$10 Toy Story Coupons + Toys R Us Deal Scenario!

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As you may know, Toy Story and Toy Story 2 will be released on Tuesday, March 23rd! To get ready for this upcoming release you’ll want to print a couple great coupons. Just head on over to Disney Movie Rewards and login or register for an account. After doing so, enter this code 786936294507 in the orange box that states “Enter Code” in the middle of the right side of the page. You will then be able to click on a link to print a coupon valid for $10 off Toy Story Blu-ray / DVD Combo pack. After printing that coupon (you should be able to print twice by hitting you browser back button), enter this code 786936294521 to print a coupon valid for $10 off Toy Story 2 Blu-ray / DVD Combo pack!

..AND get this, not ONLY can you use these sweet coupons to score an awesome deal…. BUT each Toy Story Blu-ray / DVD Combo pack will contain a movie ticket (valued up to $8.50) to see Toy Story 3 in June!

So where’s the best place to snatch this movie up when it’s released on Tuesday?! Well, it appears to be Toys R Us. They will be offering up the Toy Story and Toy Story 2 Blu-Ray/DVD combo packs for just $16.99 each when you buy both in the same transaction.

Toys R Us Deal Scenario:
Toy Story Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack $16.99
Toy Story 2 Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack $16.99
Total = $33.98
Use two $10/1 coupons from above
Pay $13.98
PLUS, then you’ll have 2 FREE Movie Tickets (valued at up to $8.50 each)!!

(Thanks, Couponing To Disney & Good Deal Mama!)

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Comments 252

  1. Rachel

    Sweet deal, Thanks

  2. Smellyann

    Cool, I’m getting mine. The kids will be psyched!

  3. Michelle P

    THANK YOU!!!!! What an amazing deal!! I am stoked!

  4. Cali

    How do you know about the movie ticket offer? Is it advertised somewhere?

    • Ashley

      K-mart’s ad has it mentioned in it for next week.

  5. lisa

    Awesome deal! Anyone know of rebates for this one? I just fulfilled the requirements for my cash back from princess and frog!

  6. Amy

    I was just wondering where you got the codes for these coupons. This is such a great deal! Thanks!

    • Amy

      Are we supposed to be using these codes if we didn’t buy something to get it? I just don’t want to feel like I’m doing something wrong.

      • Sarah

        As I understand it on the Disney Movie Rewards site these $10 off coupons are for people who already own Toy Story and/or Toy Story 2 and are upgrading to the Blu-Ray edition. You’re supposed to enter the UPC from the VHS or disc you already own.

        I hope these coupons don’t get cancelled because people are posting the UPC codes.

        • Jennifer

          I know for our family, the posting of the codes is super helpful, as we did not keep the dvd cases. The codes are universal so I would doubt anyone would have a problem with this. As my husband reminded me, the marketing worked because we are going to REpurchase 2 dvds that we currently own. Thanks Collin!

  7. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Does anyone know when the deal ends at Toys r us?

  8. Lacey

    I don’t have a Toys R Us in the town where I live. I sure hope there is an ad in my Sunday paper b/c I would love to price-match this at Walmart.

  9. yesi

    The codes given are from the UPC boxes of the old Toys Story 1 and 2 Disney movey is going the $10 coupon as an incentive to “upgrade” so it is a generic code. There is nothing to feel bad about if you use them. Since the UPC for all the old ones are the same it would be the same code for you and me. =) HTH

  10. yesi

    eek lots of typos. haha…what I meant to say is…
    Disney Movie Club is giving a $10 coupon as incentive

  11. Jessica

    So here is a silly question…it is a Blu-Ray/DVD combo pack…does that mean that it has the regular dvds in it? I don’t have a blu-ray player, but if it does have both, it would be worth getting this combo deal.

    • Mo Keaton

      Not so silly. I didn’t know the answer as well, but figured who cares because I have a Blu Ray player. But I thought I would check it out for you, and as far as I can see, it is both, the Blu Ray and the regular DVD. Everywhere I looked it said Combo pack, DVD and BluRay in Amaray?

    • Rachel

      They have the blu ray, Dvd and digital download. 3 discs total. Well thats what the last blu ray combo I bought had.

      • Kristina

        All the other combo packs I’ve ever bought have both. Its really nice b/c we watch the blu ray in the house and I take the regular DVD in the car for the kids to watch!

        • judy

          oh wow.. that’s a great idea!! i was wondering what the heck i’d do with the dv since we have a blu ray player in the house. LOL

  12. Kerstin

    Great Deal!!! I am def. going to do this…

  13. Tracy

    wow what an awesome deal! thx!! 🙂

  14. Mo Keaton

    I’m not sure….is it worth it to drive a little over an hour, to get this deal? Why oh Why can’t toys r us be here?

    • michelle

      I think there are very similar deals, within a few bucks, at some other stores as well. I can’t remember where I read it. Wait…………….It is Target and the difference is $1 each, I just found it on MFA. So if you have Target, then save the gas and do the deal there. Hope this helps.

  15. Hana

    Thank you so much! My roommate is a huge fan of Toy Story, and we were going to pay to see the third one in theaters anyway, and don’t own the first two, so this is such an awesome deal!

  16. Susan V.

    Great deal! I’m so buying them both!! DS will be psyched!!

  17. Tara

    I love you!!! Thanks so much. Love it!

  18. Laura P.

    So, to confirm, the combo pack is in fact the blu ray and regular dvds?? I don’t have a blu ray, so could use regular for my kids and possibly re-gift the blu ray DVD!?! 7 kids in my neighborhood have bdays coming up this spring/summer!

    • Rachel

      It should have the blu ray, dvd and possibly a digital download copy like for a ipod or whatever. Thats what UP combo had, so even if you dont have a blu ray now, chances are sooner or later you will so why not get the combo for basically the same price as just the dvd.

    • Rosie T

      I personally, wouldn’t regift the Blu-Ray… for starters you wouldn’t have packaging for one or the other in that case. Secondly, i’ll keep our blu-rays from the combo packs for that day that we decide to upgrade to a blu-ray player.

    • Laurie

      YES. I don’t have a blu ray player, but I buy the combo packs so I will have the disc when I get a player.

  19. DD

    i thought they didn’t take internet printed coupons??

    • Jan

      Looked on their site and couldn’t find their coupon policy. I sent a message and hoping to get a response. I HOPE they DO accept IP. This is such a GrEaT deal!

      • Tilla Ham

        i used the printed ones for the monoply card games there just fine as well as one for a ds game i bought…toys r us in tacoma wa doesn’t have a problem accepting internet printed ones

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          I have had no problems in TN using IP’s too.

    • Rosie T

      I used my $10 snowwhite printable at TRU last fall…

  20. Amy

    On top of that, these should have movie reward codes in them, right?? Awesome! 🙂

  21. Beverly

    Toy Story is one of my favorite movies of all time! I’m so excited about this deal 🙂

    • Laura P.

      Mine too!!! Toy Story & Beauty & The Beast! 🙂 🙂 🙂

      • Tara

        beauty and the beast finally comes out in the fall!!

        • Laurie

          YAY! We don’t have that yet. I can’t wait to use some Qs on that too!

  22. Kenia

    The second code for toy story 2 didn’t work for me, it tells me that the code is expired, is anyone else having this problem?

    • Isabel

      I just printed mine and had no problems with the code.

    • Jan

      Just printed both coupons…codes worked!

    • Sarah

      I had the same problem. So I started a new disney rewards under my husband email just to get the coupon.lol When there’s a deal I want it!! My kids are loving all the movies we are getting for cheap!!! Heck ya!! Thank you collin!!

      • Kenia

        I did the same thing LOL This is a great deal I didn’t want to let it go.

  23. Beverly

    I just printed 2 of each coupon and I’ll be on my way to the store early in the morning!

    • Ashley

      Don’t go too early… they won’t be in stores till the 23rd!!

      • Beverly

        Are you serious? I really did NOT know this!

        • Beverly

          HA! I should open my eyes and READ. thank you for pointing that out!

          • Ashley

            You are VERY welcome!!! 😀

  24. Amy

    Awesome deal–with all the great Disney movie coupons we have been able to get all the new movies for next to nothing….so cool!!!!

  25. Carrie

    Great score!!! I passed up the Princess movie cuz my boy wouldn’t of been to excited. This one is a great deal! Thanks so much! and two free movie tickets on top of that?!?!!? Sheesh! bargain city!

    Great find Hip2save!!!

  26. Carly

    Has any heard about pricing and incentives on regular DVD?

  27. Laura P.

    all the Blu Ray deals, but what about us with REGULAR DVD players??? are we “old school” geeeeeez I’m only 26 as of November!!! LMAO!!

    • missdeally

      the combo pack contains both blu ray and regular dvd discs.

  28. Julie

    Oh awesome!! I love you Collin!!! LOL

    I don’t know why you wouldn’t buy the combo pack. We don’t have a blu-ray here either but I have started buying the combo packs because they have the REGULAR DVD inside and you can usually get them for the same price or cheaper with all the coupons out! I am soooo excited for this. Kinda bummed though because I just printed the $5 q’s for these the other day so I wasted my ink! But that’s okay to save $10 more!!

    • Susan

      Same here, but I’ll take those $5 coupons and leave them at the store by the Bluray combo packs. It’ll be a nice surprise for someone else and I won’t have “wasted” my ink as much as passed on a great deal to someone who didn’t know about the coupons.

  29. mamaspeyton

    This is such a great find, thank you!!!!!! I am sure to use both sets of coupons first thing tuesday morning! Love it. Thank you for such a great site, I love it!!!!!

  30. missdeally

    Sweet! I havea 20%. off any one item TRU coupon and a $5 off any $25 purchase TRU Coupon. What a fantastic deal for me!

    • peever

      I forgot I have a $5 off $25, too. I wonder if they’ll take all of them?

      • Sonia

        I have the $5 off coupon to, I love when they send these out, at my store if I give them this one first and then the manufactuer coupons they do not have a problem. Love the Toyrus Deals. I am so excited because I got the Princess & the frog for my 3 1/2 year old daughter and now I have these to give to my 1 1/2 year old son! Yeah!

  31. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Thankyou so much for this i preordered on amazon and was paying 39.98. So thankfully you posted this and I cancelled my order. Does anyone know toysrus is to have it tuesday if the will have them out when they open?

    • Rosie T

      I wouldn’t strongly assume that they will have them when they open on Tuesday. I’m sure that they’ll spent they’re after-close and before open time Monday night/Tuesday morning to set up they Toy Story displays.

  32. Jennifer

    Thank you so much Collin! We have the DVD’s for both Toy Story 1 & 2 and they have both been messing up . . . I’m thrilled to get a good deal on the combo packs!

  33. Melissa

    THese q’s are so much better then the $5 off!!! Will be headed there on Tuesday! My kids LOVE toy story! Can’t wait to see #3

  34. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    Couponing to disney has an even better scenerio that includes getting Princess and The Frog for $1.99, and Toy Story 1 & 2, ends up being $15.97 before rebates. Then $5.97 after Princess and The Frog rebates plus the 2 free movie tickets 🙂

    • Rosie T

      WOW! I’ll be headed into the pre-order mine at TRU today!

  35. jen

    thank you so much colin! worked like a charm! My daughter and nephew will so happy when they get these! I’m sprinting to TRU on Tues, so glad I don’t have to work that morning!:)

  36. Brenda

    I have the Toy Story VHS – and when I put in the UPC from it, DMR brought up both coupons for me to print from links. So enter only one code and get both coupons!!

  37. katey

    thank you for great deal!

  38. Jess

    For those of you that don’t have princess and the frog its even a better deal at TRU. If you go today only and buy the bluray combo pack, it should ring up at 26.99. Then preorder the Toy Story 1 and Toy Story 2. You should get $15 off, but most people have reported they have been getting $20 ($5 for one, and $15 for two). Then use the $10 coupon. I did this yesterday and paid 6.99. Then when you go to pick it up you should only have to pay 3.98 with both $10 coupons since you put down a deposit. $10.97 for all three movies!!!! or $15.97 if the extra $5 doesn’t come off!

    • Jessica

      That sounds awesome! Thanks, we’ll have to make a stop while out on date night!

    • Jan

      DO I need a coupon for the princess and the frog?

      • Jess

        Yes you still need to $10 coupons for Princess and the Frog

    • Laurie

      Yeah, there’s an extra $5 coming off. I preordered my Toy Story discs yesterday, then picked up Disney Princess Tales (priced $19.99) so I would get the $15 off that disc (in store promo if you pre order). Somehow, I got the Princess disc for free, and only paid my $10 for the pre order. Even the cashier lady was saying “I don’t know how you got this for free, but I won’t argue.” I was so happy!

      • Stephanie

        don’t forget to grab your free kissing frogs toy for purchasing the movie. I did this yesterday.

        • Jenny

          I did this too. I got the Princess and the Frog, plus the kissing frogs and the $10 credit towards the preorder all for just over $7 with tax. My total when I go back to get the two Toy Story movies should be around $4 and I will also get the 2 movie tickets!!! Plus I can sumit for 2 rebates for Princess and the Frog. It is an amazing deal! I have a pic of the frogs and the scenario up on my site if anyone is going to try to grab one tonight

          • fuzzymitten

            Hi Jenny,

            Thanks for the heads up. I bought the “Princess and the Frog” Blu-ray combo pack with the $10 off coupon and pre-ordered the “Toy Story and Toy Story 2” Blu-ray combo pack. I got $20 off for pre-ordering because of the computer glitch, and I used my $5 Toys R Us gc on the total of $6.99 + plus tax. Mine scenario is a little more difficult because the first store I went to had the Kissing Frogs, but not the Blu-ray combo pack and the second had the Blu-ray combo, but not any frogs. I have to go back to the first store to get the frogs.

        • fuzzymitten

          I was lucky to get the Kissing Frogs, the ad and the in store says the promo doesn’t include buying the dvd.

    • Krista


      Thank you so much for the heads up! I went to my TRU and the Princess and the Frog DVD was only $20! I reserved both Toy Story 1 and Toy Story 2 so it took off $20 for reserving both. Then I had to pay a down payment of $10 on the two combo packs I reserved, but I had a $5 off coupon for the Princess and the Frog so I only had to pay $5. Now I can turn in my receipts with the Princess and the Frog for the band-aid rebate and get back my $5! Oh I am so excited! Thank you, thank you, thank you! My kiddos are going to be so excited to get THREE new movies for Easter!

  39. Katie

    Wow! Great deal 😉 These will make nice additions to the Easter Basket (or gifts for upcoming birthdays) and these movie tickets will be great for a date night 😉

    Thanks so much!!

  40. monkey

    I had two put in the second code but i got it to work. You rock! thanks.

  41. Terah

    I couldn’t get the codes to work 🙁 They said they were printing and nothing …..

    • Jessica

      Sounds like it may be your printer.

  42. Carmela

    Once I login I can’t find the place to put the codes in – what am I missing? Thanks!

    • Sarah

      Put it in the enter a code it was orange for me. THen wait for the page to load a little and there is a link that says to $10 off such and such

  43. Carmela

    Never mind – I was being a goober.

  44. Kim Johanson

    does anyone know of any rebates for the Toy Story Rebates? There seems to be one every time one comes out on BluRay lately!

  45. Rachel Brown

    Everytime I go into my disney rewards it give me a message saying “We sorry an error has occurred”…. I have made 3 different accounts… all the same… ukckckckckck

  46. Jan

    I purchased Snow White last night and entered my rewards code this morning and the site offered these coupons to me. The deal is legit! Can’t wait til Tuesday!

  47. Renee


    Seriously, it’s becoming a problem. Collin, you are such an enabler! 😀

  48. Crystal

    Does anyone know if we can use the coupons when we go to pre-order them at the store (TRU)? Or do we have to wait to use the coupons until the Blu-ray combo comes out on the 23rd?

  49. Crystal

    Does anyone know if we can use the coupons when we go to pre-order them at the store (TRU)? Or do we have to wait to use the coupons until the Blu-ray combo comes out on the 23rd?

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