe’s.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Glad to hear you spotted a egg-cellent deal at your Trader Joe’s this week, Diane! 🥚🙌

  41. Tiffany Henderson

    Y’all are doing the Lord’s work.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      So happy you’re loving this post, Tiffany! Happy saving! 💞

  42. mamasweetpea

    Eggs seems to have gone up significantly probably because of the avian flu. The best price for eggs in my area for now seems to be Sams Club’s Pasture Raised Large Brown Eggs 18ct for $5.52 (~ $3.68/dz). I don’t have any of the big chain grocery store (like Safeway, Albertson, Kroger, Smiths etc) in my area since we have Dierbergs and Shnucks instead but we do have Aldi, Target, Walmart. It looks like Sams is still the best price based on the chart above. Thanks for the reference… it’s helpful to have an idea of possible places to check for best grocery prices

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re very welcome! 💕 Glad the chart was helpful for price comparisons! 🛒🥚

  43. Dany

    I know a lot of people find Aldi and Lid’l controversial (if you don’t know, def wiki it) but if it wasn’t for those 2 stores I would be cutting coupons, driving to multiple stores to find deals, wasting gas and time. These 2 stores beat the majority! Lidl had eggs yesterday for 2.25, loaf of bread, hot dog and burger buns, 79 cents. Butter 2.79, OJ is 2/$3.

  44. Romeos mom

    I wish milk was that cheap at my Walmart, great value whole milk 4.61 a gallon. Even our convenience stores are four dollars and some cents.

  45. Alycia

    If you have Trader joes the eggs here in Alabama were 3.59 /dozen yesterday. They do limit you to one though.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for sharing, Alycia! 🤗 Good to know about the availability and pricing at your nearest TJ’s!

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