Blue Cross & Blue Shield $2.8 Billion Settlement – Important Updates & What to Do Next!

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We finally have an update on the historic Blue Cross & Blue Shield Anti-Trust Settlement!

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There appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel for members of the Blue Cross & Blue Shield Settlement! This historic settlement is the largest of its kind to date and resolves a 12-year-long lawsuit claiming the insurance company violated anti-trust laws.

Affected class members include individuals, insured groups, and self-funded accounts from early 2008 through late 2020. While Blue Cross & Blue Shield has denied any wrongdoing, they have agreed to a settlement amount of a staggering 2.8 BILLION dollars. 🤯

If you were potentially a class member, you would have received a postcard in the mail and/or an e-mail with details of this settlement and how to opt in several years ago. It’s unclear exactly how many class members are included in this settlement, but estimates put it around the 6 million mark.

Don’t miss this important update…

A female dr wearing gloves checking a woman's face

If you previously submitted a claim back in 2021, be sure to check your inbox including your spam folder for an e-mail with the title: ‘Blue Cross Blue Shield Settlement – Claim Notice’. Within this e-mail, you will find a link to verify that the amount you paid in premiums or that your employer paid in administrative fees (ASO) is correct. You can also dispute what they have on record at this time and provide supporting documentation. You’ll also have the option to submit your e-mail to request an electronic debit card and be included in the first round of payments when distribution occurs.

Note that the amounts you see after clicking the link are not your payout from the settlement, as the final amount will be determined once all of the class members have verified or disputed these records. The deadline to dispute is 30 days from when the e-mail was sent. However, not everyone will receive this e-mail at the same time as they are being sent out on a rolling basis starting this past January, so you may need to look at any e-mails you received within the last month. 

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About the writer:

Nicole has 7 years of blogging experience. While her primary background has been in the restaurant and hospitality industry, she is a self-taught couponer with over 10 years of hands-on experience and a desire to share her knowledge to help others save.

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Comments 14

  1. Sarah B

    Thank you so much for posting about this. I had assumed it was spam and deleted the email, but found it and will be on the lookout for future emails or news.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re welcome, Sarah! Glad this post was helpful in spotting the email and watching for updates. ❤️

  2. Amber

    Is there any place to get more info as the website doesn’t have a link update? I have a claim number but have moved and changed email addresses so the likelihood of receiving an update is slim to none. Thanks!

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Hi Amber! Here’s the link to check your claim status using your Claim ID: I also found contact details for the Claims Administrator at or toll-free at (888) 681-1142, if those might be helpful to reach out for further assistance. 🥰

  3. Amanda Cunningham

    So glad I read this. I got one today and thought it was spam.

  4. Betsy

    Does anyone know the sender of the email?

    • vwade123

      Hi, I just found the email that was sent to me and it came from
      Blue Cross Blue Shield Claims Administrator Hope this helps!

      • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

        Thanks so much for the helpful response!

  5. Ashley

    husbands work has used blue cross blue shield for years, I don’t think I got an email…. how do I look into this if I didn’t get a claim number

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      You could try searching your email for their name. Be sure to check the spam or junk folders as well. Hoping this helps!

  6. Dana

    Hmmm. I searched for the email and apparently I filed a claim. I put in the number and it says in review.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for the update on what you’re seeing!

  7. Gege1804

    I received it and thought it was spam. I forgot that I even filled it out.

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