Helping the South…

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(Photo Credit: My Weather Tech)

As most of you know, the Southern part of the United States (primarily Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi and Tennessee) was recently hit by a series of massive tornadoes. In addition to killing over 350 people, many homes were completely destroyed (you may want to check out this You Tube Video that reader, Amanda, sent over). I have received quite a few emails from Hip2Save readers who were directly or indirectly affected by these tornadoes and are asking that we all ban together to provide assistance to those in need.

What can you do?

* Check out A Full Cup’s post:
“How Extreme Couponers Can Help Tornado Victims – Donate Your Stockpile Items!”

* Check out Couponing to Disney’s post:
“How to help tornado victims in Alabama via an online donation drive”

Now it’s you turn… what suggestions do you have?

And to all of you in the South that have been affected, our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Join The Discussion

Comments 116

  1. Lisa m

    I have donated some of my stockpile already, I live in Kernersville, N.C. there was some damage close by here and some area people are collecting for them….Thanks for the info

  2. cassie

    I plan to donate as many toothpastes as possible! Kroger had a sale last week for crest 10/10.00 and I got a bunch free for my stockpile, but went back to get more and had to get a rain check as they were all gone! I plan to get as many as I can without clearing the shelf that is, to donate, my stockpile is still a work in progress so I don’t have anything to really donate but people need toothpaste too right 🙂

    I think it’s great that you put this up on your site Collin!

  3. Carri B.

    Thank you Collin and everyone one else for your thoughts and prayers as well as donations. I live in Alabama and while my home wasn’t damaged my father who lives about 30 minutes away was injured during the tornado (he has four cracked ribs) and a dear couple from my church was killed. I personally went straight to my stockpile items and wiped it out! Even something as small as a hand sanitizer will be helpful for someone who has nothing. I am so thankful for everyone pitching in and together we can all make a difference!! Thanks again!!

    • Tina

      You are so right.. this is why we save so we can bless someone when they have a need. Im in Alexandria / Ohatchee area where are you?

      • Carri B.

        I am in Oneonta and my dad lives in Attalla but he was in Ohatchee when the tornado hit. The precious couple that got killed from my church also lived in Ohatchee.

      • jennifer

        Im in the Alexandria area I am so blessed we were missed but so many friends lost everything

  4. Andrea

    I’m from northeastern PA. Just today I donated a lot of my on hand supplies including a lot of the ready made Similac and regular hygiene items to someone my mom works with who is driving down to help her sister whose neighborhood got hit. I also donated 2 bed frames I had been trying to give away on freecycle that no one had expressed interest in. That is going on a tractor trailer my church is filling with bulk donations to send down. The lists I have seen of needed supplies all include your normal hygiene items, baby supplies, clothes, bedding, tarps, empty gas cans, heavy garbage bags, storage totes, food and water, sunscreen, bug repellant, OTC medications, first aid kits among other things. If you live far away check local churches or public bulletin boards for groups you may be able to help who are getting items there quickly.

  5. Diane

    I live in Alabama. Thankfully I was a bit south of all the damage. I was able to go through my stockpile and donate a lot of personal care items and first aid products. I also went to Publix and got a buggy full of food to donate for $32. Thanks to Collin and Hip2save, I was able to donate tons of stuff to those who have lost everything for a minimal out of pocket expense. Please continue to pray for all of those that have lost loved ones and lost property.

  6. Courtney

    Thank you for posting, Collin! I went through my stockpile and also took advantage of some sales to add to my donation. Please don’t forget those in FL and TN 🙂

  7. Jeanette

    Thank you so much! The town that i live in (Ringgold, Georgia) was completely destroyed by the tornado wednesday night. All the support means so much to our community. We’ve lost many friends, our homes, our schools, and our entire town. But we still have faith that it will get better! Thank you, Hip2Save readers!

    • jenny

      I grew up in Chattanooga and lived of off Ooltewah-Ringgold Rd., and I had a lot of friends from the Ringgold area. It breaks my heart to see all the destruction. I’m praying for everyone in your area!

  8. Tina

    I live here and we were not in the DIRECT hit area but have some tree damage. It is HORRIBLE out there.. saddest thing I have ever seen. There are people that have a LOT to be thankful for but have NOTHING left. There are some that have picked thru and found clothes and things and I decided that my stokpile was going to do some good. have started a group called SUDS & HUGS, we go to the families get the clotes that they have found and bagged or boxed then we take them home an wash dry fold then return. Our group ( 6 ladies) have serviced already 8 families, and a TON of clothes.. The sound of my washer and dryer going is a blessing to me and God is allowing us to share his love by serving our neighbors. I hope this will encourage you all to do something as well. If it had been just a few miles cloer I would not be able to tell you about it.. The trees in our yard.. are small pototoes. A few of thegirls i have been teaching aabout couponing were reluctunt to give their stash at first but I told them that this is a good way to put the FUN of the saving to good use. We can refresh our stock pile anytime, These people need us now. Do something good today.

    • Tina

      forgot to say Im in Alabama just northeast from Birmingham in the OHATCHEE area.

      • Stacey

        Hey tina,
        I am in the saks area. I work full time but I would do my best to try and help do some laundry etc. Please contact me and let me know how you are doing this now.

        • Tina

          Great! email me at and I will get you my cell # I have mostly been doingthis by word of mouth and FBook. I have a lot that are helping me but I never know when im goingto get a big load, Yesterday i filled my truck UP with 1 familys clothes and before I could unload it there were my Washing angels grabbing bags.. I love those ladies and We want you to be one of us!

    • Tina

      I am gettin more and more calling wantingto be in our SUDS & HUGS team.. I ave also been getting more calls needing us to pick up clothes.. Its becoming a HUGE sucess.. I urge you all to do this in your areas as well.

  9. Amy

    Has anyone bought things from Amazon …like diapers and sent them to the church in Alabama? I just want to make sure it works. We can just have it shipped to that address…right?

    • Kristin M Cooper

      Hi Amy, It’s Kristin from Couponing to Disney. I got about 8 packages from Amazon today at the church. Anything and everything you can send would be appreciated!!

      • Amy

        Great…I will get shopping….prayers are going out to everyone effected.

  10. Brooke

    My town was hit by this tornado. My husband’s uncle’s property as well as many church members’ properties were damaged. He took off work today to help out when many had to go back to work. We have donated some clothes and other items. People need just basic necessities in a lot of cases – Tylenol, diapers, deodorant, toothbrushes, etc. Anything helps.

  11. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I’m in Huntsville Al,I’m so blessed to be among the living. I don’t have a complaint in the world because there were so many people that lost homes and loved ones. We just got our power back on earlier this evening. If it had not been for our stockpile of food I don’t know what we would have done.

  12. Maggie

    Thank you for posting this. I live in Chattanooga, TN. This means a lot to me. Thankfully my family and I were lucky, but a lot of people in my area wasn’t.

    • Maggie

      Reading though everyone’s comments, really touched my heart and made me cry. Thank you all. Angels, each and every one of you! <3

      • Sue M.

        Maggie, I would love to send a box or two to your area. I know that there are so many people hurting, and needing help out there. I wish that I could send boxes to every city and state hit, and I don’t know why the News is not covering this more. ~sigh~ I think most will send to the Alabama address, which is wonderful :-), but I’d like to send to TN. Is there a local church I can send to, like in Alabama, or to you?

        • Theresa C.

          J103, our local christian radio staion in the Chattanooga area is partnering with Chick-fil-A tomorrow to host a toiletries and school supply collection. You might be able to go to their website for more information if you want to send anthing this way.

        • Tina

          Sue, you can send to me and I will get it to one of the collections sites.. I have been in contact with 2 of the hardest hit areas in Alabama and here they are needing all kinds of things personal items and socks for kids, underwear, combs, brushes, pain meds , soaps, antibacterial items, baby wipes..just think about if you were sudenlly left with only the cloths on your back what you would need most.
          My Address is Tina Horn (SUDS & HUGS) 55 Brooks Dr Alexandria, Alabama 36250
          Thnk you for reaching out to these that are so lost.

          • Sue M.

            Hi Tina. I have two boxes ready to go. I spent a few hours yesterday, going through my stash, washing/drying some decent clothing, plus adding toothpaste, OTC meds, floss, deodorant, shampoo, feminine items, granola bars, etc… This just really hit my heart hard. I have it “hard”, but seeing all the posts, the pictures, just made me literally weep. Someone is ALWAYS worse off than you are. And here the U.S. was so concerned over what Kate was going to wear… and the latest celebrity news. Our priorities are so screwed up, in my opinion.

            I commend you for what your group is doing! God bless all of you! That is beyond wonderful. If I had the $$, I’d come and help in person.

            I’ll get these mailed on Friday, (payday). Unfortunately I don’t have the $ today. Thank you for responding back! I’m going to print out your address in a minute. It’s so nice to know that hopefully, what I’m sending will help someone or two. My prayers are with everyone hit in the South, my birthplace.

            • Tina

              thank you so much. You have a kind heart and the people here are so very appreciative of allthe help they are reciving. People like you show that there is still good in this world. Thanks!

  13. Chastidy

    Thank you so much for posting this Collin. While my home and family were safe from this, I am only about 20 mins. from Ringgold, GA (one of the hardest hit areas) and it is just awful 🙁 I have alot of family and friends both that lost homes and everything the owned up in my hometown in Tennessee so anything that anyone can send is so greatly appreciated!!!!

  14. sam

    i have to many cereal boxes ,i would like to donate them before they ex ,does any one know were in mi ,thanks.

    • jennifer

      on my fb i have a link for helping the victims if here if you need somewhere to donate i will gladly accept you friends request so you can see the areas mostly in need at this moment

      • sam

        yes i because i couldn’t find a drop of to donate them ,they had i checked the other links and non in mi ,if you know of a place please e mail me at ay2007at live dot com , thanks

  15. bridgett

    Thank you so much for posting this. I live in Florence, Alabama and was only out of power for a day but just 10 miles from where my mother lives in Russellville there is so much damage. Phil Campbell, Hackelburg, Mt. Hope, and East Fraklin are hurting so bad right now. Some of the things needed right now are sunblock, charcoal, lighters, non electric can openers, and of course all the regular personal necessities. If anyone can’t afford to ship actual items you could donate coupons for free items (like the ivory soap Q we just got) and there are plenty of couponers here that would use them to get these things to the Tornado vicitms. You can contact me at or via FB @

    Thanks so much Collin for your support!!!!!!

    • Laurie

      Bridgett – We’re in Madison, and I’ve heard things are horrible in those areas! Thanks for the reminders of sunblock, charcoal & lighters – I didn’t even think of those items.

      • bridgett

        Laurie, They are pretty bad here but thank God we are starting to receive the help the larger cities have had. I have had several people in northern states already contact me on donating coupons. I hope your area is ok, I know the power has been out that way for several days.

  16. Alicia

    I live in Georgia just a few miles form one of the tornado hit areas. I am going through my cabinets now and filling some bags to send to the relief center. The community I live in just posted fliers on our doors today asking everyone to make donations.

    • Amber

      Where in GA do you live and what relief center are you donating to? I have some items but I’m not sure where to take them…

  17. Leeann

    My husband, our two boys & I went through our clothes and collected seven garbage bags full of clothes that we are taking to the local Salvation Army that is collecting for victims of the tornadoes in here in Mississippi. I am also going to take all of the tubes of toothpaste and other toiletries that we have extras of for them as well. I pray it gets to the families that were hit hard here.

  18. Stefanie

    You can text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10. The $10 charge will show up on your next cell phone bill.

  19. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    I’m from Huntsville, AL and even though we didn’t have damage to our home we were without power till this morning. We did lose all our food in our freezers but that’s really nothing compared to those who lost loved ones and their homes.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Hey Anonymous,I’m in Huntsville to!!!

      • Racheal

        I am not far from you girl! I live in Arab. Such a sad time, but we are blessed to not have had any damage when just down the road it is a total mess!!

        • Kathy

          There are down trees all around us but no damage to our home. Tonight was the first night I’ve be able to watch the news and it made me cry to see all the damage to these areas.

      • Kathy

        I realized after I posted that I should have posted my name….lol

        • Laurie

          I’m here in Madison, AL near County Line – still haven’t seen TV (our cable and internet are down), but just driving around is unbelievable – I really can’t believe how incredibly close it was to our home. Driving out to Athens was horrible, and I know many places were hit much worse. Glad you all were safe!

  20. Elizabeth

    We live in Nashville and 17 tress fell right through some houses in our neighborhood. There are some places where you can donate stock pile items to like the red cross, Second Harvest and News Channels ! We have significant damage outside and no damage in side and the river has still not gone down 4 more feet and then we hit flood stage! Thanks!

  21. alexd

    Hey Collin,
    I would also like to comment about the flood that is going on in my area. I live in a small town in Missouri and all around us there is flooding. Many of these people do not have flood insurance because they are not in a “flood zone”. These people are loosing everything they own and it is still raining and rivers and lakes are still rising.

    • Sarah

      We are in the same boat (almost LITERALLY) here in central/NW Arkansas. There are several towns around where I live that have been evacuated because all of the rivers, creeks, and lakes are overflowing and we have more rain forecasted in the next few days. It’s pretty bad!!

      • Jessica Cote

        Central Arkansas has been hit hard! The damage at the Air Force Base and Vilonia is awful and now Jacksonville is flooding everywhere!

      • Sarah

        Sorry, I meant NE Arkansas!!! DUH!! I was having a blond moment!!

    • Kim V.

      I am originally from Charleston MO and the river is causing a breach in the levee so they are going to blow it tonight. I am so worried about the towns in the area. I am praying for you all!

    • Kim V.

      I am originally from Charleston MO and the river is causing a breach in the levee so they are going to blow it tonight. I am so worried about the towns in the area. I am praying for you all!

      • alexd

        I know, I’m worried about them blowing that levee too. I don’t live too far from Charleston.

      • alexd

        I am worried about them blowing the levee too. I don’t live too far from Charleston. My town is not flooded as of yet but very well could be if it gets any worse! People are being evacuated left and right all around us.

  22. amber

    i’m so impressed by this post…we are stationed in hawaii but my husbands family lives in alabama and there is so much damage it’s unbelievable. the town my husband grew up in was completely destroyed. i’ve actually already sent a box of items to my mother in law to help those who were effected but i’m really glad to see others helping as well.

    • Kristi

      What town does your MIL live in? Have you been able to reach her? Does she have family nearby to help her? I’m in AL also, so please let me know if I can do anything for her.

  23. RJW1018

    I am from Southeastern PA and would like to personally send items from my stockpile. I want it to get the right spot, and I am not seeing any addresses of locations. If anyone knows of the best spot to send a package, your help would be very much appreciated.


    • Andrea

      The couponing to disney link in the original post has an address that is accepting donations.

    • Michelle

      The address on Couponing to Disney says:

      “You can mail your donations to my church. We will ensure they get into the right hands. You have my personal guarantee that all donations will be distributed:

      Disaster Relief
      c/o First Baptist Church of Moody
      902 Church Street
      Moody, AL 35004

      If you would like to send a monetary donation, please memo your check as Disaster Relief.”

      • RWJ1018

        Thanks ladies! I only looked at the link and saw it was through amazon! I should look further next time! 🙂

      • Kim

        you should be receiving 6 boxes from my friend and I tomorrow!! We have cleaned out our stockpiles and put them on UPS….God has blessed us and we would like to bless those “survivors” of the devastating tornadoes….. We continue to keep all in our prayers..

  24. McKenzie

    My husband and I are from Northwest Alabama. All of our family still lives in that area. Please check out the facebook page Alabama Tornado Relief Info. There are link to other pages as well.

  25. Monica

    Collin, I just want to thank you for everything you do. I live in Birmingham AL metro area, and I’m a stay at home Mom. Because of couponing and also doing some of great deals you posted here, I’ve been able to donate few boxes of necessities items from my stockpile. Thank God, by His grace me and my family are ok, but looking at how many families have been affected by this storm really broke our hearts, and we know we need to do something. Thank you once again from the bottom of my heart. God bless you!

  26. Joan Southwick(Jafra Lady!)

    the LDS church has a very good humanitarian aid program available. if you contact someone in your area, you can not only find out how to donate, but they will also allow you to volunteer to put packets together.
    Believe it or not, there were trucks and train cargo containers en route before the tornadoes touched down. The LDS Church keeps fully stocked ships on the ocean at all times so that they can go to whichever port needs the help at any time. It’s a well oiled machine run by missionary minded people.
    Just sayin’
    If you have questions or would like additional information, you can contact Humanitarian Services by phone at 801-240-1201 or by e-mail at
    doesn’t matter what religion or organization you help…. just help if you possible can.

    • Paige

      I totally agree. The LDS Humanitarian Services are the best way to donate. No money ever goes to “operation fees”. This is how I will donate. Thanks for posting!

  27. Lisa.Honickel

    Hello Collin & readers, wanted to also pass along a fundraiser I am hosting for Scentsy!
    ALL of my commission for my sales for this fundraiser (25%) to those in need in Alabama
    Its just terrible what happened to them, being here in Jacksonville, NC we were also hit a couple weeks ago, but not anywhere near the devistation here.
    The link to the fundraiser is:

    **Please note, im not posting to promote my site or to gain commission of ANY kind, PLEASE only order from the fundraiser link, I would love to be able and send in a big check**
    Collin, if my fundraiser goes well, I would love to make a little video of me writing and sending the BIG check 🙂

    • Julieanne28

      Thank you!! I will be ordering!

      • Lisa.Honickel

        Thanks Julieanne! Im going to keep the fundraiser open all month! Feel free to share, just make sure to use the above link 🙂

        • Julieanne28

          Thanks, Lisa! I will share it with my fb friends. I placed my order & I appreciate that you are taking the time to help the tornado victims. I am right outside of Flintstone, GA (my son goes to school there) and the families here were hit hard but since we are such a small little town not much was mentioned on the news.

  28. Erin

    I think it’s great that so many people are coming together & helping these people out! A friend of mine & I have donated most of our stockpiles as they need it much more than we do! Keep on giving 🙂

  29. brittany

    I have been cashing in my swagbucks and buying amazon gift cards with them. I have been wondering what to buy for some time. I know how much My little one loves a dry diaper. I think I may buy the diapers and have them shipped down as well.

  30. EmilyC

    Thanks for posting this on your site! You have a lot of hip2save readers in our area! On facebook-“like” Fultondale, Alabama-it updates regularly, and they are posting items needed. The tornado went through this area an destroyed many homes. One today said travel size items! We go back to school tomorrow, and I am sure the list of items needed will get longer! Thanks for always looking for people to help. Please keep Alabama in your prayers as many are still looking for people and many of the kids in Tuscaloosa are mourning for friends. :0)

  31. anissa

    we to had 13 people killed where i live in tennessee and a funnel cloud went right by our house scary!!!but my prayers and support really do go out to alabama we count ourselves lucky thanks

  32. Julieanne28

    Thank you, Collin!! I live in North GA just a few miles from where tornadoes touched down, entire homes have been obliterated, trees & power lines are everywhere! My son’s best friend is still without power, we were able to get to him over the weekend so he spent a few days with us. I have lived here my entire life, for the exception of a few years that I lived in Ringgold, GA, never have I seen such destruction. We were truly blessed, the storms missed us completely. I had a fairly large stockpile of toiletries, non-perishable food, towels, blankets, clothes, & other household items that I donated over the weekend to our local church. I read today that some of the greatest needs are tarps, roofing supplies, toiletries, new underwear, dog food, charcoal, batteries, non-perishable food & water. My heart is heavy for those that lost so much, but it is also very full from seeing our community come together & help one another. You see storms on the news & where it affects others but you can never truly understand the devastation until you witness it firsthand. Thank you for taking the time to help those in need! May God bless us one & all.

    • Julieanne28

      I did forget to mention diapers, especially newborn size.

      • Julieanne28

        Here is an address that items can be sent to:
        90 Nick-a-Jack Lane
        Flintstone, Georgia 30725

  33. me

    From Alabama (about 150 miles from affected area and safe)…Thanks for this post Collin.
    But donaters – please make sure that you follow the list of items requested from the organization to which you are donating. There are reasons they ask for specific items.
    For example: If they have no truck/tent/building to protect donations prior to distributing, some items can be ruined by weather. (clothing, toys, etc)
    Used clothes – they generally have no way to wash these items – and lice as well as bacteria have been a problem.
    Ask any organization that mans these efforts…..more that you would like to know is not usable.
    I know you might think ‘well, beggars can’t be choosers’, but really….it matters!

    It’s so easy to donate health and beauty items, canned goods and cleaning items which are on almost EVERYBODYS list!

    Thanks Hip2Save Readers!!

    • Stacy

      good point! My daughter and I volunteered at the distribution center for Phil Campbell and Hackleburg on Friday, It was touching to see really nice items, several with tags and in new packaging come in, but sadly we had a “throw away” box for items that people really should NOT have donated, (a bag of mismatched and stained socks, shoes with no mates, and underwear that was well-worn, shirts with rips and holes) It was touching and heartbreaking all at the same time.

  34. Kimberly

    Military families at Cherry Point, NC lost their homes as well.

  35. lynne

    My hometown Fultondale,AL was hit hard. My uncles have 300+ trees fallen on their homes and property. My sisters neighborhood, save 5 houses, was flattened, and entire sections of town were wiped out. It is just heartbreaking. If losing loved ones and/or a home is not enough, there are looters taking advantage of storm victims. 🙁

    Right now there are many things we couponers can help with- thing you probably have in your stockpile! They need travel size shampoo/conditioner, razors, deoderant, laundry detergent, larger sized diapers, wipes, formula, powdered drink mixes for water bottles, body wash, cleaning supplies, antibiotic cream, toothpaste, lighters, candles, canned meat, individually packaged snacks.

    I have donated my entire stockpile and if anybody would like to donate to this area, I will be more than happy to deliver the items. You can messege me at lynneskitchen at yahoo dot com

    Collin, Thank You for posting this. Each donation, no matter how big or small is blessing another human being. We can help with spending little to no money due to coupons and amazing gererosity and compassion.

    • lynne

      Forgot to mention, these items are going to The Fultondale Library and Fultondale First Baptist church.

  36. pbandjessie

    Thanks for posting this Collin. My mom and I will be putting together a box of stuff to donate. It’s so wonderful to see all of this generosity. I will be keeping all of those affected in my thoughts and prayers.

  37. Kristi

    Auburn, AL area couponers….you can take your donations to Ham Wilson Livestock Arena 650 S. Donahue Dr (enter on the red barn side) from 7am to midnight today thru Wednesday. They are loading up the donations on semi’s there. As soon as a semi is loaded, it is driven to an area in need.

    • Mollie

      Thanks so much for this info! I have some things to drop off and was wondering where to go!

  38. mandles

    Don’t forget to use your $3 off UPS shipping coupon at Staples…. can help and still save money!! 🙂 Shipping my box off tomorrow. Thanks for this great info Collin!!

  39. cnor

    Collin, one of our local churches here in Central Florida has a mobile kitchen truck that is set up to cook and distribute 20,000+ meals a day. Any food supplies are really needed. If anyone can donate cash, they just note that it is for tornado relief and that is what it will be used for, 100% I hope you can show their contact info.
    Northland Church
    530 Dog Track Road
    Longwood, FL 32750
    1 (407) 949-4000

  40. Sara

    I have sent a box through Amazon to the address listen on Couponing to Disneys sight. It is a local church that distributes as needed. I think it would be wonderful if we could get a list of deals as people find them of things that are easy to ship… Amazon,target,walmart…etc. In order to make the process as easy as possible and In the hopes of getting more people to consider donating. Even if it is just a few dollars to have something shipped! 🙂

  41. Jenny

    Would it help to make toiletry bags? Like use large zip lock bags and sort out one of each item per bag? I only have toiletry items at the moment and I’m thinking that putting little kits together might help them pass it out faster?

    • Kristi

      I think that is a great idea. Not only will it be easy to hand out but also easy for the victims to keep up with their items.

  42. vikky

    Where could i drop off donations in IL ?

    • Kristi

      go to toomers4tuscaloosa dot com. they have a list by state on where to take your donations. If your state/area doesn’t have a location, you can ship your donatation to
      Disaster Relief
      c/o First Baptist Church of Moody
      902 Church Street
      Moody, AL 35004
      From reading posts, there is a $3.00 coupon from Staples for shipping.

  43. Laurie

    I live in Madison, AL, where homes and churches have been destroyed within just a few miles of my home. We are all safe (and finally have power back tonight!), but seeing the devastation around us is simply unbelievable. We’ve heard of so many losing their homes, and even have an acquaintance who’s daughter was killed Wednesday in one of the tornadoes. I spoke with a friend today who’s Aunt’s neighborhood lost over seventy homes alone, and across our area of North Alabama, there are a few smaller towns who’ve been almost completely destroyed.

    I did a post on my site that includes a list of all the places to donate to in the North Alabama area, so if any of your readers are here and looking for a place to give, here’s a place to start (I hope it’s okay to include the link!)

    I’ve also heard that all the local YMCA’s are accepting donations.

    Thanks for posting and please continue to be in prayer for all who’ve lost so much – it’s simply heart-breaking to see this level of loss in such a widespread area.

  44. Kathy

    Awesome effort and much appreciated. This is a marathon, not a sprint. Most everything we have donated is consumable. 40 degrees tomorrow night in Anniston AL with 9 people to bury and numerous houses down for good. People sleeping on the ground with looters snatching their stuff with every chance they get.

    However, God isgood. Churches out in force, working, donating, taking out pews and replacing them with cots. We need plastic bins for storage for what is left at each house and blankets for the cool nights ahead.

    Most of all we need prayer for us and prayer with us. We need our Father in Heaven!

  45. Kathy

    Much appreciated! Sincerely. People sleeping on the ground to protect what little they have left. In our county 9 funerals to hold, including a police officers son. Total devastation in the 3 areas hit just here surrounding Calhoun County. 264 still missing from Tuscaloosa county.
    40 degree nights coming and blankets and plastic bins needed for homeless to store what little they have in to keep it dry and away from looters. People sleeping on the ground to protect what little they have left. Some with no insurance. Others with insurance canceled after this. Shock, hurting hearts everyway. Horrible to watch Tuscaloosa hit head on.

    Good news: churches and individuals are out in force working long ours in hot sun as complete strangers. Churches taking out pews and putting in cots. Stores full of consumable goods that are needed for a hot meal, showers, and clean clothes. The key word is consumable. This is a marathon not a street. Please pray for and WITH us! We need strength, joy, and strong backs and hearts. Amen

    • Kathy

      Several gramatical errors. Sorry. It’s late and I’m tired. 🙂

  46. Carol W

    Thanks for posting this Collin, and Kristin I posted on your site too. I would have never thought of sending out a flat rate box but gosh how easy was that? I used to think those things were a rip off by the post office because you could hardly fit anything in them for the cost to ship. Well I couldn’t have been more wrong! I stuffed a medium box with 10 lbs of personal care items that probably retailed close to $30 but cost me practically nothing. Certainly a better deal all around than just texting a number to get $10 added to my phone bill.

  47. Julianne

    So awesome how everyone is giving of themselves to their neighbor. Jesus commands us to love our neighbors, its the greatest commandment. I am here in NC, and have been collecting donations from my church for the people in Sanford, NC bc there are still so many people doing without. God Bless each and everyone of you. And i would like to extend an offer to anyone that does not know the Lord Jesus or who has questions regarding salvation according to the Bible, to feel free to email me at: admin@juliesdiary(dot)com.

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