Costco Online Photo Center Closing January 28th | Transfer Photos & Address Book to Shutterfly

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Costco has paired with Shutterfly and plans to close their Costco Photo Center.

costco photo christmas cards

The Costco Online Photo Center is closing for good. 📸

In a recent email to members, Costco Wholesale announced that their online Costco Photo Center will be no more. Instead, Costco Photo Center users will have access to Shutterfly’s entire line of products and services.

If you currently use the Costco Photo Center, you’ll be able to transfer your data to Shutterfly in just a few easy steps. You will also be able to download any of your personal photos stored on until January 31, 2024.

collection of square magnets on orange envelope

When is the transition to Shutterfly happening?

If you’re a Costco member, head over to, enter in your Costco membership number, it will ask you for your Shutterfly account information or you can create a new account, and then your pictures will automatically be transferred!

You will also be able to score a 51% off discount and free shipping on orders over $49 for all of your Shutterfly orders!

*Note that offers free unlimited storage for active customers that make a purchase every 18 months.

Shutterfly Photo Book with summer photos

The current Costco Online Photo Center will be officially shut down on January 28, 2023. No services will be available from the Costco Photo Center after that point including any services from,, and

Are you a Costco member who has a current project saved such as a photo book, collage, greeting card, or calendar? These projects will not transfer to Shutterfly so make sure you purchase your project through the Costco Photo Center by January 28, 2023.

Check out all of the greatest photo deals here!

About the writer:

Chelsey has a degree from American Military University with over 6 years of content writing experience specializing in saving money and living frugally.

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Comments 10

  1. MK

    Shutterfly will not store your photos anymore if you don’t make a purchase from them at least once every 18 month rolling period. Got an email about that.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks so much for mentioning that, MK! I’ve added a note to the post! πŸ€—

  2. KR

    The transfer of photos from Costco to Shutterfly was a complete sh*t show. Some folders transferred with no photos in them. Others transferred with some photos missing. Still others transferred with a mixture of photos from different folders. What a f’ing mess!
    Per Costco you should be able to download your photos without signing up for Shutterfly “You can go directly to the existing Costco Photo Center site and download images. After January 27, 2023, images can be downloaded by visiting” But when accessing that site, I’m told “Photos have already been transferred from this Costco Photo Center account.” so I can’t download the missing photos!!!
    And there’s more! Back on January 25th I tried downloading all my Costco photos & they sent me an email for each folder. But when I click on the “Download Photos” link (despite it saying I have until February 24th to access them) it doesn’t work & takes me to a page introducing Shutterfly! A ridiculous, circuitous unending circle of defeat!!!

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      SO sorry to hear about your experience transferring photos, KR. That does sound super frustrating! You might try contacting customer service at 1-855-620-7579 (available Mon – Fri: 6am – 8pm PT & Sat – Sun: 6am – 8pm PT) or Shutterfly’s customer service at (877) 284-9610 to see if they are able to help troubleshoot the issues you are experiencing! Hoping this might be helpful and you’re able to retrieve and save all of your photos! 🀞❀️

  3. Douglas Zarate

    I made contact with Costco Photo Center and I was informed that their system is down and it will be a while before their system is back up . My Costco Photo Center email was hacked and suspended by Att. I forgot to edit email on my account and I tried Costco link to transfer photos to Shutterfly, I input Costco membership and then email but I receive nothing cause the email was suspended. Does anyone know how I can get my photos from Costco photo a lot of special photos and memories

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Oh bummer! SO sorry to hear that. Are you able to click through the link above and then click through “get started” to transfer that way? It seems that may still work.🀞❀️

  4. andres chexche

    Be Aware all costco Members, when you order this time you are under shutterfly return policy and not Costco, This move is a big mistake from costco. Products are more expensive (all of them) and quality is really low, We tried Canvas prints with a very disappointing results compared with previous photocenter website quality. Not ordering again with them.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Bummer! Thanks for sharing your honest feedback on your experience with Shutterfly, andres! Sorry to hear the quality wasn’t as good as Costco’s. πŸ’• If you’re on the hunt for some other photo printing options, be sure to check out this page – where we share all the latest photo deals! Hoping this might be helpful! ❀️

  5. Meg Cleary Weinshenker

    Why did Costco sell to the absolute worst print company!!! Terrible work! I uploaded a gorgeous, pink, vibrant of a full bloom cherry tree and it came out dark and glooming.
    Customer service is the worst/unless you message them on FB.

    Never again!!
    Meg Weinshenker

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      So sorry to hear about the print quality on your order, Meg! ❀️ If you’re searching for some other photo printing options, check out this page – where we share all the latest photo deals! Hoping one of these options might work for you! πŸ€žπŸ’ž

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