Office Depot: *HOT!* 5,000 Sheets of Copy Paper ONLY $5.97 (Regularly $42.99!)

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If you’re in need of paper (after the Amazon paper deal got canceled), check out this awesome deal you can score at Office Depot! Through January 15th, you can snatch up HP Office Copy Paper (10 Ream case – 5,000 total sheets of paper) for ONLY $5.79!! Here’s how…

*Go to Office Depot and locate the HP 8.5×11″ Office Copy Paper 10 ream for $42.99
*Use the 40% off printable coupon found here
*Pay $25.79
*Then submit for the $20 Visa prepaid gift card mail-in rebate (the form will print at the register during checkout – you can also see this advertised in the weekly ad)
*Final cost (after the rebate and 40% off coupon) ONLY $5.79 for 5,000 sheets of paper! πŸ˜€

If you received a FREE $30 Office Depot gift card, this is a great way to make use of it. And don’t forget that you can score 25 FREE 4X6 prints at Office Depot too.

(Thanks, Hot Coupon Mamas!)

NEW UPDATE: If you have a Staples nearby and they accept competitor coupons, check out following smokin’ deal you can score here!

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Comments 109

  1. Joy

    Love this! Going there this weekend for this and the ink jets for $5 credit!!

  2. Laura C

    I was going there anyway tonight – don’t know if I will get the paper, but love the coupon!!!

  3. do the right thing

    I remember about 5 years ago when HP had a deal going where they would send you one of these boxes. I never thought it would really come, but it did! USPS – came home and it was on my porch. I did use it all too!

  4. Megan

    I got the deal at Staples last year where you could get two of those boxes for around $10. I think we’re already stocked up!!! Seriously, two boxes of paper will last us 10 years, even with printing all those coupons. But this is a good deal!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I got that deal too!!

  5. Danielle

    I did win one of those gift cards! I didn’t even know it because their system was all messed up that night. It came in the mail earlier this week. Hmmm, might have to stop on my way home and get some paper (can’t ever seem to have enough with printing coupons!)

  6. croche

    Great deal; have my gift card and will be heading to Office Depot tomorrow. Thanks!

  7. Nicole

    Note: This coupon expires tomorrow everyone, so don’t wait!

  8. Amber

    I’m confused. The 40% off coupon says it cannot be combined with other offers or promotions. Does this mean you can’t get the 40% off and rebate?

    • Tia Robertson

      This just means it cannot be combined with a sale price (can’t take 40% off a sale price), or other coupons/promos:) The rebate is not applied until after you get home, so it is not considered combining offers:)

  9. Kim

    Sounds Great!!! Thanks for the info. and I was one of the lucky ones that scored a $30 gift card the following morning!!!! Thanks for all you do Colin

  10. Maureen

    Does the rebate come back in cash or an Office Depot giftcard?

    • JOHN

      Looks to be coming in a prepaid Visa card.

      • Kate

        Only to spend at Office Depot or anywhere like cash? Also – have you done their rebates by chance? How long do they take to get back? Anyone can answer if you know? Never done one but need paper… Thanks!!!!

        • Craig

          If its like all the others ones I got, its good pretty much anywhere!!. Except say a restaraunt that sells alcohol sometimes. I had one that Applebees’ couldnt use. Not sure if it was a OD card or not, it was awhile ago. But I did just use 2 OD cards at Old Navy tonight btw!!

          As for time to get these back, Good Luck! It takes forever! but they will come. They are by far the slowest of rebates it seems. Well, some WG ones are up there too. LOL


    • Ashley

      Gift card

  11. Tianni Rowley

    I love you!!!!! You have saved meSO much money and I’ve only been doing this for 2 months… total savings in 2 months….. over 150.00!!!!!!!

  12. Rachel

    Going to use the coupon and $30 gift card to score an amazing deal on a leather office chair! WooHoo!

  13. Mary

    Considering I have 22 reams of paper. I’m done for like…..forever?

    • Latasha


  14. Lisa

    Yes, I heart you too, Collin!! You are seriously, THE BEST!!!

  15. Pam


  16. Pam

    In store only. Thank you!

  17. Elizabeth McRae Sage

    i called my store and they have them in stock and said i can use the 40% coupon and the rebate!!

    • tess

      thanks for the confirmation! going there in a bit…

  18. Kara

    This is awesome!!! I completely forgot about my Staples gift card from the back pack deal in July of last year. I’ve been using it to get pens when they come sale. I’m might have to go after this deal. I’ve got 2 reams upstairs and paper that I got from my volunteer work. Between school and couponing I go through A LOT of paper.

  19. Lisa

    I just bought this paper with my 40% off coupon AND the rebate form printed out!! Woohoo!!! Thank you, Collin!

    • Rose

      Did you do this at staples?

      • Lisa

        Rose, it is at Office Depot πŸ™‚

      • Lori

        You can do it at Staples too because Staples accepts competitors coupons. There won’t be a prepaid visa but your Staples rebate.

      • Cara

        I just did this at Staples. They take competitor coupons. It’s the Staples Brand, 500 sheets for $46.99 – 40% Office Depot coupon = 28.19 + 2.66 (tax) – $27.00 easy rebate (you have the option to get a prepaid visa card, staples gift card, or a rebate check) = $3.85 and if you are a Staples rewards member you get 10% back on this item. Pretty sweet deal!
        Thanks Collin!

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          was the tax based on the amt. before q. or after? Thx. Are you getting the full $27 back? Somebody posted below that their Staples said the easy rebate would be reduced due to the q. Hmmmn.

          • Anonymous

            Staples has always reduced my rebates when I use coupons. When purchasing reward items, ring them up separate! We did do the 100% batteries reward on black Friday and bought a printer, for an in-store 30% off; it REDUCED the battery rebate! We called the 1-800 number from staples and they were wonderful about sending out the difference for the 100% battery rebate, but it does take time to get it.

  20. ashleigh

    Can the prepaid Visa gift card be redeemed only at Office Depot or anywhere? Just wondering. Either way, it’s a great deal. Thanks Collin.

    • Latasha


  21. Megan

    how long do the rebate gift cards take to come back?

  22. Stacy

    I think it was about 4 months ago when I tried a Hammermill paper deal from Office Depot. My rebate was denied. In the very fine print of the rebate offer it stated “may not be combined with any other offers” and I used a coupon. Might want to check that out first.

    • Ehrin

      That’s what makes me a little bit leery of this deal… May try anyway. We are headed there tonight for more ink! Gotta print those coupons! πŸ˜‰

  23. Dana

    This rocks! My kid’s school requires you to purchase 5 reams of paper for each kid and since I have two this will make it really cheap next year. Wahoo!!!

  24. Lori

    This is an awesome deal! I was so hoping to use this coupon at Staples though, since it will be an even better deal, but, I just called and she said they only take competitors coupons that are sent in the mail, NOT ones printed off the internet. πŸ™
    Disappoints me that Staples won’t honor this coupon, I usually love shopping there. Oh well…
    Office Depot it is! πŸ˜€
    Thanks, Collin!

    • Craig

      Hmmn, my local Staples DOES take OD internet qs. Have used them 3/4 diff. times! At 2 diff. stores too. Id take it along with you and try to use it anyways. If you get it cool, if not oh well right?. That might just been one employee who didnt know exactly and you could have a diff. employee with a different answer ya know?. But the local ones here say they accept OD qs and dont break it down internet/mailed ones. Who ever heard of that crap. LOL GL!

    • Anonymous

      I’ve heard this from a Staples manager. They aren’t supposed to take them, but the other staples a few miles down the road takes them all day long because it is a competitor coupon. I asked the store manager there so I didn’t feel guilty using IP coupons.

  25. Takako

    Just for heads up, the website has a lot of BOGO special if you would prefer online shopping.

  26. AmyH

    Does anyone know if the $20 Visa card can be used anywhere or just Office Depot?

    • Megan

      A visa gift card works just like a visa credit card…so ANYWHERE! walmrt, target, fast food you name it …as long as the store takes visa it will work there =)

  27. Zack

    This is perfect! I’m trying to see how far I can stretch the $30 gift card!

  28. Natalie

    Are there any restrictions on receiving the rebate if you use a coupon with it? Would it count as using it in combination with “another promotion”?

    • AmyH

      I was wondering the same thing?

  29. PNP

    Great deal! Used the 40% off and submitting the rebate now! Thanks Collin!

  30. Meredith

    Fantastic deal! I’m heading there tomorrow morning to get our case! See….it is even better than the Amazon deal!

  31. Daphne

    I am a teacher and go through a ton of paper. There is never enough copy paper supplied to us so I will be getting a box. Most teachers would love to have a case of paper, so it makes a nice surprise this time of year.

  32. Holly

    Got it! Thanks!!!

  33. Sue

    Woo hoo!! The Lakeland, FL Staples store accepts competitor’s coupons so now i have plenty of paper to print the great coupons I find thanks to Collin! Thanks!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Which Staples in Lakeland did you go to? The one in S. Lakeland or N. Lakeland?

  34. Heather

    I am concerned that they will not combine the rebate and coupon! Do you think they will give you the rebate when you use the coupon? Could it be too good to be true? Do you have to just take that chance?

    • Craig

      Yes it prints out on the receipt. Done it before!

  35. Erin L.

    I only had a half of ream left so this was for me. I headed there tonight and it worked like a charm. Gonna put the mail in rebate in the mail tomorrow. Thanks for the heads up you guys!!!

  36. Craig

    Hmmn, how did I miss this $30 Gift Card ordeal? Update: IDK how I missed that post! Crap! Oh well. lol

  37. Eve

    I did this earlier today and this is an AWESOME Deal, plus the limit is 2 to get a total of $40 Gift cards back. I like that each ream has 500 per ream :). So if you buy 2 and pay a total of $51.58 Less tax, get $40 back in gift cards, you’ve only paid $11.58 for two cases.

  38. lisa

    I just tried this at Staples. They said they would accept the office depot coupon, but the easy rebate would be adjusted down because of the coupon. It would still cost $19.99 at the end. So we didnt’ buy it. Might try office depot

  39. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    THIS STINKS. My Office Depot wouldn’t honor the 40% and the rebate. My husband and I were both going to buy one. Needed paper so just bought one and payed full price to get the rebate. Looks like everyone else was able to get this deal but me. They took the coupon at first but it wouldn’t print out the rebate slip. How do all the others stores honor it and this one didn’t?

    • momtosix

      My hubby went out and did this deal. Same thing the rebate wouldn’t print so they went a head and gave him the cash back. So we don’t have the wait on the rebate.

  40. Tammy

    SCORE!! I just got this deal exactly as planned. Just when I was about to run out of paper! Now I can print my coupons and not worry about it costing me much in paper. πŸ™‚ Thanks so much for all you do to help all of us get the most out of our hard earned dollars.

  41. Linda

    I totally just went to OD and got this deal. I met someone in line who did the same thing and had learned about the deal on your website, Collin! Yay for Hip2Save people!!!!!!

  42. taraleigh

    I just did this at Staples.. $1.19 (after rebate)!!!!! Amazing!!!! Thank you! I check your site like.. 15 times a day! I really appreciate all the hard work you do for us!

  43. Stephanie

    Used this at Staples, and it is GREAT! I opted for a rebate check instead of a Visa card. Something about actually SEEING the money go back into my bank account… πŸ™‚

  44. Jenn

    We don’t have a Staples in our area so I went to Office Depot tonight with my 40% off Coupon. Bought a box (10 reams) of HP Office paper (regular price $42.99). With the coupon I saved $17.20 brining my total to $25.79. The rebate printed and is good for $20 visa giftcard via rebate. Which brings the cost down to $5.79 AND THEN I also joined the Office Depot rewards program which gives me back 10% on paper purchases which means that these 10 reams of paper, when all is said and done, cost me a grand total of $3.21 plus tax. We’re gonna go get another box tomorrow since we were able to print more than one coupon. : ) Thanks for sharing this deal with us.

    Oh, and while I was there I found out that they are running a special until January 22nd. If you drop off your empty ink cartridges you can earn $5 back on your rewards (they usually give $2 back per cartridge but until January 22nd they’ll give you $5 back on each) and you can take up to 20 empty ink cartridges in every month. For those of you who use a lot of ink that’s $100 for the month of January and $80/mth the rest of the year!

    • AmyH

      Jenn, do they accept both the coupon plus the rebate…? I know some of us have been wondering if that really will work.. thanks for your input! πŸ™‚

      • Jenn

        My Office Depot gladly accepted the coupon, and the rebate printed after the sale and the clerk happily gave us the rebate. I read the whole rebate form from top to bottom. The rebate states…(I’m paraphrasing here)…”When you purchase HP Office Paper, 8 1/2 x 11, 20 lb, case of 10 reams. Offer limited to in store purchases, not valid with transactions placed online or by phone, including orders for in-store pick up.”… “To receive your $20 mail-in savings via a Visa prepaid card you must include the following: 1. This completed mail in savings form or a copy. 2. The original Office Depot sales receipt (or photocopy) showing the item purchased dated 1/9/11 thru 1/15/11 All qualified items mut be listed on the same receipt. 3 Requests must be postmarked by 2/5/11″…”Limit two mail in savings per household/business.”…”This offer is valid in the US only”…”not valid for purchases made in Office Depot liquidation or clearance stores”… There is absolutely NOTHING on the rebate form that says they won’t honor the rebate if you used a coupon to purchase the product.

        • Natalie

          This helped a lot! Thanks!

  45. mom

    Does anyone know where to find the info for the $20 prepaid Visa card? I can’t find it in my ad. Thanks. I am hoping to snag this deal tomorrow.

    • Jenn

      I don’t have their ad, but I was in the store last night and there are little red stickers by the price of the product in the store that tell you if you buy the product that it has a rebate that will print.

  46. Laura C

    I got a deal on toner tonight! I was able to use the 40% off coupon on a high capacity Brother Toner cartridge – they have it totally overpriced for $70 in the store, but the 40% brought it down to $42 (which is $4 cheaper than Amazon) and then I had the free $30 gift card, so I only paid $12 OOP! Considering that we’ve been printing for 5 months and still going strong on the starter cartridge that came with this printer, and now we have a replacement when we need it for only 12 bucks, we’re in really good shape for printing lots of coupons this year!!!

  47. Bonnie

    FYI if you dont need paper, I used my coupon for a really nice coupon organizer.

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